Cosmic Professional Gladiator Chapter 14: Mercury in seclusion season

Although Li Miaomiao and Xu Lixing were very worried, they also knew that they could only accept the order of the human race.

They did not log in to the virtual world network again, but accompanied Xu Jingming well.

“The Tianmang Cosmos Domain is close to the Prison Clan, so it is often plundered and killed by the Prison Clan’s source life.” Xu Jingming sat in the courtyard and chatted with his daughter, “The Tianmang Cosmos Domain, almost every Every living planet could be attacked, once

The arrival of the Prison Clan’s source life is a catastrophe for those life planets. “

“Almost every living planet?” Xu Lixing’s face changed slightly, “Is it so serious?”

“Because a cosmic domain is very vast and there are countless planets, some lucky ones may encounter an attack only once every 100,000 years! And the life planets at the forefront will encounter an attack every few hundred years on average.” Xu Jing Ming said.

Xu Lixing is still worried: “There is almost no hope of escaping the attack of the Prison Clan Yuansheng?”


Xu Jingming nodded.

Even if there happens to be human origin life, it is generally difficult to protect the people of a living planet. The enemy is coming…

…For the people of the planet, it is a doomsday catastrophe!

“It’s terrible.” Xu Lixing said softly.

“The Hunter Yushen domain is the interior of the human territory and rarely experiences war. However, some Yushen domains on the border have always been

Suffering from ethnic conflict. “Xu Jingming said, “I went there to intercept the life of those prisoners, and the number of strong prisoners

The amount is limited. If they are killed more, they will naturally be afraid, and there will be less looting. “

Xu Lixing looked at his father and said softly: “Dad, you said, you can guarantee safety, right?”

“Hahaha…” Xu Jingming laughed, “Don’t look at who your father is, your father is the fastest genius of the human race in the contemporary universe! .”

Xu Lixing nodded: “Dad, no matter how powerful you have weapons, you have to be careful.”

Xu Jingming can feel her daughter’s concern.

“It’s time to eat.” Li Miaomiao shouted in the restaurant.

“Let’s go.” The father and daughter got up.

This dinner, Li Miaomiao personally cooked.


Li Miaomiao lay in Xu Jingming’s arms, silent for a long time: “Jingming, I’m a little uneasy.”

“There are always different stages in life. As a source of life, I must step into a new stage.” Xu Jingming comforted, “Miaomiao, you must also learn to grow, and you must also be in charge of Limu Group, which is also yours. A new phase.”


Li Miaomiao replied softly, “I will definitely take care of the Limu Group.”

The couple enjoy the rare time together, and they will spend time together in the virtual world.

As for the next time we meet in reality?

Noon the next day.

Li Miaomiao, Xu Lixing, Xu Hong and his wife, Li Chenan and his wife, and Mr. Xu all gathered to see Xu Jingming off.

“If you have something in the future, feel free to contact the virtual world network.” Xu Jingming smiled, “I am online at any time.”

“We’re not by your side when you go to a different place.” Mother Xu instructed, “You have to take care of yourself.”

“Okay, Mom.” Xu Jingming looked at his mother with a smile.

Old Master Xu came over, patted his grandson on the shoulder, and said: “Grandson, go to the battlefield, be rude, don’t be rude! Only if you survive, will you have output. If you live to become a tenth-order source life, you will become a legend in the universe. Aren’t you ten times more valuable than you are now?”

“Remember, grandpa.” Xu Jingming nodded, “I will not waver.”

Xu Lixing rushed over and hugged Xu Jingming tightly without saying a word.

“Time to go.”

Xu Jingming let go of her daughter.

Looking at the relatives in front of him, Xu Jingming smiled and said, “The next time we meet, maybe I will be a tenth-order source life. Let’s go!” After speaking, he disappeared without a trace.

The family stared blankly.

Just like that?

“Battlefield.” Xu Hong whispered to himself, living in a peaceful era since he was a child, he has never experienced war. I didn’t expect to enter the cosmic era, and my son will go to the battlefield.

“Our son is the best.” Xu’s mother said on the side, all her eyes were full of hope, hoping that her son would be able to

Survive safely on alien battlefields.


Xu Jingming stood in the starry sky, looking at the blue and beautiful planet in front of him.


Xu Jingming stood in the starry sky, looking at the blue and beautiful planet in front of him.


Xu Jingming immediately began to travel long distances.

Although the Yuanchu Research Institute provided him with an ordinary standard spaceship, he had the No. 9 Yuanchu battle suit. Xu Jingming was one of the few in the entire Yuanchu Research Institute… The distance of the battle suit was above the spaceship. of.

“I’ve been studying the space-time wormhole model these days, and I have gained a deeper understanding, and I can better play the ‘space shuttle’ function of the war clothes in the early Yuan Dynasty. The limit distance can travel up to 290 million light-years at one time.” Xu Jingming only felt that The surrounding time and space are distorted, and they pass by in an instant. When the surrounding time and space are stable, they have already left the scope of the Wugou Star Alliance and come to a dark area.

“As expected of the entire Yuanchu Research Institute, the numbered Yuanchu battle suit that is best at escaping.” Xu Jingming sighed, “Press

According to Secretary-General Heitian, in terms of escaping and saving lives, Vice President Chi Meng’s No. 1 uniform in the early Yuan Dynasty was inferior to No. 9. All I need to do is make the most of it. “

Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

Xu Jingming travels through long-distance space again and again. He only needs to determine the approximate area where he descends, and there is no fatal danger.

Wearing the No. 9 battle uniform at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, even if it is the inner body of the black hole, he is walking on the ground. Dangerous

Places are rare and easy to avoid.

“The spaceship, starting, launching, getting ready for the wormhole shuttle…all takes time! It takes a long time to cool down after one shuttle.”

“The battle suit at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was an instant shuttle. After the shuttle, you only need to stabilize the surrounding time and space, and you can start the next shuttle in just a few seconds. The efficiency is too high.”

As an individual, Xu Jingming has crossed countless galaxies, crossed endless dark areas, and crossed one universe after another.


The speed of Xu Jingming’s cosmic shuttle is enough to disdain 99% of the tenth-order source life. In only about ten minutes, he will reach

Arrived at the destination – the Ansu Star Alliance in the Tianmang universe.

“The Ansu Star Alliance has a maximum diameter of 830 million light-years. Let me choose a life planet in the central area.” Xu Jingming traveled through space twice and saw a water-blue life planet.

“That’s it, Ji Mercury.” As soon as Xu Jingming thought about it, he rented a house on Ji Mercury through the virtual world network

The lease term is tentatively set for ten years.

Sky Python Cosmic Domain, Ansu Star Alliance, Ji Mercury.

This is an ordinary life planet with a population of more than three billion. Among them, the ‘Noble District’ is located in the most prosperous area of ​​the planet, with hundreds of millions of people, and almost all the powerful people in the starry sky gather here.

In the evening, the sky is full of sunset, and half of the sky is red.

“That’s it.”

Xu Jingming was wearing a light gray close-fitting robe, which is also Ji Shuixing’s traditional clothing. When Xu Jingming came to the planet, he glanced at the clothes of countless people on the planet, so he changed himself slightly.

On the edge of the noble district, Xu Jingming came to a villa, the villa door opened automatically, and an intelligent robot received him.

“Mr. Ming, welcome to stay at Residence No. 1033 of Beifang Group. I will serve you wholeheartedly for the next ten years.” The intelligent robot is humble and polite.

Xu Jingming nodded and walked in.

Visit the residence Xu Jingming leisurely walked out of the residence and strolled around. After all, he will settle here during his stay in the Ansu Star Alliance, so he should be familiar with the place where he will live in the future.

At a glance, he saw a sword hall facing the street in the distance, and the main entrance of the sword hall had a name.

“Four Seasons Sword Museum.” Xu Jingming nodded lightly.

“The Prison Clan’s source of life attacked and looted, looting all kinds of resources, among them, the looting of ‘Virtual Host’.”

Xu Jingming knows this, “The technological strength of the prison tribe is far inferior to that of the human race, although they can create virtual hosts.

But the cost is dozens of times that of the human race side. As for buying? Virtual hosts are sold to aliens… they are at least ten times the price. “

“Therefore, in the Tianmang universe, 99% of the living planets do not have virtual hosts.”

“Ordinary planetary life, dare not directly learn the genetic evolution method, for fear of gene collapse. Therefore, we have to learn some simplifications

The training method. “Xu Jingming knows this.

With a virtual host, you can try the evolution method directly in the virtual world,

Try again and again until you succeed.

No web hosting?

You have to learn the simplification method, step by step from low to high, until you finally master the evolutionary method.

“Even if it is simplified, even if it is divided into several steps and gradually improved, there are still many failures, and those who fail are easy to fail

The body is injured, and the body collapses and dies. “Xu Jingming sighed secretly.

“So in the Tianmeng universe, most planetary life has to risk life and death to evolve from the very beginning.

“And the schools that teach the simplified training method are also blooming everywhere, and even forming many schools.” Xu Jingming secretly said.

After all, too many people study the ‘simplified evolution method’, including the original life, and over a long period of time, many schools have naturally formed.

Four Seasons Sword Sect…

It is quite a famous genre. Many life planets in the Tianmang universe can see the Four Seasons Sword Pavilion.

“Come and order the food from your restaurant.” Xu Jingming came to a nearby restaurant and asked the waiter to prepare dishes for him

style, I sat in the corner and waited.

Soon food and drinks were delivered.

Xu Jingming is eating and drinking.

“Not bad.” Xu Jingming was quite surprised when he saw a young man with a sword bag walking out from the Four Seasons Sword Hall in the distance.


Xu Jingming glanced, “This young man, estimated to be fifteen or sixteen years old, has mastered the complete evolutionary method?”

Young Qiu Qingke is still thinking, “I still owe a loan of 900,000 yuan, but it is worth it to be able to borrow a virtual room to take the final step and master the complete evolution method.”

“It costs one million to borrow a virtual room for an hour. It’s really expensive.” The young man secretly said, “Fatty has been borrowing the virtual room for more than a hundred hours, and he has not mastered the complete evolution method. I only borrowed two It’s a success. Unfortunately, I’m poor.”

“Mom and Dad, you two are at ease. You sold your house, bought two space travel tickets, and walked away in style. You don’t care about your sons at all.” Be a sparring partner! Fatty’s father gave it to him

Money is really generous. “

The teenager suddenly alerted a customer in the restaurant on the street. It was a man in a light gray robe, and he was approaching him.

The eyes meet.

The man in the light gray robe nodded slightly.

“Who is this uncle, I come every day, but I have never seen this person. Could it be from the evil group? According to Master, the evil group will arrest people to play some dark life and death games.” Qiu Qingke secretly said, and left quickly.

“This kid, are you afraid of me?” Xu Jingming was slightly puzzled, “My breath is well restrained, I’m just an ordinary person.”

He bowed his head and finished eating three or two mouthfuls, and also finished drinking, Xu Jingming checked out the bill and left.

“It’s time to practice the Yuan Dynasty battle uniform.” Walking on the street, Xu Jingming disappeared without a sound, and the entire season of Mercury’s supervisor

The control system is not aware of any anomalies.

In a starry sky dozens of light-years away from Ji Mercury.

“I have to study the many functions of the No. 9 battle uniform at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, so that when I fight with the Prison Clan Yuan Life, I have a stronger combat effectiveness.” Xu Jingming had patiently studied the time-space wormhole model before, but after receiving the transfer order, he To ‘increase combat power as the goal.

“It’s already very strong in terms of saving lives and escaping. This is the biggest advantage of the No. 9 uniform at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. It takes some effort to get good results. In terms of killing the enemy, it takes more effort.”

Xu Jingming stood in the starry sky and started the experiment.

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