City of Sin: The rules of the one five four Sacrificial Offering

The calmness of Ryan‘s face reveals that the age-old age is completely out of proportion, and also follows Richard into the altar hall, and the four High Priests are paying attention to this grand Sacrificial Offering outside the hall,

One Sacrificial Offering ten Top Level offerings, such a magnificent scene, they are not willing to miss, even if there is any contradiction between each other, they should temporarily put down, and Nowlan‘s face is naturally a little gray, because these Divine Favor should have been Hers is now forcibly divided into a large part. In addition, in the future, if Ryan can really become Oracle, then today ’s conflict will be a huge hidden danger. Even if Nowlan is not excluded, at least the relationship will not be good. ,

Richard stood in front of the altar, placed hands on the altar, prayed silently, and in the blink of an eye, there were countless Power of Time gathering above the altar, which immediately turned into a light curtain and surrounded the entire altar and Richard, isolated from the outside,

Richard has n’t known how many times Sacrificial Offering. The scene in front of me has already seen the point of being familiar to the point of being no longer familiar, but this time as his strength increased, his perception became more sensitive. He found that when the light curtain fell, the entire altar The time and space are constantly changing, and the altar in the vision has not moved on the spot. In fact, I do n’t know which space and time to drift to,

Richard suddenly raised his head and looked up. There was an endless void. In the deep sky, there were light golden space-time light bands. When Sacrificial Offering began, these time-space light bands would fall. The sacrifice was taken away, and Divine Favor was condensed with Power of Time and given to Sacrificial Offering,

However, when Richard looked at these light belts of time and space, he subconsciously tried to track and analyze their changes. As a result, Richard felt suddenly dark before the first try, and the whole person was as weak as being emptied, and then Wisps of warm blood ran down his nose, ear holes, and corners of his eyes,

The body of Richard flickered and almost fell, and he was horrified, because just after the tracking analysis of Fang Cai, they found that the time and space light bands that seemed to be slowly drifting were constantly changing, and there were hundreds of millions of them in a flash. Combination,

This frequency far exceeds the resolution and tracking capabilities of Richard. Not only has Richard ’s Spiritual Power been exhausted in an instant, but all the sensed antennae he has detected have been destroyed,

At this moment, Richard ’s consciousness seems to have poured into the evolution of hundreds of millions of Plane billions of years. If the capacity of his soul is a wine glass, then the amount of information is the endless sea. If Richard reaction is fast enough, Cut off the Spiritual Power and perception in time, the brain will be completely burned at this moment,

When Richard looks at the time zone of in the Void floating again, in addition to appreciation, there is more awe in his eyes, that is the huge world he has no ability to perceive now,

At this moment, Richard suddenly gave birth to a kind of enlightenment. He knew what those light belts were, that is, the manifestation of the torrent of time. The altar of eternal time at this moment was originally located in the torrent of time, which is called the beginning of everything

in the Void‘s time zone twists and turns, coming from the darkness and going into the void, they are born and die, never stop, and there is no regularity at all, this is where the torrent of time, time and space merge into one, Past, present and future are intertwined, and the velocity of time cannot be measured,

There are countless great people in the history of Norland, but no one can clearly explain and describe the torrent of time. Some people have personally traveled to the torrent of time and tried to explore the ultimate secrets. However, no matter how great the person is, how terrifying it is. Daweineng, there is no return, there is no more audio,

Unexpectedly, every time Sacrificial Offering is actually in the middle of the torrent of time, the altar not only communicates the will of Dragon of Eternity and Time, but also protects Sacrificial Offering,

At this moment, the time flow of the altar has nothing to do with Norland, Richard is not in a hurry, just sit cross-legged in front of the altar and restore the severely damaged Spiritual Power and Mana. The curtain suddenly stopped and stood still, and then a huge and majestic will came slowly, covering the entire altar space,

This is the will of Dragon of Eternity and Time. This is not the first time Richard has been met, but this time the feeling is particularly strong. His body trembles uncontrollably, but he ca n’t move at all if he wants to do something. This is life. The instinctive reaction is a surrender to the unmatched powerful existence. When he first encountered the will of Dragon of Eternity and Time, Richard was still ignorant, there was no special feeling at all,

It can be seen that the strength of Richard has been advancing by leaps and bounds in these years, but the higher you stand, the more you feel the vastness of the world and your own smallness, this feeling is not good,

The sound of Dragon of Eternity and Time sounded on the altar: “I just felt that someone was exploring the torrent of time, but I did not expect it to be you little brat. Your luck is indeed good. You have not been crushed by the torrent of time.”

Richard smiled bitterly. Now I recall that the behavior I just did is like suicide, but who wants to get those timeless belts with little power, it is actually part of the torrent of time. Only when I have personally discovered it, I know that it is completely an illusion. Hundreds of millions of Plane, when there is no constant history, the feeling of it can not be described by the word torrent,

little brat, put all the sacrifices on the altar.”

Richard was startled, and asked, “Shouldn’t Sacrificial Offering be one by one.”

“That ’s just for the convenience of the will I left to deal with the sacrifices. The Top Level sacrifices that you divide are the ones that I can deal with individually and give the limit of Divine Favor. Since you have brought so many Top Level sacrifices, Then give me Sacrificial Offering together, and I will give you some extra Divine Favor that I don’t normally get. “

Richard was a surprise in my heart. The list showed that a Top Level offering was enough for a design drawing in Rank 5 Runeset, so now if ten Top Level offerings are together with Sacrificial Offering, is it possible to get the design drawing of Rank 6 Rune ,

After Richard was busy for a while, all the sacrifices were put on the altar, Dragon of Eternity and Time said again: “little brat, if you want, you can put the necklace on your neck.”

The necklace was changed by the bracelet sent by Mountainsea. The core is still a beast tooth in the center. Richard did not agree at the beginning, and now of course refuses: “Impossible.”

However, although Little Richard refused Dragon of Eternity and Time at the beginning, it still got Broodmother, so it was sent to Plane in advance for training, so that there was a series of stories behind it. Now recall, Dragon of Eternity and Time was also regarded as a special preferential treatment. Broodmother, Richard is still a long way from conquering Faro,

Arrange all the offerings and watch them gradually become streamers of time under the scouring of Power of Time. Richard couldn’t help but joke: “If I put this necklace on Sacrificial Offering, what can I get. “

Dragon of Eternity and Time gave an answer for Richard accident/surprise: “In fact, it will not be substantially improved than what you are about to get. Now this necklace I will give Divine Favor, which is equivalent to two Level 3 sacrifices, also It ’s the Top Level offering in your mouth. “

Richard slightly stunned, this result is far from what he expected, and there is something in the words of Dragon of Eternity and Time, so asked: “Does it say that if I take it Sacrificial Offering, then I will get more Divine Favor.”

Dragon of Eternity and Time explained surprisingly and patiently: “Not more, but more. At that time, the evaluation of this necklace was between Level 1 and Level 2 sacrifices. In my system, each level of sacrifices They are all in decimal form, so if converted into Level 3 offerings, the necklace can be worth more than fifty Level 3 offerings, and at that time when I had extra demand for it, so if you exchange Divine Favor, you can use Some exclusive Divine Favor of Level 1 offerings are put on the list. “

RichardLevel 1 Sacrifice” wry smile,

What kind of state does Dragon of Eternity and Time exist? The Level 1 offering in its eyes cannot make the entire Norland history appear. As for the exclusive Divine Favor of the Level 1 offering, no matter what, if it appears, it will shock the whole Norland Kind of,

From the exclusive Divine Favor that can get the Level 1 sacrifice, it is only worth two Level 3 sacrifices now, but only a few years ago, in the eyes of Dragon of Eternity and Time, this time may not be enough. It blinks,

Richard is calm, and ca n’t help but ask: “Why is this.”

“You are the title owner, so you can reveal some special content to you. The thing I really need is the animal tooth on the necklace. It should be a first generation descendant from Beast God. It ’s precious. When you first came to my altar with it, I had n’t got any similar offerings. The animal tooth in your hand is naturally precious, but from In the period from that time to the present, I have obtained three similar offerings, all of which are from the first generation of Beast God, so there is not much that this animal tooth can bring me. The Divine Favor obtained will naturally decrease. “

The heart of Richard, this explanation has actually revealed some of the core rules of Dragon of Eternity and Time, which is no more precious information,

Richard sighed and said: “In such a short period of time, three similar sacrifices can be collected, which is really very accident/surprise.”

Dragon of Eternity and Time said: “accident/surprise, but not accident/surprise. People have been speculating on the sacrifices I need in order to get more Divine Favor. As long as I disclose a little information to them, in order to get my Divine Favor, there are naturally countless People are planning around and looking for sacrifices for me. Klandor‘s exclusive items are no exception. Since I gave extra Divine Favor to the sacrifices of Klandor, the number of sacrifices from there increased tenfold in the second year. “

It is true,

Even Richard himself was collecting sacrifices with great care. Although most of the other strong men warned that Richard should not be too dependent on Dragon of Eternity and Time, most of them still cannot do without this old dragon,

Richard also received information that Klandor‘s offerings will have additional preferential treatment, and deliberately collected offerings from Klandor. During that time, Richard did notice a significant premium on the offerings from Klandor in the market. ,

Dragon of Eternity and Time really has a superb status, and the method adopted is directly reaching the hearts of the people. Just releasing a little vague information, you can get what you want,

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