Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 11:

Winter is the harshest season in the North. The howling wind is as sharp as a blade. The frozen ice is hard to break with a hammer. The snow-covered land is almost impassable for any vehicles, let alone Said that the most deadly biting cold. ㈧Ω『┡㈠Chinese website www. “8⒈Zw. COM

When it’s coldest, take a cup of hot water out the door, walk around the house, and then pour it down, what’s falling down is the cold water mixed with rusty icicles, and it’s not enough to fall to the ground. Will disperse, but will freeze into a small cone of ice.

In this terrible weather, want to engage in outdoor activities? That is definitely the birthday star hanging himself, living impatiently.

However, outdoor activities can be carried out in the Void City. By virtue of the enchantment of Majesty the Void, the severe cold is blocked outside the barrier. Of course, it is not cold in the city, but the temperature is not so cold. Can’t stand it. As long as you don’t want to die and run around wearing summer clothes, even ordinary autumn clothes can resist the cold for a short time. As for those who wear winter clothes, many can’t help taking off some of them to avoid uncomfortable heat.

“December 25th of the 20th year of the Republican calendar, sunny. The outdoor temperature is 5 degrees, the northeasterly wind is second, and the air quality is good.” Cambrona wrote this on the top of the daily government record. Xingzi, and then sent the record sheet to the archives room.

As the duty officer of the municipal office this week, he has to leave work a little later than usual for six days, and has to work overtime on weekends. And sending this record sheet to the archives room every day is an important part of the duty work.

After finishing the work, I packed my things and came to the entrance of the government affairs hall. The wife who changed into casual clothes was already waiting for him. Next to her, there is a rental carriage, and the coachman is holding a picture album and looking at it with a smile, a little completely forgetful.

“Where are you going to eat today?” he asked with a smile.

“Proll Restaurant.” Jane also smiled and replied, “Tomorrow is Beta BBQ, and the day after tomorrow is the Frog Prince Hotel.”

“Ha, you are all ready.”

“Who told them to discuss it, a special offer every day, until the celebration.” Jane said with a smile, “Come on, that’s all about the low-end restaurants, the Proll restaurant is a high-end restaurant, it’s too late. There are no seats left.”

“I think even if I run now, there may be no seats left…”

“Don’t worry, I have already booked before I came, and they said that they will wait for us for half an hour.”

Combrona was relieved and took his wife’s hand and boarded the carriage next to him.

The coachman collected the picture album, and with a light wave of the whip, the sturdy packhorse drove the car and dart all the way forward.

Thanks to the smooth roadside, the car went fast and steady, and arrived at the famous restaurant in a short while.

Without waiting for the driver to lower the pedals, Cambrona jumped out of the car. As a knight officially registered in the Tolerant Knights, he can be harmless even if he jumps from three or four floors. As for this height, it has no effect.

Seeing him standing next to the car door, Jane stopped waiting for the pedal, and jumped directly into his arms. He was firmly caught and hugged in his arms.

“Am I heavier?” she asked.

“No, it’s very light.” Cambrona said, “I think you eat too little, it’s not healthy enough.”

“But if you eat too much, you will get fat.”

“What does it matter to be fat? A little fat is also cute!”

Looking at the flash flares off the two of them, the young coachman sighed and persuaded: “You two, if you want to show affection, don’t be on the street! Also, can you take this bag away? I still have to do business.”

Cambrona hurriedly put his wife down, rubbed his nose and smiled awkwardly.

Taking their bag from the coachman and paying the fare, the couple talked and laughed and entered the door. They said a few words to the greeter at the door and reported their reservation number, and then the greeter took them to the seats specially reserved for them, and at the same time ordered the kitchen to start preparing food.

Just as she was about to reach the depths of the hall, Jane suddenly frowned slightly, turned around, and looked out the door.

“What’s wrong?” Cambrona asked.

“It looks like someone is watching us.” Jane said, “I don’t know if it is my illusion.”

“You are so beautiful, it’s not strange for someone to see you.” Cambrona laughed, “Or maybe he’s looking at me, studying how this toad eats swan meat.”

“What ‘swan meat’! I’m almost old…”

“You are still very young. Even if one hundred years pass, you will still be swan meat.”

“Air-dried swan meat?”

“The air-dried swan meat is also very cute! The most suitable toad is air-dried!”

The two talked and left with a smile, without taking the matter to heart.

At the same time, in a relatively secluded room, an elderly magician with closed eyes exhaled deeply, and finally let go of his hanging heart.

“It’s terrible intuition. I spied from a long distance using magic techniques, and I was even noticed!” He opened his eyes again, and said with some fear, “It is a’sacred tool’, even if it is now a mortal posture. , His own personality still exists.”

“I have to be more careful to avoid irritating her. Otherwise, even if I escape to the end of the world, I am afraid I will not escape death!”

“I think you think too much.” A young man’s voice suddenly sounded beside him, “You may have to go to jail for a few years before you consider fleeing to the end of the world. Our Northwestern Republic has always been very concerned about espionage. Yan.”

The magician was taken aback, and subconsciously raised his hand to touch a ring, but before he could touch the ring that could save life, a chill was already on his neck, making him immediately Stopped the movement of his hands and stayed in place without daring to move.

“Very well, your wise decision hugged your life.” The air around him shook slightly, and the handsome and handsome legendary strongman Klitto appeared, and at the same time appeared to be on the neck of the old magician. The black long sword on the top, it is firmly held in Klitto’s hand, as long as it is pushed forward slightly, it can pierce the spy’s neck or even cut his head directly.

Given the sharpness of this advanced magic weapon, the latter may be more likely.

“I’m not a spy.” The old magician didn’t despise Kletto because the other person was young, but hurriedly explained~IndoMTL.com~I’m just curious about that woman…”

“Trafficking in women and children is ten years imprisonment if it is attempted, and death penalty if it is completed. Repeated offenders will have to be punished further.” Klitto said blankly.

“I didn’t plan to abduct her!” The old magician hurriedly cried out, “I just want to get a little divinity from her…”

Klitto was stunned for a moment, watching the old magician’s eyes become more unfriendly.

“Murder,” he said.

“No! You really made a mistake!” The old magician yelled anxiously.

“You don’t need to be so loud. Yes or no, it’s useless to tell me. Save some energy to talk to the judge.” Clitto said coldly, “By the way, I’m telling you that the woman you secretly made up your mind. Her husband is one of the legal counsels of Void City, and he is often responsible for work as a lawyer. I hope you will not be so unlucky and meet him in court.”

“If you are so unlucky, you will definitely be severely sentenced. Don’t look at that guy from Cambrona, don’t look at him as a tall man, but he has a very small mind…”

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