Cosmic Professional Gladiator Chapter 6: The test of the first planet

Xu Jingming and his 58,920 people gathered together, looking at the illusory figure in the air.

The illusory figure overlooks the bottom: “The rules of the mysterious place, every time you pass the test of a planet, you are eligible to go to the next planet. After passing all the tests, you can reach the final seventh planet.”

These 58,920 people have quite a history.

After all, those who can know the opportunity of ‘Blood Rain World’ and can sacrifice 10,000 gold are among the best among the citizens of the universe! Among them are the peerless geniuses of a certain civilization, and the royal family of certain civilization empires, There are also some members of the great family of the universe

“There are seven planets, and each planet has many opportunities.” The illusory figure continued, “From the first planet to the seventh planet, the more you go, the better your chances will be. So your best choice is Reach the seventh planet, and then explore the opportunity.”

Xu Jing sighed secretly.

This guide has actually stated the best way to discover it.

“The seventh planet? How many can reach the seventh planet?”

“Our entire history of civilization has only reached the fifth planet.

“If you can get a good chance, even if you earn it. Otherwise, you will keep exploring, and you will be kicked out when the time comes, and there is no chance at all, then you will lose a lot.

Many citizens of the universe below muttered and did not agree with what the guide said, because each civilization has a large number of exploration experience instruments for reference, and they know how difficult it is to go to the seventh planet.

“Come to the mysterious place for chance.”

“The opportunity that suits you is the best.”

When some people were muttering, the illusory figure above continued: “You have 330 days to explore the mysterious land! In these 330 days, you can try the test again and again, you can look for opportunities, and you can even go offline. Ask your teachers, your elders!”

“Once the 330-day period expires, you will also be excluded from the Mysterious Lands.”

“I wish you all to reach the seventh planet and get the best chance.” The phantom figure said, “Explore the time, start the countdown now! For the detailed test content of the seven planets, you can check the personal panel.”

After speaking, the phantom figure disappeared.

Suddenly, one by one, he clicked on the personal panel to view, and Xu Jingming also clicked on it, and there was test information in it.



The shadow of the first planet appeared in front of me, and a grand canyon was marked in it, as if the entire planet had been split by a knife

This grand canyon is connected with chains.

Step on the chain and carefully walk from one end of the canyon to the other. When you successfully reach the other end, you have passed the test, you can walk into the miniature wormhole and go to the second planet.

There are many chains! Lengths vary from 828 kilometers to 916 kilometers, and there are many dangers on the way. If you fail, you have to start all over again.

There are also many opportunities in other areas of the first planet.

“The chain?” Xu Jingming didn’t care about the chance of the first planet, he only cared about the chain.

“Go ahead and try.”

Xu Jingming quickly determined the road according to the 3D map guidance provided by the personal panel.

“Select the equipment first.” Through the personal panel, he quickly chose a set of light armored boots and a long spear. Although Xu Jingming’s footwork and marksmanship has reached the seventh rank, his shield skill is temporarily stuck at the sixth level. Level 99%


Following the path, Xu Jingming went all the way.

People from various civilizations around have chosen their weapons and equipment and headed to the Grand Canyon.

“I’m Lan Mo from the Nine Feather Star Alliance.” The tall blue-skinned human walking aside approached Xu Jingming and said enthusiastically.

Xu Jingming glanced at the other party, with a height of 2.35 meters, blue skin, and long hair tied into hundreds of small braids. I don’t know this, Lan Mo’ understands the importance of hiding one’s identity.

“Wu Hook Star Alliance, Wu Ming.” Xu Jingming gave a false name casually.

“Wu Hook Star Alliance? It’s still a long way from our Nine Feather Star Alliance. My biggest goal in my life is to travel to every Star Alliance in all human territories, but now, we haven’t even finished our hunter universe. The tickets for the trans-star alliance are too expensive.” This Lan Mo sighed.

Xu Jingming was curious: “I haven’t really researched it. How much is the ticket from the Nine Feather Star Alliance to the Wugou Star Alliance?”

“The ticket must be more than 100 million universe coins.” Lan Mo said, “and it’s not direct! It takes a detour to pass through many Covenants, and the journey will take at least three months.

Xu Jingming nodded.

Nine Feather Star Alliance and Wu Hook Star Alliance, the direct route is more than 2 billion light-years! If you detour through multiple star alliances, it will indeed take a long time. It is sky-high to be able to travel a spacecraft in such a distant starry sky! Naturally, the ticket is also very high.

“There are 185 star alliances in the Hunter universe, and I’ve only traveled to less than half of them.” Lan Mo shook his head, “When can I go to other universes? Experience? By the way, you Wugou Xingmeng have them. Is there anything particularly interesting?

“I don’t like traveling, I don’t understand.” Xu Jingming said.

I have never been out of the Blue Star civilization! I have never been out of the solar system.

“The path of evolution is to learn, but also to walk the universe.” Lan Mo said, “Brother Wu Ming, there are so many wonders in the universe, and different civilizations have different wonderful things. The more knowledge you have, it will be very helpful for your practice. “

“Oh. Xu Jingming responded.

No money, no time.

“Let me tell you, the Northern Sparrow Star Alliance I went to last time was very interesting. Lan Mo had a very lively chat.

He chatted while Xu Jingming listened, occasionally complimenting him.

It took half an hour to reach the Grand Canyon.

“When we started chatting, time passed before we knew it.” Lan Mo looked at the grand canyon in front of him and said happily, “Okay, Brother Wu Ming, it was a pleasure chatting with you. I hope we will meet on the seventh planet. Well.”

“You are quite confident.” Xu Jingming said.


Lan Mo was confident enough to step onto a thick chain in front of him.

The whole body of the chain is dark gray, roughly as thick as Xu Jingming’s fist, with no end in sight, leading to nothingness ahead.

“It’s less than a thousand kilometers of chains.” Lan Mo walked on the chains. The wind in this Grand Canyon was very strong, and the wind swept through it, making Lan Mo sway, “It’s too windy! Wu Brother Ming, you have to be careful.”

“Thank you.” Xu Jingming also stepped onto another chain next to him.

“Physical fitness is still limited to the level of the blood rain world. If you fall into such a deep canyon, you will definitely fall to your death.

Xu Jingming held a spear and stepped on the chain very steadily.

Walk one step at a time.

Walking the chain is very easy for the master of cell-level control.


“Hu.” “Hu.” “Hu.” The farther you go, the stronger the wind in the Grand Canyon. The wind is irregular, sometimes big, sometimes small, and sometimes the wind direction changes!

Xu Jingming walks in chains, and the long spear in his hand is used as a balance rod.

“A three-meter long spear, when used as a balance rod, makes walking much easier.” Xu Zuoming walked quickly.

“Oops! Not good!”

A familiar shout came from not far away.

Xu Jingming glanced at it and saw that the Lanmo brothers who said ‘meet on the seventh planet’ before, could not control their balance and fell from the chain.

“I’ll get a balance bar next time.” When Lan Mo fell, he looked at Xu Jingming on the chain not far away, and immediately felt that having a ‘balance bar’ was too convenient.

“I’m not just a balance rod.” Xu Jingming was holding a long spear and watching other chains around him. There were still a few chains in the visible range. There were also citizens of the universe walking carefully, and they also carried their own weapons. ” And the first planet test set by the top forces of the Seventeenth National Congress should not only test the balance bar.”

Walk all the way.

Although the chain is long and swaying in the wind, Xu Jingming is walking on the ground after balancing with the help of a three-meter spear.

After walking for 100 kilometers, Xu Jingming suddenly saw on a chain in the distance, a four-armed human being holding four large machetes and three strange birds fighting, and the three strange birds besieged and attacked again and again. Hit, extremely vicious.

“A strange bird attacked?” Xu Jingming’s heart tensed.

The strange birds also noticed Xu Jingming, and immediately let out a harsh neigh, which made Xu Jingming be more vigilant and walk forward faster.


Another group of strange birds flew, there were five in total.

Each strange bird is no less than a human after spreading its wings, and it is extremely ferocious.

“Here it is.

Xu Jingming’s spear flicked and crossed arcs. Although the strange bird flew towards the spear and his wings slapped towards the spear, the spear still followed a graceful curved trajectory, piercing the eye of the strange bird and piercing through it. brain-

Shoot to death.

The strange bird immediately fell from the sky.

Poof, poof, .poof

Look for loopholes. When Xu Jingming watched the four-armed man and the strange birds fight, he noticed that the claws and wings of the strange birds were inaccessible, and they had to find loopholes

“Woohoo~~” The wind howled and the chains shook violently.

Xu Jingming stood on the chain, maintaining his balance while fighting hard.

“For the enemy’s action, the force must be shorter, and at the same time maintain balance at all times.” Xu Jingming’s marksmanship is high enough. A few days ago, he integrated the spiritual will of every cell in the body and completely condensed the uniqueness!

The control of the body is high enough, use force to fight, change instantaneously, seize the opportunity to kill the enemy instantly.

It seems easy to do, but it is actually very demanding.

Five strange birds, after Xu Jingming killed three of them in succession, the other strange birds left in fright. Xu Jingming used the spear as a balance rod, seized the opportunity when there was no surprise attack by strange birds, and walked faster on the chain.

Cha Yu, here I am again. I also brought a balance bar this time. Lan Mo carried the knife on his back, but in his hand was a professional flat bar.

Walking on the chain, with the help of the balance bar, Lan Mo is obviously much easier.

“Teacher, why didn’t he tell me in advance that he should bring a balance bar when going through the test of the first planet? Let me run more together,” Lan Mo is also a sixth-order star life after all, and he has strong control over himself. The quill rod, running fast on the chain.


“That’s fast.

Lan Mo ran fast and ran for a long time.

“What’s that?”

In the darkness in the depths of the Grand Canyon, three vaguely strange birds flew out. After finding Lanmo, they rushed over quickly.

“Are there strange birds?” Lan Mo immediately threw the balance bar in his hand forward, and immediately drew his sword to deal with the strange birds.

Boom bang bang.

Fighting for several rounds, although he resisted the monster bird, he couldn’t keep his balance, and he fell down again by accident.

“It’s useless to have a balance bar. Brother Wu Ming’s method doesn’t work either. What should I do? How can I get past it?” When Lan Mo fell, he was still thinking about his next attempt.

The way is, kill it!

Xu Zuiming marched on the chain all the way. On the way, he occasionally encountered strange birds, ranging from one or two to seven or eight. When these strange birds saw the citizens of the universe, they would attack wildly.

But Xu Jingming killed all the way with a spear!

Killing while still maintaining balance, just like that, to the other end of the long chain.

The chains are approximately 900 kilometers long.

“It took 18 hours and 26 minutes to walk.” Xu Jingming looked at the personal panel and determined the time it took to pass the chain.

In front of the chain, a miniature wormhole appears.

The wormhole is only three meters in diameter, and the whole body is dark and twisted.

“I don’t know what happened to the Lanmo brother I just met, let alone the seventh planet. I hope to see him on the fifth planet. Xu Jingming then walked into the miniature wormhole.

On the long chain with no end in sight, Lan Mo, holding a pair of knives, fell again while fighting against the monster bird.

His eyes were blank as he fell.

“Am I going to be stuck on the first planet all the time?”

“I am also a sixth-order starry sky life that I cultivated on my own. My father praises me. I have 8 times the actual combat bonus! –A chain will stop me?” Lan Mo couldn’t believe it, and he didn’t want to believe it.

“It’s okay, I have a year!” Lan Mo’s eyes were full of determination, and then he fell into the endless darkness of the canyon.


Xu Jingming walked out of the miniature wormhole and looked at a new planet in front of him.

At first glance, this vast planet has some strange creatures! These creatures are somewhat similar to large mantises and large beetles. At least Xu Jingming saw six different creatures with one ~ Zerg. “Xu Jingming confirmed it immediately.

The Zerg, a very terrifying group in the universe, once brought a great threat to the human beings in the universe in history.

Of course now the entire ‘Zerg’ is completely controlled by humans and used by humans. It is one of the “arms of the human beings in the universe.

“This second planet is the Zerg planet?” Xu Jingming looked around. The area where he was located was the exit area of ​​the miniature wormhole, which was covered by a protective cover, and the Zerg could not approach.

Outside the protective cover, a head worm can be seen in the distance.

There are lonely Zerg gnawing on the rock, and more than ten Zerg are advancing together. In the distance, there is a cosmic citizen and five Zerg fighting each other, which quickly attracts more Zerg, just ten seconds, go up Hundreds of zerg all came over, tearing the cosmic citizen into pieces.

“It’s so miserable.” Xu Jingming’s pupils shrank.

Torn to pieces, the virtual world is almost real, which is not a good taste.

Xu Jingming didn’t look at it anymore, but clicked on the personal panel: “Check the test content of this second planet.

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