City of Sin: The Road to the Fifteen Rules

A series of questions quickly and swiftly hit the Richard like a rainstorm, but Richard just smiled and did not answer, but it can be seen that there was no smile in his eyes at all.

Seeing Richard like this, Faceless suddenly stood up straight and exhaled lightly and happily. heavily patted Richard and said, “It does n’t matter. It ’s normal to lose to Indefiniteness. Do n’t say that now she just came back and was seriously injured When you are here, you are by no means her opponent. So, you can pat my **** and get a few more sacrifices to come back, and I will teach you well, as long as there is a year “

Richard eyes brightened: “You can win Indefiniteness.”

“Of course not possible.” Faceless immediately dispelled the illusion of Richard, but added a sentence: “However, no one is your opponent except the super strong.”

Richard‘s eyebrows are locked together again, and he continues to meditate.

Faceless bent over and looked at Richard. The sharp tip of the metal mask almost touched the nose of Richard: “How old are you, it is already a legend, not a kind of waste wood legend, is it not enough That is, Indefiniteness was at your age at that time, and that’s it. She was recognized as the best fighting talent at the time, still above Phillip and Ferlyn. “

Richard asked with some surprise: “How come you know so much, even I don’t know.”

“Never doubt the gossip ability of a woman.” Faceless said proudly.

Richard stood silently for a moment, stood up, waved Fara ’s magic map, stared, and said nothing for a long time.

“I still have something to worry about.”

Richard eyes slightly narrowed, reaching out and stroking constantly on the magic map, slowly said: “I always have a feeling that the time given to me seems to be running out.”

paused, he turned to look at Faceless and said, “I still have a feeling that the Indefiniteness rules are not flawless.”

The brows on the metal mask jumped, and Faceless said, “You are really impressive.”

The Faceless pointed a finger, and the magic map in front of Richard disappeared. She immediately said: “Before you conquer the entire Plane, I think you should first get an Demi-plane for yourself. From Demi-plane, you can see the origin of the world, that is the power of Legendary Mage, and also the source of Legendary Mage‘s ability to gradually override Combatant as it moves towards the peak of power. “

Richard waved his hand and restored Faro ’s magic map, saying: “Demi-plane is of course important, but Faro also has valuable things here, at least now.”

“You mean”

War of the Gods.”

“You are crazy.”

“How can you beat the madman if you are not crazy.”

Soon after Faceless left, several guests came from the Richard parlor, five Priest, Richard did not come for a while, they sat down and talked softly.

Five people, two men and three women, are all young and outstanding, but their Divine Power is quite high, and the lowest is Level 16. In the church of the three goddesses, their status can be said to be second only to teaching Head of Zonghe Knight.

These Priests were transferred to the Giant Dragon valley by Richard to provide services for the strong men who entered the Giant Dragon Plane hunting. In Faro, Dragon of Eternity and Time ’s Priest treatment of Divine Spell is not as effective as these local gods Priest. They are also the eyes and eyes of the three goddesses. , What you see and hear will also be known to the three goddesses.

The three goddesses have spared no effort on the War of the Gods of Cenai. In fact, it is also related to the large number of Legendary Powerhouse in the Giant Dragon valley. It is also closely related to the two super powers of Sharon and Star Sage.

When the young Priests was whispering, the door of the parlor opened and Richard came in.

“His Royal Highness Richard.” All Priest stood up and saluted respectfully.

From the perspective of Faro, the power of Richard has reached its peak, even the incarnation of Gods walking in the world.

Richard ’s eyes one by one glanced over these Priest faces, and suddenly understood the thoughts of the three goddesses.

The Priests of the Three Goddesses has been tempting Richard, and Richard is completely unimpressed, so this time sent to the Priest in the Giant Dragon Valley, only two young men Priest who are not as inferior to the beauty appeared. The three goddesses may think that Richard‘s sexual tastes are very special.

Richard is really unable to understand the wonderful thoughts of these gods, but just asked lightly now: “Which of you can contact the three goddesses, I have something to interview them.”

Interviewed with Gods, the five Priests looked at each other. If they came to the Giant Dragon valley, they would definitely think that Richard was crazy, but after these days, they knew that this requirement was not excessive. Qualified to interview the goddesses.

In the end, the three Priestesss began to pray silently, and Richard touched the moonlight in their hands, and their hearts could not help but return to the battle against Indefiniteness.

When the momentum of Indefiniteness struck gently like a wind, Richard was shocked to find that it was not a breeze that could touch the face, but a storm that could tear everything apart. The wind was full of chaotic regular forces, and there was no way It is predicted that there is no way to figure out, whether in Norland or other Plane, Richard has never encountered a similar rule.

Zhuoliu once used the power of chaos, but at most he imitated it. When faced with Indefiniteness, Richard was surprised that he entered a new world, a world based on chaos, and he was a Mana based on order. It is so different in this world that it was attacked and suppressed by the whole world in an instant.

In an instant, Richard was defeated.

This is a competition at the rule level, which is completely different from the general competition.

As Faceless said, he still can’t compete with Indefiniteness at the level of rules. No matter the level of the rules or the degree of control, Richard is far behind.

There are indeed several High Level rules on Richard that can compete with the chaotic rules of Indefiniteness, but their analysis is still far away. The promotion of Mana to the legend is just the beginning. There are many more things that Richard needs to do, including Demi-plane, to improve rules control Power, learn Deepblue Aria, etc.

It may take hundreds of years from stepping into a legend to becoming truly mature and step by step.

Richard pulled the memory back to the moment when Indefiniteness was coming, this time it slowed down the process a thousand times.

In his Truth Vision, the invisible momentum is full of countless shimmering fragments, which are fragments of chaotic rules, each piece is like the sharpest weapon, with unparalleled destruction And the cutting power, being bombarded by these debris, is just as dangerous as being entangled in the gap of space.

The magic shield that started instantly appeared fragile and was broken at once. Several rules also disintegrated one by one, only a few chaotic fragments were worn away, and more fragments of cold light poured into him like a tide. .

Richard both eyes opened abruptly, and his face was somewhat sickly pale, and thin sweat beads oozed from the tip of his nose. “There must be some way to crack down on the suppression of the ruled world.” He wondered.

At this moment, there were two slamming noises next to me. It turned out that the two men Priest had been kneeling on the ground for some time, sweating all over the body, almost eager to collapse, and the solid coffee table was crushed by them. .

When Richard was stunned, he immediately realized that he slowly breathed and said, “Sorry, some power is not controlled.”

Two Priests were exhausted, but both were exhausted.

One Priest ca n’t even speak, while the other Priest can barely speak: “His Royal Highness, your strength”

“Your power is amazing.” A soft and sweet voice filled with majesty added.

At this time, the three Priestess straightened their bodies, and the whole body was filled with a faint golden light. Their double pupils also turned into pure gold, and their breath became heavy and coercive.

The will of the three goddesses has come to these three Priestesss.

“Spring water.”


“Hunting.” They said in turn.

“How about War of the Gods.” Richard asked.

“We have successfully scored Cenai‘s God Kingdom, and occupy a solid position.”

“The battle in God Kingdom is stuck because the other party received a huge Divine Power blessing. In fact, in the battle, our Warrior and heroic losses are greater.”

Cenai has lost the source of faith, so he will lose in this battle, but he still has Divine Power accumulation for nearly a thousand years, so War of the Gods will continue for a period of time, at least thirty years.” Spring Water Goddess finally said.

“I ca n’t wait for thirty years, give me the coordinates, I will go to see the God Kingdom of Cenai in person.”

The exclamation of the three goddesses is one after another.

“What, no, this is too dangerous.”

“The Divine Power of Cenai is deep. In his God Kingdom, the strength will be greatly suppressed.”

“Even we, dare not use his real body to enter his God Kingdom.”

Richard took out a piece of magic paper and floated in front of the three goddesses: “This is a special teleportation circle drawing. It needs to be erected in your God Kingdom. I need your God Kingdom as a transit.”

Richard ’s smile is charming, and his determination is clearly determined.

“Your power is indeed strong, but your body is …” Forest Goddess made the last effort, but under the smiling gaze of Richard, the word “mortal” was taken back.

Spring Water Goddess put away the design and said, “Well, I will send the most powerful heroes to protect you.”

God is omnipotent in God Kingdom, they set up the teleportation circle between their thoughts, but on the Richard side, it takes some time to set up the teleportation array.

Several Archmages are busy in the teleportation circle and are doing the final debugging. They are not the men of Richard, but this kind of Magic Array that is directly connected to God Kingdom is extremely rare, so they all volunteered to help and can participate in the establishment of the teleportation circle And starting, they have an irreplaceable role in improving their spatial understanding.

Richard quietly looked at the busy Archmage, and Faceless did n’t know when to show up.

“It has been decided.”

Richard nodded silently.

PS: Congratulations to Paki Qi who has crossed the rank of the leader in one fell swoop and boarded the immortals. This one-by-one thousand-yuan chapter and the leader … are more rhythmical, well, please look forward to tomorrow, I, for the **** horse is another par)

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