Close Combat Mage Chapter 918: Who cares

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Chapter 198 Who cares

Compared to the game, the livelines in the forum are not two days a day. In the game, Gu Fei and their killings were violent, and the riots caused were still on a small scale, not as large as the previous chaos of the whole city in the cloud and moon night. Even if this time attracted more than 20 main cities to send elite masters, but each city is only up to 500 people up and down, and everyone started purposefully, did not cause any fluctuations in their respective main cities.

The forum is different. From the initial launch of the efficiency leveling method, to the start of the urban warfare, to the rewards of the urban warfare, to the dispute between Gu Fei and their studio, to the throwing of equipment, these things have attracted the attention of the whole people. In this place where you do n’t need strength, you just need to play tricks. Everyone is like Gu Fei, a peerless master like no other. And this period of time is also really awesome for the gossip parties, one topic after another worth discussing. More than 20 elite masters went out of the main city. When everyone hadn’t entered into a substantive discussion about this, the efficiency leveling method was once again set off again.

Efficiency leveling method Gu Fei did it only once after they openly peddled, and then did not continue because the city battle activity began, but this time, the impact was not just that tens of thousands of players mastered efficiency leveling The method is so simple.

The Baimofang leveling area in Baishi City is the first leveling area developed by Gu Fei and they are also the popular education activities carried out here. At this time, the White Mill has become a general place for leveling holy places. But this holy place is full of white light and struggle. Thanks to the unremitting efforts of pirates, the number of players who now master the White Mill efficiency leveling method has been many times that of Gu Fei they recruited students, and there is a growing trend. After all, unlike Yun Zhongmu, the Ten League Alliance was privately contacted, and no one outside knows what they learned.

In the current game, using the White Mill efficiency leveling method to fight monsters and leveling in the White Mill is the fastest way to upgrade. This is well known.

Local, foreign; personal, guild; those who want to level, want to learn, and even want to see the connotation of this efficient leveling method. Many visitors gather in the White Mill area of ​​Baishi City. There are more people than strangers at any time 24 hours a day. Even a powerful guild can’t control the situation here, nor dare to control it.

The players who initially learned a genuine set from Gu Fei were the worst. It has been inefficient for a few days to learn, this leveling area has become like this. The efficiency leveling method is true, but there is no chance to use it at all!

But one thing I have to say is that the efficiency leveling method has obviously been recognized by all players. Everyone can see that this blame method is worthy of efficiency. This is a powerful fight that can make up for the gap between players. Weird way. It’s a pity that the method of Daguai is too targeted. The method used in the White Mill will immediately change to another place, and the connotation of this can’t be seen by players.

It seems that Bai Mofang has become the world’s least efficient leveling area. All players are looking forward to the emergence of a new efficiency leveling area. But looking at the lesson on the side of the White Mill, the players are really worried, afraid that they will learn like this group of students.

Looking forward to it for so long, a new wave of efficiency leveling teaching has finally arrived. This time, the momentum was huge, but the players were not disappointed. The 30 main cities, a total of 60 leveling, all of which are in the field of level 40, compared with the previous leveling area of ​​a city, this progress is too great.

The players in the main city who were named, cheered when they saw the news. Those with enough grades are ready to register, and those who are not in grades are also thinking about whether they can learn to put them down.

And players outside the 30th main city saw hope in this news. Because the studio has promised that the remaining main city will also be open for teaching one after another. At present, it is not played at the same time, just because the studio has limited resources and manpower.

The resources here are, of course, Baishi Jinglun. It is already the limit of 60 leveling areas for so many days to develop this kind of development by Baishi Jinglun alone. At present, Baishi Jinglun’s proficiency in the development efficiency leveling method has soared, and Jiannan You waited for the game’s veteran, and the assistant who was professionally proficient to assist, and the development speed was getting faster and faster.

As for the lack of manpower, it is because the development and teaching of the forty-level leveling area must be carried out, and then there must be teachers with matching levels. Level 40 players, this is a scarce resource for the studio. Not so much inside them. At present, the 60 leveling areas in the 30 cities have been reluctant, and many people will not only bring one class.

The internal problems are of course unknown to outside players. Anyway, this is what the studio explained. In addition, combined with the current miserable situation of Baishifang Baishifang’s leveling and players’ deep communication, let everyone be restless, don’t swarm all to a leveling area, because they will step through all the main city leveling areas popular.

If there is no lesson from the White Mill, players will most likely ignore this advice. But when I witnessed the White Mill, which was supposed to be an efficient leveling area, because the players’ swarms became the most efficient leveling method, everyone understood that the studio’s suggestions were very reliable. So apart from some ulterior motives, most players continue to stay in their hometowns waiting for the work progress of Yunteng Studio.

As a result, Yunteng Studio became famous instantly. Before the digging people Yunteng was bright in the circle, now this single business, instantly let the players of the whole game quickly remember their names. The nitrite found at this time that the double-edged sword in cooperation with the very anti-sky is now completely cast.

In terms of players, their business is officially opened. At this time, the work points of the 30 main cities are too busy, and the players who flock to sign up to learn the efficiency leveling method are crowded with the streets. Other main city players are also inquiring through multiple channels: when will the teaching go to them. The prospect is bright.

However, the bright prospects are naturally jealous of their peers. Coupled with the exaggeration of digging people before, it is really not a beautiful means of competition. Yun Teng is well-known in the industry circle, but its reputation is getting worse.

The business needs to be done step by step. At this time, nitrite is racking its brains and thinking about how to have a good relationship with other colleagues. Inge did not have to think about it, it was definitely a hostile relationship in a short time, but the other studios had to communicate with nitrite, otherwise they would all stand on Inge and completely isolate them from attacking, then The result is not very good. After all, they want to do business with nitrite, and the business has to develop and continue. If you die after addiction, it is speculation.

They are the leaders of the three bosses, and nitrite is mainly responsible for such matters. Therefore, they only have a lot of communication with Han Family, and the other two people guide more in specific business. Now that the efficiency leveling method has entered a substantive stage, they do n’t have to worry too much about Baishi Jinglun and Jiannanyou. They are still technical teams and continue to develop new leveling areas.

Reading Fengshuang’s complexion at this time is ugly and very ugly. It is no accident that the 30 main cities are teaching, including 26 of them on this expedition. What’s more, Yunteng Studio is engaged in this operation. Yunteng Studio and the relationship between them are very well known.

He believes that this will not be false news. How can the studio be a trader, so self-destructive? No matter how hard it is, you can’t even put yourself in it? But in the home of their gangs, this business was the first to start this business, which is definitely a secret help to the very sky. Moreover, after reading Feng Shuang, he finally understood why Yunteng Studio is so eager to the very guild, which turned out to have such a big interest behind. But they have been thinking about how to extinguish the military force, which is simply too simple.

At the moment, this is a bottom draw! After reading Fengshuang, I have just heard the news. They are all online. They know that the news of the forum is always slower. At this time, they have not spread the news in the team, but what will happen when the news spreads?

“Efficiency leveling method, you can learn the same way when you go back in the evening …” After reading Fengshuang, I envisioned some possibilities. He has also heard of the story of the White Mill in Baishi City. Although there are so many players who started to pay for learning, but later they stolen learning, pirated sales, and mutual popularity among friends, resulting in a geometric multiple increase in the final number. Not to mention that players from all over the world are heading towards that pile, even if all players from a single main city go to an area, it can’t be crowded! Seen in this way, there seems to be no difference in going first.

Ye Xiaowu has always been walking with Feng Shuang, who was shocked when he heard the news.

“It’s chaos, it’s so chaotic!” Ye Xiaowu’s complexion is even uglier than reading Feng Shuang. After reading Feng Shuang, he was only worried that the development of this game in their home city would shake the military heart of their team, but Ye Xiaowu was worried about the destruction of the game by this efficient leveling method.

“I hope you won’t be confused.” Fengshuang said after reading.

“How can it not be disordered? How can it not be disordered? Baishicheng is a lesson to learn from the past. What is the effective leveling method in the end? The whole leveling area is a mess, and it is not possible to level normally.” Say.

“I mean our team.” Feng Shuang said after reading.

“I mean leveling zone.” Ye Xiaowu said. Obviously, the “chaos” in the mouths of the two did not mean the same thing.

“The chaos in the leveling area is affirmative. What are you thinking about?” Feng Shuang said.

“This will ruin the game!” Ye Xiaowu was indignant.

After reading Feng Shuang, he glanced at him and felt that this person was a little inexplicable. But at the end, he was shocked. He just reminded himself of what he just said casually.

The leveling area is chaotic, what are you thinking about? Fully read Feng Shuang said Ye Xiaowu.

Yes, people who do n’t go to the leveling area really do n’t have to go to the heart, but what about the leveling area?

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