Cosmic Professional Gladiator Chapter 27: Rating

“No rating yet.” Xu Jingming explained, “I have been practicing in the martial arts field.”

“Hard training is very important, but life-and-death fighting is also very important!” Liu Hai asked, “Is the basic combat power enough?”

“Enough.” Xu Jingming nodded, looking at his personal combat power panel.

Player: Xu Jingming

Gene evolution method: “Sky python evolution method” (intermediate 20%) (practice time 735 days, cannot be improved)

Body: 115

Skills: marksmanship (level 75%), footwork (level 16%), shield technique (level 62%)

Basic combat power: 1380

After all, after nearly eight hours of practice in the martial arts training ground, the “Sky Python Evolution Method” reached the elementary level after one practice, and now it has reached 20% of the intermediate level. After raising the body to the limit, it will naturally become stronger.

After physical evolution, strength, speed, and nerve response have all changed, so Xu Jingming also chooses a partner in the martial arts training ground to familiarize himself with his shield and spear skills, so as to ensure that he can fully display his strength.

“It’s good enough combat power.” Liu Hai nodded. He also knew that the basic combat power threshold for the **** level is 1000, and if you want to directly enter the **** level through the “ranking match”. The basic combat power needs to reach 1200, and the difficulty is still very high.

“After you retired, didn’t you relax your shield skills?” Liu Hai asked.

“In the national team, there are a lot of teammates to accompany training. After retiring, the accompanying training is much worse.” Xu Jingming said, “But I will continue to practice several times a week.”

“Practicing the shield method is very helpful for mastering physical strength.” Liu Hai said, “This is a matter of a lifetime, and we cannot relax.”

“I understand.” Xu Jingming said.

I have practiced marksmanship since I was a child. After entering the national team, my master Liu Hai taught me shield skills.

Master’s shield method originated from the Tai Chi lineage.

“Let’s get graded quickly. There are already 31 people who have reached the **** level. In the land of Xia Kingdom, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers.” Liu Hai was quite emotional, and then hung up the communication.

“There are already 31 people?” Xu Jingming didn’t hesitate anymore, he clicked on the personal panel and went directly to the battle space.

When you first enter the combat space, it is nothingness.

A man in green shirt appeared in the void and said, “Xu Jingming, welcome to the battle space. Your basic combat power has reached 1380, which is more than 20% beyond the threshold of the ‘God-level’ basic combat power. You can proceed directly.” God-level’ rating match, is there a rating match?”

“Okay.” Xu Jingming nodded.

“The battle space is divided into five environments. They are small towns, mountains, cities, snow fields, and ancient battlefields. Please choose one of the environments as your grading venue.”

Xu Jingming thought for a while and said, “Mountain forest!”

“Please choose your equipment.” The man in the green shirt said, “You can carry up to two types of weapons, and you must not have any protective equipment on your head.”

“There is only the head in the whole body, so it must be exposed?” Xu Jingming asked.

“Yes, even if you are wearing heavy armor, your head must be exposed.” The man in the green shirt nodded and said, “This is the rule set by the virtual world game, so in battle, the head will be the biggest weakness. You must be careful to protect.”

Xu Jingming nodded.

Tap to start selecting equipment. He has tried many times in the martial arts training ground, so he is also very proficient.

“A set of light body armor, close to the body without affecting the movement.” Xu Jingming selected the body equipment, and after selection, he wore a dark red body armor all over his body, and a pair of light and strong boots.

“The double shields are 60 centimeters in diameter, relatively light shields.” Xu Jingming put the two shields behind his back, and stretched out his hand to select a long spear.

“Long gun, it weighs 36 kilograms, and it’s still handy.” Xu Jingming held the long gun.

Full body equipment, a set of close-fitting light body armor including boots, weighing 55 kg. The double shield weighs 30 kg, and the spear weighs 36 kg. For Xu Jingming, who has a body index of 115, it is indeed relatively light equipment. Those heavy armors weigh several hundred kilograms, and of course the defensive effect is much stronger. Those who practice “Mysterious Turtle Evolution Method” and “Giant Bear Evolution Method” are more suitable for choosing that kind of heavy armor.

“The qualifying match, let’s start.” Xu Jingming clicked Ready, and suddenly five maps appeared in the void in front of him, and he fell directly to the ‘Mountain Forest’ map.


The mountain forest after the rain, the mountain road is muddy.

Xu Jingming descended from nothingness, stepped on the muddy ground, and looked around.

There were weeds under a big tree in the distance. A sloppy man sat cross-legged on the clean weeds with a sword in his waist. When Xu Jingming appeared, the sloppy man looked up.

“If you are not afraid of death, here comes another one.” The slovenly man whispered to himself, smiled softly, and slowly stood up.

“The commoner only has a sword?” Xu Jingming observed his opponent, “He is wearing a commoner, but I am in body armor. I have a great advantage over a spear and a sword. He is at a huge disadvantage in terms of external equipment. Then his own strength may be very strong.”

If the strength is weak, the equipment is weak. That would be too much of a challenge.

“Since you’re here to die, I’ll give you a ride.” The slovenly man moved, his body blurred when he moved, and he rushed straight at Xu Jingming.

Xu Jingming stood where he was, waiting calmly.

It’s getting closer!

Xu Jingming held the handle of the gun in his left hand and the waist of the gun in his right hand, and he was about to shoot.

“Huh.” The moment the scruffy man approached, his figure twisted strangely and his long sword flashed.


The long sword struck Xu Jingming’s long spear, but the long spear was like a dragon flying out of the sea. With a slight shock, the gun shaft hit the long sword with terrifying force, causing the scruffy man to fly backwards, and his feet flew away again. He tapped the tree trunk next to him, turned over and landed in the distance, his hand holding the sword trembled.

“So fast, so flexible.” Xu Jingming looked at the other party, “I am not as good as him.”

The sloppy man stared at Xu Jingming, and approached slowly again.

He also wanted to attack with a sword, but with the three-foot sword and his arm, he had to get close enough to stab Xu Jingming. But Xu Jingming’s spear was 2.6 meters, and the slovenly man hadn’t gotten close to his own attack range, but he was already within Xu Jingming’s attack range! This is the advantage of weapons! The sloppy man was forced to attack Xu Jingming’s spear just now.

You must split the spear before you can get close.


The sloppy man approached again.

“Clang clang clang.”

He circled around Xu Jingming, moving at high speed, stabbing as fast as lightning again and again, colliding with Xu Jingming’s spear, looking for a good opportunity.

“Shen skills are better than mine, and sword skills are not bad, but the equipment is too poor.” Xu Jingming understood this, “The normal way to kill the enemy is to kill him with the advantage of equipment. But…it’s not necessary. “

When the sloppy man tried again patiently, looking for a good opportunity.

Xu Jingming moved the spear in his hand.


Strange howling wind.

A fuzzy gun shadow tore through the air and even formed an air wave. The tip of the gun had already reached the sloppy man. Even took it back.

The sloppy man covered his throat and fell down.

“This is my unique move ‘Shadowless Stab’, you have no time to block it when it enters my attack range.” Xu Jingming said silently, “Your movement speed is faster than mine, but not as fast as my spear. “

After killing the sloppy man, the world of mountains and forests after the rain began to dissipate, and Xu Jingming also returned to the land of nothingness.

In the void, a slow-motion picture of killing appeared in mid-air: Xu Jingming’s long spear was so fast that it tore through the air, the air waves split to both sides, the tip of the spear pierced the neck of the sloppy man, and the sloppy man swung the long sword It was only halfway through the swing, and it was obviously much slower.

Combat score: 98 points.

Level: God level one star.

And there is Xu Jingming’s personal combat power panel on the side——

Player: Xu Jingming

Gene evolution method: “Sky python evolution method” (intermediate 20%) (practice time 735 days, cannot be improved)

Body: 115

Skills: marksmanship (level 75%), footwork (level 16%), shield technique (level 62%)

Basic combat power: 1380

Actual combat bonus: 20%

Strength: 1656

“There are more actual combat bonuses? More combat power?” Xu Jingming understood, “No wonder it was called basic combat power before, and with the actual combat bonus, it is considered complete combat power.”

“Also, the timing of the fight and the utilization of various factors are also very important.” Xu Jingming is very clear.

“Congratulations, you passed the grading competition with almost full marks.” The man in the blue shirt smiled, “I also want to tell you something, as of now, the virtual world game has been open for 8 hours and 36 minutes, Xia Guoshen level player There are 32 bits in total.”

Xu Jingming nodded, he was much faster than himself, the land of Xia Kingdom is indeed full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

“Do you want to start a battle?” The man in the green shirt asked Players in the battle space are all five-person teams, and five other people, in the mountains, snow, cities, small towns, In one of the environments of the ancient battlefield, life and death fights are carried out. “

“During the battle, you can queue up alone and let the game arrange four teammates for you. You can also invite your friends to form a team and start the battle.”

“Line up alone?” Xu Jingming was puzzled, “Line up?”

“Yes, there are only 32 god-level players now, some are in the martial arts training ground, some are watching the live broadcast, and some choose to line up and cancel. It may take some time to form a team of ten people.” Qingshan The man explained, “Now is the first day of the game. There are too few god-level players, so the queue is very slow. Wait for ten days and a half months, and the queue will be much faster.”

“Then let’s start queuing up.” Xu Jingming had expectations in his eyes, “Those who can become gods now are not ordinary masters.”

Xu Jingming clicked the battle button.

A prompt appeared – “Six people are ready…”

“There are six people in line now.” The man in the green shirt said, “The battle will not start until there are ten people.”

“How long is it estimated?” Xu Jingming asked.

“It may take some time. The longest of these six people has been queuing for two hours.” The man in the green shirt said, “There were also queues in the early days, and they were cancelled. You can go to the training ground to practice while queuing. , to watch the live broadcast, and you can even go offline! Once you gather ten people, a notification will be sent to you immediately! Just go online within three minutes.”

Xu Jingming nodded slightly, “Then let’s line up.”

“Once this battle begins, it will be Xia Kingdom’s first god-level battle.” The man in the green shirt said.

“Xia Kingdom’s first god-level battle?” Xu Jingming was thoughtful.

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