Close Combat Mage Chapter 816: Ambushing …

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Chapter 816 is in ambush …

After contacting the Han family son, the wild man recklessly commanded. Sakurazuka Yuezai is all right, but Lan Yi is particularly unhappy. He didn’t like Han Yizi because he was drunk for thousands of miles, and he came to help with frustrated and reckless face. Now he is still being accused of drawing things, and he can imagine his mood. But fortunately, being commanded by this person is not as disgusting as being directed by Yun Zhongmu, coupled with the vast and reckless advice, Lan Yi finally endures and listens to the deployment of the Han family.

Han Jiazi while arranging this side, said to Gu Fei: “Those guys are going to get the wanted mission. Since we have already guessed, we should just go and ambush, and relieve the pressure of the dungeon by the way, do n’t thank me. , Ha ha ha ha. “

“What are you talking about, thank you!” Gu Fei always felt that Han’s son was inexplicable.

“The same sentence is not for you.” Han Jiazi said.

“This guy is endless !!!” The staff in front of the surveillance screen angrily smashed the desktop and looked back at their leader.

The leader was as calm as before, but just said “continue to monitor”, so the staff continued to work more tragically than Lan Yi, and the keys were deafening.

Lan Yi et al., under the direction of Han Jiazi, all turned to zero, and entered the Cloud City in twos and threes. At this time, the war in the city has not been completely extinguished. The standard equipped team of ten or so people will participate in the guild at first sight, and they will definitely be attacked, not to mention a team of hundreds of people. Being single-handed is not very striking. Yunduan City’s guild wanted to use this method, but it was impossible. After killing for so long, many people have killed mature faces. When they see their faces, they will kill them. If they become three or two people, or they will be single, they will kill more diligently.

“Can you catch it?” Gu Fei rushed toward the wanted mission and asked Han Jiazi.

“Your speed is okay, it doesn’t matter if other people fall a little late.” Han Jiazi said.

So there is no more words, Gu Fei has arrived at the wanted mission a moment later, the surveillance personnel also fortunately monitored the news they exchanged, otherwise Gu Fei’s move must make them nervous.

Gu Fei slipped around after arriving at the wanted mission. There were not many people. Because he picked up and killed a few big heads here when he first started his wanted mission, it made the players dare not come here. At this time, I saw that no target had appeared. I wanted to sit on the steps, but I thought I was too blatant to sit like this. Maybe no one dared to come. After thinking about it, I still entered the door and hid it.

But Gu Fei’s move has long been seen. In the years of reflection, they brought their archers from all over the world to get the mission, but they tried very hard to kill the wine. At this time, he just appeared from a street, saw Qianli Yi drunk on the steps for a while, and then went into the door. In the reflection, Nianhua quickly stopped everyone’s progress: “Wait, drunk.”

“Don’t cut our guild if you get drunk in a thousand miles.” Behind the players were happily.

“That was before, now that the battle is almost over, do you think you will keep selling your face for a long time?” Reflection Nianhua said without looking back. Except for Gu Fei and Han Jiazi, the average player is not aware of the fact that the cloud city dungeon is full and Gu Fei’s mission is limited.

“So what shall we do now?” someone asked.

“Wait a minute, he may be leading the task, and he will leave when he gets the lead!” Reflection Nianhua said.

“What if we lead us? We are so close …” One person said in horror. As members of the arrow formation, they all had a low pk value.

“Shut up your crow’s mouth!” A group of tops came up and beat the person to the ground.

The Reflection Nianhua waited calmly while talking with the Swearless Sword, but Zuo et al. did not see Gu Fei again.

“Is it impossible to go?” Reflecting in the heart of Reflection Nianhua, he turned around and greeted someone casually: “You, go in and see.”

This person was shocked, was n’t this a direct mission to death? He quickly shook his head and pushed back three times and frustrated. The reflection of the year was furious: “Thousands of miles drunk is now a wanted mission. If you cut it, you wo n’t die. It ’s hard work in jail, afraid What! “

“The person with the lowest pk value should go.” This person is also very clever and immediately thought of the way to get out.

When the Reflection Years sounded reasonable, I turned back and asked, “What is the pk value?”

Finally, a low-pk one was selected, who could only run towards the wanted mission with a scalp, looking all the way around, very sneaky.

This group of people in Reflection Nianhua was so focused, but they didn’t know that they were discovered by them behind them. Sakurazuka Yuezai took a few brothers to bring it quite quickly, and quickly reported to the Han family son the news of the ambush.

“Already ambushed?” Han Jiako frowned, is there anyone who will act faster than himself? So another message asked Gu Fei, Gu Fei was puzzled, did not see it! Thinking of a sliding door going from the wanted mission to the outside, I met the archer who came over scouting carefully and came to push the door carefully. As soon as Gu Fei was in front of him, the man screamed and ran away.

Gu Feifei chased him, and the guys who were shrunk in the street, such as Reflection Nianhua, were also panic-stricken. Did n’t this person flee to the drunken one after he escaped like this? A group of people were very sorrowful and rebuked this person for not sacrificing his spirit. In order to escape, he wanted to blame everyone, so when he saw Gu Fei moved in a flash to stop him in front of this moment, everyone felt He was relieved and applauded Gu Fei. Of course, these can only be activities in my heart, not easy to say.

But immediately after everyone saw Gu Fei and the guy say a few words, the two suddenly turned around and walked toward the street where they were hiding. Shouted: “Fuck, this kid betrayed us.”

“Kicked him kicked him !!” There was a cry.

“Don’t mess up!” The Reflection Nianhua yelled. Gu Fei and the player had arrived, and the years of reflection took a deep breath and stepped out. Everyone was covered with sorrow, as if they could no longer see their vice president.

“What are you doing?” Gu Fei stepped forward to greet him, and he was relieved as soon as he heard the reflection. This was not like a greeting to cut people, so he answered: “Lead the wanted task.”

Oh? Wash pk?” Gu Fei asked.

“It’s true!” said Reflection Nianhua, and then asked: “What are you doing?” Reflection Nianhua is more concerned about this issue.

“I am waiting.” Gu Fei smiled.

“Waiting for someone?”

“Wait for the herding enemies in the clouds and the black index fingers … should they come?” Gu Fei is going to check the intelligence from the reflection years. They are in a group, whether they are enemies or friends, they are better than him and the Hans. See more of the two pairs of eyes of the son!

“They should come.” Reflection Nianhua sold the two guys without thinking. Now that the defeat of Jiu Dangge is settled, it is impossible to establish a long-term friendly relationship with the Muyun Guild or the Black League, and the situation of these two guilds is not very good. They have offended the big troublesome guy in front of them. . At this time, the most happy thing to do is to fall into the rocks and fall into the rocks. It is by no means what to do with these two businesses.

Oh Oh, that’s good, you have led the mission and go!” Gu Fei said.

The Reflection Years nodded, waved their hands, and one by one swooped out of the street and rushed to the wanted mission together.

Ordinary players are not Gu Fei, they can only take the task one by one, and whether this one is not sure about the people who drink wine when they are singing, they can only reply to the live point and see that there is a collar If you do n’t get it right, you ca n’t do it.

Gu Fei only when they were washing pk, and as a result, a group of people finished the task, and Oolong took the people around him directly. In a vociferous voice, the group of people left in this way. Sakura Tsukazuki showed his thief head out of the street and greeted Gu Fei: “Dr. Drunk, what happened?”

“The enemy has not arrived yet,” Gu Fei said.

“What about our people?”

“Not yet arrived.”

“Then we will ambush first.” Sakurazuka Yuezai led a few brothers and did not immediately know which corner to slip to.

“There is news about me.” Gu Fei saw Suzuka Tsukazuki staring outside and returned to the room with more confidence.

The Reflection Nianhua and the others left, with sweat in their heads! He saw the intention of being drunk for a thousand miles. He had already predicted the situation of drinking wine at this time. He knew that they would use the situation of the wanted task to destroy the people in the resurrection point. Fortunately, he locked his target at The body of Muyun and the Black League. In the reflection years, they only feel that their luck was surprising this time. They did it, but they blamed someone else. If so, how happy would it be?

In the reflection year, I was thinking about it, I met a team of people head-on, and I looked up to see the leader in the cloud. He was a Warrior. The team he led was definitely not fast. He did not dare to walk alone. This team is much slower.

The two sides are still a cooperative relationship, and they are very polite on the face. The herdsman in the cloud waved to the reflection years: “Is the mission led?”


“Is there more oolongs?” asked the herdsmen in the cloud.

“A bit …” The Reflection Nianhua said, someone in the team was already downcast, and said helplessly: “There is a task opposite.”

The opposite is of course referring to the people who are enemies in the cloud. This is obviously not in their original intention. After listening to them, the enemies in the cloud smiled: “Exactly, your oolong mission number tells us that we can avoid it.”

“You are about to die, and you still care about this …” Reflection Nianhua thought silently in her heart, but she didn’t reveal it on her face, and told several oolong mission numbers to the herd enemies in the cloud.

“These are busy first, and we will arrive later.” The herd of enemies in the cloud received the Oolong number, and proceeded with the team.

The Reflection Year silently watched this team go to the fire pit without knowing what it was like. At this time, another player next to them joined up: “Vice-me, let’s go and see?”

“Don’t be too much!” Reflection Nianhua stopped this group of gossip guys, and led them and flashed.

Everything outside the wanted mission is as usual, Sakurazuka Aberdeen and a few brothers take out the concentration of the peeping girl and closely monitor it. At this point, the speed players in their group have already arrived, looking for hiding places. If you ca n’t find a place, you can enter the house directly, and you wo n’t see it outside the door. Just entered the house and was drunk next to thousands of miles, unconsciously there was a pressure.

“Drunk brother! Someone is here.” Yuezuki Sakurazuka finally arrived.

“Is the identity confirmed?” Gu Fei asked.

“Confirm, I can recognize the herdsman in the cloud.” Suzuka Tsukasa said.

“How many of our people have arrived?” Gu Fei asked.

“I don’t know about this, we have almost all the flowers.” Sakurazuka Yuezai said.

“Are there any tactical arrangements?” Gu Fei asked.

“Han’s son hasn’t arrived yet …” Suzuka Tsuzuki said, the commander was here.

“Then you can arrange it first. Where are they?” Gu Fei said.

“It’s time to get to the horse, and it’s up the stairs.” Suzuka Tsuzuki said.

So Gu Fei didn’t say anything, the door was out, the enemy in the cloud was the most current, and she was in a good mood. They were defeated by Jiu Dangge. Although the wanted task of being drunk for thousands of miles in the process has engulfed many people, be aware that the people killed by the wanted task are only in jail and do not fall down. To save, it was a guild for wine and song that was forgiven by thousands of miles of drunkenness. The enemy in the cloud was calculating the strength of several major guilds at this time, and felt that his own side might have an advantage, but they and Qianli were drunk.

It hurts! The door of the wanted mission office opened in front of him, and he was drunk in front of him. The herd enemies in the cloud were overwhelmed, and the players who followed were also big groups. Gu Fei didn’t say anything, he chopped up when he rushed, but the herdsmen’s reaction in the cloud was also agile, and a charge slipped aside earlier.

Shuangyan Flash rolled over, the enemies in the cloud ran fast flashing, but the players that followed him were instantaneously seconds.

“Surround, surround!” the shepherd enemies in the cloud shouted. When he could not get drunk, he imagined countless times how he would be surrounded by drunken head when he appeared in front of him. But when Qian Li Yi Zui really appeared in front of him, he panicked and shouted “surround”, which was no different from no command. For a moment, white light rose from the crowd, and a thousand miles drunk easily rushed out, but pointed at the herd of enemies in the cloud and killed.

“Whirlwind !!!” The animal husbandry in the cloud took the previous step to release the skills, which was originally the whirlwind of the attacking skills. In the face of drunkenness, of course, I had to use the defensive skills. The technical experience of the animal husbandry in the cloud is also very old-fashioned. This skill is just right, and Gu Fei failed to capture any emptiness, so he had to avoid the edge.

There was a president who pressed the battle in person, and no one dared to leave immediately and ran away. Everyone comforted themselves by being cut to nothing but to go to jail and summon the courage to rush towards Gu Fei again.

But at this time, a message in the guild dispelled the spirit of everyone. The player who was just wiped out by Gu Fei made a clear message on the channel: “They didn’t go to jail, they were all relegated! One thousand miles drunk turned out not to be a wanted task.”

An uproar, except for the priests, the players on the scene did not have pk values, and the fewest would also drop two levels at a time. Looking at the fiercely rushing players, they have been retreated, and they have been dropped by Gu Fei seconds. It’s because I’m scared, and I don’t care about the president anymore, I turn my head and flash.

“Ah, this is too fast !!!” Sakurazuka Yuezai exclaimed. He thought about so many people in the other side, so Gu Fei was here, and he had to struggle with it for a while. A couple of people hung up, and a team as large as the other party said that they started running.

“Unhappy, just right.” Han Jiazi’s figure appeared on the street. The characters with no speed, such as Lan Yi and Mang Mang, are not too much slower than the herdsmen in the cloud. In fact, everyone is coming back and forth. Taking advantage of Gu Fei and their hand in hand, Han Jiazi has been quickly arranged. Although the time is rushed, everyone is in a bit of a mess, but no matter how chaotic, it is not as good as the head of the Muyun Association at this time. This group of people was chopped off by Gu Fei, and the fighting spirit was completely eliminated. There was only one thought in my mind that “I don’t want to step down”. I almost forgot that they could still use their weapons to resist.

Lan Yi and the vast and reckless command also have the skill, calmly and unhurriedly, killing the scattered Muyun players one by one. The herdsmen in the cloud roared and yelled, and the news on the channel was wild, but they couldn’t hold the scene. Gu Fei did not deliberately look for the target anymore. When he hit which one he chopped up, when he suddenly raised his sword in front of a person, he thought of the pk value. He quickly looked at it, it was already twenty-nine o’clock, almost thirty, Quickly closed. But how could the player in front of him know this situation? Gu Fei’s sword was about to fall. He panicked and said, “Will you not kill after leaving? Will you not kill after leaving?”

“Well, retreat will not kill.” Gu Fei responded casually.

This person quickly took out the guild Emblem: “I’m back!” The guild Emblem is non-tradable and can’t be discarded and does not take any weight. At this time, it slowly disappeared in the palm of the player. There is no doubt that this is After the player withdrew from the guild, Emblem was forcibly eliminated by the system.

Gu Fei was stunned. He chased for so long, but this was the first time someone actually withdrew from the guild in front of him, and also used the case of Emblem to make a disappearance case as a proof, showing that it is sincere. .

As soon as this person started, all parties reacted differently. Under the instruction of Han Jiagong, the vast recklessness and Lan Yi also shouted the slogan “Withdraw from the meeting and not kill”. There are scoldings about this person’s behavior, some are silent, and some have quietly grabbed Emblem in their palms and started a fierce ideological struggle.

“I also retired !!” Finally, in a corner of the battle, another person stretched out his palm and let the guild Emblem in his palm disappear.



For a time, there were a few people who were hesitant in their hearts, and they took out Emblem to prove their withdrawal. The sad enemy in the heart of Yunzhong’s enemies, and those who walked with him, are naturally trustworthy, familiar brothers. At this juncture, some people chose to resign. Although some people immediately informed the herdsmen in the cloud that they would withdraw from the meeting only as a deferral strategy, and they will be added back later when they have a chance.

“Have a chance?” Shepherd enemies in the cloud sneered. What does it mean to have a chance? Probably means that you will not be chased by drunkenness again in the future, then you have the opportunity to add it back? But the persistence of drunkenness is as famous as his intrepidity. Will this person let them go so easily?

“Muyun is still over.” The herd enemies in the cloud sighed and greeted several players who rushed towards him.

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