Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 10:

The farmer shouted chants and instructed the old cow to slowly walk through the field with the plow, leaving behind the deep ravine land behind him.

“It’s incredible!” Knight Charles Oss, the eldest son of the late Knight Divor Oss, his heir, stared at the sight before him in awe, admiring it again and again, and finally to his side The thin man who wore thick clothes even in the warm weather said, “Master Crick, you are really the wisest person I have ever met!”

Crick Keane smiled, first coughed twice, and then said faintly: “This is nothing. Let the farmers gain more and let the people live better. This is the lord’s bounden duty. .”

After the battle a few months ago, he returned to his hometown and fell ill. After inspection, it turned out that it was because he was mixed into the battle of the Holy Spirit and the divine envoy level, lying down with the gun in the battle, and was cursed by the divine power.

This level of curse is difficult to get rid of, either by holding a large-scale magic ritual, or looking for a master at the chief priest level of a few large churches. Either way is beyond the ability of the Baron Keene, so he can only be so sick and slowly delay.

Fortunately, the principal of Masked Void Church in Keene happened to be a pastor who mastered the two fields of “life” and “healing”. With his help, Crick’s condition was at least stabilized. Although the body is a bit weak, at least it will not continue to deteriorate.

Crick felt that this was enough. After the earth-shattering battle, I was lucky enough to be able to talk and laugh so much. Pursuing more… is a bit greedy.

He witnessed the fall of a true **** and the death of countless envoys. As for the deaths of mortals, there are simply too many to count. It is said that there is a serious shortage of even the city guards on the Eagle Kingdom. In contrast, he is nothing more than a slight illness. My body is a little weak, and I have a low-grade fever with two coughs from time to time. What’s the point?

Because he was “escape from the battlefield” after all, he rarely showed up in front of people, and the external saying was “being sick in bed”. The title of Baron Keene has been handed over to his younger sister Anna. At present, he is like the black hand behind the story, hiding behind the scenes, promoting the development of Baron Keene.

Anna was naturally very happy that her brother was able to come back alive. Although the original army that was undoubtedly sent to death did not survive the return of ten, even the Cavalier Divor died on the battlefield, but as long as her brother could come back. She doesn’t care about anything else.

These days when her brother is absent, the little girl who barely supports her family business is really exhausted physically and mentally. She never thought it would be so hard to be a baron, never thought that there were so many things to deal with. Even with the “Concise Handbook of the Baron” left by her brother as a reference, even with the assistance of the Leiden butler, she felt dizzy. She often fell on the bed after finishing her work and fell into a sleepless sleep until the next day. morning.

If Crick can’t come back, maybe this little girl will grow up in hardships and eventually become a strong woman. But now that the big tree that can shelter from wind and rain is back. She naturally became a little deer sleeping peacefully under the tree, as long as she left everything to her brother.

In this regard, Crick could only smile helplessly.

My sister is not as greedy for power as in some dog-blood stories, which is certainly a good thing. But she is also the heir of the noble family after all! In case something happens to yourself. What should the Keene family do?

Although he is not really Crick Keane, since he has inherited the identity and inheritance of this young baron, he is obliged to take up the burden of the Keene family. In his work plan. Naturally, there is also an article about training Anna Keane as a qualified heir.

…In the end, he crossed it out.

Rotten wood cannot be carved.

Rather than relying on this younger sister who was just ten years old, it’s better to get married and have children by yourself. Hurry up and educate your children!

With this consideration, Crick held the wedding in a low-key manner. The former maid Amy Wei, the girl who had no outstanding talents other than one hundred loyalty, became the former Baroness Keene.

Of course Amy Wei is very happy. It doesn’t matter to her whether she can become a baroness, but the important thing is that Master Crick likes herself!

For a diehard who is almost as brainwashed, there is nothing happier than this!

There are people who are worthy of loyalty, those who are loyal to those you love, and those who love you at the same time, the three joys overlap together, it is a happy time like a dream!

Well, although after listening to her sigh, Crick really took time to investigate inside secretly to see if there is any need to find a white scholar who needs to be killed in his own territory, but it turns out that he was too worried.

As far as he is now “ill in bed”, it is unlikely that he will encounter any minor thirds, and since Amy Wei has only a normal average intelligence ten, it is also very difficult to be a qualified bitch. An expansion film like “White Album: Keene Family Storm” will never be staged.

At present, what Crick really cares about is not to guard against girls who may come out and shout “Why are you so skilled?”, but to continue the agricultural reforms that were interrupted because of their own expeditions.

Traditional farmers don’t have the habit of farming. They sow the seeds into the soil in the spring, and then either water a little when the soil is dry, or pull out a little when there are too many weeds to get rid of this. There is basically nothing other than that. You can concentrate on feeding the sheep or do something else.

In Crick’s view, this approach is simply a tragedy!

Even if he is just an art student who does not work hard, he knows that this kind of farming method is absolutely impossible!

So he started the experiment again, this time a farming experiment.

“Dug the farmland into ditches, then arrange the seeds in the ditches one by one, cover with a little soil, and finally water for it to germinate?” After listening to his plan, he helped him conduct research. Master Damweid frowned and said, “Isn’t this too troublesome?”

“It’s not very troublesome.” Crick said with a smile, “This method, combined with the fertilizer I added to the fields in the fall, should greatly increase the harvest.”

“But…you said that the workload of this’cultivation’ is really too great.” Master Damweid said, “There are few farmers who have time to complete this work before the end of the planting time.”

Crick froze for a moment. After careful recollection, I finally remembered that the land should be plowed.

Just. What should the plow do?

He really doesn’t understand this.

He talked about his idea of ​​the “plough” to the mage Damved, and the wise mage was also clueless. So he gathered all the senior officials and professionals in the territory and held a seminar.

In the discussion meeting, Nicola and Thomas proposed two different designs. Nikola’s design is more complicated and exquisite, and it seems to be very tall at first glance; Thomas’s design is an old fashioned style, but it seems to be able to make do with it.

After using magic to create the “plow” designed by two people on the spot, even Thomas had to admit that the things Nicholas designed were better than those he designed. But considering the issue of production efficiency, Thomas’ design ultimately prevailed.

…No way, the thing that Nicholas designed, the manufacturing time and the required magic power are close to five times that of Thomas. Worse. Even Thomas, the most powerful spellcaster in the entire territory, and Nikolai, who designed it, can’t make it. Only Dum, who has the three abilities of scholar, alchemist, and wizard, can make this thing. Master Wade alone.

In contrast, Thomas’s design can be completed by only ordinary intermediate mages, and more than 20 sets were completed on the same day. On the fourth day, all the farmers in the territory received the “plow”, and used manpower. , Or use animal power. “Plowing the field” began.

That was a week ago. Now the farmland of the entire territory has basically been cultivated, and many places have even completed planting and watering, just waiting for the seeds to germinate.

Crick and Charles are watching right now. It is almost the last field that has not yet been plowed. The owner of this field was a soldier who died on the battlefield. At this moment, the farmers and cattle who plowed the field were all assisted by the territory. Grown up in his children. This assistance will continue until it can support the entire family.

“You are really a generous and kind lord. A very humane lord.” Watching the soldier’s wife and children carefully sow the seeds, and then the skilled farmer sent from the territory helped them cover the soil and water. Charles couldn’t help sighing, “I never thought that there are nobles in the world who care about common people like you!”

“Haha, aren’t you also a nobleman yourself.” Crick said with a smile, “Whether it is you or your father, you are all people who care about common people.”

Speaking of his father, Charles looked slightly sad, but there was a light of longing in his eyes.

“Father, he… is a hero I admire. I want to be like him, I have a lot to learn!”

Crick patted him on the shoulder and nodded lightly, remembering the **** battle with Divor.

When did Divor fall?

When you rushed into the enemy line? Is it time to stand firm? Was it when you were involved in the battle of the God’s Corps? Is it when you charge with the Holy Spirit? Or when the envoys were besieged after they disappeared?

He tried to remember, but couldn’t figure it out clearly.

The memory of that battle is both clear and vague. He clearly remembers the tragic battle, blood, weapon collision, screams, roars, despair, anger and fear, but he has no way to remember many details~IndoMTL.com~ It hasn’t been long before the memory page is already It starts to fade.

After thinking for a while, he finally sighed secretly.

Anyway, Divor must have followed him towards the enemy line. With this alone, you are worthy of being a warrior!

“The dead are dead, but the living have to continue to work hard.” He looked up into the distance, and there were already many wild flowers blooming in the spring breeze. “Divor laid the foundation for this land. You will be able to continue on the foundation he laid.”


“To do better than him, carry forward the Oss family from generation to generation!”


“I will continue to work hard, Divor, Spencer… and those brave warriors, thanks to them, I can stand here alive. If I don’t work hard enough, I will lose face after death. Go and see them…”

Crick looked up at the blue sky and smiled. (To be continued.)

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