Cosmic Professional Gladiator Chapter 5: Lunado

The latest website: the headquarters of the Yuanchu Research Institute, in a large warehouse. “This ingot Heifeng 1 spaceship is 92 meters long. It is a spaceship routinely equipped by the ninth-order source beings of the Yuan Dynasty Research Institute. It can be sold so expensive, mainly because of the standard configuration of the ninth-order research institutes in the early Yuan Dynasty. Its real cost is estimated to be 100 billion universes.

Xu Jingming nodded: “This is already the best spaceship I have.” It travels through a wormhole at a distance of up to 15 million light-years. “Secretary-General Hetian said, “As a small spaceship, it cools quickly, and it only takes 30 minutes for the second wormhole shuttle. Overall evaluation, it is normal for a ninth-order source life to be a car. The only advantage is that this is available for free.

Xu Jingming smiled, what about the free spaceship? “Come in first.” Secretary-General Heitian entered the spaceship, and Xu Jingming followed, “We are going to get the No. 9 battle suit at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. This battle suit is just for your use. You will not need it in the future or after you die, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. The Institute will still take it back.

“The No. 9 battle uniform at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty can’t find any recorded information on the virtual world network.” Xu Jingming was very curious.

The spaceship quietly flew out of the warehouse. “Of course it’s unfortunate that the battle uniform you wore at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is the standard version 2.0, which belongs to the mass-produced battle uniform.” Secretary-General Hei Tian said, “In fact, the dean started from the elegant space. When collecting materials and developing the battle uniforms in the early Yuan Dynasty, I also specially developed some battle uniforms of high price, all of which are individually numbered. The No. 9 battle uniform at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is more inclined to safety. Like the one worn by Vice President Chi Meng. No. 1 battle uniform at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.”

Xu Jingming understood.

Vice Dean Chi Meng is wearing it, showing value. “This is a priceless treasure.” Secretary-General Hei Tian said, “Even if it is a tenth-order source life, only a few who are valued by the dean are eligible to wear the numbered Yuanchu battle uniform. You should understand that the dean expects you from you. Yes. Xu Jingming nodded.

If it won’t become a cosmic legend in the future, I’m sorry for this No. 9 battle uniform at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. “Ow.

The spacecraft came silently to a mountain.

Hei Tian and Xu Jingming got out of the spacecraft Wei and walked in along the passage split by the mountain. “All the battle clothes at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty are placed here.” Secretary-General Hei Tian pointed to Ruo in front of him, drops of red liquid were suspended in the mountain belly, and each drop of red liquid felt like a celestial body.

“The numbered Yuanchu battle suit is in the deepest part, go in, you can only touch the No.9 Yuanchu battle suit.” Secretary Heitian said.

Xu Jingming nodded and walked inside. There were countless drops of red liquid in the belly of the mountain. Everywhere Xu Jingming passed by, he saw more than 100,000, and every drop seemed to be the shrinking and condensing of the planet.

Light and short

Xu Jingming’s hair was floating, and it was a drop of dark red liquid, and the power was even more terrifying. Because there is no owner, every drop of these dark red liquids is terrifying like a star. “They have very powerful powers themselves, so when they are worn on the body, Origin Life can also use these powers.” Xu Jingming secretly said, listening to Secretary-General Heitian’s meaning, the battle suits in the early Yuan Dynasty used materials from high-dimensional space.” The No. 9 battle uniform at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, in the deepest part. “Xu Luming moved on.

Ahead is a black liquid suspended in drops. Total darkness! As if swallowing all light, every drop is like a black hole. “It feels like every drop is like a real black hole, and the number is not many, only a few hundred drops (I don’t know who it is for.” Xu Jingming continued to move forward. Although it was a mass-produced black hole-like battle suit, Xu Jingming faintly felt , I’m afraid I can’t use this kind of suit.” Hey?

Xu Jingming has come to the end.

I also saw a drop of liquid water droplets of different colors “These water droplets, each of which is different, has a different breath.

Or the horror is boundless, or it is so restrained that there is no sense of existence, or it is icy cold to make Xu Jingming’s heart, and Xu Jingming in the water droplets compete with each other and there is a world in it!

Golden droplets flew over actively, instantly touching Xu Jingming’s body surface and blending into his skin. “Master, hello, I’m Xiao Jiu.” A pleasant voice sounded, “In the days to come, Xiao Jiu will go all out to serve the master.” Hello, Xiao Jiu, I’m Xu Jingming, nice to meet you. “Xu Jingming also responded with his thoughts fluctuating.

For a long time to come, Xiao Jiuhui in the early Yuan Dynasty will be his most loyal partner. “About Xiaojiu’s various functions, it is now sent to the owner.” A large amount of information was passed to Xu Jingming. Although Xu Jingming was mentally prepared to receive it, he was still a little stunned. “This battle suit feels like a powerful arsenal of civilization. Xu Jingming secretly said, ‘If it can be used perfectly, it will not be inferior to the power of a medium-sized civilization.

“Of course I just became a source of life, and my scientific knowledge is weak, so I can only exert a small part of its power.” Xu Jingming also understands. How much power the weapon can exert depends on the master.

Xu Jingming received the No. 9 battle uniform at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and walked out of the mountain.


As soon as Xu Jingming took off his hands, he put away the small spaceship parked in front of him. This No. 9 battle suit at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty has the function of a micro auxiliary space. The micro auxiliary space is a spherical space with a diameter of more than 30,000 kilometers. “The next step is for each official member to come to the headquarters for an important thing, to accept the complete inheritance. Secretary-General Guotian took Xu Jingming to a building that looked like an ordinary building. Some of the early inheritance can be It is carried out on the Weiji World Network. But the most critical part must be accepted at the headquarters of the Research Institute at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.” Secretary Hei Tian said, “This is also to prevent accidents.” Isn’t the virtual world network absolutely safe?” Xu Luming asked.

The entire human race of Zimu has fallen into a dark period and its history has been cut off. What do you think is absolutely safe? “Secretary-General Heitian said with a smile,” Of course, if there is a big problem with the virtual world network, it is time for the entire Zimu human race to have a big problem. That’s what the Dean and the others need to consider. All right; let’s go in now. “Xu Jingming nodded and walked in. *********—a barren rocky planet, obviously not suitable for the reproduction of life.

And this one looks ordinary. Inside the countless rocky planets in the universe, there is a small spaceship Wei hidden inside.

“It’s a tough day”

The star thief leader Nok “sit in the spaceship, and gave himself a glass of wine. Drinking the wine, Gu Wei was depressed,” To be a star thief, you just can’t log in to the virtual world network. Now they have to hide in an uninhabited planet, and they have to endure for 20 years. “It’s been 11 years now, and there are 9 years left.

The leader of Nok, who used to lead many star thieves and do whatever they want on the planet of life of the earth bodhisattva, is now so aggrieved. “Nine years, be patient.

The big leader of Nok raised his head and sang his drink, and then logged into the simple virtual world “Wu Hook World”. Although the enjoyment is very general, it is better than being imprisoned on an uninhabited planet. Just when he logged into Wu Hook World Time One “Om! “

Invisible fluctuations spread across this planet, and also extended over the Nok leader, causing the Nok leader’s body to collapse from the most basic structure. Silently, the Nok leader’s body collapsed. Turned into pure cosmic source power.

He died, and he didn’t feel anything when he died. Outer space in this rocky starry sky.

A purple-robed man who looks like a lake is far from a rocky planet. “It’s a pity, a star thief force that can do whatever they want is still very useful sometimes.” The purple-robed man said silently, “But Nuoke had foolishly launched an attack on the Blue Star civilization before and offended Xu Jingming.”

“Then you can only kill Nok and clear all traces of me.” Abandoning the star thief force that has been in business for a long time is a great loss. But no way. Whether it is the law of the Cosmic Human Alliance or Xu Jingming, the threat is too great. And this time Xu Jingming’s celebration, I have to prepare a gift. “The purple-robed man thought, and then disappeared.

His Royal Highness Lunaduo has a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Since the rise of his brother, he has begun to plan for the future. For the first money, he even went to each weak civilization to collect talents.

“Another rank eight star life was recruited.” His Royal Highness Lunaduo sat comfortably in the chair of the spaceship, but suddenly a message came to Lunaduo, which immediately shocked him: “The message from my brother.

His contacts are also divided into levels. Among them, the message sent by the elder brother Lunaxing… No matter what Lunaduo is doing, he will force it to pop out and read it at the first time. He knew very well that his future depended on his brother. “What news did my brother send?” Lu Naduo read it carefully, “Wu Ming’s identity document issued by the Research Institute at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty?” He **** his eyes and looked again.

That’s right! The name is clearly written, a Blue Star Civilization, Xu Jingming! “Xu Jingming?” “I talked to His Royal Highness Zheng Duo,” How is it possible, how can this happen… The 34-character universe is boundless, how many talents have I met? How did you happen to meet Wu Ming?

If it was an ordinary source life, Lunaduo would not panic, and would even dare to scold him. “How could he be crying?” I worked hard to collect talents from various weak and small civilizations for the first money. Just to strive for a great cause. Why did you provoke Wu Ming at this time? “Lunado was a little confused. He was ambitious.

He wants to have a great career and hold great power. But he also knew that his brother had not yet inherited the throne! He can’t offend someone who is too powerful. “Om.

The light curtain reveals a man. “Brother.” Lu Naduo stood up, his face was pale, and flattered, “I never thought that Xu Jingming would cry. I, you know me, I will never offend a really powerful big man, Guangmao. The man above, with an ordinary appearance and introverted eyes, is just like Luna Duo.” He apologized to Xu Jingming, and then returned to Primordial Star Civilization, don’t cause me any more trouble. “Yes, brother.” Luna Duo responded that I really don’t want to, you know mine. “” Wu Ming’s achievements will not be inferior to mine. In the Yuan Dynasty Research Institute, his status may even be higher than me. “Guang Mo Shang Lunaxing calmly said,” The position of the Yuanxing Civilization Emperor, the Yuanchu Research Institute had a great say. “I know, I know it all. I never thought of offending Wu Ming.” Luna Duolin said. “Even if it is impossible to inherit the throne, Yuanxing civilization and the Yuanchu Research Institute will influence each other. Xu Jingming’s influence on Yuanxing civilization will be far-reaching in the future.” Lu Xuexing said, “He will be my best friend, so, you want to Knowing how to be Lunadot and nodding.

“Don’t have another time.” After Lu Naxing finished speaking, he cut off contact. “There won’t be.” Lunaduo stood there, flustered.

Although the elder brother has no children, although they are real brothers, the long-lived Primordial Being, really wants to have children, and can have a group of them. As long as the elder brother speaks, Lunaduo will become extremely mediocre.

“In my brother’s eyes, Xu Jingming is more important than me.” His Royal Highness Lunaduo thought, “I have to do everything my brother ordered.” Xu Jingming accepted the inheritance at the headquarters of the Academy in the early Yuan Dynasty, It lasted for more than three days.

Among them, the first-order to tenth-order contents of the entire “Star Conjecture at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty” are all taught. All the contents of the highest level of “Light Tube” are taught, and the most important thing is the countless information presented at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

Focusing on the light aspect, all the information is delivered.

As a source life, although it is very difficult to accept the information of the highest level, it took more than three days to accept all. “After accepting the inheritance, I felt that I was weak in scientific knowledge.” Xu Jing secretly said, “Although the dean made me tend to the direction of fighting and fighting, but the education level should reach almost 100.

Weak in knowledge, he accepts more information about the great celestial body Yuanchu Star’ in high-dimensional space, but he accepts it, but the large amount of information is like a book from the sky, and he cannot understand it at all. “At least you have to master some of the knowledge that the dean said, and read some common terms of the dean.” Xu Jingming got up and walked out of the building. “How do you feel?” Hei Tian appeared outside the building out of thin air. “My knowledge is relatively poor.” Xu Jingming said.

“It’s normal, after all, I just became Primordial Life.”” Secretary-General Hei Tian smiled, “Learning with Primordial Life’s brain, the speed of progress is quite fast. “Xu Jingming nodded.

He also believes that at this level of life, the ability to learn will be much stronger. “Now I’ll send you back to the Milky Way.” With a wave of Secretary Heitian’s hand, a splendid cosmos star map appeared in the surrounding air, and Secretary-General Heitian drew and pulled, “Hunter word Muyu, Wugou Star Alliance, the Milky Way, found it .

Xu Jingming also saw that the galaxy that looks like a silver The Research Institute at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is quite special, and it can be teleported to any galaxy in the human domain. “Secretary-General Heitian said with a smile,” Xu Jingming, goodbye. “”Thanks to Secretary-General Hei Tian for his care these days. “Xu Jingming bowed and saluted, and immediately noticed that he quickly fell into the position of the Milky Way in the star map.

Xu Jingming has a feeling of falling into a map, the surrounding time and space are very strange, not like space shuttle, but as if coming. “Here Xu Jingming looked around, it was dark, and there was a very dim star emitting light in the distance. – Nian connected to the virtual world network, and at the same time logged in, he naturally marked his coordinates in reality.” Indeed in the Milky Way, It is more than 30,000 light-years away from the solar system. “Xu Jingming understood, and immediately used the Yuanchu battle suit,” he settled on the solar system and shuttled back and forth. Today’s Xu Jingming can only source some basic means of life.

Like traveling through a space that requires more knowledge, he can’t now, so he can only rely on the battle suit at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. “Companion.

With a step, Xu Jingming traveled a long distance and came to a new starry sky. He also saw a familiar scene, the solar system. “I’m back.” Xu Jingming took another step and returned to Blue Star.

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