Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 105:

This Baron Palin was the little mage who was curious, followed Sui Xiong, and then died in the “Quick Hand” Rain trap. After he died, his body was resurrected by Sui Xiong, and he became the librarian of the Church of Void Mask, and currently serves as the head of the wizard group.

In recent years, Master Palin has devoted himself to the research of smelting and forging technology. Not long ago, he developed a blast furnace that can directly smelt iron ore into steel, and this caused a friendly relationship between Sui Xiong and the dwarf gods.

And Palin’s soul naturally goes to the underworld after death. After some encounters, he finally became the judge of hell.

Later, he was promoted to Hellboy, and in the battle of sniping the God of Fear, who was trying to escape from **** into the abyss, he met the God of Justice, Joel; Pig; Pig; Island; Novel www.zhuzhu+Gadman , And met Sui Xiong and the magician Palin again through Jolgardeman’s relationship.

The scene where the two Palin met was quite interesting. The two parties did not stage any “Who Am I” drama, and they talked very happily. After some conversation, Hellboy Palin also became a believer of Sui Xiong.

When Sui Xiong planned to eliminate the cult organization “Isis” this time, he naturally thought of him. As the judge of hell, Baron Palin is jealous of evil. As soon as Sui Xiong mentioned this incident, he stated that he would assist Sui Xiong with all his strength and promise to send all the villains who want to rely on their faith to shelter the orcs and gods in order to escape the punishment of hell. Let it go!

He did what he said, calling friends and calling friends, and even reported to the top level, creating a huge battle. During Sui Xiong’s trial and execution during the day, a group of **** judges stayed invisible near the guillotine. Every time a person died, the judges immediately grabbed the soul without any delay. There were even **** kings sitting on the road. Not to mention that the orc gods did not interfere, even if they came, they would never want to take away these souls destined to go to hell!

“Thank you.” Sui Xiong said with a smile, “Today, the guys who believe in’Isis’ must be panicked all day long. Haha, if you let them die easily, it would be too cheap for them. But. I have no time and no interest in torture, so at least let them be more frightened before they die, and they are more frightened, which can be regarded as a little ill.”

“I’m just a little worried, will they really run away and escape to a place where they can’t find it?” Baron Palin, who looks extraordinary in black and heavy armor, said worriedly, “If they really run away Yes, that’s a little bit of a fly in the ointment.”

Sui Xiong laughed dumbly: “Run? Where can they go? Although the main plane is big, I can hunt them down as long as I want to. As for running to other worlds…that’s not what ordinary people do. If you get it, even if you can escape, there will be a hundred and eighty people in the sky. After all, the main body of the’Isis’ organization can’t escape.”

Baron Palin nodded slightly, confirming his statement.

“It’s just that I feel uncomfortable when I think that some sinners will escape…” He sighed and said, “I also know that it is not realistic to ask for full blame, but if I can, I still hope to get them all! “

“Of course.” Sui Xiong said, “Even if I escape to other worlds, it doesn’t mean I really escaped. After I clean up those on the main plane, I will naturally hunt them down. Hehe, if they really thought it would be useful to escape from the main plane, they would look down on me too much!”

Baron Palin relieved his heart and smiled relievedly.

The discussion on this matter is over, and Baron Palin is about to leave. Since there is no need to arrest the souls of the wicked at night, he plans to do something else first.

As the judge of hell, he is actually quite busy. It is a bit exaggerated to say that “every day has everything”, but he really doesn’t have much leisure time.

However, he likes this kind of life very much. He has said before that this kind of life full of pressure and risks, often encountering thrilling situations, is exactly what he pursued during his lifetime.

Sui Xiong was well rested that night. Early the next morning, the sky was only slightly bright, so he slept with the same beauty and comforted the stilettos and executioners who had breakfast. , Came to the guillotine in the central square of Iron Sand City.

After a whole night, the big puddle of blood like a small pond had almost seeped into the ground yesterday, leaving only a dark red trace.

But it’s okay. By the end of this evening, there will be another big pool of hot blood.

Sui Xiong waved his tentacles, traveled through the distant space, and directly captured the villains who were still on the run. He tried them while pondering these irrelevant topics.

(Remember that many ordinary things in this world, because of legendary experience, they often get power beyond imagination. I don’t know if my guillotine will have this chance?)

From the corner of his eye, he watched the hand that was repeatedly pulled up and down again and again, every time he cut off ten human heads accurately, and couldn’t help but admire his foresight.

This sharp blade was made by him himself. It is not ordinary steel, but a special metal called “Olihagang”. This kind of metal looks like gold, but it is much stronger than steel, and the output on the main plane is very low. In order to make this guillotine, he made a special trip to the inner boundary and collected it from the ore plane. With enough raw ore, they relied on their own magical powers to extract the minerals that are almost impossible to extract from the ordinary refining furnace, and create them. A powerful magic is attached to it to ensure that it is always sharp and will not be worn.

You know, its mission is very important. Sui Xiong created it to use it to behead all the members of the “Isis” organization!

Generally speaking, this kind of thing is used to build a divine tool, and Sui Xiong used it to build this guillotine used to destroy the cult organization “Isis”, and it did not insult this wonderful mineral.

Although there are many artifacts in the world, how many artifacts really have a brilliant record of killing tens of thousands of villains? Perhaps the axe of elder brother Jolgadman had this result.

Soon, there will be one more magic weapon.

(When this matter is over, I will enshrine this guillotine in the Void City for people to visit. Maybe after a few hundred years, it can also be cultivated into a spirit… Among the monsters in this world, originally Some weapons turn into monsters…)

Sui Xiong was thinking about things in his heart. Dozens of tentacles waved in succession, like death’s sickles. They swept through the team of fugitives. Every time, ten people were missing. By the way, ten heads of strangers were sent back. Dead body.

At the beginning, the fugitives were still screaming. Every time someone was taken away, they would scream, and every time a corpse was sent back, they would scream. But as the frequency increases, they gradually become numb.

The wealthy and powerful senior personnel have naturally used teleportation spells or flying mounts to go far. It was the middle and lower-level personnel of the “Isis” organization in the Western Desolate Region who fleeed for the inland of the orc empire mightily.

Of course, this organization also has poor people, who are so poor that their lives are left. These people did not escape, and they had nowhere to escape, because they couldn’t even afford a horse.

If you run on two legs, you will be exhausted on the road.

So they can only stay at home and wait to die~IndoMTL.com~Wait for the hanging blade above their heads to fall.

But Sui Xiong was not in a hurry to kill them. He is now mainly hunting down those who have some wealth and skills and can escape on horseback or in a car.

Looking down from the sky, I saw a huge chariot rushing forward in a mess, with several corpses falling inside from time to time, as if it had been a robber.

In fact, their situation is much more serious than that of the robbers. The robbers may be able to buy it, or they may be able to frighten them away, or they may be repelled, and maybe they will go along with them.

Think carefully about the latter, which may be the biggest. In fact, most of the bandits in the Western Wilderness area are familiar with them, and at least 70% of them have cooperated with them. Either looting villages and caravans to gain wealth, or looting people as sacrifices, or simply massacres to perform “purification of faith”… These unreasonable things, relying on them, are really not enough.

But at this moment they are chasing them, unable to buy, unable to scare away, unable to confront, let alone collaborating with them.

That is a just sanction of the fake Sui Xiong’s hand that appeared to the world! (To be continued.)

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