Cosmic Professional Gladiator Chapter 38: The death of the black snake monarch

More than a minute after the departure of the Moyou monarch, there were ripples in the starry sky, and a spaceship traveled through time and space to arrive here.

There are two figures standing in the spaceship, it is Mr. Jian and Yijiu.

“The monarch of the last right has left.” Mr. Jian’s eyes reflected this cosmic starry sky, and everything was under his investigation.

“After suffering the loss last time, the monarch Mo You will run away as soon as he is exposed.” Yi Jiu said calmly, this was completely what he expected, and it was very terrifying for him and Mr. Jian to cooperate.

The Moyou monarch is unwilling to fight with these two. The annihilation of the “Dream Demon World” is not good. Mr. Jian said: “Since we injured the Moyou monarch, the number of his shots has dropped significantly. It stands to reason that , he shouldn’t have shot again so quickly”

“Is he targeting Junior Brother Wu Ming?” Yi Jiu guessed.

“We have to be careful about this. If Junior Brother Wu Ming dies and loses the high-dimensional treasure, it will be troublesome,” said Mr. Jian, “and the monarch of the last right shot, the threat to the life of ordinary ninth-order sources is too great. “

Yijiu nodded.

The ninth-order source beings of the human race come to the front line, almost all of them are older or have accumulated enough depth. Although they are more careful and equipped with powerful technological weapons, there will still be casualties, although some can be resurrected. , but the ones with less credit, the old ones, are really dead.

The ninth-order human beings cannot oppose the war order, so they are forced to work harder. If they become tenth-order life, they will not be afraid of death. Killing a tenth-order life is very difficult, even if it is killed, It will still be resurrected. Of course, the tenth-order source life is not willing to be “resurrected” because death will lose the lost items, and the corresponding credit will be deducted when resurrecting! Even if the credit is not enough, it will be deducted as a negative number. After dying a few times, he may have gone bankrupt and ruined Bai Tie Xing. In the manor, “You found out that the monarch of the last right is specifically targeting me?” Xu Jingming asked, “Since he was injured, the number of shots he made has decreased.” Yijiu said, “In him The last time we intercepted, we found that he killed a team himself, I feel like he was waiting for you on purpose”

Xu Jingming nodded slightly: “It makes sense”

“We sent a letter to the research institute, and from the next time, you will also take us with you when you are in charge of killing,” Yijiu said, “If you meet the monarch of the last right, you can put the two of us, and you can withdraw first. “

“Trouble the two brothers,” Xu Jingming said.

“You have to hit the right side a few times more to deter him,” said Yi Jiu, “otherwise, he will shoot again and again, threatening the life of the special source too much”

“His power of the dream world was borrowed from the fusion of high-dimensional things,” said Yi Jiu, “so Junior Brother Jian and I will join forces to completely annihilate part of the dream world, and he will be very distressed”

Xu Jingming nodded slightly.

Just like the No. 4 battle suit at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty uses high-dimensional power, it is the consumption of the internal “source quality”. The last right monarch casts the dream world, and then “consumes” the high-dimensional things it fuses. If part of the “dream” “The Demon World” is completely annihilated, which consumes even more. “His Dream Demon World is deeply intertwined with his spiritual consciousness. If part of the Dream Demon World is annihilated, his spiritual consciousness will also be tortured.” Xu Jingming said, “The borrowed high-dimensional power , there are indeed many flaws.” Xu Jingming said, “On our side of the human race, whether it’s a numbered-level Yuanchu battle suit or some high-dimensional weapons, it doesn’t do any harm to itself.” Yijiu said, “On the prison tribe’s side, directly The dimensional things are integrated into the body, and the backlash is not small. Because of this, the number of monarchs who have high-dimensional power in the prison family is relatively small, many of them are crazy, and their self-control is very low.”

“These crazy people rarely go to war,” Yi Jiu said, “because they are crazy, they will disobey orders, and even attack their fellow clan”

“High-dimensional things are directly integrated into the body?” Xu Jingming shook his head, “It’s crazy”

The tenth-order source life of human beings did not do this.

“The evolution of the Prison Clan is very common, and it can only be done in this way. Therefore, the probability of losing control is very high. It is much better for us to integrate high-dimensional things with human origin life.” Yi Jiu laughed. Also follow the long-term knowledge.

Xu Jingming’s interception range now covers a quarter of the sky python universe, and it is also the “most frequently looted” area! Therefore, Xu Jingming will get tasks for more than 70% of the looting operations on the prison clan’s side. , then the task is naturally frequent. Just three days after the last right monarch shot, Xu Jingming got the task “Right task, go”

As soon as Xu Jingming transmitted his thoughts, he took Senior Brother Jian, who was holding a paintbrush, and Senior Brother Yijiu, who was drunk with wine!

In just two time and space shuttles, Xu Jingming and the three of them have arrived in the “Si Peng Xingmeng” within 1.87 billion light-years, and the total time is less than 8 seconds “so fast”

“This is faster than the top spaceship” Yijiu and Senior Brother Jian admired, but Xu Jingming took them on a high-dimensional walk again, and from high-dimensional he observed that “there are no two prisoners”. After the “prison clan lord” Xu Jingming was confirmed, he came directly. Endless light shrouded! Shining on the living planet that has just experienced catastrophe!

“This is-“

The two prison clan lords looked up in horror and saw the figure in the center of the light and the two companions beside them covered in endless light, and there were even more lasers hidden, and the terrifying lasers directly burned us out. Brother Jiu and Jian were amazed.

“I have to go to the next place.” Xu Jingming collected the spoils in an instant, and immediately rushed to the next looted planet of life to intercept two places in a row. Brother Yijiu and Senior Jian were completely onlookers, after all, that point The powerful ninth-rank prisoners don’t need the two of them to take action. “The next mission is likely to be the next wave of looting.” Xu Jingming also relaxed and put away the spoils. B wine admiration.

“It’s just bullying the ninth-rank prison clan,” Xu Jingming said. After all, I may be able to suppress any tenth-rank monarch of the prison clan, but if I want to kill it… This is a very difficult thing. Xu Jingming said: ” The most destructive to countless life planets is the ninth rank of the prison clan, and the tenth rank of the prison clan is a little less. Xu Jingming nodded slightly.

Indeed, the evolution model of the prison clan is crazy. From birth, it is screened between life and death. The strong go further, and the weak die! The probability of the prison clan being born to the ninth order is higher than that of the human race. , the prison family is obviously lower.

Becoming a high-dimensional life is more difficult than the human race!

The four high-dimensional beings alive today in the human race are all in the “eternal realm”, and the strongest “prison ancestors” of the prison clan are all from outside. “The high-dimensional life is also a defect of the evolutionary path of the prison race.” I really hope that the scene of being robbed and slaughtered by alien races will no longer appear.” Xu Jingming looked at this life planet. “We have to be stronger, so strong that no alien race dares to come.” Looting and attacking,” Senior Brother Yi Jiu said, “The evolution of high-dimensional life is the strength of the cosmic ethnic group. We are all just a grain of sand in the long river of time.” It’s dusty”

Senior Brother Jian and Xu Jingming nodded.

This is also the reason why the four supreme realms rarely intervene in the affairs of the human race. After all, due to longevity, human beings are replaced from generation to generation! Only the high-dimensional life of the right can live for a long time and truly affect the fate of the ethnic group. It was discovered that the prison clan “Black Snake Monarch”, the tenth-order source life “Father Brother” is in danger, please rush to rescue immediately” A mission message suddenly came out, and all three Xu Jingming received the message “Black Snake Monarch? Didn’t touch it. At the end of the right monarch, met the black snake monarch?”

“Come together, it’s really right”

Yijiu and Senior Brother Jian are a little surprised.


Xu Jingming was also very surprised, and immediately rushed to the matchmaking star with Yijiu and the two of them. The Black Snake Monarch is one of the eight strongest monarchs of the Prison Clan in the Tianmang universe, and he also has high-dimensional power. He failed to rank among the top ten monarchs of the prison clan, but he also mastered the high-dimensional power, which is very difficult to deal with. If only Xu Jingming was alone, he would naturally hide far away, but with two senior brothers, Xu Jingming was still very confident. The Trigger Star is a life planet with a diameter of about 21,000 kilometers. At this moment, the life planet has not been completely wrapped by the black water current. The mighty black water current completely wraps the life planet.


A terrifying force wanted to rush out of the planet of life, but countless black water currents entangled and shrouded “I actually encountered the black snake monarch” Brother Fa also wore the battle uniform of the early Yuan Dynasty. And there are layers of time and space that are densely surrounded by thousands of “space-time layers” to form a cocoon-like creation, to protect the master brother, resist the erosion of these black waters, as the tenth-order source life that has lived for tens of thousands of years, since the On the battlefield, it is natural to buy super-powerful technological weapons at all costs! Although I cannot use high-dimensional weapons yet, the “fourth-generation cocoon of time and space” I am using at the moment can be regarded as the ultimate evolution of the tricks in the abnormal universe. Time and space guardian, unable to resist erosion?

Then superimpose! Various time and space layers are superimposed! This technological weapon requires very high knowledge of “time and space”. Brother Master Master naturally possesses a “chichichi” space-time cocoon with a height of almost eight meters. Layer upon layer of space-time layers, Brother Fa observed the erosion rate of the surrounding black water, his face was ugly, “The high-dimensional power is really different, even the highly protective space-time cocoon can continue to restore the eroded space-time layer… The recovery speed is obvious. If you can’t keep up with the erosion rate, it will be completely eroded in four minutes”

“What’s more, the black snake monarch will not let me resist.” Brother Fa saw that in the endless black water, a small black snake condensed, and the huge snake head opened its **** mouth and wanted to swallow it in one bite. The cocoon of time and space “Boom”

Father Master’s eyes were full of madness, his body surface radiated a lot of light, the impact force suddenly increased, blasting layers of black water, flashing close to thousands of kilometers, dodging the Shekou swallowing, but soon More black water was entangled and bound, “I see how many times you can hide.” On the black water planet, the black snake swallowed again at this time.

Without warning, three figures appeared out of thin air on the surface of the living planet covered by black water, only tens of kilometers away from those black water. “Huh?” The black snake monarch was shocked, “I didn’t notice? How did it come about?”

The spiritual power of the Black Snake Monarch could not detect Gaowei, so Xu Jingming came to Gaowei while walking. He also had any preparations for the Black Snake Monarch when he saw the three people in front of him.

This man in a white robe, according to the intelligence nine is the appearance of this mysterious guard “the gunman in white”. His true identity in the human race is still unknown. It is believed that a high-level figure of human origin life has changed his appearance. The other two people, the black snake monarch recognized it at a glance, that made him panic at first because of those two, one is Mr. Jian, who is best at trapping enemies, and the other is mastering two high-dimensional powers. Fighting the extremely terrifying Yijiu “bad” Black Snake Monarch just wanted to escape when he found that the surrounding time and space were changing in the starry sky, as if it was reflected by a mirror, reflecting layer after layer.

Hundreds of layers of stars are shrouded in the sky, like a huge labyrinth of time and space. The Black Snake Lord can’t find a way to leave at all, and he can’t sense that the outside world is “trapped”.

The dream world transformed by the monarch Moyou is tangible and vast in scope. The time-space labyrinth cannot be completely sealed, but the “black water” of the black snake monarch can spread too much, not to mention that there were only more than ten people on the right just now. Ten thousand kilometers, he was completely trapped to death in an instant, and the heavy time and space were also suppressed. The extremely heavy pressure was enough to suppress the black snake monarch of most prison clan monarchs. Although he could resist the suppression, his strength was also greatly damaged.

The “Black Snake Lord” was suppressed by the heavy time and space, and Yijiu walked towards me on the heavy time and space, which made the Black Snake Lord completely cold. “How could it be so fast? It didn’t take long for him to deal with Brother Fa, the two of you will come here. Now, are you two in the Star Alliance? Or is it because of this mysterious guardian?” At that moment, the black snake monarch had many thoughts, Xu Jingming and Brother Fa stood in the starry sky, looking at the matchmaker.

Around the matchmaking star The mirror world is suppressed layer by layer, even if Brother Yijiu makes a close shot, even if it is one-on-one, Brother Yijiu still has an overwhelming advantage, not to mention Brother Youjian’s help “Roar~

The Black Snake monarch was like a madman. He struggled for two seconds at the very core of the Mirror World’s suppression, and was finally hammered into nothingness with his fist by Senior Brother Yijiu. “So fast” Xu Jingming and Senior Brother Fa were amazed.

The terrifying monarch of the prison clan “Black Snake Monarch”, who neither of them could face head-to-head, faced Mr. Jian and Yi Jiu’s alliance, and the mirror world dispersed in two seconds.

As soon as Mr. Jian and Senior Brother Yijiu took a step, they were already near.

“Junior Brother” Senior Brother Yijiu smiled and stretched out his hand, “This is a high-dimensional thing that the black snake monarch merged with. Even if he is resurrected, he will not have this high-dimensional thing.”

In the palm of Senior Brother Yijiu, there is a black water drop with a tempting atmosphere on the right. Hundreds of millions of creatures have not yet appeared disillusioned in the black water drop. Xu Jingming does not even have a feeling, as long as he eats it, he will be completely transformed But Xu Jingming also understands that it is an illusion! High-dimensional things, swallowing into the body will bring endless disasters.


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