Close Combat Mage Chapter 497: Cumulative

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Cumulative Chapter 497

“No!” Gu Fei suddenly shouted again about the apple cider vinegar.

“How?” The crowd looked at him.

“When I was in Xiawu City, I heard Gui Tong said that this apple cider vinegar has a wanted license, so he can enter and leave the government office freely, but now he is said to be the No. 1 of the Assassin Alliance. How did he get the double camp? ? “Gu Fei puzzled.

“Tui Tong talks about it, is she sure it is true or false?” Han Jiazi said.

“I ask her!” Yutian Shenming didn’t let go of any opportunity to contact the girl.

“I’m coming !!”

So the two of them quarreled with each other about the opportunity to contact the girl. It ’s enough for one person to own it, and the other person also joins in. No one likes this kind of competition.

As a result, Gu Fei has finished asking about the dispute between the two.

“Guidian said …”

“Fuck !!!” When Gu Fei just said those three words, Yutian Shenming and Zhan Wu hurt already knew that they were fighting with each other, and they compared their middle fingers to Gu Fei.

Gu Fei was unreasonable and continued to say: “She also heard rumors by accident. In the final analysis, it is unclear how it was spread.”

“This is unreasonable!” Youge said, “The wanted license is thousands of miles, which means that no one before him owns this game, and the official has not disclosed this thing. If Qianli does not say In theory, no one should know that there is such a thing, so how was this rumor created? “

“Another point, I am already number one. If this rumor is true, then the apple cider vinegar number will be before me, even more than one, is he number zero?” Gu Fei said.

“This should not be. The sorting order of a game is generally the same. There is nothing in the parallel world that starts from zero, so in this number, in theory, it should not be sorted from zero. Up. “Brother You said.

“You brother, you are so much” in theory “!”

“This and this … because there will be anything abnormal in this game, I’m not sure.” Brother Yu said with frustration.

You can understand this kind of discouragement at this time, because this task you just experienced, you are inferred from the common sense of online games, and Gu Fei is completely abnormal brain supplement, the result is Gu Fei ’s speculation In the whole school, You Ge’s inference was defeated.

Gu Fei patted Brother You as a comfort, just wanting to continue this topic, has been preempted by the Han family son: “Do n’t guess, except to satisfy your childish curiosity, guess who is still What’s the point? “

“So what makes sense?” Gu Fei said.

“Mission …” The sword ghost looked at Gru as if talking to himself, and then turned his head to say to everyone: “Is there a mission?”

“What task?” everyone asked.

“It’s everyday …” Jian Gui said. Gu Fei immediately recalled the daily tasks he had received in the main city of Giordano. It seems that this is a concept with the sword ghost at this time, which is unique to the camp.

After talking about their experiences, everyone was shocked.

“So, Giordano belongs to the npc of your fellow camp …” Brother You said.

“But you killed him …” Yutian Shenming said.

Several masters looked at each other.

“How?” Gu Fei asked.

“This, I do n’t know in this game, but generally speaking, players in their own camp will have a reputation or honor or prestige. In short, this kind of concept is something that kills players in the same camp. Or npc will be deducted from this game, and some game settings will be kicked out of the camp when a certain number is reached … “Youge explained.

“Actually, I still don’t understand the difference between this and the other camp?” Gu Fei asked.

“The most obvious example.” Brother Yu pointed to the sword ghost, “He has acquired the skills and has daily tasks that others do not have.”

“Why didn’t I get the skills?” Gu Fei wondered.

“So say …” A group of people turned their backs and sighed: “Trash camp!”

“Not necessarily.” Youge said, “It may also be that NPC hasn’t found the npc that has correctly issued the reward. The camps should be equal, and there should not be too much difference in the content of the reward and the difficulty of the mission. “

“By the way, how did you get your wanted license?” You brother actually said the reason why these old birds do not know? I just saw Gu Fei’s rookie walking in front of them again, and I felt a little uncomfortable, so I habitually mocked his camp and gave it a blow. In fact, it is possible to join the camp at this time, even Gu Fei, the “garbage camp” in their mouth, does not matter.

Although they prefer the Assassin ’s League more, they all feel that the way of joining the sword ghost like this is not replicable. In contrast, Gu Fei obviously has a clearer routine.

“There are 300 wanted players.” Gu Fei replied.

“Compared to joining the Assassin League, you are really more difficult!” Yutian God laughed, because he brushed the boots of the wind, he already had some results.

“No difficulty, it is more time-consuming.” On one side, Brother Yu has estimated how much time it will take to complete 300 wanted missions. This is not calculated by the hour, but by the day. Moreover, this mission is a battle. Risky, Youge does not have the confidence of those masters in pk. In addition, this task is not an efficient way of leveling. The ranking of the level will definitely decline. In general, it is not a joy to complete with drinking tea and listening to music. mission.

“It’s still a sword ghost, you came here happily …” After hearing the analysis from Brother Yu, Yutian Shenming changed her tongue again.

Jiang Gui smiled thickly, with an expression of desirelessness.

“Three hundred times …” Everyone was talking about this number, only Han Jiazi rolled his eyes on one side. As a priest, if you want to complete this kind of task, you will definitely need strong soldiers, and not short-term workers, but long-term workers ……

“It stands to reason that there shouldn’t be such a big difference in the way of joining the camp …” You Ge said, “The sword ghost is very difficult, uh … Of course, because we are now 40, so The difficulty is very high; but for thousands of miles, the grinding time is absolute, and it is the same to how many levels. The two methods are too different? “

“It is theoretically impossible. I know you want to say that.” Han Jiazi said.

Brother Yu nodded.

“So, there are actually different ways to join the camp. This is the sword ghost, which we can call the task type, to complete a task, and get the reward of joining; the thousands of miles, it is a cumulative type. The degree will also give you the opportunity to join. Qianli, did you have the system confirm you when you received this license? “Han Jiazi asked.

“Yes …” was just a few days ago, Gu Fei has not forgotten. When I delivered the wanted mission at that time, NPC did ask him. How did you ask? Gu Fei couldn’t think of it, because he wouldn’t care too much about the rules in the game. Looking back now, there may have been a mention of the name of this camp, but Gu Fei was too serious.

“Look, this is the truth.” Han Jiazi said.

“So, to join the Assassin’s League, should there also be such a way of accumulation?” Zhan Wu injury was intrigued. For a slow-moving Warrior, the wanted task of chasing and killing is really not suitable.

“Apple cider vinegar …” Gu Fei suddenly mentioned the name again.

“What’s wrong?”

“When I received the daily wanted of him, Giordano gave me some of his information, which showed that the cumulative pk value of apple cider vinegar reached 1642 points.” Gu Fei said.

“You mean, this is also a kind of accumulation?” Brother Yu said, “Through this accumulation, apple cider vinegar meets the conditions for joining the Assassin League, so he is indeed the No. 1 of the Assassin Cong League?”

“This inference … is okay.” Han Jiazi commented.

“The possibility is extremely high.” Others agree.

“I just don’t know what the specific number is.” Youge said, he really wanted to interview the apple cider vinegar directly to thoroughly understand the information. Otherwise … Youge feels that he must have not slept well in recent days.

“This should be higher than the 300 times wanted by thousands of miles.” Han Jiazi said, “Time-consuming is not at a level.”

“Well, I ’m not afraid of more, how can this be done faster than the 300 times of Qianli?” Yutian Shenming and Zhan were innocently thinking about how to go to a novice training area of ​​more than ten levels. Clear the field, how many pk can be brushed in an hour ……

“It is not possible to maliciously brush pk.” Han Jiazi sees through the vile thoughts of these two guys, “I estimate that there will be certain requirements for the level of pk targets, for example, it cannot be lower than your two levels.

“And, this thing has to be washed if you brush it, so it is said that it may be 300 times wanted by the time.” Jian Gui said.

“That’s why apple cider vinegar entered the double camp?” the two guys said.

“Is n’t it analyzed that there should be no zero? But I thought of another possibility. In this process, apple cider vinegar has been given the opportunity to obtain a wanted license when it has encountered 300 times, but unlike Qianli, He didn’t accept it. This can at least explain the brother Yu’s doubts: it was clearly No.1, but some people knew the existence of a wanted license earlier than him. “Han Jiagong said.

“The analysis is so good !!!” Youge was excited. His character is not to understand what he wants to know, he will be desperate. That ’s right, he is the strongest childish curiosity among Han ’s sons. At this time, the analysis of Han Family’s son explained his doubt very reasonably. Youge was as comfortable as the sword ghost just got his hands proficient.

“So, is it really apple cider vinegar?” Jian Gui said.

“According to the principle, after joining the camp, you can use the camp channel in the chat channel, do you two have it?” Han Jiazi said. There is no camp in the channel options, otherwise everyone already knows that there will be camps in this game.

“No …” Gu Fei and Jian Gui said after reading it.

“Shouldn’t be …” The old birds were puzzled.

“Maybe it won’t turn on until level 60?” Brother Yu guessed.

“It seems so.” Everyone can’t think of any other explanation.

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