Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 115:

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Sui Xiong was aware of the attack at the very first moment. He did not hesitate to use his divine power to try to intercept the attack, but this time when his divine power collided with the enemy’s power, he was hit like an egg hitting a rock. A smash, not even a little blocking effect.

This surprised him-this is the first time he has encountered such a situation since he passed through!

What is going on here? !

But now is not the time to slowly ponder the problem. The enemy’s attack has caused huge damage to the adventure park “Dungeon and Dragon”. If it is not rescued as soon as possible, not only the entire underground labyrinth will completely collapse, but also the ground. The Void City will collapse and become a ruin buried deep underground.

He would never allow this kind of thing!

So he didn’t think about it at all, so he roared and transformed into a giant beast almost half the size of an underground maze, using his body to support the dome that was already crumbling and seemed to collapse completely at any time. The tentacles are like Optimus Prime, supporting the entire maze with the Void City of Miàn.

How heavy is a city?

Probably no one would be so boring to calculate this problem, Sui Xiong has never heard of it anyway.

But there is no question, it is very heavy!

If Sui Xiong is not strong enough, using his body to support a city with a heavy foundation is completely seeking his own death. And even if he was very strong, very strong, and unbelievably powerful, even the gods were amazed at him, this made him stare at Venus and faltered.

If his main body is here, he can still try to directly absorb the negative energy under the Ash Forest to replenish his strength. But his body is “hatching an egg” in the “sanctuary” of the kingdom of God, trying to use the fallen predecessor of the sun god’s merciful envoy as the material to revive the **** of healing. This cost him countless resources and energy, and it really cost him money, so he really couldn’t make up his mind to release his body for a while.

He felt that this clone seemed to be able to hold it, as long as he provided more divine power.

So he did so, and the powerful divine power was sent over like a Yangtze River, trying to strengthen this already powerful clone again, and strengthen it enough to easily support the entire Void City. I spared no effort to repair the underground labyrinth.

Of course, at the same time, he also sent messages to all his subordinates and friends, asking them to help.

He is neither a fool, nor the protagonist of the kind of weird ideas in the Japanese anime, nor is he the white leftist of the European Madonna who has been brainwashed by “humanitarianism”. Seeing this situation, immediately I realized that someone was looking for trouble.

And still a great guy!

I’m very good at shǒu and I don’t know how to do it. What should I do? Of course it is to find a helper!

Sui Xiong didn’t hesitate to think about it, and he was “bulk news” in one breath. He doesn’t care what he wants to do with the shǒu, in short, try to gather helpers as much as possible before talking!

But before he finished sending the news, the enemy’s follow-up attack came!

I saw that the sky above the Void City suddenly became red, as red as blood. In this bright red, there was a huge fireball, carrying infinite weight and heat, and it was just a little bit of inhalation. The poisonous gas that can make normal people immediately die, exuding shocking pressure, smashed down towards the void city.

Seeing this scene, Wall, the **** of knowledge who just arrived, changed his face and exclaimed, “Yinchen?!”

Although he is not a master of spells, his knowledge of spells is extremely high because of his priesthood. So I immediately recognized the spell used by the enemy-Yin Chen, one of the “Seven Magics of Destroying the World” that should have been completely sealed in the legend.

The coming of the seven magics of the world has been unable to be verified. Some people say that they were created by a powerful deity who went crazy, some people say that it is one of the manifestations of the origin of the world’s “destroy”, and some people say it was the past four. One of the great gods, the work of the most evil one. But one thing is certain, that is, these seven spells are so powerful that the gods are afraid of them, so that they use “destroy the world” to describe these seven spells.

In a classic, these seven spells are described in this way:

…When the first angel blew his trumpet, hail fell from the sky mixed with fire and blood, and one-third of the trees and grass were burned away.

When the second angel sounded the trumpet, the burning mountain rolled into the sea, and the sea became blood. One-third of the creatures and ships in the sea were dead and bad.

The third angel blew his trumpet, and there was the big star called Yinchen, burning from the sky to the rivers and their water sources, and then the water in the river became bitter and tasted like Chenchen, and there are many more People die.

The fourth angel blew the trumpet, and one-third of the sun, moon, and stars were struck and dimmed. The day was no longer bright, and the night did not shine. An eagle flew in the sky and shouted: “Angels will blow the rest; woe to you people who live on the earth! woe to you! woe to you!”

The fifth angel blew his trumpet, and a star came down from the sky and opened the bottomless pit with the key of the bottomless pit. Clouds of smoke rose from the pit, covering the sky and the sun; a swarm of locusts followed Thick smoke gushes out, these locusts are like war horses preparing to march. They wear golden crowns, their faces are like men, their hair is like women, and they have lion-like teeth. They wear iron armor on their chests and drag the tails of scorpions. They flap their wings. , Like a galloping horse.

The sixth angel began to blow his trumpet, and the four demon gods revived. The four demon gods had already made a wish to kill one-third of the people. Released at this time, he immediately followed his wish. They saw many horses and soldiers. The cavalry’s chest armor was like fire, accompanied by purple horses and sulfur, and the elephants were burning; all the horses were extremely majestic, with their heads like lions, tails like snakes with snake heads, and the horses’ mouths constantly It spewed out fire and smoke, and also carried a stream of sulfur, so one-third of the people died at their feet…

It is said that if these seven spells are displayed together, their power will be enough to destroy most of the entire world, and bring about the “end of the world” that will make the gods desperate and will be difficult to survive.

Wal doesn’t know if these seven spells are so powerful~IndoMTL.com~ will not use any of them, but as the **** of knowledge, he clearly knows two things.

First, he knows how these seven spells are when they are cast.

Secondly, he knew that these seven spells should have been sealed by the gods, and even the mystery master who controls all the spells in the world could not display them.

Then, who did this terrifying spell cast and use it to launch a frenzied attack on the Void City?

Wall doesn’t know, but he knows what must be done now. Otherwise, the Void City will be completely destroyed!

But even though he knows this, he can’t do anything!

It was only then that he painfully discovered that as a deity, he was still too weak!

Faced with the great magic that destroys the world, He can do nothing at all! (To be continued.)

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