Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 774: The whale falls!, the fastest update to the latest chapters of all-attribute martial arts!

Ice force, thunder force, and poison force have increased a bit at this time. The ice force and thunder force, which were originally at the peak of the 10-star quasi-general level, are now Both broke through the 11-star warlord level.

[Ice Forces]: 3650/20000 (11 stars)

[Thunder Force Force]: 4260/20000 (11 stars)

The force of the poison system is still at the 11-star warlord level, but it has also improved a lot, and it is not far from breaking through the 12-star warlord level.

[Poison Force Force]: 16800/20000 (11 stars)

The force of these three elements has increased tremendously this time, which shows how terrifying the number of sea beasts is.

Unfortunately, there is no other attribute force, Wang Teng is a little greedy.

In addition to the Force attribute, Wang Teng also obtained a considerable amount of blank attributes.

The blank attribute is a good thing. At the beginning, he relied on a large number of blank attributes to force his cultivation to the planetary star.

[blank attribute]: 36500

This time, he obtained more than 30,000 blank attributes at once, and the total number of blank attributes reached 36,500 points, plus the previous accumulation.

With a lot of blank attributes in his hand, I don’t panic!

Finally, there is a special skill type attribute bubble-deep sea breathing!

As the name suggests, it is a skill that allows people to breathe in the deep ocean.

This skill was acquired by Wang Teng during the last sea beast riot, and now it appears again.

[Deep Sea Breathing]: 30/1000 (first order)

“First-order!” Wang Teng muttered to himself, with a hint of interest on his face.

The first-order deep-sea breathing allows him to breathe in the ocean floor without the use of force, which can be said to be a more practical skill.

So what if you upgrade to the second, third, or even higher level?

Wang Teng smiled and stopped thinking about it.

After sweeping the surrounding sea beasts, it may have been frightened by the killing of the three people, and the other sea beasts did not appear again.

The three Wang Teng boarded the spacecraft and flew straight towards Xia Guo.


At this time, the South China Sea within the territory of Xia Kingdom, and even the entire area encompassed by the East China Sea coastline, were attacked by a large number of sea beasts.

But disasters are more than that.

In the mountains, forests, lakes, and rivers, countless star beasts also violently rioted, rushing to nearby human cities.

Townships, cities, highways…all the places where humans exist have been attacked by star beasts.

A terrible wave of beasts swept every inch of the land.

All the warriors in the entire Xia Kingdom were dispatched at this time, rushing to the place where the star beasts appeared, and fighting with them.

A large number of heavy weapons were erected, and fighters were dispatched to form a large-scale bombing to resist the beast tide.

Jingmen is the largest port city in the northern part of Xia Kingdom. It is backed by Xiadu and connected to several Grand Canals.

However, such a geographical environment has become the most favorable terrain for sea beasts to attack.

Boom boom boom!

From a distance, there was a violent roar, and the Shanghai beast roared on the sea, and followed the Grand Canal into Jingmen City, slaughtering wildly.

The force attacked and destroyed the building, and countless humans cried in despair in the ruins, but soon these voices were drowned in the roar of the star beast.

This scene is like the doomsday!

The martial arts leaders and others led the military warriors to this place, fought hard to resist the sea beasts, and organized manpower to rescue ordinary people.

The star beast riots this time had no warning, the number was so large, and the scope was extremely wide, spreading across the entire Xia Country, which was unexpected to everyone.

Therefore, the martial arts leaders and others can only rush to deploy and send all the martial arts powerhouses to support the cities that have suffered the most severe attacks by star beasts.


Over Jingmen City, the martial arts leader is confronting a huge whale.

The size of the giant whale exceeds the size of the largest whale on the planet so far, reaching hundreds of meters, like a giant aircraft carrier.

The waves on the sea surface lifted up the giant whale and hovered in mid-air.

The martial arts leader is holding a long spear, his face is indifferent, his body dashes through the air like a meteor, the force roars, hits the sea, and collides with a giant whale.

The giant whale was not to be outdone, its giant tail flapped, and a terrifying wave blasted forward.

Boom bang bang!

The waves exploded, and a peerless spear pierced the void, blasting straight towards the huge body of the giant whale.


A roar sounded, no longer like the sound of a whale. The terrible sound wave rolled like a tide, surging forward, and at the same time a powerful blue beam of force shot out, colliding with the gun.


The two collided, making a violent roar, and the aftermath of the terrifying force blasted around.

At this moment, the huge body of the giant whale rushed forward.

The martial arts leader’s complexion changed slightly, a palm blasted out, and a huge golden palm print landed directly on the body of the giant whale, abruptly stopping it.

The strength of this giant whale is between the pinnacle of the warlord and the planetary star. Although it has not reached the planetary star, it is also very powerful. At this time, it is blocked by the martial arts leader and cannot enter the land.

One person and one beast collided violently at the junction of land and sea, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

In other places, many sea beasts are attacking the human defense line. Other warriors are not as powerful as martial arts leaders. Under the attack of sea beasts, they are losing ground. Especially the number of sea beasts has an advantage, and the human warriors can support it. Now, it is entirely dependent on various rune weapons.

Otherwise, the entire Jingmen City has already fallen.

Boom boom boom!

On the other side, Tantai Xuan is fighting a lord-level sea beast.

The sea beast is a hideous monster. It is no longer like any species on the earth and stars, and its strength is also very terrifying. It can be judged from the aura from its body that its strength has reached the 12-star lord level. .

Wang Teng will naturally not forget what Tantai Xuan used to take care of, so he taught her the planetary-star exercises early.

Tantai Xuan is a dual-attribute warrior of wind force and fire force, and there is no wind type star-level exercise Wang Teng, so she only taught her the fire type star-level exercise method, which is the ” Spark Jue”!

After Tantai Xuan practiced “Star Fire Art”, her strength skyrocketed, and now she has reached the level of 12-star warlord, and most of the force in her body is transformed into star force.

At this moment, she was fighting against the sea beast, completely gaining the upper hand, pressing the sea beast violently, a pair of fists burning with flames, bombarding the sea beast, making it constantly roar.

However, at this moment, a huge wave of waves suddenly burst under the sea, and a thick tentacles, like a javelin, slammed towards Tantai.

At this moment, Tantai Xuan was facing the tentacle with her back, she only felt a fierce wind coming from her back. Before she could think about it, she subconsciously moved her body to the side.


The tentacles couldn’t make a single blow, so they changed the stabbing to sweep, and instantly swept Tantaixuan’s body and blasted her out.


Dan Taixuan was hit hard, she couldn’t help but sprayed out a mouthful of blood, her complexion turned pale.

Boom boom boom!

The sea surface below exploded again, and several tentacles appeared at the same time, swept over them, and strangled them on the spot.

Tan Taixuan’s complexion changed slightly, and the force of her whole body was agitated, ready to fight to the death.

“Get out!”

At this moment, a cold drink suddenly sounded.

I saw a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, throwing a punch towards the sea below.

The sea burst open, and a huge deep-sea squid was blasted out of the sea forcibly. Its body was tens of meters long, comparable to a whale, but at this time the body burst open under this fist. Turned into minced meat all over the sky.

Taixuan Tan was taken aback for a moment, and when she looked intently, only the tall and familiar figure remained in her eyes.

“It’s okay.”

Wang Teng turned his head and looked at her, a slight look of concern appeared on his face.

“This kid!”

For some reason, Tan Tai Xuan’s eye sockets are slightly red.

She shook her head quickly, concealed her gaffe, and said anxiously: “I’m fine, you go to help the martial arts leader, there are too many sea beasts, in less than half an hour, the entire Jingmen city has fallen for more than half and died. Too many people.”

“Don’t worry, I will send these beasts to **** to report.” Wang Teng nodded, and said no more, a cloud of murderous intent erupted in his eyes.

The next moment, he disappeared in place.


Where the martial arts leader fought with the giant whale, Wang Teng’s figure suddenly appeared, and a terrifying sword light cut out across the void.

The giant whale was shocked, as if feeling the threat of death, it roared, and the force inside its body burst out completely.

In a short time, the huge waves are soaring to the sky, and layer after layer of huge waves rise behind it, reaching a height of one hundred meters in an instant, trying to resist the sword light.

Then between the sword light, the giant wave was like a fragile piece of paper, which was torn in an instant, separating the two sides, revealing the giant whale behind it.


In an instant, the sword light cut down, and a sword mark appeared on the huge body of the giant whale.

This sword scar spread over the body of the giant whale for hundreds of meters, from head to tail, a huge amount of blood slowly seeped out.


The eyes of the giant whale were filled with disbelief, with unwillingness, and instantly lost its brilliance.

The huge body slowly split into two halves, falling down, falling… a huge wave was stirred up on the sea, like a river and a sea, the scene was terrifying.

The body quickly disappeared, sank to the bottom of the sea, and kept falling down…

The whale falls!

The martial arts leader retreated to a distance, holding a spear, his eyes vibrated slightly.

Is this… the power of a planetary star? ? !

At this moment, he was truly shocked.

Although he had seen Wang Teng make a move, he didn’t have such an intuition, let alone feel such a close distance, so it was only at this time that he understood how big the gap between the warlord level and the planetary star was.


In the distance, Tantai Xuan was also shocked. She originally thought that even if Wang Teng took action to deal with the giant whale, she would have to spend a lot of means, but she didn’t expect that the giant whale would have fallen with just one sword.

That sword is terrifying!

All the sea beasts around, and even the human warriors were stunned. They stared blankly at the giant whale falling to the bottom of the sea, and lost their voice for a while.

“Wang Teng!”

“It’s Wang Teng!”

“He killed the giant whale, we have hope!”

“Hahaha, great, we can be saved!”

Suddenly, everyone reacted, and there was a loud cheering.

“War God!”

“War God!”


I don’t know who took the lead in shouting the name of the Valkyrie, and just for a moment the shout turned into a wave, rolling endlessly, echoing over the ruins of the city.

1 Comment

  • Adoson says:

    Esse autor esqueceu tudo o quê escreveu pelo visto, Tantai tinha força de Metal e todos os atributos variáveis já tinham chegado em 13 estrelas, tudo errado.

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