Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 109:

After receiving the message from Zero, the members of the Spirit Wolf Alpha Team were all startled, and then quickly reacted, took out their weapons and quietly assembled outside Cheng Yuan’s office.

All the team members gathered together, a total of 22 people. None of them spoke, because they knew that once they spoke, their position would be exposed and the people inside would react.

From the communicator just now, they knew that the opponent was equipped with a high-powered weapon such as a grenade.

So, everything needs them to be careful.

All the team members looked at the captain and waited for his order.

As long as an order is given, they will rush in without hesitation.

In the office, the thirteen ‘moles’ who were unaware of them were divided into two groups. One group looked at the door vigilantly, while the other group worked hard to break the code lock on the side metal door.

Although they can use the fastest way to solve the metal gate in front of them, the guards outside make them have to be careful.

In a closed environment like an office, the thirteen of them gathered together like a pile of live targets. Once people outside noticed, they would have to be shot.

“Number three, what’s the situation outside?” Captain Mole asked in a low voice, seeing that the **** hadn’t succeeded.

“Sir, the people outside didn’t notice it.” Number Three looked down at the thermal imager in his hand, and replied in a low voice.

Hearing the report from Number Three, the Mole Captain felt a little relieved, and then waved for everyone to remain intact.

Like them, the members of the Wolf Alpha Team outside also took a thermal imaging device and pointed it at the office to start testing. On the green screen, a series of clear color images reveal the positions of the thirteen people inside.

Except for the five Mole members standing in front of the office door, several others gathered in front of the metal door leading to the internal computer room. You don’t need to guess the members of the Wolf Alpha Team to know that the other party is cracking the door.

After observing for a while, it was found that the opponent’s position had not changed except for a slight movement in place, and the Captain of the Spirit Wolf Alpha Team immediately commanded with gestures.


Then come down with a few sign language. Everyone nodded to understand.

The captain’s meaning is very simple. The moment the opponent cracked the door, he and others would forcibly break the door, and at the same time follow the instructions given by the message. Kill the mole inside directly!

The rat hunt has not yet begun, and they have already occupied an absolute advantage.

Slowly goes by over time.

Eight minutes later, there was a crisp sound of “Beep–” in the office, and the metal door opened!

However, neither staff showed any expressions of surprise, this sudden sound. After being sluggish for a while, both people suddenly awakened!


The Captain of the Spirit Wolf Alpha Team also didn’t care about hiding at this time. With a loud roar, all the Spirit Wolf members instantly aimed at the previously assigned direction and fired fiercely!

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The gunshot sounded for half a minute before it stopped.

“Scan the internal situation!”

After stopping the firing, the Captain of the Spirit Wolf Alpha Team did not rush in recklessly, but instead ordered the team members holding the thermal imaging detection equipment.

Received the order, the member did not speak, so he turned on the instrument and began to detect.

“Captain. There are still three people alive in the room. They are currently hiding in the computer room.”

After the detection, the member immediately reported the situation inside.

In the office, the three moles who survived by chance were the three closest to the internal computer room just now. Considering the safety of the computer room, the walls of the computer room were specially requested by Cheng Yuan to be remade.

There was a layer of steel plate ten centimeters behind sandwiched in the wall. The bullet could not penetrate the solid wall. It was this wall that allowed the three moles to escape.

After entering the computer room, the three of them first looked back at their dead teammates who couldn’t die again. One of them said: “No. 9, you go to the motherboard, we will guard this place!”

After finishing talking about this mole member’s muzzle at the front of the office, there was a burst of fire!


When it was clear that there was still a living mouth inside, the members of the Spirit Wolf quietly dispersed. To prevent the opponent from counterattack, at the same time, the explosion-proof shields that had been prepared were put in front of them.

“Get in!”

With protection, the members of the Spirit Wolf took courage, staring at the bullet and rushing into the office.

The bullet hit the explosion-proof shield with a “pop” sound, sparks splashed everywhere, and the flying bullets left startling holes in the surrounding walls.


When I saw that the other party was holding an explosion-proof shield in their hands. The two moles who were guarding the goal suddenly yelled with anger, just as he was about to take out the grenade from his waist to make the **** group of guys look good in front of him.

A silver-gray grenade like a pen holder suddenly rolled under their feet.

When they saw something under their feet, a thought flashed through their minds, “It’s over!”


The dazzling white light flickered, and the two felt a sting in their eyes, tears flowed down unconsciously, and at the same time the ears buzzed, and everything around them seemed to be quiet.

The world is white, and there is only a maddening buzzing in my ears.

When the two of them came back to their senses, they found that all their equipment had been confiscated, and they were also captured alive by this group of people!

The faces of the three of them suddenly became extremely ugly!

They would rather die than be captured by the Chinese government!

This small battle was over. The members of the spirit wolf collected the corpses of the moles, and then escorted three prisoners, and handed all these things to the people who came to pack them.

And they continue their work to protect the internal safety of the technology crystallization!

As for the bullet marks in Cheng Yuan’s office, another group will be responsible for cleaning them up.


As for what happened in the company, Cheng Yuan, who was far away in the research institute, received zero reports for the first time. He immediately felt an inexplicable sense of crisis after he learned the news.

For a brilliant intelligent core, such things can happen!

Then what kind of trouble will he incur when he comes up with more high-tech products in the future?

Through Zero, Cheng Yuan immediately invaded the monitoring system of his residential quarter. Through the monitoring records screened by Zero, Cheng Yuan saw several foreigners who were instantly subdued at the door.

Cheng Yuan doesn’t need to guess, he knows that the country has already known about this, and has been secretly protecting him.

As for why I didn’t remind myself, it was probably because I didn’t let myself be distracted.

At this moment, Cheng Yuan is very grateful for what he has done for him. But he still felt unsafe.

Giving his safety to others is far from enough for Cheng Yuan. He needs to have the ability to protect himself!

Perhaps, for others. Security must be entrusted to other talents. But Cheng Yuan is different from them because he holds countless technologies in his hands.

Money, he has hundreds of billions of assets through Dabai’s global sales. Technology, the crystallization of technology in his mind allows him to master countless super technologies far beyond the earth!

Combine the two. Cheng Yuan wanted to create a force that was exclusive to him and completely loyal to him, without any problems.

Don’t say anything else, just the Iron Man armor in his mind can improve his self-protection ability by many grades, and besides the steel suit, he has more advanced technologies.

With these technologies, he wants to protect himself, that is more than enough!

The robot bodyguard is a perfect choice!

But the premise of all this is. He needs to let his body get better first, and remove the threat of technological crystallization in his brain!

With a goal, Cheng Yuan no longer delays, and directly said to the tension beside him: “You go to the storage room and take out two copies of all the experimental materials in it, and bring them to the laboratory.”


Hearing Cheng Yuan’s order, Zhang Li nodded and quickly left.

Zhang Li went to get the experimental materials, Cheng Yuan was not idle, strode into the laboratory, and began to prepare for the experiment that was about to begin. The method of making gene-enhancing drugs is very simple in the eyes of Cheng Yuan, who has complete knowledge.

Several parts of special materials are crushed and mixed in specific proportions. It can be done directly.

Although such a statement sounds shocking and horrifying, it makes people think it is a joke, but it is actually not the case.

Like an engine, initially when people didn’t understand it. His level of complexity is enough to stump the entire scientific community. If you take an external combustion engine until 1775, a steam engine has just appeared at that time, and an external combustion engine is enough for them to study for more than ten years.

Now any mechanical expert can clearly tell you the composition of the external combustion engine. All its component functions and production methods.

It’s like pediatrics in their eyes.

It’s almost obsolete something, now the popular internal combustion engine!

This is the difference between times and knowledge.

So, when Cheng Yuan got the gene-enhancing drug in the hospital, he was surprised at how simple it is, but the simplicity reflects its complexity.

That is the distribution ratio of various drugs!

The strict distribution ratio is the most difficult part of this experiment. After all, the established ratio of raw materials will change under various environmental conditions. Perhaps you need 05 grams of potassium in the experiment.

When you took it out, it clearly showed 05 grams of potassium, but in the production process, there was a slight mistake, which caused 05 grams of potassium to become 04 grams of potassium or 045 grams of potassium. The slight difference in the data directly determines The success or failure of this experiment!

After all, what cannot be changed in the experiment is that there will be residual components on the glassware.

The extraction and matching of the essence of an item of medicines, this delicate work requires extreme caution even if you know the data~IndoMTL.com~not to mention those who don’t know at all.

To sum up, the requirements of this experiment are “accurate and stable.”

In Cheng Yuan’s mind, this technology requires a special vessel in the production process, but Cheng Yuan could not extract the method of making this vessel.

Because he doesn’t understand the composition of this thing at all.

Following a simple introduction, he has no way to extract it from within the crystal of technology.

So, he can only use the most stupid way to balance the proportions of the essence of all materials a little bit. This is also the reason why Cheng Yuan feels that there is not enough time.

The existence of zero can also help him calculate the ratio more accurately to prevent errors!

After Cheng Yuan made preparations, Zhang Li also brought the materials to the laboratory. (To be continued.)

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