Coiling Dragon Chapter 7: Emperor fled

Chapter VII fleeing

The chairman of the Dawson Chamber of Commerce, “Monroe & Dawson,” saw this scene and immediately said, “Stop!”

“Liu ~~” Many knights suddenly pulled their horses at the same time, the hoof hoisted up and finally stopped.

“Release Master.” Monroe & Dawson immediately ordered that the red-haired nine-level strong who was responsible for escorting Yale ’s hand moved the bound rope directly and Yale jumped. Dismounted, as for Renault and George, they both jumped down.

“Boss, you’re really fine.” George’s eyes were red with excitement.

“Boss, great, I knew you would be fine,” Yale said excitedly.

George hammered LEI’s chest but didn’t speak.

“Boss, go, leave Finlay City with us.” Yale said immediately, and Monroe & Dawson also said loudly: “This is lei, come with us, as long as it is not a sanctuary Warcraft kills, our safety is absolutely fine. “

Monroe & Dawson also wanted to make LEI a member of the Dawson Chamber of Commerce.

What the Dawson Chamber of Commerce lacks is the Sanctuary!

“No, I still have something to do, Yale boss, second child, fourth child, you go first.” lei shook his head.

“Boss, do you want more?” Yale exclaimed, Yale already guessed what LEI had to do.

LEI nodded: “Yes.”

Clyde, be sure to kill!

The last failure was because of the sacred warcraft scrolls, but lei believes that a king of a kingdom can have a sacred magic scroll already. lei does not believe that Clyde will have two sacred magic scrolls. And now the strong man in the sanctuary of the Temple of Light cannot protect himself, I am afraid that he has no energy to protect a king.

“Boss Yale, where are you going, I will go to you in the future,” lei said.

“This time there are too many World of Warcraft. I am afraid that the Ernst Academy of Magic, which is closer to Finlay City, has also been attacked. We can’t go back to the Academy of Magic. Renault and George waited in a safe place to prepare to return As for my family, I … follow my father first, “Yale replied.

George and Renault also nodded.

“Okay, I’ll go to see you later, Yale Boss, 2nd, 4th, goodbye.” lei gazed at his good brother, nodded heavily, then jumped forward without hesitation, three It was 100 meters away in two clicks.

Yale, Renault, and George also understand that it will be difficult for the four brothers to meet again in the future.

The three also launched immediately.


This cavalry unit of the Dawson Chamber of Commerce has moved forward again.

Many families across Finlay are on the verge of extermination on this day, and the Debs family is no exception. The patriarch Bernard and the first heir ‘Kalan’ were directly trampled to death by the sacred warcraft ‘purple-eye golden ape’. Even before the Debs family had time to think of who would inherit the patriarchship, the family suffered even greater disaster.

Warcraft has broken into the Debs family mansion.

The guards, the servants, the maids, and the tribe died one by one. The Debs’s family was completely crazy. One by one, they grabbed valuable things and fled in all directions. By this time, few people still think of others.

“Sister Alice, what shall we do?” Rowling was completely stupid.

Alice’s faintness from the beginning is now awake.

“Follow me.” Alice drank immediately. Alice was also a fourth-level magician, and Rowling was a fourth-level warrior. They are really pretty good at this age. But in the case of the fifth-level World of Warcraft, they have no resistance at all.

Alice with Rowling rushed into Kalan’s room, and took out two magic crystal cards directly from a box.

“Sister Rowling, these two Magic Crystal Cards each have 100,000 gold coins, which is enough for us to live, we will go now.” Alice and Rowling took a Magic Crystal Card alone. , Rushed directly out of the mansion. The two of them are a magician and a warrior.

At least, I have a very good physique and are very flexible in running.

“Help, ah!”

A maid was desperately running towards the two of Alice. Behind her, a wind wolf Correct, and a wind wolf suddenly rushed to her side, facing her throat fiercely. With Alice and Rowling in their eyes, there is a desire for life. Then his eyes faded.

Luo Lin looked at this scene stupidly, completely shocked.

“Hurry up.”

Alice dragged a few silly Rowlings, and whoever has a charitable heart attack at this time simply kills her. Not to mention them, even the Nine-Class Powers would not dare to show charity. You must know that there are more than a dozen sacred warcrafts in the entire Finlay city, and there are nearly a hundred of nine-level warcraft.

The lower the level, the more there are, especially the fifth and sixth level of Warcraft, such as the Wind Wolf group, there are hundreds of thousands. The population of Finlay City is just over a million. And most residents have only one or two levels of strength, and have no ability to resist at all.

“Oh!” Two weak women, Alice and Rowling, tore the wedding dress and made herself run faster.

“Sister Alice, there is Warcraft in front.” Rowling shouted immediately.

“This way.” Alice dragged Rowling and ran straight into the side alley.

But through the passage of the alley, it is obvious that there is Warcraft at the end of the alley. Alice and Rowling can only stay in the alley in the middle of the two residences.

“Roar ~~” ​​At the other end of the alley, a bloodthirsty iron cow suddenly ran in.

“Come on.” Alice suddenly dragged Rowling out of the alley, regardless of the Warcraft in front, anyway, there were still many people in front. Those Warcraft may not kill them. Both of them sprinted forward desperately.

The sound of heavy breathing, at the moment of life and death, made them all tense.

“嗷!” “嗷!” “嗷!” …

Suddenly, a dozen wind wolves chased over from behind. The speed of the wind wolves was too fast. It was twice as fast as the two of Alice, and soon a dozen wind wolves chased over. At this time, there was a huge earth traveling dragon in front of Alice.

With the size of the earth line dragon, almost half of the green leaf path is blocked, plus the dragon tail. Alice and Rowling couldn’t escape at all.

“Sister Alice.” Rowling was desperate.

Alice looked at the two-storey tall body of Xinglong in front, and looked at the wind wolves who rushed forward and rushed in at the rear. She had no idea how she could escape.

“Are you going to die?” Alice couldn’t help hugging Rowling tightly. At this moment, she couldn’t feel hope. The dozen wind wolves in the rear rushed together and killed her. Light.

A glamorous purple light flashed.

The heads of more than a dozen wind wolves flew up, a figure rushed into the sky at a rapid speed, and then rushed forward to the giant earth-moving dragon ahead.

“That’s …” Alice and Rowling stared blankly at the people who suddenly rescued them.

Alice can see clearly.

“A long time ago, this kind of thing happened.” Alice looked at the figure with a blind eye, who came Correct lei. In fact, lei’s mansion is close to the mansion of the Debs family, and Alice and Rowling are now about ten meters away from the door of the lei mansion.

LEI will at least not die soon.


LIN’s waist twisted, the power moved to the legs through the hips, and the entire right leg was thrown away like a long whip. Like a steel whip, Lei Lei’s right leg penetrated the air, and with a sharp air scream, he severely struck Di Xinglong’s head.

In the process of splitting, LEI also appeared scale armor.

Half dragon!


This foot is too fast. In the case of Di Xinglong’s unresponsiveness, he kicked the hard head of Di Xinglong directly, his brain cracked, and the huge body of Di Xinglong fell suddenly.

LEI landed immediately.

Alice and Rowling watched the figure descending from the air, and they were a little dazed.

“Lin, lei Brother …” Alice said softly.

Lin Lei glanced back and frowned slightly. Lin Lei now has no time to take these two women. If Alice and Rowling were left alone, it would be deadly. A cavalry team rushed forward at an extremely fast speed. There was an old man riding a steed in this cavalry team, the chief curator of the Correct Proux Guild Maia.

This time the Warcraft group strikes, almost all the sculptures of the Prouc Hall are finished, as long as the important ones are put into the space ring by the director of Maya.

This space ring is extremely precious, and this one from the director of Maya was also passed down by the family.

“Director Maia,” lei shouted.

The curator of Maia was overjoyed when he saw lei. “Master lei, you are here.” The curator of maia is most admired for the master figure of stone carving. The works of Grand Masters such as Lux and Hopkinson are naturally admired.

LEI’s assassination of Clyde is rarely known. It was rumored outside that a demon had assassinated Clyde. The director of Maya naturally did not know.

“Master Lei, let’s go with us.” Director Maia is still confident.

The armed forces of the Prolux Hall, as long as it is not a sacred Warcraft strike, there is absolutely no problem in saving lives.

“Director Maia, no, but I ask you to help. These two women have something to do with me. Please take them to a safe place.” Lin Lei please.

“No problem, but Master LEI, Finlay City is very unsafe.” Director Maia said quickly.

“No, I still have something to do, these two women will leave it to you.” After talking, Lin Lei went straight into the mansion, and Alice and Rowling glanced at each other. Immediately reprimanded by the Maya curator, he immediately shared a ride with the others.

“He didn’t even say a word to me.” Alice was suddenly sad.

Horse hoarse, the director of Maia and his party left with Alice and Rowling.

Lin Lei came out of the mansion in a while. When he came out, Lei had a black parcel on his shoulder. There are several magic crystal cards in this package, as well as poisonous powder of hemolytic poison, and blue heart grass.

“Bebe, let’s go to the palace now.”

“Boss, let’s kill some.” Bebe was also excited.

Lin Leidang rushed towards the palace as soon as he took Babe.

In the palace, many people started to flee already, but Clyde entered the treasure house of the palace. How many years of wealth has the royal family accumulated, how could Clyde give up. The wealth of a royal family is terrible.

Like the Debs family, the family wealth is about 100 million gold coins.

But as a corrupt finance minister, Duke Padson’s assets also have nearly 100 million gold coins. As for the wealth of the palace treasure house, it is much more than that.

The treasure house.

“The wealth that I have accumulated for thousands of generations in the Kingdom of Finlay.” Clyde looked at the treasures in the treasure house before he could think too much. A small amount of precious treasures were directly included in the space ring. As a king, Clyde was lucky to own a space ring.

“And these thirty-two magic crystal cards.” Clyde looked at the magic crystal card in his hand.

The thirty-two ownerless magic crystal cards are the accumulation of Finlay Kingdom for thousands of years, and each magic crystal card has 100 million gold coins. Thirty-two are ‘three billion’ gold coins. This number is too scary. I am afraid that some big families in the four Great Emperor countries do not have so much wealth.

Everyone says that being a king is the best way to make money, and for thousands of years, the accumulation of the royal family is naturally amazing.

“The capital of the city of Finlay is over.” Clyde glanced back at the other treasures in the treasure house, only to grit his teeth and leave.

But Clyde did n’t know, it was n’t that the King City of Finlay was gone. In fact, the entire Kingdom of Finlay is already, a land of Warcraft, and Clyde already is no longer a king! In fact, it is not just the Kingdom of Finlay. The territory of the Holy Alliance is now being eroded by Warcraft.

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