Close Combat Mage Chapter 594: Ask for bitter taste

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Chapter 594 asks for bitterness

For the next few days, Gu Feizhen, as he promised, taught the students how to play mobs of all levels.

These styles of play cannot be regarded as kung fu, they can only be regarded as the regular style of play after summarizing the attack habits of mobs. Each style of play is only extremely useful for the matching mobs. If you change an enemy and still copy the idea, Piaojie is the only end.

Of course, if the brain is a little bit more alive, knowing the ins and outs and being able to read the connotations in these styles of play, that is another matter. But this is not something a layman can do, but it must also be a talented person who understands kung fu. Gu Fei ’s students are smart enough to be able to adjust the style of play that was originally a left-click and right-click to a right-click according to the specific form. This is already their limit. This small change can be considered a sharp tool for a rigorous computer, but it is still far from enough for actual combat with people.

But Gu Fei was surprised even if he could achieve such a result. He has never seen a student so enthusiastic about learning. If the first day of learning is still a bit compulsory and reluctant, then after tasting the sweetness of Professor Gu Fei’s style of play, students have begun to learn to take the initiative. Many guys searched for information by themselves, studied the little monsters they needed to fight, and then came to ask Gu Fei how to deal with these monsters.

Gu Fei has been leveling up all the way up to the wanted tasks, and the monsters are just embellishments. In fact, there are not many types of mobs he has hunted. He taught the students several types he had encountered on the leveling road, so he developed such a mature style of play. At this time, the little monster Gu Fei that some students brought in to ask had never heard of it. How did he ask him to answer?

After saying for the first time that he was not very clear, the student was very disappointed. Gu Fei didn’t take it seriously, but then it happened that he heard the private comments from the students, and even thought that the teacher’s work was no different.

This made Gu Fei very depressed. He did n’t know, just because he was unfamiliar with this little monster, but the students misunderstood that it was a teacher ’s effort! This is really a joke. Is there something that ca n’t be dealt with by fighting?

For the Kung Fu Gu Fei is persistent! After the student was off the line that day, Gu Fei immediately contacted You Ge to ask for the information and distribution of the four mobs that the student asked for that day, and immediately went to the leveling area to conduct practical research.

The next day, after teaching the contents of the monster fights of the day, Gu Fei solemnly taught the four strange play methods just studied yesterday to four students who asked questions, and clearly told the students They imparted a message: This kind of thing is very simple, the key is only whether they are willing to do it.

The results are mixed.

Fortunately, the four students admired on the spot that Kung Fu was indeed omnipotent.

The worry is that six students asked six strange ways of playing that day.

Gu Fei feels like he has fallen into a trap, and this set is still for himself, so he blames his obsession with Kung Fu.

But despite this, Gu Fei did not relieve this obsession. The six strange ways of playing were still pushed by Gu Fei to the next day. After the students went offline that day, Gu Fei asked Youge for information and went to the leveling area to study. This feeling is like preparing a lesson …

On the third day, after the six kinds of monsters were taught, Gu Fei estimated that there were new questions. Sure enough, six other students asked six strangers that day. And it’s not much talk, as if knowing that Gu Fei will definitely give the answer tomorrow, he will automatically disappear after throwing the question to Gu Fei.

“Damn …” Gu Fei felt like he was leading a task. The students were npc who sent tasks to themselves, six per day, just like daily.

“Busy?” Gu Fei turned to call You Ge again.

“Hey, sure enough! I’m waiting, what are you asking today?” Brother Yu is not bothered at all. He loves to ask people questions. In fact, what Gu Fei is doing is your hobby. .

“Uh, today is …” Gu Fei sent six strange names.

“I’ll check it for you!” Youge opened his omnipotent encyclopedia notes and sent a message to Gu Fei while checking: “I said, what are you doing? The day before yesterday, four kinds, six yesterday Today, there are six more. I have written them down for you. Are you doing any research? “Youge not only likes others to ask him questions, but also loves to ask others questions. This time, I didn’t even ask until the third day. It was already polite to Gu Fei.

“Want to know? Come with me!” Gu Fei returned.

“Okay, okay!” Of course, Brother Yu is not annoying.

Gu Fei is naturally even less worried, always going to the library to check the materials, and carry them with the library, if possible, of course choose the latter.

The two asked for a place to meet, and Brother Yu had clarified everything Gu Fe needed when he arrived. What Gu Fei needs to know is the three major contents of the strange level, the attack method, and the distribution location.

“This is what you want.” Youge is very meticulous in his work. The six blame Gu Fei asked today was listed on a piece of paper. He saw Gu Fei at the gate and handed it over immediately.

“Thank you.” Gu Fei took it and looked at it.

“If you go out here, it’s the nearest wilderness visitor.” Brother You pointed to the third kind of weirdness on the paper.

“Uh.” Gu Fei nodded.

“Tell me, you ask every day what these so many strange materials do?” You Ge asked while leading the way.

“I am studying these strange ways of playing.” Gu Fei said.

“Why do you study so much?” Brother You is strange. Some of the strange things Gu Fei asked are very low, which is totally unsuitable for him who is already at level 40 or above.

Gu Fei sighed and talked about the fact that a group of his students ran to Baishi City and ran to himself.

Although Brother You knew Gu Fei was a teacher, the teacher took the students to play online games, which still felt embarrassing. But at this time, Brother Yu cares more about the high-efficiency play that Gu Fei said he studied.

“How efficient?” Brother Yu asked.

“You forgot that I was second in the efficiency list?” Gu Fei felt that no specific data was needed, which was enough to convince Brother Yu.

“Yes to Oh! I still remember that the efficiency list was the red dust smile. A priest actually ranked first on the leveling efficiency list, which is amazing. Speaking of this guy is not saying that you want to harmonize you Some time ago, I was always in trouble with us, but I have n’t seen anything lately! Also! This guy is obviously from a gaming company. I filed a complaint with them in the past and said that they did n’t respond. It ’s weird! Hey! You said yes Did n’t they seal this guy after they found it out? No wonder they have n’t moved for so long? By the way, do n’t you have his friends? Has he been online these days? ”Brother Yu looked at Gu Fei but asked Seeing Gu Fei staring at him without a word, he stopped walking. Brother Yu is worthy of Brother Yu, there are so many things to think about!

“Hah, off topic, what are we talking about?” You Ge laughed embarrassedly.

“The monster fighting method I have developed is absolutely efficient. You can learn to try it for a while. Hong Chen smiled and was a game company person. This is what he personally admitted when I first met him. I think it should be true. … In addition, this guy has also been online these days, but I gave him a message that he would not reply at any rate. ”Gu Fei also answered all the content that You Ge just mentioned.

“Haha …” Brother Yu smiled and was embarrassed to take a look back at Feifei for a while.

The place where wilderness visitors gather is indeed not far from the main city. The two of them just chatted a few words and saw this little monster on the map.

“This is blame level 25, you have to start lightly.” Brother You reminded Gu Fei.

Gu Fei nodded with a smile, but when he took his hand from his pocket, he was holding a dagger.

“Hey, are you going to use a dagger?”

“The child who asked how to blame it was a thief. Of course I have to study how to fight with a dagger.” Gu Fei said.

Oh Oh …” Brother Yu nodded quickly, and finally asked a very selfish question: “Which blame was the knight asked?”

Gu Fei saw through his thoughts and smiled and said: “You brother, you want to learn which kind of weird style of play, just say that, anyway, I am handy these days, to help you study together.”

“I just want to try what you said about the efficiency of Daguai.” You Ge Han smiled.

“You will see it.” Gu Fei pointed to the fourth on the finger, “This child is a knight.”

“I am looking forward to it,” Brother Yu said.

At the end, there will be no time wasting chatting, Gu Fei immediately fought the mob with the dagger. Brother You looked stunned, thinking that I knew that Qianli was a super invincible melee Mage. If I really saw a Mage holding a dagger and a melee fight, would my heartbeat stop?

Youge is an adult and has a better understanding than the children. Moreover, he witnessed the whole process of Gu Fei ’s research, and also understood Gu Fei ’s thoughts, that is, to understand all the attacks and mobs of the mobs. Defensive means, and then create a set of traceable attack routines.

The most exciting part of this was Gu Fei ’s trial. The endless attacking methods dazzled Yu Ge. He estimated that after watching Gu Fei ’s performance, he would never be caught in action movies again. Attracted by the wonderful play.

On the contrary, the content of the later development routines is relatively boring, that is, repeated experiments. If something goes wrong, start again from the beginning. This process continues until You Ge is a bit boring, but Gu Fei is still trying tirelessly. . The methods he used to spontaneously teach students were repeated blame during the leveling process, and they were unintentionally explored. At this time, it is naturally so boring to engage in special research like proposition writing.

Until the end, Youge finally saw that it was finally successful. After a set of attacks, the mobs didn’t touch Gu Fei at all, and the tricks on both sides became a loop. As long as you follow these steps, you must perform these movements, and the fall of the mobs has become inevitable.

“Too … too great!” Brother Yu opened his mouth, and Gu Fei’s development was more terrible than he thought. This is not just about efficiency. If you can fully master Gu Fei’s method, the more important thing is safety, without any consumption. This play is really economical and affordable.

Gu Fei tried five little monsters in a row again, and confirmed that there were no problems before counting. He nodded to You Ge and said, “OK, go to the next one!”

“How did you do it?” Brother You worshipped Gu Fei.

“So, Kung Fu is a word: OK!” Gu Fei clenched his fists.

“When I look back, I also pick up the monsters I often play in leveling. You help me study and research.” Youge said.

“No problem!” Gu Fei nodded.

“Do you want to ask the sword ghost if they have to learn both hands too?” Brother Yu asked.

“Oh, they … they are not necessary. The leveling methods they have explored are very suitable for them, especially if they can fully utilize their own characteristics and advantages of equipment. If they want to learn more There are ways of efficiency, but there are only … “

“What is it?”

“It’s too difficult and needs a foundation.” Gu Fei said.

“How difficult is it?”

“Like me, the more 20 levels of Daguai … Although such a similar routine can be run in, the response to the self is very high. Another point is that there is an absolute requirement for agility, I think you do n’t Like me, any profession has priority to add agility, right? “Gu Fei said.

“Impossible …” Brother Yuhan wiped.

“So, they are no longer necessary.” Gu Fei said.

“What about me?” Brother Yu asked.

“You … Brother Yu, you know your own problem most clearly!” Gu Fei said.

Yu Ge was stunned, very depressed. Gu Fei told him very tactfully: You and them are not at the same level. Your actual combat level really needs me to give you classes.

Next, Brother You followed Gu Fei and visited several mobs. He witnessed the performance of Gu Fei’s various weapons. Even the priest’s healing staff was danced by him. But after the end, it was embarrassing to explain to Brother Yu: “My style of play is mainly melee, and the profession of priest is really embarrassing. Mage can also sing the spell in the melee to properly strike, but The priest has almost no attack skills, the damage output is really limited, and the average person cannot increase strength. Alas, even after learning this set of styles, the word efficiency cannot be improved at all. “

“Can’t say that.” Brother Yu quickly said, “You can’t compare the efficiency of the pastor with Warrior. You have to compare the problem horizontally. For your pastor style, you can just change the pastor and ask him to practice alone. It is definitely your style of play that is more efficient. Except for the short-lived stage of the new life, the pastor must rely on the team in the future. Even if you rely on the task upgrade alone, you will have to ask for the content of the battle. With your plan, you can at least become a priest who does not ask for people. “

“Well, the pastor is indeed more efficient when he is with the team. But speaking of it, how can you find a guy who is so annoying with the son, how can he find a leveling team to guarantee such a high level?” Gu Fei occasionally gossip.

“Now that a ten-man leveling team generally requires double priests to ensure absolute safety, but the son can treat the whole process without errors, one less priest, one more output, this level of priests are rushing Yes, hate it, experience is more important! “Brother You said.

“Alas, the world is under the sun!” Gu Fei sighed. Everything is based on experience, which is similar to how everything is in line with money in reality. No matter how fictitious online games are, the values ​​in people’s bones are still such a tone.

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