Close Combat Mage Chapter 181: Assault Charge

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Chapter one hundred and eighteenth charge assault formation

Of course, the master is not only the elite of the elite elite group, but the mercenary groups in the rear have been called, which means to organize a team of elite to kill the mob and then watch the mob ’s actions. .

The elite prince crossed the crowd and came to the forefront, and saw that the heads of the mercenary groups had gathered here, and the Swearing Sword was smiling to everyone: “This is going to rely on you.”

“Sure enough …” Han Jiazi said on the mercenary channel.

“Well, all of the mercenary corps is called up, is to prepare us as a cannon fodder!” You brother also saw it.

“No way, that’s enough.” Jian Gui said calmly.

This is indeed the helplessness of the mercenary regiment. Sometimes they know that it is cannon fodder, but they have to rush.

“Everyone, my skill lasts for 25 seconds, everyone should seize this time and work hard!” Yinyue came out to speak, saying his battle formation skill “King’s Command”, obviously everyone is preparing at this time Show off the kung fu at the bottom of the press box.

Several people in the elite son group did not expect to have the opportunity to experience the abnormal technology of Yinyue, and they all felt that this world was impermanent.

“However, if someone helps you again, this skill time can be extended.” Yinyue said another sentence after she finished. Everyone didn’t understand much, and the sword without oath also came up and asked: “What do you mean by Silver Moon Brothers?”

Gu Fei followed Yinyue’s gaze at this time and found that he was looking at Sakurazuka Yuezai. Sakurazuka Yuezai has a vast recklessness in their formation.

“Could it be her?” Gu Fei was thinking, seeing the vast recklessness and turning his head, apparently also hearing Yinyue talking. I saw her expressionless, stretched out her hand, gestured towards Yinyue middle finger.

Gu Fei turned his head away with a smile, and heard Yinyue saying to the Swearless Sword: “Nothing, nothing, I’m just afraid that I’ll hang and cause the skill to be interrupted.”

Oh. Don’t worry about this.” The swordless swordman waved up and called up the two priests, pointing to Yinyue: “You two are dedicated to Yinyue brothers.”

In the team battle, one person has two priests, and the skill of Yinyue has been paid more attention to it.

“The melee career is ready, the archer and Mage will provide assistance as appropriate, but they can all see clearly and don’t hurt their own people.” The commander, Reflection Nianhua, spoke.

So Warrior, thieves, and fighters all appeared one after another, and a team was temporarily formed. The knight began to bless them, and the priest was involved, and the Mage and archer retreated to the back of the line and waited.

Because the mountain road is narrow, their retreat is also far away, and they can hardly see the battlefield ahead.

“What blessing do you want?” Brother Yu asked Gu Fei with a smile. Gu Fei shook his sword on the ground and stood in the melee professional team with great care. The players around him cast their admiring eyes and whispered: “Is it really melee Mage?”

Luo Luo came to him with his staff. He smiled: “Do you want a full-time priest!” After that, I had already replied and touched it.

“Don’t waste …” Gu Fei wiped sweat, “You just take care of the girls.”

“They? It seems unnecessary …” Luoluo smiled. Gu Fei glanced over there, slender waist dancing around the girl who was preparing to join the war in July, Lie Liu, and June rain, and surrounded by a lot of priests preparing to be attentive!

“You can do it!” Gu Fei was speechless and turned his attention to the battlefield ahead. A few meters away. The bandit gang was stuck at the mountain pass and broke through. The front is the plain. Players don’t have to be afraid of these 30-level creatures when they pull open.

“Isn’t the boss leading the team? Where is it?” Gu Fei asked.

“Isn’t that right?” Luo Luo reached out and pointed to him.

Gu Fei pointed over there. Sure enough, there was a robber costume that looked majestic and very different from other thieves. Taking another closer look, Gu Fei suddenly realized: “Isn’t that Sotu? Really haven’t recognized it yet!”

Players looked at each other: Does this person have any unspeakable relationship with Sotu?

The time waits for no one. The Wulong Mountains pass through the cliff and delay a lot of time. Many players are already eager to go offline at this time.

After the players quickly prepared, the Reflection Nianhua pointing tactics: “Straight from the side, do n’t get entangled with the boss first.”

The players rubbed their hands, and the years of reflection raised their arms upright: “The archers are preparing for all directions. Let’s give the enemy a stomach, let go!”

At the order, countless arrows in the back row of the team jumped the players’ heads in an arc and flew towards the bandit group.

“Come on!” Melee players roared, dancing with weapons and chasing arrows.

The sword of the Silver Moon King is in one fell swoop, and it is about the king’s command. There are two figures in the team, one black and one red. Has rushed out at a speed that surpasses the others.

The thigh is shot in the reflection years. If he’s angry, he’s not good for this brand army. There is no discipline at all.

“Don’t rush, team, team!” The two in front looked at each other, looked back, and shouted together, “Come on!”

Where can you keep up? There are a lot of Warrior in this melee team, that is, they can’t catch up with Gu Fei and Slim Waist Dance! Speeds like sword ghosts are fast, but they know how to match the speed of others.

Gu Fei did n’t understand it either, and he did n’t plan to rush at the beginning, but the slim waist dancer took the lead and got out, Gu Fei felt that he was fighting against the reborn Amethyst, and his blood was turned over. , And immediately went out.

The arrows from the rear archer have fallen into the bandit formation. Of course, the attacked robber will not fight back. Soto swung his sword, and the robbers also rushed up and roared, and they immediately joined Gu Fei and Xiaoyao Dance as short soldiers.

“Shuangyan Flash, Flash!” Gu Fei roared all over, twisting his body, while still stepping forward, he was already involved in the bandit formation, and the fire circled a circle around it, which made other players speak straight. : Is this Shuangyanshuang or Whirlwind?

Slim waist dance does not show weakness, no skills are needed at all, most ordinary attacks go up, most of them have already been solved, and the efficiency is also super high.

Gu Fei ’s Shuangyan Flash was just over. The waist-dancing flash had reached his side. He quickly picked up the robber who came up and said to Gu Fei proudly, “Hey, the skills have cooled down!” “

The other players were dumbfounded, and the years of reflection also pinched their thighs: “Damn, these two undisciplined ones, are there cooperation between them?”

For a while, Gu Fei’s skill is still powerful, and Jianguang is very powerful. The robbers around him have been stabbed with blood, and they can kill half of the offense. The other half is handed over to the waist dance.

The cooldown of no assembly skills ends.

“Let’s let.” After Gu Fei said, the slim waist dancing heart would lead to kill aside, Gu Fei chanted, Shuang Yan flash screamed again and again, and the side was clean again.

The Reflection Nianhua pinched his thigh again and shouted at the two of them: “Chong outward, rush outward!”

At this time, other players have also caught fire with the robbers, infected by Gu Fei and Slim Waist Dance, and all their blood veins are sprayed, killing the Quartet. Level 30 blame under this group of masters, for a time seemed very weak.

The big thief Sotu swung his sword at this time, and the robber team started and fought back. Players were proud: it was easy! Need a breakout? Directly here to destroy them.

When I felt that the robbers were forced to retreat step by step, Suotu ’s sword was erected again, and the robbers who had just become defeated suddenly regained their spirits. Dry up.

The players were suddenly hit by multiple directions, calmly watching the situation now, yelling “I’m relying!”

“Pocket array!” The reflection years pinched the thigh again. The robbers couldn’t resist the player’s rush to kill and retreat. After a gap, they violently started to counterattack. There were even robbers on the left and right.

In this way, it seems that a pocket array has been laid down at the mountain pass, and now it is to swallow the group of pioneer players. I don’t know if this is the situation where the robbers inadvertently became this position, or they were deliberately tempted.

In short, players who have suffered a siege from three sides are more difficult than before. Soon Silver Moon’s “Kingdom Command” skill was killed, and the players’ vitality immediately dropped from earlier.

Yinyue is eating fruit in the battlefield. Everyone expects him to restore mana quickly and continue to give this skill to everyone. Yinyue smiles bitterly: Mana can be restored, but this skill cools down for 10 minutes! Can this battle last for ten minutes?

The robbers fell down in a row, and the other row immediately topped up, sealing the player. The reflection year was in a hurry, and the crowd was constantly called to rush out.

These elite players can compete with their opponents. This is a clear reflection, but the problem is that such competition is a battle of attrition.

The system mobs are not afraid of death. The front row is down and the rear row is stopped. Rotation is easy.

The players are different. It ’s impossible to use this kind of devotion. Players who have run out of mana must quit and be put on top by new players. The key to the problem lies here: on this narrow mountain road, Unable to carry out this kind of rotation effectively, this is the reason why Reflection Years is eager to arrange for people to break out of the siege.

At present, it is possible to maintain the advancement in the encirclement of the mobs, it seems that only Gu Fei and the slim waist dance. The efficiency of these two people is extremely high, especially Gu Fei’s pair of flames is clean after the flash, and can take a big step forward.

Other players noticed this clue and felt that the two were the best breakthrough, and immediately adjusted the main attack direction to this direction.

In the year of reflection, I am happy that everyone has successfully found a breakthrough, but I have n’t had time to be happy yet, but I saw Gu Fei swaying a sword, no longer rushing in the forefront, and an apple returned to the player array.

The Reflection Year is full of glory: “What is the trouble at the critical moment!”

“No way, there is no power!” Yu Tian Shenming, as an archer, was not in the assault line, and he was standing near the reflection years with his bow.

The Reflection Years are about to cry without tears. At such a critical time, stepping back to eat fruit to replenish mana, this wasted time is enough to affect the situation.

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