City of Sin: Under the shadow of twenty-three

Stevenson stunned, and then laughed playfully, saying, “I didn’t expect you to be smart! I’m really not a member of the Law Enforcement Mage, but …”

“Nothing! Don’t you want to touch me again! If you want to come hard, I will yell.” The girl’s voice grew louder. This is a very remote area, and each area has a good effect of controlling the direction of sound transmission and the amount of accumulation to avoid excessive noise echo. So the girl ’s voice did n’t really spread far, and it did n’t matter how loud it was. The key is that every public area in the dark blue has magic record equipment, and the girl’s cry is just for the magic record equipment to be recorded. Dark blue is the field of Legendary Mage. If Stevenson uses violence to get a girl’s body, it will be known by Sharon not long after. According to the temper of Legendary Mage, the best result of Stevenson will be beaten like Randolph, and then stripped of his apprenticeship and driven out of the dark blue.

Everyone in Dark Blue has a corresponding price, and the girl knows her value. She believes that no normal person will give up the legendary Mage Apprentice status in order to get his own body.

Stevenson really stood still, no further intention. The girl didn’t dare to irritate him too much, this man had a temperament that made her shudder. So Erin didn’t stay any longer, but turned to run towards the teleportation array. Even if she spends a lot of money, she doesn’t want to be close to Stevenson anymore.

“Maybe you can reconsider.” There was another Stevenson voice behind Erin, and there was another voice that made her hesitate. It was a crisp voice made by the collision of gold coins.

“There are at least two hundred gold coins!” The close impact sound made the girl instinctively judge the approximate number of gold coins. So she stopped slowly and looked back.

“It’s safe anyway …” the girl thought, but her heart was beating faster and faster.

Stevenson is still standing at on the spot, looking at her like a wolf staring at its prey, smiling calmly and confidently. An exquisite leather money bag was jumping up and down in his right hand, constantly making the sound of a shocking gold coin. The money bag is not big, but it swells enough. At first glance, Erin confirmed its initial judgment, at least two hundred gold coins. And the rich experience, keen perception, and dim environment have made the girl discover that the purse is radiating a faint magical light. This is a wallet made of enchantment leather!

The leather that can be enchantment is very expensive, and it is even more rare to make money bags with enchantment leather. Not a direct child of a real aristocrat, he simply cannot support such extravagant behavior. The purse enchantment can be a ‘space’ that increases the actual storage capacity, or a ‘lightness’ that makes its own weight and contents lighter, followed by a ‘durability’, even the worst purely decorative ‘flash’ Will make a purse’s value far exceed the gold coins it can hold.

Stevenson smiles more and more like Viper, but the frog feels powerless to run away. “I touched you just now, so these are the rewards you deserve, come, come over and take it!”

Erin only felt dry in his throat, unable to say a word. She wanted to turn around and run immediately, but her feet moved a little bit in the direction of Stevenson, and all kinds of chaotic thoughts kept hitting each other in her heart.

“He will not force me anymore, and he has touched me just now, so this money is only a compensation for what has happened, isn’t it …” Erin suddenly felt confused I found myself walking in front of Stevenson unconsciously. Stevenson seemed to know what she was thinking, grabbed her hand directly, put the purse in her palm, and then said with a smile of Demon: “The purse is also yours.”

“But, I …” Erin felt that she could not say a complete word in her throat. She felt that everything was not right, but she could not tell what was wrong.

“I know you need money now, and the dark blue tradition is about fair and voluntary transactions. So I give you a suggestion if …” Stevenson paused and looked at the girl’s body from top to bottom , Immediately let her fight a chill, and then said: “If you can maintain the current physical state and accompany me to bed, you will definitely get a satisfactory return. For example, I can repay all your debts for you … “

“No, I can’t …” Erin shook his head vigorously, his face pale, and stepped back step by step, but his hands clutched the purse tightly, and his finger joints had become pale with too much force.

Stevenson stands hand in hand and has no intention of forcing her at all, but says: “Don’t worry, you can think slowly. My suggestions will be effective within one month.”

Erin suddenly turned and ran away.

Behind Stevenson, Minnie appears like a ghost. Her light-colored eyes stared at the figure of the girl away, and said coldly: “This kind of person living in the edge of the bottom layer can do anything for the sake of money. What are you looking at? This is the case. If so, Then you never want to touch me. “

Stevenson suddenly smiled and said lowly: “Our marriage contract has been established. According to the rules, now I can touch you as much as I want!”

He pulled Minnie in front of him, and inserted his right hand directly into her mage robe, rubbing it hard. Minnie‘s face has turned pale with anger, but struggle and resistance have been in vain. The 17-year-old Stevenson is strong and strong, completely suppressing Minnie who is still a girl.

“Teacher won’t let you go!” Minnie somewhat hysterical shouted. She kicked her hands and resisted in vain, as if she had completely forgotten that she was a Mage and a young girl.

“Teacher?” Stevenson sneered and said, “If you don’t have Solam‘s subsidies, can you still afford the deep blue tuition? In a month, there have been too many changes. Without our Solam assistance, The Niall Marquis may not even be able to keep his own territory. He now ca n’t wait to change every gold coin to a enchantment arrow, and have the extra power to support a genius daughter who is studying in dark blue? Do n’t be naive, if he is really capable, how could he take you Sell ​​to Solam? “

After hearing the word “sell”, Minnie‘s face paled and paled a little bit. As far as the transaction behind this paper marriage contract is concerned, the ** and urgency of the exchange of benefits is actually very similar to the sale.

“If there is no me, dear Ms. Minnie, you are living in the deep blue freehand life, and the dazzling aura of Legendary Mage‘s personal disciples will be gone tomorrow! Are you really thinking about it?” Stevenson, chill is like frozen **** The wind blows Minnie all over the body stiff, struggling more and more weak. His hands were as cold as his voice, and he slowly slid down. “Dear Minnie, if you think about it, please separate your legs.”

Minnie suddenly shivered violently, tears pouring out of the tightly closed both eyes.

Stevenson restored the elegant aristocratic tone and even smiled, saying: “As for Erin, I am only interested in her for one reason: our Little Richard obviously likes her a little bit, so I want to turn her into My woman. And in the matter of Richard, you will definitely help me. “

“My dear Minnie, you have been too focused on the study of magic. You have n’t paid attention to the outside world for a long time, or even the family news? You may not know who attacked Niall Marquisate. But It ’s okay, I can tell you that she is Viscount Alice Archeron. And our full name of Little Richard is Richard Archeron. Honey, do you know the connection now? Hehe, in fact, you should be thankful. If you attack Niall, it ’s your father Little Richard With Gordon Archeron, your father ca n’t support our Solam Family ’s reinforcements! Really by that time, do you think you still deserve a Solam marriage contract? If there is one day, there is no essential difference between you and the Erin in the bottom edge area. The daughter of a Marquis who lost the ground, the body can be bought with gold coins, even if it is more expensive than Erin, it can still be estimated with gold coins. “

“Okay, after saying so much, you should know that Little Richard is our common enemy. So, help me, dear.”

Stevenson patted Minnie‘s face, and then looked at her with satisfaction as she looked at Richard residential area, with hatred that could not be concealed.

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