Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 1109: Special skills from Devil Vine!, the fastest update to the latest chapters of all-attribute martial arts!


Wang Teng appeared directly in the moving direction of the devil’s vine, stepped on his feet, and the ground cracked amid a loud bang, and a black spiny ball-like plant showed a small part of its body.

This is obviously the body of the Devil Vine!

It had no idea that this human being would be able to accurately find its moving direction, and it was too late to move anymore, and it suddenly hit Wang Teng’s hand.

“Get out of here!” Wang Teng snorted coldly, palms forming claws, and grabbed them directly below.

The surrounding soil and rocks condensed in an instant, turned into a huge stone palm, and grabbed the devil’s vine body.

Naturally, the devil vine was unwilling to catch it. The black light on the body shone, and countless black vines rushed out and rushed towards the giant stone hand.


The two collided together, making a violent roar.

However, Wang Teng’s palm, which is condensed by huge stones, is abnormally hard, and Devil Vine is only a Demon King-level existence, equivalent to a constant star warrior, how could it be Wang Teng’s opponent.

All those black vines were crushed by the palm of the boulder, and then the palm of the boulder did not slow down and grabbed the devil vine who wanted to escape.


The ground shook violently, and suddenly broke apart, finally revealing the huge body of the Devil’s Vine.

The boulder grabbed it with the palm of his hand, broke away from the ground, and rushed straight to the sky.

At this time, Wang Teng finally saw the real appearance of Devil Vine.

This devil vine is completely a huge spike ball, with an overall diameter of up to tens of meters. It has only been hidden hundreds of meters below the ground, and it is difficult for ordinary warriors to find it.

Unfortunately, it met Wang Teng. He not only has a strong mental power, but also has two wonderful eye pupils, [Lingsight] and [Essence Pupil]. It is not difficult to find the position of the Devil Vine.

In fact, even if you find the location of the Devil’s Vine, with its ability to move underground, it is even more difficult to catch it.

However, Wang Teng has many methods, and he can control the soil and rock and completely restrain the devil’s vine by using the [Magnetic Heart] alone.

[The Heart of Magnetism] The palm of the giant stone condensed out of it is even larger, and it is directly grasped in the palm of the palm.

The devil vine suddenly made a sharp cry, the body struggled crazily, and countless black vines rushed out of the body.

Unfortunately, it was in vain after all.

“I still want to struggle.” Wang Teng sneered, and squeezed the palm of his hand, and the palm of the huge stone was also squeezed inward.


The next moment, the devil vine body finally couldn’t withstand the huge force from the palm of the boulder, and burst open, and a large amount of black sap splashed out in all directions.

Devil Vine is completely dead!

Wang Teng shook his head, thinking that this “devil vine” would be extremely difficult to deal with, but he didn’t expect it to be too difficult to solve.

He looked around. After the death of “Devil Vine”, several attribute bubbles scattered and floated around.

One volume of Wang Teng’s mental power.

Pick it up!

[Dark Star Force*2500]

[Devil Vine*100]

[blank attribute*4500]


“Huh!” After absorbing several attribute bubbles, Wang Teng couldn’t help but whispered.

Three attribute bubbles, among them the Dark Star Force did not surprise him too much, but this blank attribute surprised him a bit.

Unexpectedly, this dark type plant can also explode blank attributes, and it has 4500 points all at once, which is not a small gain.

In addition, there is another unexpected gain for Wang Teng.

Devil Vine!

This is of course not a real “Devil Vine”, it’s just a special skill.

Wang Teng really did not expect that this “Devil Vine” would explode a similar skill after death.

After absorbing the [Devil Vine] attribute bubble, Wang Teng’s mind immediately came up with the relevant method of casting.

This [Devil Vine] skill was originally a means of attacking after the dark force condenses into the appearance of the devil vine.

Of course, it is not just to imitate the external form of the devil vine, but to completely imitate its internal structure.

If he didn’t get this [Devil Vine] skill, even if Wang Teng studied it himself, it would be extremely difficult to study the internal structure of the Devil Vine, let alone display it in the form of force.

“It’s a good skill.” Wang Teng smiled slightly.

He hasn’t forgotten that the devil’s vine released countless black vines to attack. That kind of attack power is quite good.

The most important thing is that this devil vine can attack and defend, not only has a strong offensive power, but also has a very strong defensive ability.

It can even directly form an armor made of devil vines, and its defensive power is not weaker than that of a battle armor forged by a blacksmith.

Moreover, the power of [Devil Vine] is related to the power of the person who uses it.

In other words, if Wang Teng used it himself, it would be even more powerful than the [Devil Vine] just now.

Wang Teng couldn’t help touching his chin.

This [Devil Vine] skill falls into his hands, but it is a bit unusual, because he not only possesses the Dark Force, but also other forces.

In this way, he can use other forces to condense [Devil Vine], and the usage rate is much higher.

And if several forces are used to condense [Devil Vine] at the same time, what will happen?

Various thoughts popped up in Wang Teng’s mind, which felt quite interesting. He couldn’t help but stretch out his palm. A devil vine condensed by the force of the fire system emerged out of thin air from his palm, one after another, burning red vines. It grew out, wrapped around Wang Teng’s arm, and slowly turned into an armband.

Wang Teng took a look at this arm armor, and a realm master-level war sword appeared in his other hand and chopped it down.


Sparks flew everywhere, and the master-class war sword only left a deep or shallow sword mark on the arm armor.

Wang Teng was suddenly surprised.

Although he did not use the original force to attack, but this is a master-class weapon, it only left a sword mark, which shows that the armor of the devil vine does have a very strong defensive power.

Of course, this has something to do with Wang Teng’s own strength. If an ordinary warrior comes to use it, I am afraid that he will not have such a strong defense.

“Major Wang Teng!”

At this moment, a voice came from a distance.

It turned out that Peggy and the others had no “Devil Vine” attack, and they came here one after another.

Wang Teng immediately dissipated the devil vine on his right hand, without being seen.

“Brother Wang Teng, are you okay?” Olia trot over and asked concerned.

I just saw Wang Teng chasing Devil Vine alone, but she was worried that Wang Teng might have an accident.

“I’m fine.” Wang Teng was a little surprised to see Olia actually caring about herself so much.

“It’s fine if it’s okay, it’s okay, if something happens to you, no one will save cousin Diqi.” Olia patted the pigeons.

“…” Wang Teng.

I’m so touched!

“Major Wang Teng, what about the devil vine?” Peggy looked around and saw the traces of the devil vine. She was shocked. She already had some guesses in her heart, but she wanted to confirm it.

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After all, it took less than a minute before and after Wang Teng to solve the Devil Vine, which is really unbelievable.

Aven and others also looked over.

“I killed it.” Wang Teng said flatly.

“Sure enough!” Although Peggy had already guessed something, she was still surprised.

“Everyone, be careful, there should be more than one devil vine here, and there will probably be more in front of it,” Wang Teng said.

“Yes!” Everyone responded with a shock.

“Let’s go, keep going.” Wang Teng waved his hand and galloped forward.

Such a good opportunity to squeeze the wool, he couldn’t let it go.

His [Devil Vine] skill is only in the introductory stage, so I don’t need to dig out a little bit of attribute bubbles to improve skill proficiency.

Wang Teng just experimented with the power of [Devil Vine], and now he is quite satisfied with it.

None of the devil vines here can run away!

After everyone traveled for tens of meters, black vines rushed out again in the fog, more than before, in all directions, completely blocking the road ahead.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and everyone was forced to stop again and had to respond.

“Peggy, thirty meters at six o’clock, 120 meters underground, you go to fix that devil vine.”

“Aven, twenty meters at eight o’clock, ninety meters underground!”


This time, Wang Teng did not do it himself, but commanded everyone to attack at the same time.

The most difficult part of the devil vine is that it can’t find a place, but it has nowhere to hide in front of Wang Teng, and the beginning is half abandoned.

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