Cosmic Professional Gladiator Chapter 58: Outside the city

The account balance has greatly increased, and Xu Jingming is also in a very good mood. He smiled and said: “Zhang Lao has two transactions and brought people directly to sacrifice. It seems that the citizens of the universe who directly bought ‘10,000 gold’ for sacrifice are quite good. A lot.”

“It is quite a lot.” The old man did not hide it, and said, “The sacrifice in the blood rain world is an opportunity! A chance to reach the sky in one step! Therefore, many talented cosmic citizens are willing to directly sacrifice 10,000 gold and go to Give it a try. But the number of ‘gold and silver’ in Blood Rain World is limited, that is, in the imperial capital, you will think that there is still a lot of gold and silver… If you are in some ordinary cities, it is too difficult to get 10,000 gold. “

Xu Jingming understood.

“Cosmic citizen customers who want to buy 10,000 gold are all lining up.” The old man said, “What restricts them from ‘sacrifice’ is that there is too little gold and silver in the Blood Rain World.”

Xu Jingming nodded slightly: “Perhaps, this is also a deliberate restriction set by Blood Rain World.”


The old man nodded, “Blood Rain World is official, after all, it is official! They want to flood gold and silver, and the amount of gold and silver will immediately increase. If they want to tighten ‘gold and silver’, the difficulty of players getting gold and silver will increase immediately. To remind you…the gold and silver you carry with you in the world of blood rain, it is best not to exceed 10,000 gold.”

“Understood.” Of course Xu Jingming understood.

“And the gold and silver you have accumulated, it is best not to exceed 100,000 gold.” The old man said, “Once it exceeds 100,000 gold! It will be strongly targeted by the world, and it will be difficult to move in the blood rain world.”

“Accumulated no more than 100,000 gold” Xu Jingming is clear.

This is information that Pang Ze doesn’t even know.

The old man and Xu Jingming chatted for a while and then left.

Virtual World Network, Xu Jingming’s personal space.

In a private living room of the spacecraft, Xu Jingming sat on the sofa, drinking and watching the cosmic starry sky scene outside the glass of the spacecraft.

“The account balance is already 900 million, so it is not difficult to collect 10,000 gold. I can pick up a few assassination missions at random.” Xu Jingming opened the personal combat power panel, watching his own state, “But my Rainbow Spear is only level 6 98 now.”

After igniting the light of the soul, Xu Jingming practiced his marksmanship diligently every day, and his marksmanship was slowly improving, but it was obviously still worse than the seventh rank.

“Sacrificing 10,000 gold to get a chance. In the world of blood rain, each player has only one chance in their life! Don’t waste this precious opportunity, you must reach the seventh level before heading to the mysterious place.” Xu Jingming secretly said.

He had to be careful every step of the way.

He is the first genius of Blue Star! He is also the furthest along the evolutionary path of Blue Star.

If he wastes his chance too casually, it will not only affect his own future, but most importantly…it will affect the future of the entire Blue Star civilization.

So, be careful!

Xu Jingming gently clicked on his personal friend list and invited three friends.


Three figures came soon, it was Liu Hai, Tu Ling, and Zhang Qing.

“Master, you all sit down.” Xu Jingming got up.

Zhang Qing sat on the sofa with some curiosity, picked up the wine glass in front of him, and said with a smile: “How can we, the number one master of Blue Star today, think of contacting me, a new citizen of the universe.”

Liu Hai and Tu Ling also sat down and looked at Xu Jingming.

“I’m working on a plan in the world of blood rain.” Xu Jingming smiled, “My master and sister Tu Ling are also helping me, I also want to ask sister Zhang for your help, don’t worry, the time will not exceed ten days !The employment cost is 1 million universe coins, and the first entry into the blood rain world requires 100,000 universe coins, plus 100,000 universe coins to turn on the ‘smart on-hook’. So the actual amount in Zhang Jie’s hands is 800,000 universe coins.”

“Master, Sister Tu Ling, you both need to work hard for the next ten days, and the cost is also 1 million universe coins.”

Xu Jingming said.

“Brother Xu, aren’t you hiring us?” Tu Ling said.

“The next ten days will be very hard.” Xu Jingming said, “It’s not the same as the previous employment, so naturally the price must be increased. Don’t worry… I made a lot of money from this plan, even if it’s a red envelope for Master and you all. .”

“Mr. Pang gave me a red envelope, and Jing Ming, you also sent a red envelope, okay, I know you make a lot of money, so I will accept it.” Liu Hai did not refuse.

“Knowing that both you and Mr. Pang are very rich, I’m a newcomer, so I’ll be a big eater.” Tu Ling said happily.

Seeing this, Zhang Qing did not refuse.

Xu Jingming said: “I will tell you the tasks for the next ten days.”

As he spoke, a map of Yang Mansion and the surrounding streets and lanes appeared.

“This is the scene around the ‘Yang Mansion’, the imperial capital of the Blood Rain World.” Xu Jingming said, “From today onwards, we need to monitor the large team coming out of the Yang Mansion. The Yang family team comes out…there are only two key exits, one One is here, one is here.”

Xu Jingming pointed to two of the street forks.

“Master and I monitor during the day and monitor the fork separately.” Xu Jingming said, “Sister Tu Ling and Sister Zhang are in charge of monitoring at night, but it’s actually easier at night, because the city gate is closed at night! There are few people on the road at night, no It is suitable for the Yang family team to hide, so there is a high probability that they will not leave the Yang residence at night. But we still have to be cautious and ensure that there are people watching during the day and night.”

“This is the person who needs to be careful.” Xu Jingming took out the video images of some people.

The intelligence of these video images was purchased from the virtual world network, and also learned from the interrogation of Yang Liao.

“My goal this time is the team led by Yang Liao.” Xu Jingming said, “The list of 80 people he can determine is here!”


Let Yang Liao go back alive because Xu Jingming thought ‘Yang Liao’ was a soft persimmon, and chose Yang Liao’s team as the target.

“The Yang family is not at ease with these guards, and even confines the guards to the Yang residence temporarily, just because they are afraid that these guards will leak their secrets. Once they act… even if the guards are separated, they should be divided into teams of dozens of people. A team that is too small can easily go out of control.” Xu Jingming was on the second floor of a rented residential house, and the window of this residential house just happened to see the fork in the road.

Xu Jingming silently squatted and stood guard.

Three or five pedestrians, don’t need to pay attention at all, as long as a slightly larger group, only to have a look.

Xu Jingming locked the list of 80 people! There are videos of everyone.

Monitoring is very boring! Xu Jingming can’t guarantee whether the hired players are paid a fixed salary or not. That’s why I asked Master Liu Hai, Tu Ling, and Zhang Qing for help.

As for there is no ‘smart on-hook’, it is because the ‘image’ recorded on the virtual world network is unknown to the intelligence. The “intelligence” can take orders, and all the intelligences experienced in the blood rain world know. But some experiences in the virtual world network, the intelligence does not know, ‘it’ cannot identify the 80 people.

It’s getting dark.

“Brother Xu.” Tu Ling came with some food and other items, “I’ll take over.”

“It’s hard work.” Xu Jingming also packed up some of the food he ate during the day and walked out with a basket.

Xu Jingming and Tu Ling fixed one monitoring point, and Liu Hai and Zhang Qing fixed one monitoring point.

The Yang Mansion team must pass through one of the forks when going out.

“The Yang residence has recently, occasionally a team goes out.” In the early morning, Liu Hai was eating the noodles and watched patiently, “But I have never found that the 80 people need to be monitored.”

Just then—a

A team of eighty or ninety people passed the fork in the road.


Liu Hai suddenly shuddered, reaching cellular level control, how amazing his vision is. At a glance, he found that more than 30 people in this team were the people in the video given by Xu Jingming.

One or two people may have missed it, but more than 30 people, Liu Hai found it with a glance.

“It came out.” Liu Hai was a little excited.

Liu Hai immediately realized that he was out of the world of blood rain, and instantly sent a message to Xu Jingming: “Jingming, I found a team of 89 people, of which 35 people are on your list.”

“Master, follow them carefully, don’t be discovered by them.” Xu Jingming also uploaded a message online. “Don’t worry.”

Liu Hai was quite confident, and immediately left the residence and followed carefully.

Mi Lai Lai *ice*

In the imperial capital, Xu Jingming, Tu Ling, and Zhang Qing all arrived here on an official road at the South City Gate.

“The Yang family’s team is all going to the Eastern Region! To go to the Eastern Region, we must go to the south, and there is a high probability that we will pass through this official road.” Xu Jingming said, “But this is too close to the city gate and is not suitable for If you do it, once you do it, it will attract the army of the imperial city defending the city.”

“Sister Tu Ling, Sister Zhang, you two are waiting here, responsible for cooperating with my master.” Xu Jingming said.

“Don’t worry.”

“We must be watching.”

Zhang Qing and Tu Ling are very confident.

Xu Jingming nodded slightly, then headed south along the official road alone, he needs to go and gather with his team! Before monitoring Yang Mansion, he had already transferred all the hired cosmos players out of the imperial capital and arranged At a place more than a hundred miles south of the Imperial City, let the players go offline collectively! Wait for his call at any time!

A caravan of nearly 300 people left the southern gate of the imperial capital. The caravan included carriages, trucks, and a large number of caravan escorts on horseback. It’s just that most of these horses are short and obviously ordinary.

Stamina is good, but speed is average.

“Out of the imperial capital.”

In the carriage of the carriage, Yang Liao sat in it, and his wife and concubine also accompanied him.

Yang Chang was nervous and expectant.

“According to my father’s arrangement, the destination of my team is ‘Qulan City’ in the Eastern Region. In the future, my team…is the Qulan Yang family.” Yang Liao is looking forward to the future life, ” I am also the head of the Qu Lan Yang family, I have the final say!”

“I heard that the outside is very chaotic and bandits are rampant.” Yang Liao’s wife was a little worried, she was also from a big family, and now she must follow her husband to the Eastern Region.

“Don’t worry, we are perfectly disguised as ordinary caravans on the surface, and even the carriages and horses are purchased caravans.” Yang Liao said, “There is a way for thieves, and you can still arrive safely after paying some protection fees. From the Eastern Regions! Even if we really turn our heads… hum, we are more than ten times stronger than ordinary caravans.”

These guards are all elites.

The team is advancing.

On the vast land, Liu Hai followed far behind.

The speed of the pony is not fast, the speed of the inflow master is very amazing, and it can easily keep up! It’s just that the energy consumption of the inflow master when performing movement techniques is also large. Fortunately, it is enough to keep up with one or two hours. If you want to track For a day or two, Liu Hai was exhausted.

“Before leaving the city, this team turned left and right in the imperial capital, and even changed their attire, disguised as a caravan. Fortunately, I remember all the 80 people clearly.” Liu Hai followed carefully, Tu Ling, Zhang Qing and the others followed further afield.


More than a hundred miles away from the southern gate of the imperial capital, there is a mountain forest.

Xu Jingming also summoned all Cosmic Citizen players.


Xu Jingming looked at three eighth-tier masters, sixty first-class masters, and one hundred second-tier masters, and smiled, “Today is the last day of this hiring plan. After completing today’s task, the task will officially end.”

These Cosmic Citizen players are all delighted.

The task is quite easy. It is said to be hired for a month, but it is not actually a month.

And the key actions are looting the Yicui Building, attacking Cheng Yanran, and this time against the Yang family team! There are not many requirements for the players.

“In about five minutes, the target team will pass the official road in front of us.” Xu Jingming said, “I will briefly describe the action plan.”

All players listen.

The last action of the mission has to be done beautifully.

“Okay, that’s it.” After Xu Jingming finished his plan, he said, “Let’s disperse first, then ambush.” ​​The team immediately moved into action, quietly ambushing in the forest beside the official road.

Xu Jingming was with the three eighth-order masters and patiently waited for the arrival of the Yang family team.

“I see.”

Xu Jingming saw the team from a distance. The Yang family team rode on horses. Even if it was a pony, Tong went from far to near in just one minute.


Xu Jingming gave news to hired players through the virtual world network.


All players were ordered to act at the same time, swish swish! All of them turned into afterimages and rushed out.

The Yang family team, nearly 300 people marched.


A group of people rushed down from the side of the forest, and they stopped at the front of the team, the back of the team, and the side of the mountain.

“There are bandits!”

The Yang family team members were also surprised.

An old man from the Yang family in the “Dare to ask who is the hero” said Our caravan has done some hard business, and I would like to donate some money to the heroes, and please let us go. “

“What’s the matter?” During the horse incident, Yang Liao’s wife and concubines were all shocked.

“It’s fine, it’s normal to encounter bandits outside the city.” Yang Liao said, “Those bandits will also weigh them up and won’t fight easily.”

But at this moment, three terrifying spiritual powers spread.

“The Law”

Many horses flinched in fright. Everyone in the Yang family immediately dismounted and tried their best to hold the reins. If they didn’t hold the reins, these horses would probably have fled in fright.

“Not good.” Everyone in the Yang family also felt bad. I saw four figures walking out of the forest.

Walking at the front is Xu Jingming wearing a human skin mask, holding a long spear, and beside him are three rank eight masters.

Although Xu Jingming invites three eighth-order masters to have strong spiritual power, they can cover nearly 300 teams at the same time, and they can only make those horses terrified, and their influence on incoming masters is much weaker!

If only a few people are targeted, the psychic power threat is much greater.

The so-called psychic shock is also a ‘psychic confrontation’. The weak need to resist the strong! If a large number of weak resist together…and the effect is much better.

“Second Young Master Yang, I haven’t seen you for a few days, but it’s okay” Xu Jingming’s voice resounded around him. Young Master Yang

The Yang family’s team couldn’t help but panic, this group of bandits knew that they were the Yang family team, and also knew that the leader was Yang Liao

“This is so familiar”

Yang Liao carefully lifted the curtain of the car and saw four very familiar people approaching.

“It’s you” Yang Liao was shocked.

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