Close Combat Mage Chapter 791: Impressive

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Chapter 791 is profound

Xiao Yaowu heard that when he raised the knife, he would rush, but Gu Fei pulled him: “Here.”

“Why?” Slim waist dance asked.

“Near.” Gu Fei said.

“What’s near, what are you talking about?” Gu Fei has already rushed out, and the slim waist dance can only follow behind, asking while running, the two are now facing the group of guards. The masked player at the resurrection point rushed up. The masked players suddenly became a lot, and the newly added players were originally unmasked. At first glance, they were going to be masked. They were masked one after another, and it was crucial that they could not be drunk.

The number was almost over one hundred, and the two were oncoming to intercept the two. Gu Fei rushed fast, waving his sword and shouting “Shuangyan Flash”. The fire had not yet risen. Half of the other hundred people charged on the other side squatted down and tied their shoes Too. The other half was still rushing, but suddenly found that there was a lot less war-friendship around him. Looking back, half of the people were squatting and pretending to be squatting, and they all scolded the guys behind for being mean, and said nothing about the laces.

But everyone at this time also found that Gu Fei just yelled, it was not really a big move. The player who was scared to wear shoelaces felt ashamed, got up and prepared to continue to rush, this time Gu Fei was real When he came to the front, he immediately moved in an instant and flew into the other person’s pile.

“Wait for me !!” Slender waist dance shouted at the back, she didn’t have the means, she had to rely on killing to enter the crowd, so many people in the other party, it was quite wasteful for her.

“Know!” Gu Fei should be vocal on the side, and then he bent back and slammed back to the side of the waist dance. It was easy to retreat. Obviously, a hundred people did not exist for him.

“Hurry up!” Gu Fei said to Slim Waist after coming over.

“You are in a hurry?” Slim waist dance asked.

“The value of pk will soon be 30.” Gu Fei turned his head and danced back after the sword dance. The positive look in the player ’s eyes was not like coming to pk. Brush equipment players will have such great enthusiasm.

Slim waist dance followed Gu Fei, it was enough to take care of yourself. The encirclement of the hundred people was easily broken by Gu Fei, but when I looked up again, the street had already gathered more in front of me. people. This team is not as turbulent and chaotic as the previous team. The occupations are neat and the positions are reasonable. According to the distance, the archers and Mage will be ready for the first and second waves of attacks. Warrior and other occupations are also ready at any time. In the approaching battle, there seem to be few thieves, which means that they have all been scattered around.

Slim waist dance has seen the big scenes with eyesight. When you look at this situation, it will not be rushed in a moment and a half, and there are large groups of chasing soldiers in the back. This delay will really be trapped. Gu Fei, who was still rushing: “I can’t get through, turn around!”

“Turn your head and turn your head.” Gu Fei said.

“Where should I go?” Slim waist dance asked while turning his head, so he was speechless, next to the Warrior camp, the gate of the safety zone came.

“You don’t plan to hide from the beginning to be alive again!” said Slim Waist.

“What could it be.” Gu Fei said, and he cut the two of them again, while shouting “Can’t cut anymore”, and dragged his waist to dance into the resurrection point.

As soon as the players saw the two of them reciprocating, they knew they were also afraid. The guy who was always thinking of tying his shoelaces also got up at this moment, and the dancing guy rushed to the resurrection point and cried out loudly. According to the observation of the people who are interested, these players who are called are still attentive, and they all stand in the resurrection point to call, so that even if Gu Fei is moved, at least they will not be able to cut their heads.

“Hum, drunk for a thousand miles, hide in the resurrection point and think it’s okay? Do you think you can still run away?” The black index finger is also in the resurrection point at this time, because it is safe, so bold and coming Gu Fei provoked.

“I’m sorry, Xiaohei, I don’t have time to talk to you. Let’s see you later! How many levels are you? 39? Oh, be careful behind.” Gu Fei shouted.

“Little Black …” The black index finger was called by Gu Fei, but he felt uncomfortable. He was even more puzzled what Gu Fei meant by the last sentence of caution. I did n’t have time to ask. A force came from behind, and the black index finger only I was shocked. How could someone launch an attack in the security zone?

Thinking about it again, the black index finger has been hit on the ground. When he looked up, it was the guard in the resurrection point, and he hurried forward, rushing the black index finger like nothing, and it was lucky to not step on him.

Looking at the direction the guards are rushing to, isn’t there any other Gu Fei among them?

Gu Fei has a pk value of over 20 at this time, and the guards have already taken the initiative to attack. There are many guards in the resurrection point, and they are all busy together at this time. But Gu Fei was also prepared, and the teleportation scroll he drew shook, directed his hand at the black food, and teleported away with the thin waist dance.

The guards almost caught up, and when the target disappeared, they quietly dispersed. The player who is stuck outside the resurrection point is also the boss. It is not a busy game.

But the black index finger was a little excited at the moment. Teleported, he teleported! The black index finger knows what the studio plans, and those trapped transmission reels that are intentionally provided, as long as they are drunk after thousands of miles, they will be directly stamped out when they get off the plane.

“Die to death, die to death!” The black index finger blessed Gu Fei and kept asking for information. As a result, Gu Fei did not fly to any ambushing transmission point. There are no trapped scrolls.

“Damn, this guy is lucky.” The black index finger spit.

The players outside the Warrior camp have been distracted, and where to go. The black index finger watched Gu Fei finally left, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He stepped out of the Warrior camp and saw that his three hundred men were also outside. He quickly waved at them and was about to walk over, but suddenly changed, a black The figure suddenly rushed out of the resurrection point, the fire light, the electric light, the black index finger only felt that an extremely sharp attack was hurt behind him, and only one person could cause this damage. The black index finger was born again before he came back. In the resurrection point, he also saw Gu Fei who played the black hand. At this time, he was turning his head to look at him and laughing: “I’m back, I have left you a little pk value What! “

After finishing, Gu Fei shouted to the players around who were screaming and rushing up: “This is your role model.” After that, he turned into the corner of the resurrection point, no one can interrupt, and the guards also When it was too late to kill him, he flew away with the telescope again.

The black index finger almost didn’t collapse in the resurrection point. This guy actually went back and forth, this black index finger really did not expect. At this time he did not dare to come out of the resurrection point. At this moment, when I was drunk, I showed up so accurately and in time. It was almost the moment I just left the resurrection point. It seems that there are not only eyeliners on their side, but people are also left. Will he come back again if he goes out again? The black index finger was frightened, and in order to be safe, he finally sent his subordinates: “Go, give me a telegraph scroll.”

“How is he coming out again?” Gu Fei is very bad, he is still really playing the idea at this time.

“No more, there is no movement in the resurrection point, I think he might not dare to take the risk again, this move may not work anymore.”

The person who answered Gu Fei was really Daoxiangmu. Like Han’s son, he returned to the Priest Academy after dropping a level. But he has rich experience, and he is also a superb face in the cloud city, and another pastor Lin Musensen went to the guild Emblem first before being attacked by Gu Fei, then pretended to be an ordinary player, and left the pastor school with a big swing It was not noticed.

Then the two also secretly paid attention to the current situation, and finally the Han family son contacted them. Both of them are very good at doing such a thing, so they continue the mission of reconnaissance. Gu Fei frustrated with the black index finger. The Warrior camp naturally became a place where he could make a big fuss. The straw rancher arrived here to observe in secret and finally found an opportunity to cooperate with Gu Fei. And Gu Fei’s use of this method, so that following Jian Nanyou also wiped out countless straw husbandry also feel shame. This trick is really poisonous! And the cost is really high, two come and go reels! Straw Shepherd felt distressed when he looked at it. This kind of killing method naturally costs a lot of money. No wonder that the guy from Han Family also collected “military expenses” from the two. Although both of them were in pain, they could n’t really say a word of “no” at this time. I just hope they can use less and return in the future, but look at Gu Fei ’s killing ratio. There are two scrolls in one level. ‘S banknotes have turned into a flying sky, so they hate the black index finger people even more.

“No chance? Then I will wash the pk first.” Gu Fei was busy, and the waist-dancing dance also accumulated some pk value at this time. For safety, she also washed up, but she did not care The one-time function of Fei, the wanted license is no more than the chase of the wind, it can not be borrowed, and the result is very helpless, Gu Fei pk, but washed first, thin waist dance is still running painfully.

“How much worse? I’ll help you.” Gu Fei finished to greet the waist dance.

“How good are you?”

“If I think you are done, we can just go back together and save a scroll.” Gu Fei said.

“You … have any human nature?” Slim waist dance was angry.

“It’s finally here!” Yun Zhongmu took a breath out of a gate in Yunduan City. After a long journey, he finally brought a group of brothers to Yunduan City. Yun Zhongmu’s power is great, but it’s the same economically. Somehow the studios with the transmission scrolls bit the price very high, and Yun Zhongmu was reluctant to spend the money and had to take the brothers to walk to the cloud city.

These brothers are all Yun Zhongmu’s old friends and old comrades, and Yun Zhongmu has the same mind. When he talks about drunken things, everyone said they would come to help. Yun Zhongmu is very pleased and feels like returning to the past. As for whether other people in the guild are willing to come, Yun Zhongmu did not ask. He knew that this battle was very difficult, and death and injury were inevitable. What ’s more, this is just for the friendship of friends, but there is no benefit. the benefits of. This old friend can understand that those new members who came later were traveling, and when they died, they must have complained. Yun Zhongmu didn’t want to drop this.

Looking back, there are a total of 197 brothers behind, and the number is not small. They all fought with Yinyue ’s guild together and walked along. I heard that Yinyue’s **** are no longer playing games. In fact, many of my old folks are now playing less, life!

Yun Zhongmu stood under the gate of the cloud and suddenly opened with emotion, until there was a brother shouting in the back: “Lao Yun, what do you sigh like standing on sb? Did you get in touch after drunk?”

“You’re in a hurry, don’t I send you a message?” Yun Zhong Mu Wan’s sadness was seen by his brothers, and he was a little angry and angry.

What to say to Qianli Yizui? Yun Zhongmu hesitated a moment when he was about to send a message, and in the end it was straightforward: “We are here.”

“Ah?” Gu Fei just helped Xiyaowu prepare the last task at this time, and suddenly received Yun Zhongmu’s message saying “it’s here”. Later, this guy made a mistake.

“We are in the cloud city, come to cheer you.” Yun Zhongmu said.

Gu Fei was stunned, and was really moved. This group of people did not have a deep friendship, but because Yueyuecheng helped them destroy Yinyue once, they always regarded Gu Fei and their friends as friends. When you can give face, try to give face as much as possible. When you can help, you never shrink. This time there is no exception.

“There are not many people who come, but not 200 people. But they are all familiar brothers.” Yun Zhongmu was afraid that Gu Fei thought that they had come to the Four Thousand Heroes and quickly explained.

Gu Fei is grateful for this love. It ’s totally unimportant to have more people but less people. At this time, although I do n’t want to cause trouble to them, I certainly wo n’t accept it because of the hearts and minds of these people. Seeing them silently, they first came directly to the cloud city and then gave Gu Fei a message, they could already see their determination and style.

“What do we need to do, the Qianli brothers only care about it.” Yun Zhongmu said.

“Uh, this, we have a good discussion.” Gu Fei and Slim Waist Dance finished washing the pk, and quickly flew back to the cloud city. Then he gave the Han family son a message: “What are you doing?”

“Observe their manpower distribution.” Han Jiazi is not idle either.

“Two hundred people came to help in the cloud in the moon night city,” Gu Fei said.

Oh? What did you call?” Han Jiazi asked.

“I went to Moon Night City to wash pk and wash their people. As a result, he contacted me and asked me, and I said our business.” Gu Fei said suddenly, “Wait, that time It ’s up to you to wash the pk, is this your business? ”

“You are profound.” Han Jiazi said.

“Do n’t it?”

“You are so profoundly catching up with me.” Han Jiazi said.

“Do I say you are necessary? This group of people, if you want them to help, just say something.” Gu Fei said.

“Who will say? Are you going?” Han Jiazi asked.

Gu Fei Yusai, he certainly would not go, and Han Jiazi and Yun Zhongmu did not deal with it originally, and naturally they would not go either. So this guy insidiously arranged to wash the pk, using the temperament of Yun Zhongmu and others to hook them into this muddy water. The goal is achieved, but the way is as unpleasant as ever.

But what can I say besides despising this guy deeply? Yun Zhongmu and others cannot go any further. Even if they are told that this is the intention of Han Family’s son to attract them to suit, people will probably say like Gu Fei: “Why, just have a message.”

“Okay, let’s not talk about this.” The son of the Han family came to the news: “There are two hundred people, plus Sakurazuka Yuezai, we can try to make bigger ones.”


“I have turned around in the city, their manpower is mainly concentrated outside the dungeon, the wanted mission and several major resurrection points. The number of people is not as much as when they were besieging us. I think it should be found that the situation has been controlled. Many people are already doing their own business. After all, we have more than 50 people in total, and gathered 10,000 people to attack. This is mainly intimidation, and the attack is not necessary at all. “Han Jiazi said.

“So what?”

“If it ’s just an ordinary squat, it ’s enough to deal with the total number of fifty people. It is enough to leave dozens of people in these places at the resurrection point. I am afraid that you will be destroyed by the regiment. But the other party has not yet thought that we have such a new force, so I can find a resurrection point and give him a shot. “Han Jiazi said.

Oh, which point?”

“Every point is the same. It ’s ridiculous. At first, they focused on arming the Mage Academy to stop you. But then it was discovered that you are now freely moving, and each resurrection point must have enough strength against you. Otherwise it will be troublesome. So the other points have been strengthened like the Mage Academy. You have experienced the Warrior camp, how is the other party ’s strength? “Han Jiazi asked.

“Not too much fighting, alas, the pk value restricts me, if this is a city battle …”

“So your opponent must have taken this into consideration, and you might be tempted to pk up to 30 and chase down with the help of a guard. You need to be careful about this,” said Han’s son.

“I know, so I didn’t pursue 29 for the pk value, and I started to be careful when I got 20.” Gu Fei said.

“They also know that you have this concern, so the strength is not terrible. Otherwise, under the name that you are now rumored to be a thousand people who sang the wine against the wine, if you do n’t gather more than a thousand people, who dares to guard you “Han Jiazi said.

“That’s all bullshit. Thousands of people still can’t resist.” Gu Fei said.

“We are now gathering these people, and we can completely destroy the people who have been resurrected.” Han Jiagong said.

“Then choose one to start!” Gu Fei said.

“Archer shooting range!” Han Jiazi said.

Oh? What’s the reason.”

“Brothers of Moon Night City do n’t need to register, they go back to Moon Night when they die, but if they hang in the flowers, they will go to the archer ’s shooting range. Trouble. “

“Okay, that’s it.”

“I will step on the point, and after finding the location, you will pass the coordinates out, and let everyone disperse to this set.”

“Let’s do it!”

“Let them also taste the taste of mass destruction.” Han Jiazi said, “After we finish, we can go to practice leveling, take a break and rest, we should continue to guard outside the prison! “

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