Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 3: Start hanging from today!, the fastest update to the latest chapters of all-attribute martial arts!

After seven o’clock in the evening.

The Wang Teng family finally sat down for dinner.

“Your dad’s car is halfway there, and there is something wrong with the company. Once there was a delay of more than an hour, I couldn’t go back after eating.” Li Xiumei complained while holding vegetables to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng checked the information in the room for more than an hour, but forgot to eat. Fortunately, his father happened to be late because of something.

“The matter is urgent, so I can only go back and deal with it first.” Wang Shengguo said helplessly.

“Let’s ignore your dad, he will just focus on his broken company.” Li Xiumei rolled her eyes at Wang Shengguo.

Wang Teng smiled in his heart.

Actually, in high school, the relationship between Wang Teng and his dad was a bit stiff. Wang Shengguo looked like a son to become a dragon, so he was naturally a little stricter. The conflict is getting deeper and deeper.

But thinking about it now, Wang Teng thinks that some of his past behaviors are really naive and ridiculous.

At the dinner table, Wang Teng and Wang Shengguo both seemed relatively silent. Li Xiumei was busy picking up vegetables for Wang Teng and pulling the family with the father and son.

Wang Teng enjoys this atmosphere very much.

Wang Shengguo chatted with Wang Teng a few words, mainly inquiring about the situation of study.

Wang Teng replied in a satisfactory manner. He didn’t have the full second-degree aura as before, and he threw his chopsticks at every turn to make his temper angry.

Wang Shengguo was a little surprised. He felt that he was a little different today, but he didn’t think much about it.

He finished his meal and rushed out again.

As the head of a large company, he actually has a lot of things in a day. He sleeps almost four or five hours a day.

Wang Teng and Li Xiumei greeted each other, and went out, and then went straight to the [Pole Star Martial Arts Hall].

A yellow sports car is sprinting on the street at night, and the roar is eye-catching. Today’s cars use the Force as an energy source. Gasoline has long been eliminated, making it more environmentally friendly and cheaper.

The pioneers not only brought back cultivation methods from Xingwu Continent, but also brought back various products of Force civilization.

The Force Rune is one of them.

The technology of the earth combined with the Force civilization, the Force Technology was born. Cars use Force, and computers and mobile phones also use the newly developed Force Rune chips and batteries, which run faster and last longer…

Half an hour later, Wang Teng drove to a stop in front of the martial arts hall.

According to the information he found, Pole Star Martial Arts Hall is one of the three giants in the Chinese martial arts gymnasium. The master of the martial arts gymnasium is a 12-star warrior who ranks among the top five in Chinese martial arts.

Even on a global scale, they are among the top 20 powerhouses.

Official warriors, 1 to 9 stars are at the soldier level, 10 stars at the quasi-sergeant level, 11-star low-level generals, 12 mid-level generals, 13-star upper-level generals……

The strength of the master of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall is evident!

The headquarters of Polestar Martial Arts Hall is in Xiadu, but there are branches in all major cities in China. There are many martial artists, and the strong are like clouds.

The East China Sea Branch of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall is located by the sea, crawling like a giant beast in the dark, covering an area comparable to a college.

The main entrance of the martial arts hall is large enough for five or six cars to pass in parallel, which is very atmospheric.

There is a huge boulder standing in the middle of the main entrance. On the boulder, several dragons and phoenixes are very eye-catching.

At the sentry box, a few guards armed with guns walked to the car.

“Routine inspection, please cooperate!”

Wang Teng lowered the window, nodded, and got out of the car.

The security personnel inspected the interior of the sports car and scanned Wang Teng’s whole body with a scanner. The inspection was very careful.

At the same time, Wang Teng is also looking at these guards.

They were wearing black protective vests, and the guns in their hands were obviously large-caliber machine guns, which looked very hideous.

The force rune is engraved on the gun body, indicating that this is a force firearm, which is several times stronger than ordinary firearms. Even if the official warrior gets a shot in front of it, it will be disabled.

After the inspection, the guard will let you go.

Wang Teng parked the car and walked on the road in the martial arts court.

Even after eight o’clock, the martial arts hall is still bright as day, and there are a large number of martial arts students on the road and on the lawn.

There are many people who train at night.

The training of warriors counts every second, talent is only the most basic condition, and it requires continuous hard work and sweat to achieve success.

In the martial arts hall, there are three tall buildings.

They are silvery white overall, with distinctive features and very recognizable.

The building in the middle is the administrative building, which is rectangular in shape, 100 meters high, straight into the sky, but at the top is a weird semicircle.

On the left is the warrior teaching building, and on the right is the warrior training building.

The two buildings are like two huge spheres. They are not high and only have three floors, but the interior is very wide. Visual inspection is at least twice the size of the playground of Donghai No. 1 Middle School.

When the three buildings are put together, Wang Teng has some doubts whether this is to show the curiosity of the museum owner.

Wang Tenglai had already learned about it before, so he went straight to the administration building.

Under the guidance of the staff, sign up to become a martial arts student, and then go to the martial arts teaching building on the left.

The martial arts hall will only recruit students between the ages of 16 and 30, so as not to waste resources.

Wang Teng is only seventeen years old and has no problems.

Walking into the martial arts teaching building, there was a noise in the hall.

The first floor is where the junior students are trained. The junior students correspond to the junior martial artists. The Pole Star Martial Arts Hall has more than 3,000 junior martial artists.

In the training hall on the first floor, the trainees were practising individually, which seemed very lively.

Wang Teng had just walked into the hall, and he was immediately stunned.

What did he see?

There are as many as forty or fifty transparent bubbles floating in the air in one place.







Wang Teng blinked his eyes vigorously. Those bubbles still existed, and the trainees in the training hall seemed invisible.

Gold finger? !

He was a little uncertain, and held a passing student.

“What are you doing!”

The other party is only sixteen or seventeen years old, looking at Wang Teng impatiently, with an unhappy expression of “You are actually more handsome than me”.

“Brother, your floor…the floor is well laid!” Wang Teng pointed to the ground.

Those transparent bubbles float at the height of a person’s calf and can be seen as soon as you lower your head.

But this student completely ignored and said disgustingly.

“This is the best plastic floor, engraved with Force runes, and has the functions of shock absorption, durability, anti-shock and so on.”

“Where did I come from, I have no knowledge at all!”

After speaking, he waved his hand and left without looking back.

Wang Teng touched his chin and watched the reaction of the other party. Obviously, he couldn’t see it, so only he could see it.

Those students walked up and down in the training hall, and some passed directly through the bubbles. To them, the bubbles seemed illusory.

Wang Teng stepped forward, leaned close to the bubble closest to him, and tried to see if he could go through it.

As soon as I touched it, the bubble disappeared.

Suddenly there was a flower in front of his eyes, and a transparent panel popped out

[Savvy]: 18

[Physique]: 41

[Power]: 50 (+1)

[Speed]: 32


Staring at the transparent panel, Wang Teng’s heart beat faster and faster, as if it was about to pop out of his throat.

So exciting!

Wang Teng felt that even if he won the 100 million lottery, he might not be so excited.

But now he can’t help it!

This special cat is definitely a golden finger!

In this era where martial artists are the mainstream, becoming stronger is the only way out.

This golden finger can pick up attributes, and then become their own attributes, this effect is too bad!

Others have to practice hard, and Wang Teng only needs to pick up attributes. He seems to see an unimpeded path to the sky open in front of him.

One day, his Wang Teng will rise to 90,000 li!

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