Close Combat Mage Chapter 891: Evil Swearless Sword

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Chapter 891 The Evil Swearless Sword

“He went to the moon night city to wash.” The sword ghost replied the sword without oath.

“Okay, let’s end the meaningless greetings and talk about things.” The Han family saw the Sword Without Swears attempt to continue this topic and quickly interrupted. After realizing that being drunk for a thousand miles is almost impossible to overthrow, the players of Cloud City cleverly chose to show him good. The Swearless Sword also embarked on this path somehow. He felt that his relationship with Thousand Miles Drunk seemed to be doing well, but it still needs further consolidation! Even if it is more discussion and discussion about this person. Anyone who wants to be cut off by the Han family son so rudely, the Swearing Sword is very depressed, but he has to endure it.

“That’s it.” The Swearless Sword finally started to say the right thing, “Someone is making trouble, Sword Ghost Brother should tell us! This player from the outer city has bullied us into the cloud city, we have to give them together Click on the color to see! “

Oh?” Sword Ghost accident, Han Family son accident, You Ge also accident. Players in the game may have a sense of regional honor, but it will not be so strong. Very anti-natural is now hot on the forum. Anyone who is attacked can guess that it is related to Inge Studio. This has nothing to do with what out-of-town players are bullying. The Swearing Sword waved the banner to come forward, and this kindness made them very surprised.

Although it seems that these guilds are now harmonious with the relationship between the heavens and the heavens, the sword ghost Han’s son Yu Ge knows that they still play the role of villains in the cloud city. When such a thing happened, the Swearing Sword should be snickering behind his back. It would be nice if he did n’t take advantage of the fire. He would still come out to support them. Is this guy really turning around, and really want to treat the very anti-sky as a friend to advance and retreat together?

Or … Han Xiaozi glanced at Gu Xiaoxiu. The woman came out to support them, but he believed more, but Gu Xiaosi was not close to them. She might not avoid her if she went to her for help, but she would n’t seem to be so enthusiastic if she wanted to intervene. . And she came to help if she wanted to help, and she dragged the Swearless Sword together, which was not like her style. Han Jiazi shook his head and denied this judgment. Gu Xiaoshu was pulled by the sword of innocence in the name of help, which is more established. So, the main thing in this matter is the Swearless Sword, what idea is this guy playing?

“What is the origin of the other party?” the Swearless Sword asked.

“This, I am not sure yet.” Jian Gui Shicheng, although no one except Ying Qi is likely to come to trouble them from the outer city, but after all, there is no clear evidence that this group of people was found by Ying Qi. Yes, so be cautious.

“I think Inge Studio is retaliating against you?” The Sword Without Swearing has concluded to them.

“In addition to this, I really can’t think of any other possibilities.” Jian Gui is also telling the truth.

“In this case, although this time it is a retreat, but the other party probably will not stop there, and will come back!” said the sword without a vow.

“Probably!” the sword ghost replied.

“Humph! Just wait for them to come again.” Sword of Innocence thumped the table.

The sword ghost looked at him silently for a while, and said after a while: “What’s the matter with the president without a vow about me?”

The Swearless Sword looked at the sword ghost with surprise: “The guys in the outer city bully our cloud city players. As we are the biggest guild in the cloud city, how can we just sit by and ignore it? Come Xiao Xiao come together? You can rest assured that the sword ghost boss, we will support you in the end. “

“This … don’t you dare to trouble everyone?” The meaning of Sword Ghost actually sounded out a long time ago. In fact, he wondered how the Swear Sword would behave so enthusiastically, which is too puzzling.

“What trouble is not troublesome, don’t you just say this when you say this!” The Swearless Sword said, “My guild has been mobilized, what is the situation now?”

“What the **** is this guy doing?” Youge muttered on the mercenary channel. Anyone who reads the positive words of Swearless Sword will feel a little abnormal after reading it. They are not Caiyunjian, and there is a beautiful president who makes the sword without oath not hesitate to insert the knife.

“Of course it won’t please us. If you want to show us something, it’s a little too early.” Han Jiazi said.

“Well, what do you mean?”

“Now it’s a little bit to send carbon in the snow, but icing on the cake is probably his style.” Han Jiazi said.

“It makes sense.” Brother Yu nodded, and the Swearing Sword looked like a cheeky guy, but he was actually smart! Cheeky alone cannot lead such a large guild.

“How come a few don’t speak?” asked the Swearless Sword.

“The current situation is not easy to describe. We don’t know the other party’s next plan, even if it is the first wave, there may still be some people staying in the cloud city, and they may attack us at any time.” Han Jiagong suddenly Opening.

Oh? Is there anyone else? What are the characteristics?” The Swearless Sword asked.

“Unclear.” Han Jiazi said.

“Then it will be difficult to find them out.” The Swearless Sword said with disappointment.

“The opponents are not small, and among the first wave of members we killed, eight are likely to be the top 30 experts in each professional ranking.” Han Jiazi said.

“Humph, the stronger the opponent, the more excited I will be.”

“…” The people almost didn’t vomit, Gu Xiaosi had already taken the case, but finally looked at the sword ghosts: “Say hello to something.”

Han Jiazi nodded his head. In his opinion, Gu Xiaosi’s attitude is relatively normal. The Sword without Swears is a bit diligently overdone! However, step by step, Han Jiazi feels a little bit guessing about this guy’s ideas.

“It’s these eight people who are also from the main city. We will face the masters of the entire game world this time.” Han Jiazi said.

“It’s an honor!” There is no end to the costume 13 of the Swearless Sword.

“Then this situation, if it is the president without a vow, what would you plan?” Han Jiazi’s words turned sharply.

“Being static to moving, it should remain the same and change constantly. Keep an eye on the city and pay attention to the actions of this team player.” The Swearless Sword said.

“Especially for some gorgeous equipment, we must pay more attention to it. In fact, we have a clear understanding of the master characters in Cloud City that can make people shine, and most of them know it.” Han Jiazi said.

“Yes, yes, yes.” The Swearing Sword nodded again and again.

“Now there may be such a role in a group of people who have been lurking and have not left.” Han Jiazi said.

“I call attention.” Swordless Swearing.

“Thank you for the president of the oath without help.” Han Jiazi said.

“Where should it be!” The Swearless Sword swept boldly.

“What do you mean, just accept this guy?” You Ge asked on the channel.

“There is no reason to refuse! And, you can’t refuse.” Han Jiagong said.

“You see his intention?” Brother Yu asked.

“Sword without Oath … seems to be very interested in masters.” Jian Gui carefully observed some excitement in the words of Sword without Oath.

“Did he really treat Qianli as an idol?” You Ge wondered. It is Gu Fei’s style that is very interested in masters.

“Is he interested, probably the master’s equipment?” Han Jiazi said.

Oh?” Brother Yu stunned.

“Many bosses with High grade equipment suddenly swayed, are you tempted?” Han Jiazi asked.

“This guy … it’s so evil.” You Ge sighed. The Swearless Sword turned out to be masters who were in trouble for the boss of the High grade equipment. How can this guy be so enthusiastic, and also confidently get the entire guild to actively participate. The president ’s control of the guild in the game is actually very general. There can be many reasons for the guild members to achieve one thing together, but the president ’s command is by no means an effective motivation, but it is obtained For the benefit of High grade equipment, this must be.

“Are there any gains from a bunch of people in a thousand miles?” Han Jiazi suddenly asked.

“Nothing is too good.” Jian Gui replied. The master equipment that can make them this level is already the top in the game, and the ordinary High grade will not be too eye-catching.

“Yes, it didn’t burst out.” You Ge pointed out something.

The sword ghost nodded. He is currently on a low level, and he is definitely incompetent for the top 30 masters of this level. However, in the experience of the sword ghost, some things no longer require identification, and he can judge what it is with the naked eye. According to the speed, strength, defense, etc. that this person showed, the conditions and identification techniques he inferred are not much different. It may even exceed identification. Forensics is often question marks.

“Does this sword without swear, let him go like this?” Brother You asked.

“If you go on like this, things will get bigger and bigger.” Jian Gui frowned. Relegation, loss of equipment, what other losses in online games are more hateful than this? Players who have been hit by this attack will definitely not endure it silently, the more masters they want to get back. Such a round-robin, endless cycle, coupled with the characteristics of dead and unclean in online games, it is impossible to report grievances without using future generations.

“Yeah, it will be more lively than ever before,” Han Jiazi said.

When several people communicate on the channel again, Sword of Innocence also seems to have made some arrangements in the guild, and then came back to their eyes: “Then a few, you must inform me of any new situations, our cloud city players Can’t be bullied casually. “

“Uh.” The sword ghost responded, and this sound contained a lot of helplessness. He didn’t want to involve too many people, but he knew it was beyond his control. Because no one can dispel players hunting bosses, and strive for the momentum of High grade equipment. Although this time, other players are regarded as bosses, but this is the case with online games. Although Jiannanyou used them for the purpose of killing people for unprovoked killings, they were despised. However, with reasonable conflicts as an excuse, killing equipment to become a loot is a thing recognized by players. Ghosts are no exception.

“Then we’ll say goodbye first, and we must contact us if we have anything to do.” The sword without a vow has thousands of instructions.

“This guy, have you figured out the situation?” Brother Yu cried a little.

“The strong dragon can’t crush the ground snake. Those guys don’t know the situation and attack again. I think they really want to let the sword without oath have a lot of them seized.” Han Jiazi said.

“What about afterwards?” said Jian Gui.

“Afterwards …” Han Jiazi did not speak.

It’s very good that they didn’t expect anything. The big guys did not go back all the time. What didn’t come back was naturally the half of the people who came with it again. They ran to design an ambush, and whoever wanted people to get drunk to chase the ground was their team. The speed of the team’s movement can’t bring a thousand miles of drunk into an ambush, this ambush can only become a joke. And their half team seems to be unable to stop the drunken strength, and once again they simply did not come back to reinforce. After reading the wind and frost, they sent the retreat, but once again, the four teams were completely dispersed.

Firstly, they no longer gather together to attract attention, and secondly, they begin to carry out their next plan: fully understand the strength of drunkenness.

In addition to the big players of the four teams going offline to participate in the Commerce Union meeting, the remaining players are now mixed in the pubs, auction houses, trading streets, leveling areas, etc. of Cloud City. Get drunk and use it as a set of information.

And the offline discussion group association Commerce Union has also made some progress. After a detailed anatomy of the process of dealing with Qianliyi drunk, reading Feng Shuang suddenly thought of a detail.

“Deep drunk, he didn’t use appraisal technique before he started with me.” Fengshuang said.

Oh?” Everyone was surprised. This is an incomprehensible behavior in the hands of masters. Knowing the opponent’s equipment, you can judge the opponent’s attributes of attack, defense, speed, etc. If you find the skills contained in the equipment, it will be easier to resist.

“Probably because he is too strong …” Feng Shuang read thoroughly and said, “It is not important for him to know what the other party’s equipment is.”

“Is this conclusion based on a pk between you and him a bit sloppy? Maybe it was just that he forgot, not his fighting habits?” Some people wondered.

“Identifying opponents with identification techniques is a fighting habit in itself. Which of you can forget this before pk? If you forget it, it means that he has no such habit.” Say.

“It makes sense.” Someone agreed.

“No appraisal technique? It would be a miracle that he can live to the present. When he meets a person with reflex damage, he does not kill himself with such high damage.” said one.

The discussion group suddenly calmed down. Has the original method of cleaning up drunkenness already appeared so casually?

“Reflex damage … Rarely would anyone use such equipment?” Someone said.

“Single training will definitely not work, it is necessary to recover after a few hits, it is a waste of time, and it costs money to buy food.” One said.

“It ’s good to hit a boss, a high blood wears a reflection, and then a bunch of priests brush the blood.”

“The priest will be gorgeously ot, no doubt.”

“Is it really a waste wood that no one will choose to attribute?”

“But at this special time, it can still be used.”

“Just do it?” Someone suggested.

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