Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 114:

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In the deep darkness, an old dragon that was more gloomy than the darkness was meditating.

The plan is actually fully prepared, just waiting to be implemented.

However, it can’t help but hesitate.

The experience accumulated over the long years tells it that now is definitely not a good opportunity to put the plan into practice.

It is true that the jellyfish has been living leisurely during this period, and it is estimated that he will relax his vigilance, and his attack will probably succeed. But after the attack was successful, the guy’s ensuing revenge made it have to worry.

Back then, the guy was crazy, and even killed two gods. The gods still remember the scene. Lao Long consciously is better than those two guys who have high gods but not good enough combat power. One-on-one has a ten-percent chance of winning, but no matter how optimistic the estimation is, one-on-two will also be very risky.

If it is not a last resort, it will never do this kind of thing.

But the jellyfish did just that, and it won.

Although after winning the battle, the jellyfish has been cultivated for a long time, and it seems to be seriously injured. But when he was in a different place, Old Long asked himself, if he changed to fight on his own, the injury might not be lighter than it.

Of course, the big jellyfish is lonely and can only rely on himself, but the old dragon has many subordinates, and he can also turn to some helpers who have been contacted in advance, but if he uses his subordinates, the loss will be great. Finding a helper will have to pay a lot of rewards. , This makes the stingy old dragon painful.

And… now that big jellyfish is not alone, it has friends, subordinates, and reliable alliances.

Lao Long has contacted many gods during this period. In theory, it is enough to block the helpers of the big jellyfish and let the two sides one-on-one. But in this case, it always feels that the gain is not worth the loss.

Even if you kill that jellyfish, if you lose too much, it’s not worth it!

So even though it harbors resentment and viciousness, it has to test whether it wants to cancel the plan.

However, it did not cancel the attack plan in the end.

The reason is simple, it can’t wait any longer!

Since the **** jellyfish dug the underground labyrinth and transformed it into a playground, Kladmar’s priesthood has become a bit unstable.

Its priesthood consists of three parts: the “underground cave” that was looted in the past, the “underground ruins” that it possessed through management, and the “underground labyrinth” that has been planned.

According to its plan, after completing these three parts, he can claim to be the “master of the underground” and establish a “dungeon **** system.” Recruit some weak divine powers such as shadows, earth elements, minerals and the like as slave gods, formally step into the second row of the Pantheon, and truly sit on an equal footing with the gods.

At that time, it will start with the clergy of “underground veins” and “underground lava”.

Every time it occupies an additional priesthood, it will have more control over the “underground” aspect. After reaching a certain level, it will become the well-deserved master of the underground.

At that time, it will contact the gods that are in conflict with the natural gods, fight against the natural gods, fight to kill the gods of the earth, and completely control the entire earth in its own hands.

After completing this step, the next step is to attack the **** of earth elements to further expand the scope of his priesthood.

When all these priesthoods are obtained, its strength must be enough to challenge that adult…

This vast world, the vast ring, should also welcome a new owner!

Thinking of this, the evil old black dragon couldn’t help laughing grimly for a long time.

After the laugh, it has to face reality again.

The ideal is very good, but the reality is…not to mention the “underground master”, the “underground labyrinth” it has planned for a long time is about to completely leave it, and even the “underground ruins” are beginning to be somewhat different What a sign of stability!

It knows that this is the result of a change in identity.

The priesthood of the God of Nature is not fixed, but is also related to people’s cognition. For example, if people generally believe that the “flood” is controlled by a certain deity, then as long as the deity has an understanding and control of the “flood” aspect, even if another deity is in charge of this priesthood, the priesthood will gradually The jiàn deviated and eventually fell into the hands of the deity recognized by the people.

Koladmar himself used this method to obtain the priesthood of the “underground ruins”. For this kind of situation, he is very familiar with it!

For all living beings in the mortal world, the jellyfish **** who excavated the world’s largest underground maze and built it into a huge adventure field, Wuyí is an expert on the “underground maze”. Compared with Him, the gods who digged the maze in the past can only be regarded as small troubles, regardless of scale and tolerance. If anyone is suitable to be the “God of the Underground Labyrinth”, it must be His Majesty the Void Mask!

This makes Koradmar’s long-term efforts in vain. If it weren’t for Faceless Void’s plan to compete for the “Underground Labyrinth” priesthood, he would have completely lost this priesthood.

If this is the case, perhaps Koradmar can still endure it. After all, Faceless Void did not show an attitude of competing for the priesthood, and he did not think that this great jellyfish, who had already claimed to be the **** of development and progress, would go wrong. , To play his own clergy idea.

But… the vacillation of the priesthood of the “underground ruins” made Koladam really unbearable.

He knew that this was not the original intention of Faceless Void, but the fact is-because Faceless Void is still expanding and perfecting that huge underground labyrinth, mortal people’s understanding of him “good at underground work” has been continuously strengthened. Except for the concept of natural underground caves, which has nothing to do with him, as long as it is a man-made underground facility, everyone feels that he is the most suitable master.

Of course, “underground ruins” are also included.

Koladmar realized this, and made up his mind to fight with Masked Void fiercely, to destroy the power and prestige of this big jellyfish, let him sweep the ground, and let mortals understand that there is only The mighty ancient black dragon Koladmar has the ability to control all underground things-whether it is natural or man-made, as long as it is underground, it should belong to His Majesty Koladmar!

So he drew up this plan, and the first step of this plan is to draw the jellyfish out of his territory by attacking the underground labyrinth and introduce it into the battlefield prepared in advance.

Koladmar has done this kind of thing more than once in the past years.

For example, when he killed the previous generation of cave gods, he used this method. At that time, it was only a demigod, it attacked the main temple of the previous generation of cave gods, and killed hundreds of priests including his high priest. It drew the former generation of cave **** Thunder into a rage, desperately hunting it down.

The previous generation of cave **** is a minotaur, whose melee power is incomparable, but Koladmar has introduced a place where his melee ability is completely impossible to use~IndoMTL.com~ I am not good at it. He was defeated in the spell battle and was seriously injured.

However, Hòu Koladmar took advantage of the victory and pursued, killing the weak **** in one fell swoop, and seizing the priesthood of the “underground cave”.

Many gods feel that this is a despicable plot, but Koladam has always been proud of it and considers it a manifestation of his own wisdom.

Now, he will use his “wisdom” again.

I reviewed my plan for the last time and determined that there was no problem, Kola Dema, the **** of underground caves and underground ruins, raised his huge head and let out a low, hoarse roar.

With this roar, the adventure park “Dungeons and Dragons” under the Void City shook everywhere, soil and rocks kept falling, all the buildings were shaking, huge cracks covered the sky, The walls and those supporting pillars seemed to collapse in an all-round way.

Desperately exhausting the accumulation of the “Underground Labyrinth” priesthood, Koladam launched a terrorist attack. (To be continued.)

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