Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 111:

“Have you heard? In the past few days, there have been several tragedies along the boundary between the aristocratic faction and the merchant faction, which is appalling!”

In a tavern, a few adventurers were chatting. One of the rangers dressed up was probably drunk and spoke a little loudly: “Really, it’s terrible!”

“Is it terrible?” asked a rough soldier, “We only heard some vague news, saying that several large-scale murders have happened one after another…”

“Murder? Haha…Murder!” The ranger sneered, shook his head vigorously, and took another sip of wine, “Where is the murder? It’s a cult sacrifice!”

&nbsp@猪@猪@岛@小说ww.zzhdo.om; Hearing this, the tavern that was quite noisy just now was suddenly quiet, everyone closed their mouths and looked in the direction of the ranger.

For these veterans, the murder case is not a big deal. Most of them who have been licking their heads for life all the time have killed people, and many have killed more than one. But cult sacrifices are different. Cultists kill and sacrifice in order to summon demons to the world. When demons arrive in the world, they will surely cause huge damage. At least a village, or even an entire city, will die because of it.

In addition, they are not weak in their own strength, facing ordinary gangsters and villains, they really don’t know who killed whom, so they are not afraid of murder. But in the face of the devil, their power is not worth mentioning. When the devil is slaughtering, they are not stronger than ordinary people, and they may not be able to escape.

So when everyone heard this word, everyone was stunned. Many people made up their minds immediately. As long as they were really sure that there was a cult activity, they would leave immediately. The farther you go, the better!

Of course, there are also moments of excitement, and feel that they can make money or be famous, or they can be a chivalrous opportunity. The attack on cults is one of the few things that have the same position on the main plane. Once a certain organization is classified as a cult, there is no need to say that the most gracious punishment is to execute all of them. The slightly more stringent method is to link relatives and friends. Rather, it is actually rare to kill only oneself. Under normal circumstances, At least close relatives like parents, wives and children will definitely die with them.

The most recent attack against a cult was that His Majesty the Void extinguished the “Isis” organization. Although everyone knows that this organization is backed by the orcs and gods, not the abyssal demons, but since Sui Xiong has detained them as a cult, and no one is willing to get rid of the charges for them, he naturally had to trouble them. Die to death.

From what the ranger said, it seems that the noise at the junction of the aristocratic and merchant factions this time is a genuine cult-they are all playing murderous sacrifices.

“What’s the matter?” A soldier approached and asked worriedly.

The ranger who had been drunk six or seven minutes sighed and said, “I started from Bronze Hand City a few days ago and planned to go to Silver Shield City. One night, I lived in a small village… I won’t say the name of the village anymore. Anyway, there are no living people. It doesn’t make sense to say it. At midnight, I suddenly woke up from my sleep and felt a strong danger…”

“Strong danger?” The soldier froze for a moment and asked, “What danger can wake you from sleep?”

“I don’t know, but my experience tells me that if you want to hide, you can only survive by hiding.” The ranger shook his head and took another sip of wine. “So I quickly cleaned up the room. It made me look like I woke up in the middle of the night and went out in a hurry, but I hid under the bed.”

“It’s not safe to hide under the bed. The bed board may not be able to cover you all, and you will be heard breathing.” The soldier said.

The ranger smiled slightly: “Of course I have my way, but I won’t tell you.”

He did not say exactly what method he used, but just continued to talk about the follow-up: “I hid for about an hour, and waited until the sense of crisis in my heart finally dissipated, and then came out from under the bed. As soon as I came out, I just Smell a strong smell of blood!”

“All the villagers are dead?” The soldier at his table guessed.

The ranger nodded and grabbed the wine glass, but his hand trembled a few times.

“I put on my equipment and looked through the window. I saw several paladins with white light on their bodies in the small square in the middle of the village, talking about something. There was also a priest with two paladins. The purification ceremony was held-with the aura of their bodies, I clearly saw that the corpses of the villagers were everywhere on the ground, blood was flowing all over the ground, and they merged into a magic circle that made me feel that the hairs were standing upright when I saw it!”

Hearing this, more than one adventurer is already packing up and preparing to escape.

“Who are those priests?” an adventurer asked.

“I am a believer in the Lord of Justice.” The ranger replied, “I can see that my hairs are standing up, and I rushed to them. After chatting with them, I realized that there was a sacrifice just now and I wanted to open it. The gateway to the abyss summons a powerful demon. But that guy is out of luck, and ordinary villagers’ souls are not strong enough to be able to completely open the door. The priests feel the evil spirit and use teleportation spells to come directly nearby, However, they arrived. It was precisely because they came so quickly that the cultists had to flee in a hurry, leaving only the scene of the sacrifice summoning ceremony that failed to succeed.”

“Then your luck is also good. If the priests do not come, you will be found hiding under the bed when the demon is summoned.”

“Yes, my luck is not bad, but the luck of that villager is bad!” The ranger sighed and said, “I was dragged and asked for a long time, and the optical polygraph was tested three times. In the end, the priests finally determined that I had nothing to do with this matter, and then let me leave. By the way, they also took me to help the villagers with the funeral-a total of 51 people, men and women, old and young, a catch… …”

Speaking, the ranger shook his head and drank again.

There was silence in the tavern for a long time, and then an adventurer said: “But… there have been homicides elsewhere. I remember more than a dozen people died in Grey Goat Village.”

“Sacrifices must be sacrifices!” The ranger said categorically, “Once the cult is active on a large scale, it will never be sacrificed only once!”

The adventurers looked at each other, and most of them saw anxiety in each other’s eyes.

“So…where should we go safer now?” A young adventurer finally couldn’t help but ~IndoMTL.com~ asked this question that everyone cares about.

“Go toward the capital. It may be safer over there.” Someone said.

“No! Hurry up and leave the Gold Coin Federation to be truly safe!” Someone said.

“Where can I leave the Gold Coin Federation?” someone asked.

“Go to the south by boat. Even if the cult wants to make sacrifices, it will generally not make trouble at sea…”

“No! Let’s go to the north, or even go directly to the Northwest Republic!” A middle-aged adventurer said loudly, “The Northwest Republic has good law and order. Although it is not easy to find work, it is also possible to be a worker. To live…I am getting older, so I just take advantage of this opportunity to retire!”

The adventurers talked a lot, and soon some people left one after another. In the end, only the drunk ranger was lying on the table and fell asleep in the entire tavern.

It’s just that no one noticed that there was a sly smile on the corner of his mouth… (To be continued.)

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