Close Combat Mage Chapter 833: Catch two

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Chapter 833 catches two

Douqing Bowl has been a professional player for many years, but it has never been as beautiful as it is in a parallel world! Professional gamers of online games are not glamorous professions, and generally can only barely make ends meet. The only advantage is that you can play games to make money. However, under the pressure of survival, many professional players have lost interest in the game, which can not be said to be a tragedy. Even more tragic is that this is the ultimate destination of almost every professional player.

Douqing Bowl feels very lucky. While watching many seniors play with pain and helplessness, he not only plays happily, but also protects his life, and his income is quite good. In the Eagle League, they can not only take the fixed salary given by Inge Studio boss Gaishi Qiying, but also these 30 top experts get together, and they can often go to some private work to earn extra money. The boss Gaishi Qi Ying doesn’t mind them doing this. It ’s just that most of the equipment on them is provided by the boss for free from his studio. The owner of the equipment is Ge Shiying in the end, so if you accidentally explode something during the private activity, That is to compensate the boss for the loss.

However, under the permanent leadership of the Head of Command, they have never had such an accident. The only two times occurred in the second group. Because the Eagle Group is a three-group shift, each group sometimes does not pass the whole group, and it will recruit a single group to do some tasks. The two groups had two accidents under such circumstances, and the two guys with bad luck who had been hung up broke things out.

The leader of the second group is the original Head of Command Eagle of the Eagle Group, which makes everyone feel that it is a wise decision to change Head of Command to always. It is unclear whether Ying Yang has any emotions in his heart so far. After all, the Eagle Group has been taken over by Ge Shiqiying, and what the personnel appointed is all the boss ’s words. And the fact is always better than Ying Yang, everyone is very satisfied with the replacement of this boss.

That is, from the beginning of Ge Shiqiying to support them and provide them with equipment, the members of the Eagle Group have become masters one by one. The organization of the Eagle Group naturally has to obey the arrangement of Ge Shiqiying. Then the new members of the Eagle Group were directly found by Ge Shiying, and when they reached 30 people, Ge Shiying did not let them recruit new people. After all, everyone here needs to spend money to raise it. If you have one more person, you have to spend more money. If you have enough people, Ge Shiying does not think of raising a guild.

Surely some people chose to leave during this process. The most impressive thing about Douqing Bowl is rafting. This famous Mage master in the parallel world, who was also famous in the parallel world, once stayed in their eagle team. At that time, Head of Command was still Ying Yang, and the original Eagle Group would no longer recruit people, but the rafting such a famous master, the boss could not bear to refuse. It’s just that the rafting and their two partners entered the group for a short time, and they decided to leave. As for whether the boss has opened the conditions to keep it, the bean bowl is too clear. But he thought it might not. After all, with the daily needs of Ge Shiqiying, thirty people at that time were enough.

After the rafting, the lineup of the Eagles has been very stable, and until it is changed to always do Head of Command, continue to serve the boss. They traveled to many main cities in the southeast, mainly to choose the rewarding missions of each city to take the boss to do. Ordinary players certainly don’t have this condition to play games, but it is only under such luxurious conditions that Geishin can have such a high level.

Thinking of the boss ’s gorgeous way of growing up, Douqing Bowl ca n’t help but sigh. This is life! There is a big difference between having money and not having money. But now Douqing Bowl is also the 13th strongman on the Mage list. He is also quite satisfied with himself. His biggest ideal is to go beyond drifting and become the first person on the Mage list. However, things changed after the city battle, and Qianliyi drunk actually became the first person in the game and the first in the Mage list. Now even if it surpasses drifting, it can only rank second in the Mage list. However, the goal of Douqing Bowl is still unchanged, because he heard that their mission will be drunk for thousands of miles this time. Although he heard that this person is very strong, but against their eagle group, Douqing Bowl thinks he can only be pitiful The ground disappeared from the top 10 of the Mage list, which is a goal that does not need to be surpassed.

“How much are you pk?” A voice suddenly interrupted the imagination of Douqing Bowl. The interlocutor is Liu Lan, the 14th strongman on the archer list. He and Douqing Bowl are currently hunting together in the Warrior camp. Both of them are long-distance professions, equipped with high natural attacks, cooperating and skilled, basically any character has been cleaned up before they can reach them. However, after hunting for a day, people who are very against the sky are obviously becoming more cautious, and there are fewer and fewer orders, and the brothers at each resurrection point have not opened for some time. Liu Lan pondered that there would be no business at all, it would be better to wash the pk value. Before talking about it, there was a lot of pressure on the fierce battle eagle group with more than 50 people in Yun Zhongmu. At that time, they all took pk value, thinking that the opponent can easily suppress the solution, but did not expect that Help the guy so tough. At that time, there were four people in the Eagle Group almost hung up. Fortunately, the formation of Head of Command was always properly arranged, and the life of each person was almost more accurate than himself. The quick hang will be quickly maintained by the team. But that heart-shattering is inevitable. Although this trip is for the boss to do the task, you do n’t have to pay for the equipment, but the loss is serious, indicating that the task is not beautiful. The boss does n’t want you to pay for the equipment, and deducts a bonus in disguise. The result is still different …

“I have seven o’clock.” Douqing Bowl replied.

“I haven’t seen anyone at four o’clock for a long time, why don’t we go wash the pk value?” Liu Lan said what he meant.

“Alright.” Douqing Bowl nodded, no one could kill for a long time, and the streets were really boring.

The two of them negotiated and naturally walked towards the wanted mission. Passing through a street, there happened to be an ingenious store on the street. The two of them looked casually, but they suddenly found that there were dozens of people gathered at the door of the store, and they didn’t know what they were doing.

Both secretly screamed, glanced at each other, and walked over there as if pretending to be nothing. Don’t go too close, tens of meters away, Liu Lan’s eagle eye has already seen clearly, and her face has changed greatly: “It’s a person from the Ten Meetings!”

“Guard the store, they guessed our tactics!” Dou Qingwan said.

“Report to Head of Command!” Liu Lan said that while sending a message forever. At the same time, the two had turned around and dared not walk past the shop door. Although they are masters and there are two of them, they dare not fight against dozens of others. There is no rookie in the 10th League.

I always received the news from Liu Lan, but I did n’t panic. I smiled and said, “There are too many shops, can they keep it? Dozens of people? Is n’t it for us to kill? Look at the distribution of troops on your side to guard the shop. “

The news from various districts has come back quickly, but the conclusions given are extremely consistent: no guards were found outside the shop door.

Always finally realize that the situation is not simple, and at the same time, Liu Lan has another news: Many people from the Ten Alliances have appeared in the neighborhood of the Warrior camp, but the two have not been found and are currently looking for a way out.

“What else to turn, leave immediately with the teleport reel !!!” always screamed.

As a result, I did n’t receive a reply. I never heard twice again, but he still did n’t say anything. He knew that they must have met the enemy and could not spare time to reply to his message.

In the layout of the Ten Clubs Alliance, the people who guard the streets do not need to be as persistent as the ones who guard the shops. After all points are occupied, they can shrink from the street to the street, as long as they do n’t expose any of the alleys. The real search team, at this time, has entered the urban area and scattered into alleys. Liu Lan and Douqing Bowl turn left and turn right, and they always find people from the 10th League. The crowded target is conspicuous, but the two of them can always avoid it in advance and go back and forth, but find that there are fewer and fewer roads. Both of them felt a little bad, and the eternal news just arrived at this time. Everyone in the Eagle Group has a reel of teleportation. The two of them are about to take the reel, and suddenly an arrow flies towards them.

Both of them evaded quickly. The two, who are also very experienced, instantly judged the direction of the arrow. At a glance, they saw six players rushing towards them. Liu Lan’s eagle eyes are sharp, and he finds that one of the other six people is the one of the 10th League! The people of the Tenth Committee of the Union actually acted by several people. He almost lost the concept in his mind. He was so careless that he didn’t notice these six people.

The Douqing Bowl swept away at a glance, and my heart jumped. He couldn’t clearly see the Emblem on the chest of the player in the Tenth League, but he looked at a Mage in the opponent team a little bit familiar …

“Is it him?” Dou Qingwan was thinking, but the six had already rushed closer.

“Archer Mage Warrior fighter priest thief!” Liu Lan reported the occupation of the six men at once, and experienced masters can basically judge the occupation by their costumes.

The other party’s Mage was almost accompanied by Liu Lan’s voice. When the spell was waved, Dou Qing Bowl’s eyes swept the other party’s pointing, and dragged Liu Lan to flash.

The difficulty of this flash was unexpectedly low. The two of them just walked forward a few steps away from the spell’s attack range. But the two who are the same masters will not think that the other party’s Mage technique is too rough. On this day, the fire wheel did not put the two as the core of the spell. Range spells do not make players unable to dodge at all, even if they are in the middle of the spell, as long as the judgment is accurate, dodge time is sufficient when the spell is attacked. Opponent Mage clearly knows this, so the selection of this spell puts the two in a corner, so that both can easily avoid forward and left, but not backward and right. Douqing Bowl judged accurately, and it was easy to hide, but as a result, he had to further close the other six people. The purpose of this spell was not to attack them, but to break their escape route.

Both of them quickly understood this technique. Under continuous attacks, the teleportation scroll would definitely be interrupted, and there was no chance at all. But this is not a way to avoid step by step. The six opponents are not terrible, but if the six opponents are close, it will be a little troublesome. In the end, both of them are afraid of close-range remote occupations.

In a thought, the other party Mage has raised his hand and continued to sing, but Liu Lan greeted Douding Bowl while turning around: “Do n’t care, run !!!”

“Don’t !!” The result is that Douqing Bowl desperately pulls Liu Lan, Liu Lan is stunned, and has no resistance at all. He thinks that the other party’s Mage is still the same kind of tricks, and wants to resist a spell damage to open the distance, so Being approached step by step is not a way. But a glance at Douqing Bowl pulls him, thinking that the opponent is not that kind of trick this time. After all, Douqing Bowl is the master of Mage, and the judgment of the placement of Mage spell is more accurate.

Liu Lan followed the Douqing Bowl a few steps, but it was not difficult to hide the spell. After a while, he found that the other party ’s Mage was still that way, and it was the Douqing Bowl that was judged incorrectly. : “Don’t you know that Mage? It’s drifting !!!”

“Drifting?” Liu Lan stunned, and immediately understood why the Douqing Bowl did not let him run away against the injury. At that time, the rafting mixed them with the eagle group. This all-intelligent original parallel world first Mage was so terrifying that the Mage in the eagle group fully armed by the studio could not compare with him. His spells must never be resisted, and at least he has to get some equipment to resist spell damage. Otherwise, the risk is too great, and the spike may not, but who knows if he will have any follow-up tactics?

“Fuck him first!” Liu Lan raised his hand as a sniper, and showed no mercy to this old knowledge. Doudou Bowl didn’t hesitate, drifting was the goal he wanted to surpass, and it would be nice to kill it here.

Liu Lan ’s arrow was fast, almost in a flash, but the Warrior, who had been rushing forward, suddenly crossed his left hand at this moment, crossing the shield, and Brigadier General Leng Lan ’s arrow was stopped. A renju Fireball sung by Douqing Bowl was much slower, and even hit the shield without suspense. A white light had almost bathed Warrior at the same time, but Liu Lan and Douqing Bowl did not see where the priest was. At the moment when the other party rushed, the priest had no idea who was hiding behind him. It was not bad to hide so much, which was also an extremely skilled cooperation.

The Warrior stopped the attack and then received the shield, but did not expect that the fire that exploded in front of the shield was still there. “Bang Bang” continued to fly forward while continuously bursting. This was surprising, Warrior was too late to think about it again, Fireball was about to reach the drifting body while blowing up, drifting quickly raised the staff, and sang “Scatter it, Ice Shadow”, and there was an instant four A rafting, the bursting Fireball instantly swallowed one of them, a large explosion of flame instantly swallowed the drifting residual image, and then continued to fly while flying forward for a long time before gradually disappearing.

“It’s a pity!” Dou Qing Bowl yelled a little in his heart. His consecutive ball Fireball passed the skill Power-rank equipped on his body, which has some changes compared to the ordinary consecutive ball Fireball. That is, the effect of the burst can last, and the duration is determined by the caster, but this is not the kind of mana that consumes mana continuously, but when the chanting, the caster determines the mana required for this spell at a time. . So after the explosion, the explosion will continue until all the mana is consumed. Douqing Bowl once invested 100% of its mana, and used this trick to fry out a candied gourd once, with a white light flashing.

The drifting experience is so old, I see that this spell is not ordinary, and I did n’t even dare to flash to hide. I was afraid that there was something weird. I simply used an “ice shadow technique”, which was also regarded as his teleportation. In this position, the drifting staff will attack in one fell swoop, although Liu Lan knows to interrupt, but there are still three drifting on the field at this time, and he does not know which one is the real body. Standing, a Erlian was thrown out, not even running in one direction, Liu Lan precisely grasped the tiny gap where the two arrows were connected, and twisted, but the two Linya went one by one and drifted away.

Rafting was unfortunately interrupted. The opponent chose two out of three, with a 66% chance, but he was blinded to the real body of drifting, drifting to avoid the bow and arrow, and unfortunately failed to sing. But this was only temporary, Liu Lan was depressed after this drifting and raising her staff. The three figures in the drifting are all the same behavior, and the two arrows he shot have been avoided, so he can now be sure that one of the two is the real drifting body, but which one is still unknown.

But Douqing Bowl deserves a master. It seems that this situation has been expected. When drifting to dodge, he immediately buckled to one of the drifters one day, and Liulan quickly rushed to another drifting. .

Both rafting have been attacked, and it is necessary to interrupt the attack, but then they found that the rafting did not dodge. Under the two attacks, the rafting disappeared instantly, but it was a white light that did not see death. The two were stunned, and then reacted to what happened. Looking at the third raft together, shouting: “Fuck !!”

It turns out that the two raftings are actually just fakes. The rafting deliberately hid the arrows of Liu Lan once, making both people think that there are real bodies in the two rafts, and their attention is fully focused on these two goals. . The drift that has been identified as an illusion is the real body. At this time, a spell has been released unstoppably.

Shuanglian Canghuo!

The real attack of drifting, but the singing is silent. The two fire waves have been rolled out, and the huge range makes Liu Lan and Douqing Bowl unable to dodge, and they are burned in front of them. This range of attack is not like the damage of the Heavenly Falling Firewheel. It is as if it is a fire tree and a thousand flames. It has a sustained effect, but the sustained effect is more violent. The two people keep the shape when they see the drift. The mana keeps the damage spell, and the two will definitely finish it after a few seconds. Liu Lan hurried towards the drift and rushed forward with Douqing Bowl.

If the shooting can naturally interrupt the spell, but the two ca n’t dare to rely on it. Looking at the current situation, the forward can still safely rush out of the Sea of Fire. Of course, if you can hit the drift, it will be better.

The result was that one person traversed and took his body directly to stop the flying arrow. It was impossible to interrupt the spell. The two quickly continued to rush towards Sea of Fire, but they saw that Warrior had already crossed with a sword and a shield. An archer, an Mage, wanted to rush across the Warrior to block, both of them felt a little bit deep.

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