Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 109:

What Sui Xiong has to do is of course not to invent a machine that can work stably in water.

With his slightly poor engineering knowledge, in order for the machinery to work stably in the water, it needs to be waterproof. Waterproofing is generally done by waterproof coating, but the machine used to grind bedrock, no matter how waterproof material is applied, the part responsible for grinding will definitely wear out quickly.

After all, bedrock is so hard that it’s not inferior to steel. Sui Xiong couldn’t think of anything that could be used to grind them, but he didn’t have to worry about wearing them at all.

Oh, there is such a thing, Olihagang.

Using Oliha to build the grinder… It’s not that Sui Xiong can’t find so many Oliha who just came, but he thinks that if he really builds such a grinder, the dwarves will look at it. Not only will they not be happy when they arrive, but they will be angry instead.

“Violence of heaven and things” or something, I will definitely say so.

No, maybe they will have a cerebral hemorrhage or myocardial infarction directly, after all, this stimulation is a little too strong for them.

Olihagang is almost the hardest thing in the world. In most cases, a powerful **** like Sui Xiong can collect it and use it to build those powerful artifacts. The weaker gods can only be obtained by trading methods, and the number is not very large. Therefore, some medium and low-level artifacts and even inferior artifacts often do not have Olihagang on them. Even if they have, there are only a lot of them. A little bit less, used in the most critical place.

Mortals sometimes get a little Oliha Gang for good luck, but mortals do not have the ability to process it, and generally can only be viewed as gems. A long time ago, there was a lucky strong man who got a piece of Olihagang in the shape of a short sword. Although he could not grind this thing to open the front, but with this indestructible short sword, he shot it. Big name.

The kingdom of dwarves has also received some Olihagangs, who use them as the most precious sacrifices to the deities of their faith, and they can often get good rewards.

If Sui Xiong really gave them a grinding machine that Oliha had just built, maybe they would not use it to grind the bedrock, but would use it as a sacrifice…

Since you can’t use Oliha to build a grinding machine, Sui Xiong is gone. So he didn’t spend much time, and he was sure he couldn’t help in this regard.

What he considered was, could he grind the bedrock in another way? Don’t use this ultra-low efficiency method?

He tried to find several materials as grinders, but found that they were either not hard enough or too valuable, and they lacked practicality. In one of them, the bedrock was accidentally ground too fine, causing an explosion. If it weren’t for his ability, he might be bombed to death.

After several failures, Sui Xiong found that his thinking seemed to be problematic.

All he thought of was finding suitable new materials. However, the Dwarf Kingdom has been studying this for decades, what materials have not been used? If a material is so rare that the dwarf kingdom can’t get it, what’s the point of using it to make a suitable grinder?

It’s like using Oliha to make a grinder. It’s definitely hard and strong, but it’s not practical at all.

So… what should I do?

Sui Xiong was lost in thought.

He thought about it for a long time, and finally decided that it was the old rules and found someone who was really good at doing things.

Who is really good at?

Of course Palin and them.

But when Sui Xiong wanted to find Palin and the others, he suddenly moved in his heart and thought of the chef Fella.

The guy has had a surprisingly strong fortune during the recent period, as if he had to walk to pick up money and draw a card to get flash gold. However, he actually behaves very ordinary, even when he has nothing to do with his friends, he does not take advantage of him.

It doesn’t seem to be a particularly good fortune.

Could it be… His fortune is not actually used in daily life, but to accumulate, and eventually make a big news?

If that’s the case, maybe you can ask him to try.

Sui Xiong is not an engineering student, but he has heard a story saying that the most important thing in invention and creation is luck, or inspiration. A reporter once interviewed Edison, the king of inventions, and asked him why he made so many inventions because of genius. Edison’s answer at the time was that genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration, but when the two are compared, the latter is decisive.

He has also heard of two other versions of this story. The first version was told to him by his parents and teachers when he was a child, without the latter part, emphasizing sweat. The second version was said by a netizen in the Game Guild that Edison was actually bragging. Most of his inventions were acquired directly. For this guy, the key to genius lies in being able to do business and have money.

Sui Xiong naturally doesn’t know which version is true, but he thinks luck must be very important. For example, before he crossed, the country just commended a hydrogen bomb champion who had hidden his identity for many years, and people came up with a hydrogen bomb structure that was very different from foreign countries. Naturally, there were countless sweats, but luck must also be very important, otherwise it will not Would the level of that scientist be so high that no other person in the world can compare with him, right? Reality is not a fantasy novel!

So when he thought of Fira~IndoMTL.com~, he couldn’t help but change his mind.

Fela had a strange dream while sleeping that night. He dreamed that he was walking up a mountain. There was a luminous person on the mountain. He gave him some hard stones and asked him to try to grind these stones into the finest powder possible.

When he woke up, he really saw these stones beside his bed.

“Apocalypse? Or something else?” Fella looked at these stones blankly, tried to pick up one, and rubbed it against the stone used to cushion the foot of the bed.

A clear white mark was rubbed off the stone, and the stone was unscathed.

“Why is it so hard?” He was taken aback, found a piece of steel, and rubbed it hard.

There are also obvious scratches on the steel, but there are only very shallow and inconspicuous marks on the stone.

“Oh my God! This thing is almost as hard as steel!” Feira muttered to himself, “How can I grind it up? Impossible…”

So he put down these stones and stopped thinking about this kind of thing.

That night, he had another dream, in which he still reached the top of the mountain, and the luminous figure again told him to grind the stone into powder.

“But, the stone is too hard!” He argued, “I can’t wear it at all.”

The glowing figure just smiled, but he immediately understood the meaning of the figure.

If it’s really that easy, how can this good thing get him?

After waking up, Fera pondered for a long time, and finally picked up two extremely hard stones and rubbed them against each other.

No matter how hard the stone is, if you rub yourself, it shouldn’t be a problem…

Seeing that he finally started to do business, Sui Xiong nodded and smiled slightly.

Then, just wait and see the results. Maybe this lucky guy can find a good way that the dwarves have not found after decades of research…

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