Copper Coins Chapter 3: Paperman (3)

Xue Xian, who believed that he could “stab the sky above and shake the ground below” in the first half of his life, was copied by a monk who had no skin and only cost a piece of broken copper…

After the two pieces of moss were shoveled up by the monk, the prototype was revealed within a short time, and it turned into two small human-shaped sheets of paper. The monk glanced at the paper skin’s face indifferently, then folded the paper skin and put it into the hidden pocket at his waist.

Xue Xian was forced to stick to the bald donkey’s waist before he could spray the bald donkey’s face.

If suffocation can suffocate people to death, Xue Xian can die more than 200 times during the time of “picking homes and pockets”. He is naturally arrogant, he can only be angry with others, but not others. He is a shameless and unreasonable ancestor. Piansheng hit a nail this time with a big idea, and the boat overturned in the gutter.

No matter what the original reason was, he and the bald donkey’s Liangzi were forged.

Xue Xian is a reluctant person who eats soft and not hard. If he had a knife in his hand at this time, he would have stabbed the monk in the waist without saying a word, but unfortunately he did not have the habit of carrying a sword with him.

This monk looks like an icicle, ignores people and shows no expression, but his body is still warm. The slightly hot body temperature seeped into the paper through the thin white linen cloth.

Xue Zhipi, who was covered up after a while: “…”


It’s really annoying. For people who are ill, a little warmth in the cold winter will most easily disintegrate their fighting spirit, especially Xue Xian, who has been paralyzed for half a year. The muscles and veins are blocked, and the blood is not smooth. Now this body can’t gather much heat at all, and the whole winter moon is almost frozen. With such a sudden hug, his body became lazy before his mind, and he didn’t even want to move.

Xue Xian, who had been folded twice, lay down angrily for a moment, finally overcoming his laziness, and surreptitiously picked up the things in the monk’s secret pocket.

Xue Xian still doesn’t know the depth of this young monk.

If you really have the ability… What kind of ability is it to tear up a piece of white linen and shovel a piece of moss? Bare-ass dolls who pee and mud do! Besides, if someone who is really capable can lift a piece of land, it’s just a matter of moving their fingers. Not to mention a small piece, the whole yard can be lifted, so why bother picking up a piece of broken copper skin and shoveling it in person?

But if he doesn’t have the ability… Then how did he see through the layers of deception at a glance?

Xue Xian was a little concerned about movement at first. When he was groping, his movements were small and light. With the convenience of the thin paper, it was really hard to detect.

However, after a while, he gradually lost his scruples and did not know how to restrain himself. Because he found that the bald donkey didn’t seem to care about it. Through the two layers of white linen wrapped in the dark bag, he vaguely heard some cluttered voices outside the yard. It seemed that a group of people had gathered, and he didn’t know. For what.

“Hey… why are you hitting me in the face?!” Jiang Shining lowered his voice and popped out a few words between his teeth. It sounded like his patience with Xue Xian was reaching the limit.

Xue Xian’s fumbling moves quickened, and he accidentally shot the wrong place. He didn’t have the time or leisure to explain to the nerd, so he gave him a low “shh”, signaling the nerd to stay honest and not make a noise.

In the past six months, he has been hampered in his actions. Every time he wants to do something, or go somewhere, he has to borrow some wind. Either a person or a thing. It’s rare to encounter a bald donkey this time, and even if he doesn’t have the slightest ability to cheat, he has to bring something that can fool people. Xue Xian wanted to grab something handy in his secret pocket, and then leave while he was in chaos.

While Xue Xian was busy, the young monk who copied him had already walked to the gate of the Jiang Family Medical Hall.

The original heavy door has long been incomplete, and the copper door hoop is even slightly deformed. When the two doors touched each other, they didn’t fit tightly, leaving a huge gap. The monk stopped in front of the door and raised his eyelids.

Through the grinning door, he could clearly see that there was a circle of dark figures outside the door. The Jiang Family Medical Hall has long been an abandoned house, and naturally there will be no lanterns hanging at the door, and no one can take pictures of them. But at this moment, the group of people outside was holding a string of paper lanterns in their hands, with a few **** of white hair shining brightly, and the people in the future were looking aggressive, very serious, and had a kind of “not good comer” attitude.

This appearance is not here to hunt ghosts, or to get people.

As the saying goes, “Don’t do bad things, don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door”, but such a big battle, whoever bumps into it suddenly, will be a little embarrassed. But after the young monk glanced at it, he turned his gaze back. He pushed open the gate of the house, and without looking at anyone, he raised his feet and walked out, as if the group of people with lanterns in front of him did not exist.

The people surrounding the gate of Jiang’s Pharmacy Hall are not idlers. They were wearing the gray-blue standard robes of the county government, with a dozen or so thin knives hanging from their waists. As soon as the monk was about to leave, they immediately held down their waist knives, closed the circle, and blocked the monk’s path.

The monk stopped, frowning and surveying the people in front of him. He didn’t seem to understand what these people had to do with him.

“You said it, but this person?” A slightly older voice sounded abruptly.

The monk glanced at the speaker – it was a middle-aged man with a small stature, wearing a master hat and a goatee, looking thin, but his belly was slightly convex. If it was a local in Ningyang, Dingren would immediately recognize the middle-aged man as Liu Xu, the master of the Ningyang county government office.

But the monk is not a local. With his temperament, even if he is a local, he may not pay attention to what his master looks like, how many eyes and a few mouths.

It was the person who Master Liu questioned, and the monk still had a three-point impression—it was none other than the little clerk in Jiuweiju.

It turned out that the waiter thought about the sign beside the Jiuweiju building, and finally went to the county government office. Since such a heavy reward is offered, it must be a difficult crime to commit. Who knows if he has a string of murders on his back?

Therefore, the court clerk reported the young monk like this, and the county magistrate didn’t say a word, and immediately came to arrest him.

The monk’s gaze fell on the clergyman, who seemed to feel a little guilty, and shrank his neck slightly backwards, he said hesitantly: “Master, I am…”

Before he finished speaking, the young monk had already withdrawn his gaze. He raised his finger, and a dark object drew an arc and fell squarely into the clerk’s arms. The court waiter replied that it was something hurtful, and closed his eyes in shock. Hearing the sound of copper plates bumping against each other, he opened his eyes cautiously.

The purse!

What the monk threw into his arms was the purse he had stuffed into the other party earlier.

As if the monk finally threw what should be thrown away, he took another step with a calm expression on his face. This time, he was probably impatient with the delay, so he coldly opened his mouth to the yamen and said, “Get out of the way.”

“Sir, this…” While blocking the person, the yamen cast an inquiring look at the master.

“Wait.” The master took out a tissue paper from his arms, shook off the lantern, and said, “Where is this little master from? In which temple does he worship Buddha? Do you have a dharma name?”

The young monk frowned at him, as if he was too lazy to answer, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Seeing that he didn’t know what to do, the master’s tone suddenly became heavier: “Little Master, someone came to sue that you are a bit similar to the court that is wanted by the world today. If you insist on not opening your mouth, we have no choice but to I’ll take you back and check it out!”

The young monk gave him a cold look, and after a while, he calmly said, “Dharma name Xuanmin, wild monk, no family and no temple.”

Serious monks have never been like this, but those who say they have no home and no temples, nine out of ten, are relying on partial wealth to eat, in other words, they are magic sticks.

Master looked him up and down with a sarcastic expression, and then shook the notice in his hand in a serious manner, ordering someone to hold the lantern closer to compare it with Xuan Min.

Xue Xian, who was busy in the dark pocket, heard this completely, and immediately gloated: If you let this bald donkey copy other people’s nests, you will be copied now, right? Should!

He didn’t feel anything useful to him in his secret pocket. Except for a peach branch and two flints, there was only one cloth bag. He carefully touched the inner layer of the cloth bag. Needle. After all, it wasn’t what he wanted. Xue Xian was too lazy to delay any longer, so he wanted to sneak out of the secret pocket while the monk was not paying attention.

He is somewhat confident about this. As long as he doesn’t want to be noticed, ordinary people will never notice his movements. Xue Xian took the time for the master to speak again, stretched himself into a very thin sheet, and rubbed upward along the little gap in the dark pocket.

Who knew that as soon as he slipped out of a head, he felt that his eyes were dark——

The bald donkey who killed a thousand knives raised his hand in time and used a finger to push back the paper head that came out of him!

Xue Xian: “…”

This ancestor, who was born to be rebellious, was pressed so hard that he rolled around irritably in the secret bag, and took a needle from the cloth bag and pointed it at the bald donkey’s waist.

Xuan Min: “…………”

Just when Xue Xian was about to turn the sky in secret, the master who stopped Xuan Min compared the complete notice, frowned and shook his head: “That’s not right…”

“Isn’t it?” The yamen behind him glanced at the notice.

“The age is not right, the difference is too much.” The master said, “It doesn’t look much like… From a distance, it still makes a lot of sense. The lanterns in the vicinity are too young. Besides, they are to be caught. This, is said to be a very difficult monk to deal with, this master…”

Master’s eyes subconsciously rolled around Xuan Min’s waist, and glanced at the gray copper coin string. Although he didn’t say it directly, his expression was obvious – this person in front of him is obviously a young stubble, and the copper coins have not yet How about practicing oily skin… an eminent monk? What a joke!

No one will have any respect for a magic stick that can be seen through at a glance.

After the master glanced at his string of copper coins, his expression was obviously contemptuous. He raised his hand and waved at Xuanmin, saying, “Okay, there’s nothing wrong with you, little master, let’s go.”

Xuan Min raised his foot and walked away, as if the fall just now was just a fall on his body.

But after he took two steps out, he glanced at the master’s face indifferently, and said lightly, “You won’t live long.”

Xue Xian, who was struggling with a new idea in his secret pocket, slipped and almost tore himself apart: “…” Great, don’t waste time, this bald donkey is rushing to find death!

However, as he slipped, he accidentally stuck it near the root of Xuan Min’s waist. For some reason, he suddenly felt something in his mind “hum–” shaking, as if someone was in his head A bell rang.

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