Cosmic Professional Gladiator Chapter 3: Wisdom

In this world-famous battle, Ambro was at an absolute disadvantage at the beginning, after all, the opponent was a team of three tenth-order powerhouses.

“Boom.” An enemy held a knife, triggering the huge star in the distance, and the endless flames of the star descended on the enemy through the void, constantly gathering. The time and space of the enemy collapsed, and a black flame ring appeared.

This layer of black flame ring is a gathering of stars’ endless flames.

“Kill.” The enemy held a knife, and the knife also carried a black flame ring, and killed Ambro.

When Ambro’s left shield resisted, an invisible wave also traveled through the void, descending on the star, causing that star to be completely shattered under the fluctuations covering millions of miles. The rules of this star system All began to collapse.

Xu Jingming couldn’t help but be speechless.

The wave that Ambro randomly transmits is not strong, but in the process of wave transmission, the source force of the universe is naturally swept away, and the power is continuously amplified. . When it comes to a star, it is powerful enough to destroy a star.

The enemy doesn’t care about the destruction of the stars, and still gathers all the flames in the surrounding area and kills them with all their strength.

“Ambro, you should be punished!” The source force of the vast universe collided like an ocean, and there were dazzling thunderbolts, which were like branches of trees. Bro.

“You have nothing to regret if you died in the hands of the three of us.” The third enemy was wearing gloves, and his hands were weapons, but there was an invisible wind.

Ambrosian has a strong physique, and his double shields are like two huge stars and celestial bodies, perfectly resisting the enemy’s attack.

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“The two enemies who are good at fire and thunder are low threat to Ambro.” Xu Jingming can clearly judge under his possession, “Ambro is arrogant and can completely resist the enemy’s attack. An enemy who uses both hands, his moves are invisible and invisible, like a silent wind… Ambro is very difficult to resist.”

“However, these three enemies are also very terrifying. The flame, the surface is flame, is actually the burning explosion of the vast power of the universe.”

“The same is true for thunder, a collision of another form of cosmic force that pervades everywhere.”

“The wind, but it’s different. It’s invisible and invisible, and it’s actually an attack from space.”

“The change in space destroys Ambro’s shield, and destroys Ambro’s body. Ambro’s body…is being injured all the time.” Xu Jingming could feel that the invisible spatial change made Some areas of the ‘space’ where the body is located are stretched and stretched, and some areas are shortened. The change of space is very pulling on the body.

Even the body of a tenth-order powerhouse can be big or small, but in front of the changing space, he will be seriously injured or even killed.

But Ambro’s body is too strong! Resilience is also very strong!

Obviously injured, but recovered quickly.

“Ambro’s body is stronger than the stars, as if there is a black hole hidden inside, with endless energy. The recovery speed is also amazing.” Xu Jingming felt, “This is why he can resist three people. One reason for the siege.”

“On the other hand, it is his shield.”

“His shield technique, on a superficial level, looks like celestial stars! Simple and simple! But in fact…his double shields, one shield is manipulating time, and the other is manipulating space.” Xu Jingming felt, “He In a quiet layout, a strange time and space trap is laid out.”

Ambro is at an absolute disadvantage and is difficult to resist, making the three enemies even more crazy, trying to take advantage of the situation to kill Ambro.


The moment when the time-space trap is laid out!

“What is this?” The faces of the three enemies suddenly changed drastically.

“The Well?”

“How is that possible?”

The three enemies are terrified.

The surrounding time and space are like a well! With the continuous collapse and shrinking, the three enemies desperately wanted to escape to the outside world, but the collapsed time and space prevented them from escaping, and the time and space became smaller and smaller, and the three were the enemies who fell into the well.

“None of you can escape today.” In the formed ‘space-time well’, Ambro showed his fangs.

His shield technique is no longer just defensive, but offensive!


The collapsed space-time well, Ambro is not only unaffected, but can guide him, making his every blow terrifying.

His shield technique is no longer just like a celestial bombardment. But it is like the bombardment of the entire time and space! The shield technique was so fierce that even the three tenth-order powerhouses were tenacious in their vitality, but after the space-time well was formed, in just five minutes… Ambro exploded millions of shield blows, and then completely blasted the three enemies one after another. Become scum, blast into nothingness!

“How could you set up a time well?” The three enemies couldn’t believe it at the last moment.

“Because my education level is 102!” Ambro waited until he had killed three enemies before giving the answer.

At this time, Xu Jingming’s consciousness was separated from Ambro’s body.

Ambro looked in the direction of Xu Jingming and smiled.


Inside the huge sphere, Xu Jingming opened his eyes and woke up.

“Wake up.”

Xu Jingming stood there blankly, patted his head, “Why do I feel like I’ve become so stupid.”

“It’s not that I’m stupid, it’s that Ambro’s wisdom is too high.” Xu Jingming immediately realized, “Although I am possessed and cannot perceive his wisdom. But no matter what situation Ambro is in, he His heart is calm as water, and everything is under his control.”

“Even if he is besieged by three enemies, the entire battle process is under his control. Although all the enemy’s tactics and coordination are terrible, he has a corresponding response plan. He was even arranging the so-called ‘The Well’.”

Xu Jingming secretly sighed: “When I fight, I also like to calculate, calculate the space distance, calculate the speed and time. According to the relative speed, according to the time difference to kill the enemy!”

“But compared to Ambro, I’m not even a hair. Ambro is the great wisdom.”

“Academic level 102? What does it mean?”

Xu Jingming is not very clear.


Xu Jingming walked out of the sphere, and Director Zhou greeted him with a smile.

“How does it compare to the last time I possessed?” Chief Zhou asked.

“The last time I possessed the Cosmic Legend Xuan, Xuan had no distractions and was extremely peaceful. At the tenth level, Xuan’s strength was not as good as Ambro’s. But in the end, Xuan broke through and became a cosmic Jing Ming said, “Ambrosio is extremely wise, as if everything has no secrets in front of him, everything is under his control, but his final achievement is only tenth rank. “


Director Zhou said with a smile, “Ambro has a level 102 education and is almost invincible in the tenth order. Xuan, his education is also very high, reaching level 98, and he has become a cosmic legend!”

“Xuan also has a 98-level education?” Xu Jingming was surprised, “But I am attached to Xuan, I don’t feel that sense of wisdom, the feeling of seeing everything?”

“Didn’t you exchange his marksmanship inheritance “Huaguang” Part 1?” Director Zhou smiled, “You will know after reading it.”

Xu Jingming nodded slightly.


Ambrosio, degree 102.

Xuan, 98th grade. They should all be highly educated.

“Director, what do you mean by level 98 and level 102?” Xu Jingming asked.

“If such a wise man is born on our planet.” Director Zhou had anticipation in his eyes, and laughed at himself, “It’s too beautiful, I don’t even dare to think about it. Such a wise man, as long as there is a most common scientific research spaceship, use common in the universe. Some of the planetary mineral materials, and the technological weapons produced can easily exterminate our Blue Star civilization.”

Xu Jingming’s heart trembled.

“Cultivation well, you don’t need to know too much now.” Director Zhou picked up the box next to him and handed it to Xu Jingming, “This is a Grade A Heart Refinement Crystal, you can take it back.”

Xu Jingming took the box.

“Let’s go to the fifth rank first, this is what we expect from you.” Director Zhou said, “The road to civilization cannot be too ambitious, but be down-to-earth and move forward step by step.”

“Understood.” Xu Jingming nodded, and immediately left with the box.

Soon, Xu Jingming left Binhai by plane and returned to Mingyue City.

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