Coiling Dragon Chapter 12: The pack of wolves (below)

The continuous mountains in the World of Warcraft Mountains, coupled with the fact that various plants do not know how many years have grown, have led to troublesome road trips in the World of Warcraft Mountains. The most troublesome is that you often need to cross the mountains or cross the road.

“Go forward in the mountains of Warcraft. Don’t get rid of the thorns along the way. Rather take a detour.” Drincowater explained many experiences to lei.

Lin Lei listened carefully while moving on.

“Remember, the most taboo sound in the World of Warcraft Mountains is the constant taboo. This will make you be discovered by many Warcraft. Even if you make any noise, you should leave the place as soon as possible.” Delincourt continued, “Remember, even if you are injured, the blood on your body is covered as much as possible, and the **** smell will attract Warcraft. Warcraft’s nose is much more sensitive than us.”

Lin Lei looked up at the sky.

The canopies of countless large trees almost cover the entire sky. Seeing this scene, lei can’t help but think of some common knowledge about living in the old forests in the mountains of the Ernst College Library, in which it is difficult to see the sun Where you must learn to distinguish between northeast and southeast.

Lin Lei, like an ape, swiftly crossed the wild branch Fujiman across the road, but just took two steps.

“His ~~” After seeing a scene not far away, lei could not help taking a breath.

The bodies of three men and two women are about ten meters ahead. The bodies of five people have not yet decayed, but the signs of the five bodies being bitten and eaten are very obvious. The bodies of five people are incomplete. One A man’s thigh was eaten more than half, his stomach was eaten a big hole, and the broken large intestine and small intestine also flowed. One woman’s head was half eaten, one eyeball was still there, and the pale skull had some caterpillars crawling on it.

Lin Lei’s face turned pale, and the entire person held his breath.

“They should have died two or three days ago.” Delincourt appeared beside lei, watching five corpses closely, his face was still calm, “lei, look carefully, these five people There was an inconspicuous blood stain on the clothes on the heart of the corpse’s chest. If I observed well, these five people should have been killed by humans and killed by the same person.

LEI was shocked.

“Grandpa Delin, you said you were killed?” lei looked at Delincourt in surprise.

Derlin Coward smiled indifferently: “LEI, this is your first visit to the Warcraft Mountains. If you have been there for a long time, you will know that in addition to dealing with Warcraft attacks, you must guard against other humans. Attack. “

“Humans attack, why are they attacking?” lei felt a little angry at heart.

In the World of Warcraft Mountains, the endless World of Warcraft already has the upper hand. I did not expect that the humans in the World of Warcraft not only did not unite, but also killed each other.

“This is normal. What do humans do when they enter the Mountains of Warcraft? Most of them are to obtain the magic crystal nucleus. Killing a Warcraft can get a magic crystal nucleus. If you kill a person, it may be wrapped There were several of them, and even more magic crystal nuclei. “Delincote stroked Moustache.

Lin Lei understood.


It’s all because of greed. Some people in the World of Warcraft want to get more magic crystal nuclei more easily. It is really a quick way to kill others in the World of Warcraft.

“Lei, you must be careful. According to my observations, the killers who killed these five people are very amazing. You can see that the corpse costumes of these five people are four soldiers and one magician. These five people are all The heart was pierced to death, and the means were crisp and chilling. It was just not knowing the strength of the five, and it was difficult to infer the true strength of the killer. “Delincourt frowned.” But the five dare to come The Warcraft Mountains will never be the weak. From this we can judge that the strength of the murderer will not be weaker than you at least.

Lin Lei took a closer look at the first two steps and nodded in agreement.

The killing method is too neat.

“Now it’s outside the Mountains of Warcraft, so hurry up.” Delincourt said with a smile.

lei nodded and continued to set off. As he marched deeper into the mountains of warcraft, wrecks and human wrecks can often be seen along the way, and many already rusty weapons can also be found. Encountered a few low-power Warcraft.

It’s getting dark, lei and the little shadow mouse each eat a wild boar trotter and are ready to rest. lei sits on the floor, and the little shadow mouse curls up beside lei.

“In the mountains of Warcraft, you can’t light a fire at night,” Delincovot asked again.

“Yes, Grandpa Delin.” Most of the common sense of survival in the World of Warcraft, lei still knows, World of Warcraft is not an ordinary beast, they are not afraid of ordinary fire.

Sitting on the ground, the quiet lei in my heart slowly closed her eyes, and at the same time began to feel the flow of the elements in the earth, and also the flow of the surrounding wind elements. The feeling was like returning to her parents. Arms.

The affinities of the terrestrial and wind elements are superb, which also makes the lei induction clearer.

“The pulsation of the earth, the rhythm of the wind.” Lin Lei had a quiet smile on his face, and the whole person began to sleep. In this case, lei is very confident. Once there is any vibration on the ground close to him, or if there is any speed approaching to cause wind, it will make lei aware and wake up.

This is the skill of the land and wind magicians.

The night is getting deeper, and the little shadow mouse ‘Babe’ curled up beside lei also makes a very slight snoring sound, and the wind at night is forgiven. Feeling cool, it only makes people feel hot and humid during the day.

It’s dark at night.

“唆唆 ~~~” The sound of a slight limb rubbing against the weeds sounded.

Two strong wind wolves with cyan and bright hair are walking quietly back and forth between the mountains and forests. The green eyes of the two wind wolves are watching around vigilantly, but their strong and powerful limbs quiet Walking silently on the road.

The pale fangs faintly reflected the cold light in the dark.

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