Cosmic Professional Gladiator Chapter 7: Talk

At night, the night wind is cooler,

Xu Jingming sat in the courtyard and admired the light. The light and wisdom were densely packed with universal human characters and a large number of formulas, but Xu Jingming was extravagantly concentrating. Xu Lixing, who was on the side, glanced at him and felt that his head was big. “Dad, you I don’t understand what I’m looking at.’

“In layman’s terms, it is the theoretical knowledge of space-time wormholes.” Xu Jingming introduced. “I understand,” Xu Lixing nodded. “The spaceships that really travel long distances in the universe. All of them have the ability to shuttle through wormholes. Through wormholes, one can travel from one space-time to another distant space-time in a very short time. .But I don’t understand any of these formulas, Dad.” These are some formulas of space-time folding. Xu Jingming introduced, “This formula is still very simple. It’s like when a wave is raised, the wave is big or small, and there is a shallow layer!!” “Don’t say it, I’m not interested.” Xu Lixing immediately stopped, Xu Lixing Jing Ming was startled. Alas, no one can share.

“Dad, if you learn this, will you be able to create space-time wormholes with your bare hands?” Xu Lixing is very interested in this, “I heard that the source life, manipulate the source force, is almost omnipotent.'” First of all, you have to learn. “

Xu Jingming smiled and said, “Your father is a novice, and he has not been able to create a space-time wormhole by himself. I must understand every step of the formation of a space-time wormhole, and understand the principles behind the steps, so that I can use the source to cast it. out.’

“It looks very difficult.” Xu Lixing got up, “Don’t disturb Dad.” Xu Jingming smiled and continued to learn these theoretical knowledge.

“If you want to be promoted to the tenth-order source life in the ninth-order source life, it is very simple to say that it is to use the spiritual power to rub the source force to build a basic tenth-order source force structure unit in the transition life.” As long as you can build a couple successfully! Next, you can copy and grow, and soon the whole body can be successfully replaced, completely entering the tenth-order source life level.” The tenth-order source force structural unit.

Xu Jingming is very clear that this seems to be the threshold, but in fact there are many hidden difficulties.

“When I built the ninth-order Huanli structure unit, after repeated tests in the virtual world, I wasted twelve minutes in reality. “Xu Jingming thought,” But the tenth-order, the difficulty has changed qualitatively. Nine Step-source life with a lifespan of 30,000 years.

The tenth-order source life has a lifespan of 100,000 years! This is also the limit lifespan below the high-dimensional life, and it can be born from the lifespan, the difference between the tenth and ninth orders.

“The tenth-order source life is already the most perfect life form in the entire universe. Its source force structure unit, in a sense, is already the most perfect in the universe in space and time.” Xu Jingming is also under pressure. This is the build on the micro side.

One, the power of the mind must be strong enough, otherwise it cannot continue to complete the entire construction process. “

Second, to fully understand the secret principle behind the source structure unit, it will be easier and more certain to build it.

“The difficulty of the tenth-order source force structure unit is divided into different stages according to the study materials of the Research Institute in the early Yuan Dynasty.” Xu Jingming thought, “The tenth-order life like the evolution method of the Tianmang needs to be mastered. Six source force models. Mastering these six source force models…representing the knowledge of the tenth-order source force structural unit, the foundation is enough.” “The six source force models, the first one, is the space-time wormhole model.” The space-time wormhole model is already the simplest. “Take your time. Xu Jingming is very clear that he can’t be in a hurry,

Although he has average accumulation of knowledge, after becoming a source life, his brain runs extremely fast, and his learning speed is naturally much faster. He is constantly gaining knowledge. Time passes by, and the night is deeper

In just a few hours of study and research, Xu Jingming has learned more than many planetary beings have learned in a lifetime, but even so, it is still far from a complete understanding of the “space-time wormhole model”. Wormhole shuttle, a seemingly universal spaceship capability, but most elementary civilizations of the universe have not mastered this knowledge, which shows that the difficulty is high. “Jing Ming.” Li Miaomiao walked out of the room. Xu Jingming looked up at Maizi. “Director Zhou contacted us and said that the Black Moon Civilization Mission had arrived.” Li Miaomiao said. “Black Moon Civilization Mission” Xu Jingming nodded slightly, “I know, they sent me a message in advance.

When the Black Moon Mission entered the solar system, he mastered each other’s every move. “Blue Star Civilization has already received the other party and arranged for them to stay and rest.” Lei Miao said, “There is hope on the Black Moon Civilization side, visit Jing Ming personally. Visit me”

Xu Jingming pondered and nodded, “I want to meet. Well, let’s arrange a meeting place in Binhai City.” Li Miao nodded: “Okay, I’ll tell Director Zhou when we will meet. “Tomorrow at 2 o’clock,” Xu Jingming said. The next afternoon, Binhai City, outside the State Guest House was heavily guarded.

In the lounge inside the State Guest House, many members of the Black Moon Civilization Mission are here, and some officials from the Blue Star Civilization are talking to them. Everyone has a relaxed and happy talk, but occasionally looks at the main road in the distance. , they are all waiting, waiting for someone!!!!…”The person is coming.””Arrived.

The members of the Black Moon Civilization Mission and the Blue Star Civilization officials all showed their spirits and went away when they encountered Yaoyao. I saw that the door in the distance had long been opened, and the guards were standing on both sides. A man with short black hair walked in and followed Director Zhou.

“The thirteen elders of Black Moon Civilization have been waiting inside for a long time, let’s go this way.” Director Zhou led the way, Xu Jingming nodded and walked in, his eyes swore at the many people entering the lounge. The Blue Star Civilization officials all smiled, and the members of the Black Moon Civilization Mission were extremely respectful. Xu Jingming just glanced at it, and then went inside.

In the corridor inside, there are a few people waiting, all of them are representatives of other major powers of the Blue Star Civilization. “Mr. Xu.’

“Finally met Mr. Xu.” One by one warmly greeted him.

Xu Jingming nodded slightly, and also gave these representatives face, each shaking hands.

“I’m going to see the Thirteen Elders of Black Moon Civilization first.” Xu Jingming said, and then the door opened and Xu Jingming walked in. But Director Zhou and everyone else stayed outside. Because this meeting is not a meeting of two civilizations. It was the Thirteen Elders of Black Moon Civilization who came to visit Xu Jingming personally.

” The thirteen elders of the Black Moon Civilization are the thirteen people with the highest status in the entire Xingyue Civilization. I heard that there are two source beings in it, and the other eleven are either great scholars or have very large Power.

“But they are in such a hurry to visit Mr. Xu.”

“Mr. Xu, he is quite prestigious in the entire Wu Gou Xingwang.”

The representatives of the major powers of Blue Star chatted softly and walked to the lounge. They were in the corridor before to meet Xu Jingming. in the conference hall.

The thirteen elders of the Black Moon Civilization stood in an orderly manner, led by two primordial beings, welcoming Xu Jingming’s arrival.

As soon as Xu Jingming entered the conference hall, he saw this scene. “Master Wu Ming.” The red-brown long-haired old man said with a smile. I finally saw Mr. Wu Ming. “Li Lilun also said, Wu Ming, Xu Jingming’s code name in the research institute at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty! In the universe, when faced with a distinguished person, it is usually a pseudonym, and I dare not call him by his real name.” You came very quickly. “Xu Qinming was not polite. He walked to the side of the chair and sat down, and glanced at the thirteen people, “Sit down, if it is a guest, Xu Jingming’s attitude will definitely be much better. But Black Moon Civilization? It’s not a guest! Thirteen elders trembled slightly, and then sat down in an orderly manner.

“When we heard the news of Master Wu Ming’s breakthrough as Primordial Life, we were very happy for the Wu Hook Star Alliance. But we soon found out!!! It turns out that there are some minor conflicts between our Black Moon civilization and Blue Star civilization.’ Red The brown long-haired old man said, “Actually, the development of the minerals of the Blue Star Civilization was driven by an eighth-order starry sky life “Cipola” within our Black Moon Civilization, and it was also promoted by his family member Enno. Chief is in charge of this. Xu Jingming nodded slightly and continued to listen.

With the fortune of the trillions of space coins of the original Blue Star Civilization, it is true that the entire Black Moon Civilization cannot rise to the heart of the entire Black Moon Civilization.

“After the conflict between Lunaduo and the Blue Star Civilization, he directly contacted our Black Moon Civilization.” said the reddish-brown long-haired old man, “Our Fruit Moon Civilization is not considered strong among the entire Zimu human race. It’s just a primary civilization in the universe! In the face of Lunaduo and the threats he may bring in the future!!! We choose to withdraw the garrison.” Our original intention was just not to offend Lunaduo and to get involved in it. said the elder.

“Just unwilling to get involved?” Xu Jingming looked at him, “What will happen in the end by leaving the garrison and isolating the Blue Star civilization? Don’t say you can’t think of it!” The thirteen elders fell silent. Yes, they can’t quibble.

At their level, no fools, everyone knows the result of the isolation of the Blue Star civilization at that time. “This is our fault.” The elder said,

“We also ask for your forgiveness, Lord Wu Ming.” Mo Lilun also spoke

“Elder Du Lingchen, Elder Xing Lilun.” Xu Jingming slapped them both, “You are all Primordial Beings just like me, so there is no need to call me adults.” Generally, the Starry Sky Life will call Yuan Life “sir”, this is different levels of life. Or, for those with low status, call those with high status as adults. “No no no, we are different,” the elder didn’t mind his face at all, “how can we compare with Lord Wu Ming.”

“Xing Lilun also said” the whole process, Lord Wu Ming is also very clear. After learning that it was Lord Ming who returned to Blue Star, our thirteen elders of Guoyue Civilization came immediately, just to beg Wu Ming Lord’s forgiveness. Lord Wu Ming forgives us, and our Heiyue Civilization will feel at ease. The other eleven elders all have humility on their faces.

They are all characters in the Black Moon Civilization, but they all have to bow their heads at this moment.

“Because you chose to isolate and eventually the star thieves attacked.” Xu Shaming’s face was indifferent, “You should know the serious consequences of star thieves robbing a weak civilization. When screening in a mysterious place, Xu Jingming experienced Hundreds of life predicaments, encountered the terrible scene of Blue Star civilization being robbed by star thieves. “Yes. “The thirteen elders are all having headaches.

“We are willing to pay the price and hope to be forgiven by Lord Wu Ming.” The elder Du Lingchen said solemnly. Xu Jingming didn’t speak, just listened.

“First of all, those who promote the development of the Blue Star civilization will be punished, including Cipolla’s family, as well as many key figures such as Captain Enno.” The elder said, Xu Jingming listen, punish? When you punish people of your own civilization, you will naturally follow you.

“We are willing to pay the price of 100 trillion Cosmic Coins, and hope to be forgiven by Lord Wu Ming.” The elder Du Lingchen said respectfully, and Xu Jingming’s heart moved slightly. The price of 100 trillion Cosmos coins is relatively large even for the Black Moon civilization!

Although the undeveloped life planet is worth about 100 billion Cosmos coins. But the development and construction of a living planet also requires huge costs. The cost is even higher if the entire planet is ‘hosted’.

Under normal circumstances, a well-built life planet is worth about 500 billion. That kind of construction is particularly embarrassing, and the price is not capped at 100 trillion space coins, which is enough to buy 200 well-built life planets or even a relatively poor and desolate complete galaxy territory. A complete galaxy contains countless planets. Even if there are only thirty or fifty well-built life planets, it is a complete galaxy after all, and its value is enough to reach 100 trillion. Like the Milky Way, the value is much higher.

In the universe, planets are easy to buy, but galaxies are difficult! Because every galaxy!!! Most of them have many civilizations. “I understand the sincerity of the Black Moon civilization.” Xu Jingming nodded, “But I think, No need.” Xu Jingming was about to get up when he said that

“It is necessary.” The elder Du Lingchen immediately stood up to stop him, “Our Black Moon civilization is very sincere.” Mo Lilun also looked at Xu Jingming: “Master Wu Ming, if you have any requests, feel free to ask.” Xu Jingming read look at them. Blue Star Civilization is at a time when it is weak. At this time, it is natural to take the opportunity to slap a piece of meat.

After all, I am also bound by the laws of the Cosmic Human Alliance, and what I can do to the Black Moon Civilization is limited. In exchange for sufficient benefits, it may be the best choice for the Blue Star Civilization, and it can also make the Black Moon Civilization the best choice. distressed enough.

“Sincere, you have to be Xu Jingming stretched out a finger of his left hand,

The first elder Du Lingchen, Li Lilun, and the other eleven people looked at Xu Jingming, scratching one finger that Xu Jingming stretched out, thinking about the meaning Xu Jingming stretched out five fingers of his left hand. Du Lingchen and Mo Lilun looked at each other.

The first elder Du Lingchen said immediately: “Yes, we are not sincere enough, five trillion universe coins, I hope to be forgiven by Mr. Wu Ming.”

The other elders are all distressed, five trillion space coins? This is a huge amount of wealth. It is difficult for the entire Black Moon civilization to come up with this amount of money in a short period of time. It has to find a way to collect it.

But their thirteen elders still decided, give it! Abandoning five trillion billion is just bloodletting for civilization.

If the contradictions are not resolved, perhaps after 100,000 years, the territory of the Black Moon civilization will shrink by half. Xu Guoming looked at the thirteen elders of Yang, and he didn’t feel bad! He stretched out five fingers, because the entire civilization of Guoyue Civilization was able to come up with so much. If he asked for more, Guoyue Civilization will have to mortgage and sell assets in large quantities

This is also the reason why Elder Du Lingchen and the others resolutely agreed after Xu Jingming’s request. Although Xu Jingming was hostile, he understood that the fundamental reason behind it was Lu Xueduo, and the Black Moon Civilization just chose to stand on Lu Naduo’s side .

“Okay, I see your sincerity.” Xu Jingming got up, “I will also keep my promise.” Heiyue Civilization Thirteenth Elder felt relieved when he heard this.

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