Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 117:

ps: Sorry, sorry, I didn’t notice it last night, the automatic update was set to 8 o’clock on the 6th. I’m extremely sorry.

Cheng Yuan’s words made Zhang Li and Chen Yu’s eyes widened.

Zhang Li asked nervously: “Boss, are you sure?”

Directly let Cheng Yuan go out like this, Zhang Li was very worried. Although some foreign mercenaries were destroyed some time ago, this is not to say that those mercenaries just retreated. There must be some hidden away, waiting for the opportunity.

In addition to safety, Zhang Li is also worried that Cheng Yuan’s current reputation at Huaxia University of Science and Technology can be regarded as surging. Basically, he grabs a person and asks if they know him or not. Few people will say they don’t. Meet Cheng Yuan!

Once Cheng Yuan is recognized, he will definitely not be Ontario today.

After all, in the eyes of the students of Huaxia University of Science and Technology, Cheng Yuan is an inspirational legend, an inspirational legend for these science students!

Using the knowledge I have learned and relying on my own ability, I just went from nothing to hundreds of billions of net worth!

Furthermore, Cheng Yuan’s story is completely different from the so-called “self-made” legends on the Internet. I remember that there was such a news on the Internet a while ago. An ordinary economic investor, a layman in the film and television industry, no Money is unconnected, creating billions of wealth from scratch!

Is this kind of news attractive enough?

So, everyone clicked in and watched how the innocent legend got started. After all, if such a positive energy is spread, how can you be worthy of yourself?

As a result, as soon as I entered the main text, the content was full of flaws. This little man who started from scratch and had no money to buy, invested 50 million yuan for the first time in a movie, and he also looked for a famous domestic director!

Then several precise movies were invested, and his investment was rewarded dozens of times, and he became a billionaire.

Here we are. So people are wondering. Isn’t he the positive energy who started from scratch? Isn’t he poor and nothing?

Where did the first fifty million come from?

Where did you get in touch with big shots?

Are those famous people so nice to see?

After interpreting the full text. Everyone has discovered that there is no money because he does not have one hundred million, so he is called no money; there is no communication, because his methods can’t reach the sky. This is called no one…

A person who has no money but can invest 50 million for the first time, finds a famous domestic director, started from nothing, and made several billions.

Since I started from scratch, even if it’s inconvenient to report for the sake of others, it’s okay to say a vague word so that everyone can understand it.

Loan, borrow money. Can’t these be written?

The loan does not mean that you have to go to the bank to borrow!

Let’s find out one last time. This is another fake “legend” that deceives people’s eyes.

And Cheng Yuan is different. All his information is laid out on the table in a fair manner. His family background is very simple. His parents are employees of an ordinary electronics factory. Compared to many students, Cheng Yuan’s family environment is Very bad.

And his first funding came through a college student entrepreneurial loan.

Although this number is quite large, at least everyone knows his own net worth, his original wealth. Is this comparable to those who dare not even say their family background?

Next. Cheng Yuan founded the company to build the world’s first intelligent robot that can be used in life with his own ability!

His first company was established under the national support policy without paying any money.

Although there are many doubts in the history of Cheng Yuan’s fortune, for example, what method did Cheng Yuan use to get the Huaxia University of Science and Technology to approve the million-dollar loan statement for him?

But it’s not important. What’s important is that everyone clearly understands that Cheng Yuan has made hundreds of billions of dollars in the world by his own strong personal ability!

His family history is very specific, everything is in front of everyone!

Compared with those fake legends, it’s like Yinghuo and Haoyue. Childish and ridiculous.

Such a legendary inspirational story is a living legend and a living example for these college students who have not yet entered the society!

So, once Cheng Yuan appears in front of those students, it will definitely cause a sensation. This situation is the most unacceptable to Zhang Li and Chen Yu. Because this will increase Cheng Yuan’s risk factor by countless levels.

“Yes, the boss, should we come back at another time?” Chen Yu on the side was also worried about the situation and persuaded him.

“Don’t say it, I’m okay if I didn’t come, I must go in when I come.” Although Cheng Yuan was moved by the two people’s concern and persuasion, he also had his persistence.

Since I have come to Huaxia University of Science and Technology, how can I not go in and meet the old professor who has been helping and supporting me?

Since the establishment of the Technology Crystal Company, the biggest help to Cheng Yuan is not Zheng Jia who has been helping him to take care of the company, but Yan Zhongchen, who has been staying at Huaxia University of Science and Technology for the elderly and occasionally students attend classes. Professor Yan!

Because of his position in the Chinese scientific community, Cheng Yuan received the attention and protection from above.

If there is no Professor Yan and the people above do not pay attention to Cheng Yuan, then today’s technology crystallization company may not exist. Even if it exists, he won’t be alone.

The company is gone, will he still have the same achievements as he is now?

The answer is self-evident.

So Cheng Yuan respects Professor Yan Zhongchen very much.

Zhang Li and Chen Yu looked at each other, knowing that Cheng Yuan’s thoughts would not change because of their persuasion, they could only sigh and strengthen their vigilance.

Seeing that his two bodyguards stopped blocking, Cheng Yuan pushed the door directly and stepped out.

When Zhang Li and Chen Yu saw this, they hurriedly followed, guarding Cheng Yuan from left to right.

Huaxia University of Science and Technology, although not as well-known as Peking University and Huaqing, it is still a well-known institution. There are naturally many luxury cars worth millions of dollars parked in front of the school. Compared with the Rolls-Royce Phantom, the gap is huge.

Of course, Cheng Yuan did not deliberately drive such a luxury car to show off. The Mercedes-Benz he originally bought had been given to his father Cheng Hong, and he said that he wanted to buy a car last time, but the time was too early. Later, after staying at home for a while, he forgot about it.

Cheng Yuan is not a person who likes to enjoy. If he likes to enjoy, he will start his own life of spending as long as he has made such a large sum of money with Dabai. Is it necessary to continue doing this and that?

So although he has the idea of ​​buying a car and a villa in his mind. But it is not very serious.

But now, the appearance of a Rolls-Royce is for college students who are looking forward to no pursuit. It is definitely a very, very high-end luxury car. Can it not attract the attention of people around it?

At the same time, they secretly guessed in their hearts that the owner of this car also came to study at Huaxia University of Science and Technology?

Although it is very difficult to transfer at the university level. But no matter how difficult it is, those who have money and power can’t help it.

Although the big guy knows that these people come in with money, they don’t say anything. After all, the school needs to develop, and it must accept such students, otherwise the school will build a new teaching building. Who will give the money?

As for state subsidies. That’s only enough for routine maintenance. If you want to build a new project, you still need to earn some extra money!

Not to mention the thoughts in the minds of these students, when Cheng Yuan got out of the car, the students around were startled at first. How could the person who got out of the car be so familiar.

“Damn, why is that person so familiar!” In the crowd, a student who was still carrying a suitcase murmured to his friend who was back to school with him.

“You are two, you don’t know this. He is Cheng Yuan! He should have come back to give us the opening speech.” The companion looked down at his friend, and then guessed.

“But the opening ceremony hasn’t arrived yet?”

“You are stupid, you can’t step on the plate in advance if you don’t arrive?”

“I’ll go, step on the plate, and talk about it.”


The laughter and quarrel between the two naturally did not arouse the attention of the people around. At this time, the people at the gate of Huaxia University of Science and Technology stopped their steps and movements at hand, staring at Cheng Yuan, who had just got off the car. . Cheng Yuan, you don’t wear a suit and leather shoes as you imagined, but a casual outfit just like them.

Clean and neat casual clothes, coupled with the very popular down jacket, the face is also green. But with strong self-confidence, his dark eyes were flying.

Everyone rubbed their eyes in disbelief, and saw that Cheng Yuan, who looked indifferent, was already walking towards the school gate under the **** of two tall and mighty bodyguards.

Just as everyone’s eyes were on Cheng Yuan, the guard at the school gate saw this scene without saying a word, and directly picked up the phone and conveyed the news upwards.

“Cheng Yuan is here!”

“Cheng Yuan is here?” In the office of the vice president of Huaxia University of Science and Technology, when the vice president Ruan Yuming heard the news, he bounced off his chair and looked excited. “Quickly, help me keep Cheng Yuan, I want a genius student from China University of Science and Technology!”

After Ruan Yuming hung up the phone, his face flushed with excitement, walking back and forth in the office like a headless fly~IndoMTL.com~As the vice president of Huaxia University of Science and Technology, he shouldn’t have become like this just because he was alone. , I can only blame Cheng Yuan’s achievements for being too great!

The first intelligent robot that can be put into practical application!

Anyone who pays attention to the scientific community now knows that Cheng Yuan now has the title of “father of intelligent robots”. Although more intelligent robots have been invented early, they just make people curious. , The influence will not be much.

Fame, but it needs to be popularized before people can remember it.

Just like now, who invented the first robot in the true sense of mankind? How many people in the world know about it?

“Oh, I almost missed a major event, report it to the teacher first!”

Walking around the office twice, Ruan Yuming suddenly slapped his head and quickly picked up the phone in the office to call his teacher and boss. Liu Zhengci, the current principal of Huaxia University of Science and Technology, called.

As for the honorary professors and honorary principals in the school, none of them can be moved by him. (To be continued.)

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