Cosmic Professional Gladiator Chapter 37: Work hard to save money

In the restaurant box, only Xu Jingming, Zhang Ke, and Qian Yan sat at a table.

“Bang bang bang.” There was a soft knock on the door.

“Come in.” Vice Captain Qian Yan said.

Suddenly, an old man pushed open the door and came in, and greeted the three of them enthusiastically: “I heard that Lord Jing took office, my family is very happy, and I sent a congratulatory gift to the young man.” Then he put a gift bag on the table.

“Captain, this is Nansheng Street’s housekeeper at the Lord’s Mansion.” Qian Yan introduced.

Xu Jingming understood: “It turned out to be Lord Yu! Lord Yu has a heart.”

There are only three officials with some status in the area under their jurisdiction. Of course, the ‘officers’ mentioned here are at least five ranks! In the imperial capital, officials below the fifth rank… are really small officials, not worth mentioning, the Blood Rain Guards are too lazy to monitor.

“The little one retire.” The old man sent a congratulatory gift and immediately left.

Xu Jingming picked up the kit and glanced at it. Inside was a stack of golden leaves. It was estimated that a stack of golden leaves would add up to one or two weights.

“Ten gold.” Xu Jingming was a little surprised, and took out a roll of paper from his sleeve. The paper recorded in detail the annual filial piety of officials, big families, wealthy businessmen, and gangs in the jurisdiction.

“Master Yu has given too much.” Xu Jingming said.

“To the former captain, Master Yu gave 50 taels of silver, which is doubled this time.” Zhang Ke nodded, “It seems that he intends to befriend the captain.”

Qian Yan also touted: “This congratulatory gift is ten gold. According to common sense, Lord Yu will give this number every year in the future! Lord Yu is really generous to you, Captain.”

While eating and drinking, the three of them waited for others to give gifts. At the same time, they checked the list to see who did not give, and who gave less!

Eat and drink for a long time, and all the goods are delivered in the jurisdiction.

The money of the Blood Rain Guard is the last thing you can owe!

One dare not be less!

“A total of 2,350 taels of silver.” Xu Jingming looked at the final total, in a good mood, smiled and looked at the two captains, “Next time, will you have to wait until next year?”

“Yes, once a year! This is the old rule.” Zhang Ke nodded.

Qian Yan said in a low voice: “Actually, it can be squeezed and squeezed, and some rich businessmen can squeeze more.”

“But that would break the rules.” Zhang Ke said, “If it spreads out, it has a bad reputation in the Blood Rain Guard, and it doesn’t matter which of the wealthy businessmen in the imperial capital? There will be trouble. There may even be killers who come into our house at night, and the rabbits will bite people in a hurry.”

“A group of cheap embryos, they can turn the sky over?” Qian Yan sneered, “Captain, we can completely stare at a rich businessman! Eat him clean!”

“Remember.” Xu Jingming’s voice was a little colder, and he looked at Qian Yan coldly, “We Xueyuwei do things, and we have the rules of Xueyuwei! If you violate the rules… hum, Qian Vice-captain, don’t blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone!”

Qian Yan was apprehensive.

I thought that this captain might have a great background, so I pulled the captain to make a few votes!

Obviously, this captain cherishes feathers.

“I understand, I understand.” Qian Yan accompanied the smile, “The captain’s future is more important.”


After being in contact for a long time, Xu Jingming found out that he had two vice-captains under his command. Zhang Ke looked burly and sturdy, but in fact he had a smooth personality and obeyed the rules. And Qian Yan looks rich and smiling, but in fact, he has vicious methods and disregards the rules.

In the Blood Rain Guard, there are many people who ignore the rules.

“Bang bang bang.” Another knock on the door.

“Captain, bring the tooth man.” There is a blood rain guard with a tooth man.

The tooth man immediately knelt down respectfully: “Little one, I have seen all of you adults.”

“Captain, all the people who sell or rent houses in our jurisdiction are aware of this tooth.” Blood Rain Guard said.

Xu Jingming nodded.

Since I took office, I can’t stay in Fei’s house forever, I have to move out.


I don’t know how long I can live in my identity, so naturally I won’t buy a house, but rent it.

The rented house is within the jurisdiction, it is relatively quiet, and if you walk more than a mile, it is a bustling place such as restaurants and teahouses.

“For just such a house, the annual rent is 50 taels. If you buy it, you will need 2,000 taels. It’s not easy to live in the imperial capital! The rent is much higher than Lanyue City.” Xu Jingming looked at This ordinary house has only a few rooms, and there is a small martial arts field of half an mu behind the house, which is why Xu Jingming rented this house.

There are blood rain guards and auxiliary guards carrying furniture, quilts and other daily necessities, which are quickly arranged.

“Captain, everything is arranged.” Zhang Ke arranged everything, “Captain, do you really need to find two maids to serve you?”

“No, remember to buy some good wine for the brothers.” Xu Jingming threw a piece of broken silver.

“Thank you, Captain.”

All the Blood Rain Guards responded in unison, all showing joy. They are not happy for the drinks, but feel that their ‘boss’ still values ​​them, not stingy! Some indifferent captains… will not spend a knife coin for his subordinates at all! It’s hard to work under the command of such a captain.

The guards have long since left, and they have nothing to drink. Blood Rain Guards and Auxiliary Guards are two different levels. How can there be a reason for the Blood Rain Guard captain to buy wine for the auxiliary guards? Xu Jingming dared to buy it, but the auxiliary guards dared not drink it.

Soon, Xu Jingming was the only one left in the house.

Outside the house, there are five blood rain guards waiting for a long time! They are responsible for guarding the street, and they also listen to Xu Jingming’s orders at any time.

“The filial piety in the jurisdiction area is about 2,300 taels per year, and the salary is 600 taels. Usually, I save some oil and water… I’m lucky, I can save 5,000 taels a year. But I also have many aspects. You have to spend money, make friends, treat guests, and you may have to share some with your boss, these expenses are not small.” Xu Jingming thought, “As the captain of the Blood Rain Guard, you can lose 3,500 in a year. Two would be good.”

“If you do it properly, it will take 30 years to earn 10,000 gold!”

“But in the world of blood rain, can I live for thirty years with my identity?”

Xu Jingming shook his head.

As a cosmic citizen player, since the day of serving as the Captain of the Blood Rain Guard, the targeting has been increasing.

If you become a hundred households, the target will be raised again.

According to the information I collected… the higher the official position, the harder it is to live longer!

“Captain, should we go to Wenxianglou?” A subordinate’s voice came from the door.

“Go, go to Wenxiang Building.” Xu Jingming invited many captains in the Qianhu Institute as the host today, so naturally he had to arrive early.


Xu Jingming quickly became acquainted with the life of the Captain of the Blood Rain Guard. As the captain, he can eat, drink and play every day!

Because some of the hard work is done by the auxiliary guards, monitoring the work everywhere is done by the blood rain guards under his command! Only when there is a major event, will the captain report to the captain and let the captain give an order. In fact, the so-called ‘major event’ is unlikely to happen once every ten days or eight days.

“A day like this is really relaxing.” Xu Jingming practiced his marksmanship at the martial arts training ground where he lived. He waited until the sun set before he went out, and the five Blood Rain Guards outside the gate immediately followed.

All the way to Jiuweilou.

“Captain.” The two vice-captains Zhang Ke and Qian Yan warmly greeted him, Xu Jingming waved his hand, and the five Blood Rain Guards behind him retreated to find a place to drink and eat.

Xu Jingming, Zhang Ke, and Qian Yan entered the Jiuwei Building.

Sit down in the corner of the second floor.

“Captain, the ‘Jiuwei’ of Jiuweilou is also very famous in the imperial capital, you must try it.” Zhang Ke said.

“Tell me, what’s going on these three days.” Xu Jingming asked.

As a rule, meet every three days! The two vice-captains reported on all the work for the three days. If there is a special event… Naturally, it will be reported to Xu Jingming as soon as possible.

“In the past three days, our jurisdiction has been fairly stable, that is, some bravery, petty theft, and some people who died are also gang members, not worth mentioning. However, it happened in other places in the imperial capital. A lot of big things.” Zhang Ke said.

“Come and listen.” Xu Jingming listened while eating.

Over time…

There are more and more guests in Jiuwei Lou. At the same time, there are performances on the stage. The music is played, as if a stream is flowing through the whole restaurant, and the restaurant guests also enjoy the atmosphere.

Xu Jingming is also in a very good mood, because the music is good enough, the women performing are beautiful enough, and the Jiuwei Lou’s reputation is well-deserved.

“Dong dong dong.”

Suddenly, the sound of noisy footsteps sounded, which made Xu Jingming frown slightly, a slightly elegant person… At this time, when he heard the music, he should walk lightly. However, the footsteps of this group of people did not restrain at all, so they came to the second floor.

The group came to the second floor, a guard glanced around, stopped on Xu Jingming’s body and said, “All the guests on the second floor, please move your seats and go downstairs quickly. We will pay for your meals.”


A guard in gray looked at each table and urged.

“Gong Shen’s house?” The guests on the second floor also have some spare money, otherwise they would not come to Jiuwei Lou for dinner. Seeing the aura of this group of people and hearing the name of “Shen Gong’s Family”, many of the guests immediately got up one by one.

“Captain, it’s Duke Shen’s family.” Qian Yan whispered, “Let’s go.”

“Shen Gong?”

Xu Jingming glanced at the group of people.

This group of people is quite arrogant, and even the guards are arrogant!

“The Shen Gong family is one of the top wealthy families in the imperial capital, and even the emissaries of the four blood and rain guards would not dare to mess with it.” Xu Jingming knew very well that the Shen Gong family could rank in the top ten in the imperial capital. , looking at the entire blood rain world, it is enough to rank in the top 20 terrorist forces.

Even though the ‘Fei Qing’ behind him, Fei Qing is powerful because the emperor supports him.

And the strength of the Shen Gong family is that the family is deeply rooted, and the emperors also appease the big family.

“Captain.” Zhang Ke also urged softly, “Let’s go.”


Xu Jingming got up.

If you conflict with Shen Gong’s family, you will die.

“Senior brother, are these three Blood Rain Guards?” A man and a woman were surrounded by the crowd. The woman glanced at Xu Jingming and the three who stood up and left. Xu Jingming still had some official uniforms exposed under their robes. .

“It’s just a group of mad dogs.” The young man glanced at Xu Jingming and the three with disgust in their eyes, “A large group of Blood Rain Guards stare at me all year round, no matter how you scold them, they all keep silent and keep staring at us. home.”

“You can even see these mad dogs in the entire imperial capital and on the slightly famous streets.” The young man pouted, “I didn’t expect to see three mad dogs in Jiuweilou today, which is really disappointing.”

Xu Jingming, Zhang Ke, and Qian Yan walked down the stairs and clearly heard the man say ‘three mad dogs’.

Qian Yan is very calm.

Zhang Ke’s ears turned a little red.

Xu Jingming also frowned.

But the three still walked down the Jiuwei Building.

“There are no idlers anymore, Junior Sister, I will invite the master chef of Jiuwei Lou to cook in person, and bring out their town shop Jiuwei for you to taste.” The young man said with a smile, “Not everyone can do it. Let the master of Jiuweilou cook.”

“Oh.” The woman was also very curious, enjoying the favor of her senior brother, and the pursuit of Shen Gong’s children still made her feel very proud.

On the entire second floor, a man and a woman were sitting, listening to music and enjoying the food, while everyone else stood and waited.


Walk out onto the street.

“It’s really unfortunate, I met Mr. Shen when I was eating.” Zhang Ke vented his frustration after leaving the restaurant.

“Children of Shen Gong’s family, are we able to provoke them? In the eyes of others, we are dogs.” Qian Yan pouted.

“It’s a mad dog.” Xu Jingming added.

“Captain, don’t be angry, those big figures in the imperial capital generally don’t care about us.” Zhang Ke said, “This Duke Shen has an average status in Duke Shen’s family, and the younger generation is not ranked in the top five, like his cousin Shen Gongshou. Before the age of 30, he is already a second-rank official, and he is highly regarded by the emperor and has an excellent reputation. He is nothing but a bad name, but he is very arrogant in front of us.”

“No matter how arrogant he is, we have to endure it.” Qian Yan shook his head, “People are born with a noble title! There is a huge family of Shen Gong behind them!”

“There are many people in the Shen Gong family who are in the Blood Rain Guard.” Zhang Ke also said, “There are three people in the blood rain guard, and the Shen Gong family head is the prince of the country! He is an important minister of the empire! Move your little finger, we will You’ll have to be crushed to pieces.”

Xu Jingming knew the power of Shen Gong’s family because he collected intelligence from the virtual world network.

Intelligence records.

In a battle for the imperial throne more than 300 years ago, the Shen Gong family had 3,000 dead men participating! A prince who supported him was finally pushed to the throne. All the three thousand dead men at the time were at least second-rate masters!



Shen Gongfu, who stepped off the flower boat, swayed and was very comfortable.

“Young Master.” The guards had been waiting for a long time.


Shen Gongfu got into the carriage and asked casually, “Little lady of the Zhang family, did you get it in another courtyard?”

“He killed his husband, this little lady has been tied to another courtyard.” The bodyguard whispered.

“Well done.”

Shen Gongfu raised his eyebrows in a very good mood and lowered the curtain of the car.

Thinking of the plump Zhang family lady, Shen Gongfu felt itchy.

“The eldest uncle is also, but he is only partial to his son!” Shen Gongfu looked at the carriage, his face suddenly ugly, “His three sons are all officials, and the eldest brother is the second-rank official. The third brother is also Blood Rain Guards Thousands of Households! What about me? I’m going to seek an official, and my uncle asked me to go to the academy to copy books? He said he wanted to grind my temper?”

“My father died early, otherwise it would be your turn to be the head of the family.” Shen Gongfu thought to himself.

He is dissatisfied.

Although he is arrogant and wanton outside, he is severely suppressed in the family! He feels all kinds of injustice!

“My guards, I have to support them myself! I have to pay for my house. If I hire a first-class master guard, I will get two or three thousand taels of silver a year! There are a group of top guards around my brother, how about me? , I want to recruit myself! Even a first-class expert is reluctant.” Shen Gongfu’s eyes were filled with all kinds of viciousness, and many thoughts were emerging.

His identity naturally has to maintain his face, and the monthly expenses are huge. The family’s various expenses that suppressed him made Shen Gongfu even more dissatisfied.


Puff puff! ! !

Sounds in succession.

“Huh?” Shen Gongfu’s expression changed, and he immediately opened the car curtain to see five guards fall. The only guard was stabbed in the chest by a shot while supporting two moves.

“Hohohoho—” The guard was pierced by the spear, making a pained sound, and when the spear was drawn, the guard fell softly to the ground.

Shen Gongfu looked at the man in black in disbelief.

The man in black, wearing a bronze mask and holding a long spear, came over.

“Forgive your life, this hero spares your life.” Shen Gong Fu Lian said, “I have money, I have money! Whoever asked you to come, I will double it!”

“Double?” The bronze masked man made a hoarse voice, “Your reward is not low.”

“I have some gold here.” Shen Gongfu immediately took out the kit from his arms, “There is at least one hundred gold here! Also, this precious jade of mine… is also worth at least one hundred gold. I, I… These few banknotes of mine use the same character code, ‘autumn, wind, leaves, and snow’.”

“No more?” said the bronze masked man, “too few.”

“No no, you take me back, I still have it at home.” Shen Gongfu said eagerly, “I am a son of Shen Gong’s family, I have a title, you can’t kill me, if you kill me, you will be finished! Heaven and earth…you can’t escape.”


A flying knife was inserted directly between Gongfu Shen’s eyebrows.

Shen Gongfu’s eyes widened and he couldn’t believe it. Which force was it that killed the children of Shen Gong’s family?

The man in the bronze mask checked Gongfu Xia Shen’s body a little, then picked up the kits, treasures, silver notes and other items in his arms, and carried the bodies of two second-rate guards. Because the other guards were killed by throwing knives, these two guards… were killed by guns!


Carrying two corpses, the bronze masked man quickly disappeared and left.

“Plop! Plop!”

Two bodies with disfigured faces were tied to stones and thrown into the lake.

The man in the bronze mask watched as the two corpses sank, and ripples formed on the dark lake.

“The sons of Duke Shen’s family are so arrogant and ostentatious outside…is that enough to carry around with you?” The bronze masked man looked at the kit, “Ma Wuye is not fat, honest and **** rain. Wei only earns three or five thousand taels of silver a year, so of course I have to find another way to make money. If I kill this son of Duke Shen, the income is not high.”

The man with the bronze mask put away the mask, revealing Xu Jingming’s face.

“I’m really sorry for the reputation of Shen Gong’s family for this amount of gold and silver.” Xu Jing said secretly.

Shen Gong’s family is terrible?

I am a cosmic citizen player, will I be afraid?

“When will I be able to save 10,000 gold? Well, don’t be in a hurry! Beware of arrogance and impatience, be steadfast, and work hard to save money slowly.” Xu Jingming thought to himself, and left in a flash.

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