City of Sin: The last struggle of one to four zero

% D% A% 9 In the next auction, Richard, as always, was calm and calm, repeatedly shot, and constantly got some gains. Among the things photographed, Richard was used for half and half donated to Temple of the Eternal Dragon. The total amount is pushed up to six million, and there is only a gap of less than 200,000 from Cardiff,

The Cardiff is already restless, sweat is constantly pouring out, and his clothes are wet. At this moment, the confidant he sent out finally hurried back, and brought back a small box sent by jīng, Cardiff opened it and looked inside. The neat and tidy high-purity magic crystal is placed, and there are twenty full, so his heart is settled down a little.This is the maximum support that Tuscon Family can give him, and the deadline for return is very strict,

In fact, Cardiff has reached a dilemma. Even if it wins now, and it can successfully receive Lina in the bag, it can only be regarded as a slight profit. Besides, Lina is still an uncertain variable.If you lose, then the loss will be Close to 10 million/whatever happens, for Cardiff, it can definitely be said to be produced by Qingjia,

He now regrets that he has bet on this game with Richard. Seeing how Richard looks, he has donated more than 3 million of in addition ’s self-used materials for six million. There may be so much cash,

In the current situation, there is no progress. Cardiff called a glass of spirits and sipped it out. Then, with red eyes, he put it into the auction. The donated amount rose to 8 million in a blink of an eye, and Richard is still poor. Cardiff is 200,000, but the high-purity magic crystal in the Cardiff box has less than ten pieces left, while the Richard has more than one million to buy three or four pieces of Epic Level equipment. These equipment are still designated for use,

There is silence in the auction hall, and no one thought that this game would actually evolve to this level. Some people who know the equipment industry even strangely thought of going to another place. Archeron has been in these years. I do n’t know if the total price of the equipment sold by Faust has been 10 million/whatever happens,

And since the auction, Richard serene‘s huā went out 12 million, and it has always been a look of surplus strength.It has been like this from the beginning.It is still the same now.Richard behaved like this, which has long exceeded the scope of the upstart. ,

As Gordon said, people tend to look down on upstarts, but when a person outbreaks beyond a certain limit, people will respect, awe, admire or hate him, but in short they will not Look down,

The outbreaks that Richard now shows have exceeded the psychological limits of many people,

Richard looked at Cardiff again and suddenly smiled and said: “Baron, do you want to take out a few pieces of territory, I think your funds seem to be insufficient,”

“Nonsense, I … I …” Cardiff felt that the entire cheek was burning, but after many years of self-discipline finally worked, it calmed down a little, even if Richard looked at the eyes full of ridicule and contempt, how could he Shamed, not crazy to that extent,

Cardiff glared at Richard, almost burst out of fire, but in the end did not dare to really speak out cruel words, in front of many nobles, the words must be fulfilled, otherwise it will become without dignity and credibility, It will be difficult to rise in the future.If he loses this gambling contract, it will only be a major economic loss, but the territory is different from Plane.It is a skeleton of nobility. , You can still earn it and use it again when you run out,

Richard saw Cardiff refused to be fooled, shook her head with regret, and continued to focus on the auctioneer,

In a blink of an eye, Richard pushed the donation amount to more than 9 million, and successfully surpassed Cardiff, while Cardiff was short of breath and stiff, reaching for a few in the box next to it, and scratching his finger at the bottom of the box , But did not encounter a high-purity magic crystal, so he finally knew that he was finished,

The auction is also coming to an end. The final lot is not a single item, but a complete set of Magic Light Chain Armor, suitable for almost all arms,

These light chain armor are all quasi-Epic Level equipment. The starting price of a single set is 30,000 gold coins, and the total number of sets is up to two hundred. This is a huge auction with a starting price of up to six million. Out of Norland‘s emphasis on Planar War, such war equipment often overwhelms some precious and rare materials and becomes the finale of the auction, which is also one of the traditions of the Norland auction,

The pricing of this type of war equipment is very accurate, there is no special reason, there will be no orders of magnitude, so in the end, Richard took this batch of Magic Light Chain Armor at a unit price of 36,000, ready to be reserved for future Broodmotherjīng British units Use,

When the auctioneer announced that Richard successfully photographed these batches of light chain armor, there was an air-sucking sound on the auction floor.In this auction, Richard smashed 20 Million gold coins,

Cardiff‘s face is ashamed, so I realized at this point that he and Richard are not at the same level at all when they compare wealth.

After seeing Richard understatement and chōu seven sheets of royal paper from his pocket, he finally erupted and roared at Richard: “You cheat, the money is royal, not yours, this I have n’t lost the game yet, “

Richard eyebrow máo picked it up and said lightly: “I have said that, if you are not convinced, you can go to the territory or Plane to pay off,”

And Niris Huo Ran stood up, the delicate face was tight and said coldly: “Cardiff Earl, please pay attention to your wording, I hereby guarantee that the royal family did not have chā hands at all in the previous game, Master Richard is completely Playing the game with my own wealth, my explanation ends here, if you still do not agree, then please let the Duke Tuscon propose a motion in the upper house, and then the royal family and the MPs form an investigation team to investigate the fairness of the game, Cardiff Earl , Are you sure you want to do this, “

The Cardiff mouth chún opened and closed a few times, but failed to say anything. If it is done in this way, it is ready to make this matter completely. Regardless of the truth, it will first tear its face with Fourth Prince, and if If the investigation does not get the evidence he wants, the result will be worse.That means that Tuscon Family will stand completely on the opposite side of Archeron and the royal family.Otherwise, he will not be able to pass the Duke Tuscon alone,

In the final analysis, Cardiff can only represent himself, but not the entire Tuscon Family,

Richard looked at the magic clock and said to Cardiff Earl: “It ’s almost time, Cardiff Earl, do you want to continue to gamble,”

“Ah … I, admit defeat …” The voice of Cardiff is hoarse and unpleasant, just like the Ascetic that just came out of the desert,

And all his followers are ashamed, especially the middle-aged aristocrats who have torn up 20,000 yuan of Lina. They looked at Richard with the eyes of monsters. They could n’t believe that the scene just now would be true.

20 Million ,,

It is 20 Million cash rather than assets, and 20 Million is used in an auction,

Under the testimony of many nobles, Cardiff has no possibility of refusing refusal. He has long lost cash, but still has to pay three million bets, and finally can only propose to use Norland territory to pay off gambling debts It is a territory of Viscounty,

And Richard thought about it, and proposed that if it can be selected at will in the territory under the name of Cardiffsī, then the valuation of each territory can be raised by 10%, and this valuation will be evaluated by the special mén according to the practice. The division is carried out and registered by the royal family, with sufficient justice and authority xìng,

A rise of 10% means that Cardiff Earl loses more than 200,000 less, so he also agreed,

Soon, the map title deed of the territory where Cardiff Earl belongs was taken. Richard looked at it, and selected a seaside Viscounty not far from Blackrose Castle,

The clerk sent by the noble heraldry bureau marked the map title deed, and then retreated.There are a series of trivial matters such as territory value evaluation, sovereignty jiāo connection, etc., naturally it is not necessary for Richard to handle it in person.

Then I will enter the most colorful part, which is also the part that everyone is looking forward to, two notes slap in the face,

Everyone knows that Richard is an Mage, and Cardiff Earl is a strong Saint Realm. Although the face is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body, once the Battle Aura is transported, even if you ca n’t reach the realm of killing the enemy with your face, but since I ’m sure there is more than enough, and then it depends on whether the power of the reaction is enough to hurt people. As a Richard of Mage, if you really do your best to remember slap in the facechōu, your palms may become bloody, and Cardiff may have a red face The stamps will not stay,

Cardiff stood in the middle of the auction house, upper body slightly leans forward, smiled at Richard and said, “Come on,”

At this moment, Cardiff regained his manners and behaved impeccably, fully demonstrating the cultivation of the family children,

Richard came to Cardiff, both eyes suddenly sprayed a faint light, and then returned to normal, just at the moment when Richard eyes shone light, Cardiff suddenly felt máo thrilled, it seemed that the whole body was seen It is transparent and clean, and no secret can be kept. Fortunately, this feeling flashed away, but it also made him a cold sweat,

Richard stood in front of Cardiff and suddenly said, “Cardiff Earl, are you sure you want to repay the gambling debt in this way,”

In the eyes of Cardiff, cold light shows said lightly, “I do n’t understand what you are talking about,”

At the moment, Cardiff has gathered all the Battle Aura that can be mobilized to the face.The Battle Auraxìng he cultivated is special and has a strong hidden effect.Even if the whole body Battle Aura has been transported, no traces can be seen on the surface. More Battle Aura is enough to shatter the bones of ordinary Mage‘s hands, but after such a fragile part blessing excessive Battle Aura, after a strong shock dàng, the unbearable Battle Aura will also make Cardiff pay the price of ròu, which can be described as both defeats. /

However, Cardiff has lost his muscles today, and it ’s not a big deal to lose some face, and hand shattering is only a minor injury to the general Mage, but Richard is Runemaster, and a stable pair of hands is Runemaster. Of the core,

PS: These two days are unwell, the update is one day late, and I will make up today,% D% A

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