Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 102:

” During the period before the Spring Festival, China is very busy. Just like our Christmas, the large population movement will divert the attention of the China government. At that time, it was our only opportunity to do something.” In the meeting room, the old DuPont was old. Squinting half his eyes, he glanced at everyone present.

The departure of Little Rockefeller made Old DuPont annoyed for a while. If Little Rockefeller participated, then this action can completely make him stand on the bright side and hide himself behind the scenes.

The reason why the DuPont family can last for hundreds of years is mostly because they like to let others charge into battle, while they hide in the dark. If the action is successful, they will jump out to take their own spoils, but if they fail, they Will immediately put aside all the relationships and hide yourself deeply.

But now, without the titular boss of the Rockefeller family, he had to stand up by himself.

“Then we must hurry up, there are not a few days before the Chinese New Year.” As soon as Old DuPont finished his voice, one person eagerly stood up and expressed his opinion.

Old DuPont glanced at the man and said faintly: “So, what are you going to do, temptation or coercion?”


The man was stunned when he was asked by Old DuPont. He hadn’t thought of any method at all, as long as he could seize the core of the intelligent machine from Cheng Yuan, no matter what.

Thinking of this, the man grinned and said: “As long as we can get what we want and what we can’t do, we can even send an army over!”

The man’s words were not opposed or ridiculed by others, and the interests were moving. If the interests were sufficient, why not start a war?

For oil, they used their power to raise a butcher knife against the Middle East.

Today, for intelligent robots, they can still use this method, but unlike the Middle East, facing China, a huge country that has developed rapidly in recent years, it is the most stupid to start a war rashly.

But they can hire mercenaries. Those who lick the blood will do anything if they give them enough money!

“Well, leave this to you, and we will give you some support.”

Old DuPont made a promise casually, then turned his gaze to other people, and continued to ask: “Everyone, is there any other way? Although the force of force is the most direct, you can also imagine the difficulty. If there are other problems, Violent means is naturally better.”

Hearing what the old DuPont said, after the others whispered to each other, a tall and thin old man stood up and said: “We can start from the crystallization of technology in our country’s foundry. High-tech waste is the most difficult thing to clean up. Every high-tech company has to pay a large amount of environmental pollution cleanup fees for the Environmental Protection Agency’s people every year. We let the Environmental Protection Agency’s personnel go there a few more times, I think there will be some unexpected results.”

The old man’s words made the rest of the eyes bright. Although some of them have shares in the foundry, if people from the Environmental Protection Agency are asked to find them, they will be disguised as shareholders, but once they can Get the smart core, and these lost money can be earned back soon!

“What about Europe, you have to be aware that in addition to the United States, other European countries, the Middle East, and even Australia have their distributors. We may not be able to achieve the results we expect just by restricting American companies?”

If someone agrees, there will naturally be opposition.

The one who stood up against was a short, chubby, bald middle-aged man with brown hair on top of his bald head that looked like a scarf, but his circle of “scarves” was very well taken care of, which made people look at It will not feel ugly afterwards.

“Mr. Adams is right. Those European lords don’t make trouble with money for us. They always look down on us.”

Bald man, as soon as Adams said his objection, someone agreed with him, and this sentence directly hit the point!

Although they call themselves members of the upper class, compared with the old aristocrats in Europe, they have a big gap in rank. Although those aristocrats may not be richer than them, but the self-esteem British people don’t. No matter how much money you have.

Others think so, this method is OK in the United States, but if you want to implement it in the world, it is a bit whimsical. They can stir the wind and rain in the United States, but it is not so powerful in other countries. Resources and power.

The local forces in other countries will certainly not allow them, outsiders, to intervene in their country’s affairs.

Old DuPont heard this, his gray eyebrows wrinkled slightly. This method, which sounded very good at first, was actually impossible to implement. After all, doing things in the United States would only make outsiders cheaper. After all, the distributors of Technology Crystal have spread all over the world. In addition to their problems in the United States, Technology Crystal Corporation can transfer the interests of the United States to Canada, and then flow into the United States through Canada.

Doesn’t all this money make Canada away?

“Any other ways?”. Old DuPont coughed lightly and asked everyone again.

In response to DuPont’s question, everyone was silent. It’s not that they can’t think of a way, but the technology crystallization companies are getting too involved.

First of all, temptation is definitely impossible. People who release an intelligent robot will crazily collect hundreds of billions of dollars. What they have now is money; secondly, the crystallization of technology is still a company that is protected by the Huaxia government, which allows them to start. The difficulty increases again. China is the opposite of the United States. No matter how powerful a company in China is, it cannot be an opponent of the government. If it is placed in the United States, such a company can definitely influence the government’s actions!

So, if you want to indirectly control a Huaxia company through economic control, and then use that company to attack the crystallization of technology, it is definitely a meat bun and a dog, there will be no return! He could think that as soon as he took a shot, China would definitely shut down the company he controlled with the momentum of thunder.

Finally, the rise of this technology company is so fast that they have no reaction at all. It only took a few months from establishment to rise, which gave them the illusion that the world was fine yesterday. When they wake up, they find that the whole world has entered the end.

This kind of huge contrast made them unable to relax in a short period of time.

Now, the crystallization of technology has risen, and his distributors have spread all over the world. This is simply not something that the 13 of them can change.

“Can it only be done by force?”

Old DuPont’s eyes flashed a hint of hesitation. Although this method was the most direct, it was the most troublesome. Once it failed to expose people like himself, it would definitely have endless troubles.

However, every time DuPont thinks about the blank areas of intelligent robots, he feels that he will have an eager impulse. He is about to return to the embrace of God. He knows that it is the greed and greed for wealth deep in his heart. desire.

Closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, when Old DuPont opened his eyes again, his eyes revealed a kind of determination!

Technology Crystal Company is now the only company in the world that can make intelligent robots, and he knows what ‘only’ means.

Unique, which means that only one intelligent robot can bring countless profits to this company, and the only means that no one can compete with this company, and no one can follow in the field of robotics. They share this cake.

Who can not be jealous of such a thing?

At the beginning, Microsoft was also the dominant player, so Microsoft fell. Now a company that is more threatening than Microsoft has emerged, but they are helpless. How can this make them not in a hurry?

“Charlie, please contact the Middle East, as long as they can get the intelligent core of the technology crystal company, we will give them 500 million US dollars as compensation!”

Old Du hurriedly looked at the man who initially proposed this plan, gritted his teeth and made a decision.

“Yes!” Charlie was overjoyed when he heard the words. If this matter is handled by him alone, then he must be the first to benefit.

However, being able to sit in this conference room means that he is not an idiot. Old DuPont handed over things to himself so casually, obviously using him as a gunman, but he was willing, after all, he was paid for what he paid. ! But he will not be too blind, at least some preparation and cover are needed before the start!

Charlie left, and other people also stood up and said goodbyes. Regarding the use of force, all they have to do is to support Charlie when he asks for it.

As these people left, only Old DuPont sat in the entire conference room, closed his eyes and meditated.

His only idea now is to seize the smart core. As long as he can get the smart core, everything is worth it! He believes that the government will not bother about this, because they will certainly not be able to crack Dabai’s smart core. At this time, 80% are also discussing how to get the smart core in Cheng Yuan’s hands.

Actually, Old DuPont’s guess was not wrong at all. With the exception of the Huaxia government, all national research institutions and non-governmental research institutions in the world are desperately cracking Dabai’s intelligent core in private, including the research institutes of China’s unofficial institutions.

Their goal is the same ~IndoMTL.com~ is to get a share of the robot field!

You must know that the tens of millions of sales volume of Dabai is just the beginning. Many rich people are still waiting and watching. They have to look at the specific performance of an intelligent robot that has been put into life applications. If Dabai’s performance meets The standard they think in their minds, then they will pay for it.

However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Is Cheng Yuan’s condensed code so easy to crack?

The change from machine language is something that these people simply cannot imagine, unless Cheng Yuan someday has a more advanced technology than streamlined code, then he might consider opening up this knowledge.

However, for now, the publicity of streamlining the code is still in the foreseeable future. After all, what Cheng Yuan has to do now is to complete the zero core code as quickly as possible, and then carry out genetic enhancement experiments. Keeping his life is the most important thing!

(Brothers and sisters, Ant’s book will be on the shelves around 12:30 in the morning. I hope everyone will support you. Ant brazenly ask for a subscription and monthly pass.)

Chapter One Hundred and Two Wind Rise:

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