Close Combat Mage Chapter 900: A quicker assassination

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Chapter 900 The assassination in one step

Lemon Yellow is one of the old players. There have been glory in the past games, and it is also quite good in the parallel world. After unremitting efforts and a little luck, he ranked 17th in the Mage list. In his main city, Frost Snow City, it is even the number one Mage.

But all this is clearly past.

Today is the most tragic day in the history of lemon yellow online games. Within a day, all his efforts have become a bubble. He has dropped three levels and is on a cliff of forty. His beloved robe is also there. The second time when the pk value was hung up, it went out and went back to his hometown in underwear. Ran a robed robe from the hands of friends and put on it to go to the discussion group meeting of the big men. As a result, he was upset by the late sandpaper. The most tragic thing is that in the end their actions were basically based on the idea of ​​sandpaper, so that lemon yellow just wanted to vomit.

As a result, he ca n’t even vomit now, because he even encounters a bottleneck in this idea. He asked a bunch of archers and thieves as required, but in the end realized he seemed inconvenient to participate in such actions. Mage is a noble profession, and it is not suitable for such a job from the skill setting or point selection, unless adding agility is as trivial as the drunken one!

Lemon Yellow is thinking about it while trying to send a message to other big people who are estimated to have the same problem as himself. Suddenly I heard someone calling: “Lemon Yellow.”

“Huh?” Lemon Yellow turned back, still sending a message.

“Look who I am.” said the man.

“Boring.” Lemon Yellow didn’t even want to make a joke with anyone, and glanced at it while talking. As a result, Lemon Yellow immediately understood that his bad luck will continue, and today is his most and most unlucky day.

Thousands of miles drunk … come when you think, is your **** summon beast? This was the last thought flashed by Lemon Yellow, and then he was cut. When resurrected, it was cold and humid. Lemon Yellow was excited, this … this is a dungeon, not a resurrection point. Checking your information again, the grade is sound, and it turned out that it was sent back to the dungeon by the wanted task.

Why? Why is this happening? Thousands of miles drunk, this stupid thing doesn’t kill himself, and treats himself as a task? Hahahaha, good luck hasn’t left yet! finally come. Lemon yellow laughed in the prison, and he would still be so happy in prison. This shows that everything is absolute, and everything should be compared. For example, there are a small number of people who say that butterflies are shameless, but compared to Baidu, butterflies are pure, noble, and glorious.

“How did it happen, how did it go to jail again !!!” Lemon yellow left, and the two people who stayed expressed one’s strong dissatisfaction to the other.

The dissatisfaction is the slim waist dance, and the dissatisfaction is Gu Fei.

“He is at level 40, and it will be pitiful if he drops again.” Gu Fei said.

“Okay, you can do it! Come out and mix, how can there be no grade, even the old lady has passed the grade.” Slim waist dance said.

“I haven’t dropped it.” Gu Fei said.

“You … are mad at you! The next one will say yes, I must be killed, otherwise I will run around to figure out what?” Slender waist danced.

“Provide a scroll?” Gu Fei asked.

“Destroy you !!!” Slim waist dances angrily.

“Next stop, next stop.” Gu Fei checked the information sent by Brother You.

Compared with the assassination operation that the big guys want to engage in, Gu Fei’s assassination started first is too precise and too in place. The only flaw is not comprehensive enough. After all, most of the 31 people have n’t found information yet, and some have no pk value. For example, at a low temperature, this pastor with a large life and a large amount of recovery, Brother Yu found it, but how can the pastor have a pk value? You ca n’t use the license without the pk value, and Gu Fei ca n’t find it, so you can let this person go.

And like lemon yellow, one of the people who hanged up in the past has been screened out. In this team battle, he was carrying a bunch of pk with one Mage, who would not be the target? However, the ending still made him happy after all. If he had a pk value on his back, if he was really killed at that time, he would have no courage to continue the game. It is still in the 20-30 realm to live tenaciously without being laughed and killed tenth level. Now it is not discouraged to drop to such a level. Those who have perseverance.

Choose the second goal, Gu Fei slim waist dance took off again, and this time it was finally satisfied with the slim waist dance. This classmate participated in the first ambush, but withdrew from the second melee. Although still carrying the pk value that was killed during the melee, his 42-level level protected him from falling below forty. So it was an honour to get the chance to die on the thin waist dancer.

Slim waist dance held back for a long time, this killing was euphoric, and people left the last words of “abnormality” before they died. Even if it is a game, pk killing is so full of fun, that is not what is abnormal?

“Next.” Gu Fei pursued efficiency and immediately took off to the next stop. Reel or something, Youge has already provided a set after finding out the origin of each person. Youge is still very meticulous in doing logistics, but in war-based games, it is always a neglected object.

The situation of the next one is similar to the previous one. He died once, and has a pk value, but it will not fall below 40. Obviously it will be a prey belonging to the slim waist dance, but the two find the coordinates and go to the house. Jiewa found a circle, but no figure. The experienced Gu Fei immediately concluded: “In the house!”

Then knock on the door.

“Who?” asked.

“I.” Gu Fei said.

“Who are you?” also asked

Gu Fei did n’t answer well and pushed the waist dance, so the waist dance replied: “Beauty.”

The other party came immediately to open the door. As soon as they saw the slim waist dance outside the door, they opened their eyes and smiled. They had forgotten that the person who said “I” at first seemed to be a man.

So the beauty gave him a knife, and his blood stained his belly, but he couldn’t respond. The knife was inserted into the chest, and it was so white. Slim waist dance is very satisfied with his quick and efficient approach, Gu Fei sighed on the side: “Fool, kill the wrong, this is not the goal.”

But the goal came out quickly, and he brought a group of people. This is also a big man of efficiency. He has already gathered his manpower and is doing a mobilization meeting. As a result, he is found here.

“Look, that’s what it is.” Gu Fei gave the slim waist dance finger.

“Who is it!” The man hadn’t noticed Gu Fei and was still asking.

“Beauty!” Slim waist dance answered him, killing at high speed.

Everyone is still laughing, ambiguously laughing, they evilly understand this as a beautiful woman’s embrace. Although they don’t know the reason, they feel that there is always no problem for the big guys to deal with a female player. They do not know that this is the most sturdy female player in the parallel world, a female player who is more master than too many men, and the tragedy of big figures. There is still a gap between first-class and super-first-class. Slim waist dancers can’t be said to be first-class, but the equipment is absolutely super-class. This big figure and her same profession are suppressed to be inhumane.

That’s how everyone was shocked. Their big figures failed to seduce the beauties, but were destroyed by the beauties.

The gap between first-class and super-first-class is not as great as the distance between super-class and metamorphosis. The super class was under siege, and after a while it was a bit overwhelming. After all, they were all called masters, not roadside melons.

“Look, come helper !!” Xiaoyao Wu saw Gu Fei still holding her arm against the wall and wandering, how angry!

Oh, I’m afraid I’m interfering with you and saying that I rob you.” Gu Fei said.

“Strange?” The players who heard this were all wood. We are humans, we are not strange.

But they were too late to explain or to express their dissatisfaction, and the pervert joined the war group and instantly fell apart. The organized attack masters are either archers or thieves. One is thinner than the other. Gu Fei is the best at them. So in the end, the thieves fell down, the archers ran away, Gu Fei was depressed: “pk value is up again.”

“Wash.” Slim waist dance said.

“Yes, the coordinates can be used just now!” Gu Fei said.

The big man who had just been cut by the waist dance fell two levels at a time. At this time, forty, I felt sad and sad, and I didn’t want to come out of the resurrection point. As a result, he did n’t come out, the man walked in, and the man and the woman came to the door again. This time he recognized that he was drunk and was furious. He thought about what you could do at the resurrection point. On the cheap, Gu Fei moved in an instant, close-up, double flashes.

Cold, damp, and dungeon. This big man’s state of mind is different from that of Lemon Yellow. He originally thought he was at an absolutely safe resurrection point. Who knew that the other party would take him with a wanted mission. Depressed and resentful, but no one even listened to the street, without the main city hosted by Gu Fei, the dungeons were mostly deserted.

Three consecutive goals were completed happily, and the waist dance finally became addicted and regained a smile, but the big guys finally reacted a little at this time. The first target, Lemon Yellow, entered the dungeon, and the news was unclear; the second one just dropped the level, and saw Qianli Yizui clearly, and immediately sent a message to every big man: Qianli Yizui took the initiative to attack and assassinated the door.

“Rely !!” The big names who heard the news were all frightened and angry. They are still organizing to assassinate, but the people have already taken the lead, and at this time, let’s not attack the cloud city. Everyone has doubts about their own safety.

As a result, the fourth goal was fairly smooth, but by the fifth goal the change began to become tricky. The buddy learned that the others were in jail. After he died in the forty, he was also in jail. He invited all the helpers he could call and waited in the center of their main city.

Gu Fei and Slim Waist Dance were found, and the crowd of people here was very lively.

“Oh, it’s hard to find someone like this.” Gu Fei said.

“What is this for?” Slim waist dance looked around.

“What party?” Gu Fei guessed.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Slim waist dance asked a person.

The beautiful woman waited to see her, and the man immediately answered: “Slowly, we are waiting for a drunken thousand miles. This inhuman animal beast is haunted. I heard that we are coming to our main city to commit murder. We are waiting for him.”

“Hahahaha, no human beasts.” Xiaoyao Wu pointed at Gu Fei and laughed.

Everyone is staring. And Gu Fei’s characteristics have long been instilled in everyone here. Upon seeing this dress, the square immediately became chaotic. Everyone suddenly rushed to squeeze around alone, how confusing is that? Everyone knows when a star meets a bunch of fans.

Gu Fei looked at this situation not very well, too many people, too chaotic. In such an unorganized situation, it is useless to have good skills, and may be stomped to death in a mess. Even if I lap a second, I dare not step forward on the second lap, but people on the fourth lap of the third lap may push the second lap up, then push three laps in four laps, push four in five laps, You have to be pushed down to push yourself.

“Run!” Gu Fei flicked at the waist dance, how fast was the waist dance, she was Gu Fei in a blink of an eye, she was gone in a blink of an eye, Gu Fei behind a bunch of chasing soldiers The thief Quanmin Archer and the like have even advanced.

Gu Fei draws his sword and rushes to kill him. Fortunately, he is in front of all archers and thieves. There is no least blood but less blood. Basically, he ca n’t stand Gu Fei. The one who is faster than him eventually falls under his sword, and the one that can be faster than him is that lard will be rushed to the front to eat the sword.

Outer city players have always been a little clueless about the powerful drunkenness. This time it is a large-scale acquaintance, but I think it is even more so than before. Is this still human? Is this still a player? This is hanging! This is the only acceptable explanation in everyone’s mind.

Dropping the chasing soldiers, Gu Fei and Slim Waist Dance joined together. Slim Waist Dance was still pointing at him, and it was called “inhumanity” for a while, and “beast” for a while. Somewhere.

Gu Fei was still thinking about his goal, checked the coordinates, and was moving, but he did n’t know where he was going in the strange place, only knowing that he was getting further away from his direction.

“Can’t this kill?” Slim waist dance asked.

“It’s too messy to kill,” Gu Fei said.

“But you can’t keep such a large crowd all the time!” said Slim Waist Dance.

“It’s okay for a lot of people to pile up, but these people are too messy, give the organization a layout!” Gu Fei complained.

“You mean, with the organization and layout, there will be a chance?” Slim waist dance widened his eyes.

“Yeah, only the organized layout can find accurate and effective space.” Gu Fei said.

“It’s not free now.” Xiaoyao Wu didn’t believe it.

“Of course there are, but it’s too messy and messy.” Gu Fei said.

“What about then?”

“There is no way to win,” Gu Fei said.

“You just pull it !!!” Slim waist dance despised.

“You don’t understand.” Gu Fei didn’t explain either, reached out and looked around, and no one came after him.

“What should I do now? Wait or continue to the next one?” Slim waist dance asked.

“It is estimated that it is not bad. The other party already knows that we are coming, so they are resisting.” Gu Fei said.

“So many people have been protecting, when will the protector go?” Slim waist dance said.

“If they know my method, as long as the pk value is eliminated, maybe they will wash the pk value together.” Gu Fei said.

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