Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 10:

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After solving Keane’s little trouble, the rest of the day was calm and there was nothing worth paying attention to.

At least not for Sui Xiong.

Just so smoothly, the Northwest Republic also ushered in the 20th anniversary celebration, and by the way, it was also the day of the 4th Tianxià First Tournament.

Originally, according to the rules, the Tianxià First Tournament should be held last year. However, the senior officials of the Northwestern Republic discussed it and felt that holding a competition in the first year and holding the National Day ceremony in the second year was a bit of a waste of manpower and material resources, so they adjusted it and put the two events in the same year. .

In this way, the time is more reasonable and the personnel arrangement is more appropriate.

Day xiàThe first martial arts competition is in summer, and the National Day ceremony is in winter. It takes several months to plan and arrange the two major events, and it happens that this year has all passed.

“In the 20th year of the Republican calendar, the fourth Tianxià First Tournament was held. Although the contestants were not as stunning as the first, they were not as withered as the second, and roughly maintained the level of the third. Yes. It is expected that unless something happens to cause drastic changes in the group of masters below the legendary main plane, the future Tianxià First Tournament Tournament will generally maintain this level. Perhaps we can pass this ten-year competition, Let’s sort out the changes in the main plane master group…”

A young historian sits in the study and uses special magic ink to write such words on the same special Warcraft leather paper.

This historian is also considered a different kind among his peers. You can see the way he records the years.

On the main plane, historians mainly use the “chronology” method to record the years. The specific method is to use twelve years as a “chronology”, and each “chronology” lists the most important items in the prophetic epic genre. Major events, the rest is to distinguish around this major event.

For example, during the time when the Northwestern Republic was established, it can be recorded as “the era of the rise of the snow country.” However, hòu can be divided into “one year when the snow country rises” to “12 years when the snow country rises.”

This method comes from the period of the ancient elven empire, when the sages of the elven tribe used this method to record the years. Although the elven empire perished later, this method of dating was passed down by historians.

Although many people think this approach is a bit two-sided, historians believe that this approach captures the point very well and is very appropriate.

After all, in this world, the difficulty of “archaeology” is far less than that of the earth. To know the specific time when something happened, historians don’t need to laboriously compare astronomical phenomena or various records, just use prophetic spells.

As long as the record of the event is correct, the prophecy spell can tell you exactly when it happened. The more accurate and detailed the record, the clearer the time positioning, without any confusion at all.

As for those special situations where the prediction spells will not yield results, they are generally used by powerful legendary wizards or even god-level powerhouses to use earth-shattering methods to cover up those things in the long river of history. Wanting to examine it is really a bit of a suspicion-it’s like you know that certain things are sensitive, but you have to go to investigate, and finally investigate yourself into jail. That is also… dedicated to the truth. .

This method of dating has been used for so many years. Until the establishment of the Northwestern Republic, some scholars from the Church of the God of Knowledge proposed new methods of dating.

They suggested that the long history should be divided into several large paragraphs based on some major events in history that “opened a new chapter in history”, and how many years should be specifically distinguished in each paragraph, so that although the numbers will be compared Huge, but for ordinary people, it is far more friendly than the cumbersome “chronology of major events”.

A certain year in the Archaic calendar, a certain year in the elf calendar, a certain year in the orc calendar, a certain year in the pioneering calendar, and a certain year in the republic calendar. The new chronology divides the history of civilization into these five stages, corresponding to the era before the prosperity of ancient civilization, the era between the rise and fall of the elven civilization, the era between the rise of the orc civilization and the great development of mankind, and the time between the great development of mankind and The era between the establishment of the republic, and the era after the establishment of the republic.

This is like dividing the history of human civilization into primitive society, slave society, feudal society and modern society on the earth. It is simple and clear, so that people who read books can first have an intuitive impression and roughly determine what they see. What stage of the total civilization history is this period of history?

This may not be necessary for historians, but it is necessary for ordinary people.

In the past years, because education was not universal, most ordinary people didn’t even know the words, let alone worry about chronology or history. However, the goal of the Northwestern Republic is to eliminate illiteracy and read for all, so the historian has responded to the call and started innovation.

As the saying goes, the autumn wind hasn’t had a foresight, the more knowledgeable people are, the more they can feel the changes in history and the pulse of the big era, so that they can make the right choice in advance.

…Of course, like a fortune-telling person on the earth, “Ahhhh, someone named Liu Xiu wants to be the emperor”, so he changed his name to Liu Xiu, and wanted to rebel, but the university who fell on the street, that belongs to the great era. If the pulse number is wrong, it is enough for future generations to give up.

After writing a record, the young historian put down his pen and blew a few breaths on the paper. Then he carefully placed the paper on a cork platform specially used for drying, and then finished the pen and ink. Move the neck and shoulders and stand up.

Looking down from the window on the second floor, you can see that amidst the autumn scenery, many people are busy preparing for the National Day celebration.

The National Day Ceremony is held every ten years in the Northwestern Republic. It is almost the most important celebration in this country, the most grand and grandest, and it is also a great excitement that tourists from all over the world cannot miss.

At the celebration, there will be endless wonderful performances, endless wines and endless dishes.

Just for that celebration, the people in the Northwest Republic, especially the Void City, need to prepare for as long as three to four months.

It takes three or four months to prepare, just for a celebration, is it worth it?

The young historian shook his head, sighed, and laughed again.

“Well, it’s worth it.”

He said so to himself.

At this time, the Warcraft leather paper on the wooden table was dry. He took out a sturdy box and pinched out a small amount of gemstone powder that was more finely ground than flour, and sprinkled it evenly on the Warcraft leather paper. Hu chanted the spell.

Along with the wonderful spell, the magical rune appeared on the top of the warcraft leather paper, slowly fell, and merged with it.

At first, the two sides were quite distinct, and there was a feeling that oil and water were incompatible. But as the magic continued, this feeling gradually weakened, and in the end the two sides finally merged perfectly, as if mixing alcohol and water into one, regardless of each other.

The historian, who already had sweat on his forehead, stopped and finished casting the spell.

And the original gray-white warcraft leather paper has turned pale gold at this moment, but the original black and green writing on miàn has a silvery white light.

He held up this piece of paper preciously, took a booklet with a number of loose leaves from the next shelf, unpacked it, and put this piece of paper on the last page.

This is the most important work of historians, recording history.

To this end, they need to dedicate their entire lives, vowing not to seek fame or fortune, not to keep offspring, but to pass on their ideals from generation to generation. In exchange for the ability to create such wonderful pages that are almost indestructible.

On that shelf, there are some other books, which are his teacher, and his teacher’s teacher, the historians who belong to their faction, the crystallization of life’s hard work.

And this room is a holy place for historians, their shrine, their altar, where they pray and fight.

The young historian finished his work today, put away all his tools, and walked out of the room tiredly.

He felt very tired and needed to go out to relax, but he had a big meal and had a good rest.

Walking on the street full of tourists and staff, he looked at the increasingly lively scenery and couldn’t help but smile.

After a while, he came to the square. A bard who painted his face in weird shapes with oil paint and couldn’t say anything funny was wearing colorful clothes, playing the shamisen, and singing a jovial tune.

Beside the bard, many tourists listened with interest. After a passage was sung, instead of taking off his hat to ask for a reward, the bard didn’t know where many green jellyfish gums were conjured and distributed to the children around him.

The children ran around happily eating candies, while the adults thanked them and followed.

“Today’s work is pretty good.” The historian walked over and said, “But it’s amazing that you will come to do this kind of thing in your capacity.”

“What’s so shocking about this?” Weixiào, the elector of the **** of literature and art, said, “I am a bard, and I take to the streets to perform in my spare time and bring joy to people. Isn’t it a matter of course? “

“Just as you are a voter in the field of’scholars’ as the **** of knowledge and culture, you are either busy teaching and educating people, or recording history.”

The elect of the **** of literature and art, a great writer, operaist, musician, and bard who is known to all the world under the name of “Shuvalier von Stolowski Franz”, by the way Shuge, who is still the leader of literature and art in the Northwestern Republic, smiled and took out the flask and handed it to the other party.

The elect of the **** of knowledge and culture come from the Hart family, who has been admiring the **** of scholars for hundreds of years and has been beloved by him. They are ready to inherit the title of earl by Owen Hartweixiào, and took over flagon.

“To be honest, I don’t like spirits.” He said, but he opened the lid without hesitation, raised his neck and took a gulp.

So his face flushed immediately, as if a flame was burning.

“How can a man not drink strong alcohol!” Xuge laughed and said, “You are an adult anyway, don’t be the same as when you first came here.”

“Age is of no significance to you and me.” Irving said, “Just as the strength of this wine is actually meaningless to you and me. I just don’t like the taste of this wine. .”

Voters have bodies that are immortal and are immune to many abnormal conditions. “Drunkenness” is one of them.

If necessary, both of them can drink the strongest wine in the world as cold water, and no matter how much they drink, they will eat at best, and it is absolutely impossible to get drunk.

So Irving has never understood why Shuge likes to drink?

But this does not hinder their friendship.

“Speaking…you haven’t attended the big celebration yet?” Shuge took the hip flask from Owen, raised his hand and wiped it on his face, and the colorful paint disappeared without a trace. The colored clothes on his body have also turned into simple robes, very similar to Owen dressed by a scholar next to him.

This is their usual costume. As for the fancy dress, it’s just his costume when performing on the street.

“Yes, I haven’t participated, so I am looking forward to it.” Irving said, “After this celebration, I will record it in detail and get a gold book specifically for this.”

“…As for? Making a whole volume of gold scrolls is not an easy job for you now, right.”

“But I think it’s necessary. For a long time, historians have paid too much attention to the record of those’big events’, but they don’t take people’s lives and all aspects of society seriously. Or in their opinion, The joys, sorrows and joys of ordinary people~IndoMTL.com~ are completely trivial.” Irving said seriously, “This is wrong! No matter how great people are, they also come out of ordinary people. No matter how important they are. Things are also accumulated and developed from little things. As a historian, I want to record the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys that are worth remembering by ordinary people, and also record the causes and consequences of the major events that affect the world.”

“It’s quite difficult.” Shuge took a sip of the wine himself and said, “I’m afraid you will spend your entire life on this.”

“What’s wrong with that? Find something worth doing for a lifetime, but you spend your whole life doing it well. This kind of life is simply perfect.”

Xuge nodded: “That’s right, you can spend your whole life on things worth doing, and do it well. This kind of life can be said to be perfect and enviable!”

“What about you?” Owen asked.

Xuge laughed: “I am not as serious as you, nor as serious as you. I just need to be my bard, bring laughter and happiness to people, and spread those wonderful ideas, interesting stories, Nice music is enough.”

“This is also good.”

“Of course, what I say is also a voter. If I don’t do a good job, wouldn’t it be an insult to your majesty’s vision!”

“Haha! It’s getting late, I’m a little hungry too, go have a meal?”

“Okay, you treat me.”

“…Great writer, you are richer than me.”

“Are you a nobleman? The nobleman doesn’t treat you. Let me, a commoner, make a treat. Is it reasonable?”

The two walked away gradually, and slowly walked into the nearby Fandiàn.

The square is full of people who marvel and laugh. (To be continued.)

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