Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 108:

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Of course, there is more than one deity who praised Sui Xiong’s “republic”. Next, Veyer listed many deities, many of which are famous. What surprised him the most was that the **** of the sky in the natural **** system also spoke highly of this system.

When he heard this, he couldn’t help but startled and asked: “If I remember correctly, isn’t the **** of the sky a **** of nature? Why is he interested in the mortal state system?”

“Who did you ask me? I heard about it indirectly.” Viejo smiled and shook his head. “You don’t think that I have many friends, so I can talk to your majesty, right? It’s impossible to have so much identity difference!”

Sui Xiong thought for a while and smiled.

Belief in God and Nature God belong to two camps. Although they are not hostile to each other, it is difficult to develop friendship. Vier was able to catch up with the words and inquired into the God of the Sky’s evaluation of the republic, which is already extremely powerful, comparable to the “inquiry” role in the old-fashioned love game. If he could actually ask the **** of the sky himself, Sui Xiong could not help but wonder if this guy would be a master of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger…

“How does the **** of the sky evaluate the republic?” he asked with a smile.

“The majesty said that this system is conducive to the mobility of social strata. Compared with the aristocratic system, it can better embody the principle of survival of the fittest. Moreover, the strong get the corresponding dìwèi for their contributions, which is far better than the strong itself is dìwèi. Much. He said that this system is closer to natural evolution and is a commendable innovation.”

Sui Xiong couldn’t help nodding his head again and again. Although he did not fully agree with the views of the God of the Sky, he had to admit that the God of the Sky put forward an evaluation of the republic from a natural perspective, which was very inspiring for him.

It took Vier almost half an hour to finish the evaluation of the republic by the gods he knew. Most of the evaluations are positive, but there are also negatives—for example, the lord of war has a bad evaluation of it. This fierce and combative **** feels that the republic is too concerned about the interests of the common people and protects the interests of the strong. not enough.

“No, the strong have far more power than ordinary people, and it is easy to get higher honors and dìwèi. Isn’t this guaranteed?” Sui Xiong asked in confusion.

“That’s what the Lord of War said. I don’t know exactly what it means.” Vie shook his head. “But I think he meant that he wanted the strong to have more power, such as establishing a thorough The strong rule yīqiē, and the force determines the society dìwèi. Ordinary people either become stronger or can only be slaves-that kind of society.”

Sui Xiong thought for a while and shook his head: “I don’t agree with this. It seems that I am not the same with him.”

For Sui Xiong, the reason why he wants to promote the progress and development of society is because he has witnessed the hard life of civilians in this world, hoping to do something for these exploited and oppressed working people. This is his original intention and his fundamental principle of uncompromising.

The birth of the republic is actually because he compromised the idea of ​​zìjǐ in response to reality.

In this world, the strongest is the most important foundation of productivity improvement. This is undeniable.

However, Sui Xiong absolutely disagrees with the idea that the strong should possess yīqiē, and that production resources should be allocated completely according to the degree of strength.

For a society to progress, the people at the bottom are the foundation. Without this foundation, the so-called “strong culture” is nothing more than a castle in the air, which will collapse in a short time.

Otherwise, without a huge number of civilians to provide population for generations, where do the strong come from? Do you only rely on the descendants of those strong men?

It’s almost a social form similar to giant dragons, and the dragons are notoriously few people.

Many people have the wrong understanding that the reason for the small population of dragons is that they have a low fertility rate. In fact, this is not the case at all. The fertility rate of most giant dragons is not low. The common five-color dragon can give birth once in almost a hundred years, giving birth to two to three offspring each time. Considering their powerful strength and long life span, this fertility rate is already very high. Up.

But why is the dragon population so small? This is to mention their somewhat perverted social form.

In the society of giant dragons, the strong trampled on the weak at will, and the death rate of young dragons and young dragons has always been staggeringly high. Most of them died under the same kind of hands-common dragons. In an advanced class, more than half are dedicated to restraining giant dragons, which can be seen.

This crazy natural elimination has greatly increased the average combat effectiveness of the dragons, but it has also made it impossible for the number of races to increase. Had it not been for more than ten thousand years ago, the contemporary dragon king used an unreasonable attitude to promote a decree prohibiting the killing of lower dragons after looting by upper dragons, I am afraid that the population has already shrunk to nothing!

So Sui Xiong sneered at the criticism of the Lord of War.

He even secretly felt that maybe he would have to do a battle with the lord of the war in the future to convince the opponent.

The thought just passed away in his heart, even he didn’t care.

After Vie had relayed the praises and criticisms, Morani also spoke. He was talking about the views of the orc lord Lefon on the republic.

“His Majesty the Dog of the Swallowing Heaven asked me to tell you that he thinks your system is very innovative and it seems to be quite suitable for the orcs. If you cannot continue to promote it in the human society, welcome to join the orc **** family, Le Feng Your Majesty is willing to let you preside over the social transformation of the orc empire.”

Sui Xiong was taken aback and asked with his eyes wide open: “Did you hear me right? He said,’I am willing to preside over the social transformation of the orc empire.’ !”

“I asked the same thing at the time. He said,’The orcs are not a cultural group, and there is no special tradition. As long as they can be bigger and stronger, let alone the republic, even if the emperor takes turns, there is nothing wrong.’ .”

“He really can see…” Sui Xiong muttered, but couldn’t help asking, “Then, what if I can keep the Northwestern Republic in good order?”

“I also asked this question at the time, and he said,’Then everyone will be neighbors, fǎnzhèng, I believe that jellyfish will never engage in racial discrimination like some narrow-minded guys-even if they discriminate, they will not. Special discrimination against orcs’.”

Sui Xiong shook his head and smiled.

The “Heaven-Swallowing Dog” Le Feng is really an open-minded person, so easy-going to this point, he doesn’t know how he restrained the big place of the orc **** system.

“Brother, what do you think of my system?” After he laughed, he looked at the **** of justice who hadn’t spoken since just now.

The God of Justice has a solemn face. He carefully watched the ceremony for the founding of the Northwest Republic being held below, and meditated silently.

When Sui Xiong asked the second time, he woke up, but he didn’t answer, but looked at Sui Xiong suspiciously.

“Brother, I don’t understand your thinking less and less.” He said, “Why did you establish this country?”

“I promote my ideals and protect my believers. Why else?” Sui Xiong answered naturally.

“If this is the case, then why don’t you make the Church of the Void Mask the state religion of the Northwestern Republic?”

“National Religion?” Sui Xiong was taken aback. Of course he had thought about this before, but he always felt awkward about theocratic state, and it always reminded him of some barbarians who wanted to return to the seventh century in the 21st century. people.

Sui is not talented, but he still disdains those perverse things!

Speaking of this, the gods of this world would not understand. After thinking about it, he finally came up with an answer.

“If the national religion is established, I will become the patron saint of this country.” He said half-truth, “I want to be a guardian, but I don’t want to be a patron saint.”

“To protect a certain region, a certain country, a certain nation, honestly, it is a good priesthood.” Morani persuaded, “For the new god, it is a very reliable priesthood, and there is no need I think it’s good to worry about conflicts with others.”

“Yes, starting with the patron saint is the best way to start the new god.” Vie persuades like this.

Mannis, the goddess of wealth, did not join the ranks of persuasion. He felt that the ally of Masked Void was unpredictable. Since he did not want to be a patron saint, there must be important reasons. Instead of persuading uselessly, it is better to talk about something meaningful.

So when Sui Xiong declined everyone’s suggestion with a smile, he asked: “Are you going to continue to maintain the state of freedom of belief in the Northwestern Republic?”

Sui Xiong nodded: “I think faith should be free. Only when it comes from the recognition of the idea of ​​God can it be called a meaningful faith.”

“If this is the case, how are you going to manage the various churches, temples and priests?” Mannis continued to ask, “I noticed that you did not mention this in the republican documents at all.”

Sui Xiong was silent for a while~IndoMTL.com~ sighed.

“This…it’s difficult to do!”

In this world, after all, “theocratic power” is the root of yīqiē power. Sui Xiong is not the kind of madman who really wants to slash the world with a knife. He also knows the ability of zìjǐ and has no intention of challenging the essence of this theocracy.

So, he avoided questions about gods, churches, etc.

“It’s difficult to do it,” Mannis advised. “Many of the gods are hostile. If you really want to allow the churches to preach freely, I can bet that it won’t take three to five years. Serious disputes between churches will erupt in the Northwestern Republic. What will you do then?”

Sui Xiong was silent for a long time, sighed deeply, smiled reluctantly, and said.

“At that time, I will only have one sentence.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Preaching… also must follow the Basic Law.” (To be continued.)

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