City of Sin: The dilemma in 1991

The upper class aristocrats of Sequoia Kingdom once again received the talks after tea and tea. Of course, the educated aristocrats will not directly laugh at the Highland Unicorn Family masterpiece, but countless metaphors and eyes flutter, everyone is in a mood to watch the latest opera Waiting for the result of this duel between elephants and ants. It is not the victory or defeat that is concerned, this is undoubtedly, but how long it takes Archmage behind Richard to have to appear.

However, there are also interested people watching this farce with calm eyes. Although Deepcliff City Direwolf Duke is not there, the frequency of some strong figures in the vassals to visit does not decrease but increases. There is also an independent marquis and several viscounts belonging to other confer a Noble Titles, Baron, and some of them have begun to quietly strengthen their defenses, which borders Fontaine Barony and Sir Richard.

At this time, there was a lot of joy in Twilight Castle. When the army of the old Hogan jazz arrived, the haze of the previous days swept away.

In the castle ’s most luxurious large meeting room, real power figures such as Sir Hogan, Sir Earl Latu, Sir Bubka, Grand Mage Thornst, Priest Barn sat around the table and discussed the next strategy of operations. Uncle Baron is simply not qualified to enter this conference room, he is completely equivalent to a errand role. The small Baron and the former Mrs. Fontaine Baron were kicked out of Twilight Castle in the name of inviting them to take a holiday in the country. The fresh air there helped the Baron to thrive and restore the sadness of the former Mrs. Fontaine Baron.

At this moment, Earl Latu has introduced the terrain and armament of the Richard territory, and listed a few important combat capabilities of the known Richard. Latu does not want to introduce it so simply, but the information about the strong men under Richard is really pitiful, most of it is still obtained from the surviving Warrior of Fontaine Baron.

They also have information from Deepcliff City, but it looks as unreliable as Zim Viscount and other prisoners of war released.

At this time, Sir Hogan, who was half-headed with silver hair, was standing in front of the map, using a magic pen to highlight several important strongholds, and chose a route to march. This is a mature plan, and it is being executed. The old jazz repeats it, mainly to let Mage and Priest understand.

These noble Spell Casterss are very troublesome. They do not understand marching combat, but if the combat plan is not known to them, then they will be seriously dissatisfied. Because according to the convention, Grand Mage can choose its position on the battlefield, in addition to the large-scale strategic attacks that must be carried out with the main force, the magic showdown with the other party Mage is also determined independently.

In Sir Hogan‘s pen, another winding curve was drawn, connecting from Green Deer Earldom to Fontaine Barony. “Everyone, Sir Odom‘s army has been assembled, and is now waiting for the arrival of the Battle Priest group and Grand Mage. It is expected to arrive in ten days.” Sir Hogan said.

“Ha! When the army of Odom Jazz arrives, we can give Richard an unforgettable lesson for life.” Sir Bubka said with a smile, then he spread his hands and said, “I hope our Sir Richard He can build his majestic castle in ten days! “

There were bursts of laughter in the meeting room. Although such a strong force was entangled, the latecomers here were still very disappointed with the fuss about confer a Noble Title‘s nearly influx. The disappearance of the two squadron Eagle Flag knights was given the strictest ban. Except for individual core figures, most people only know the record of the Richard annihilating Zim Viscount Army.

“Shall we give Richard a lesson first? Give him at least some pressure.” An Grand Mage proposed. This forty-year-old Grand Mage is very resentful of Richard, the reason is naturally very complicated.

“No! During this time, we first need to make good defense. One is to strengthen the guard of Twilight Castle, and the other is to protect the road connecting Earldom and here.”

“Did Richard dare to attack Sir Odom‘s forces?” another Grand Mage said with a smile. He felt that he was telling a joke, but neither Earl Latu nor Sir Hogan, who was told the inside as soon as he arrived, did not laugh. Richard can’t do anything like this.

Sir Hogan cleared his throat and ignored the joke of Grand Mage. He continued: “My idea is that the guard force of Twilight Castle will be reduced to four hundred, and the strength will constitute my choice. But all Grand Mage and Shenmin will be invited for the time being. Are stationed in the castle. I hope Richard will come to attack the castle, not the army of Lord Odom. “

Everyone in the meeting room nodded in recognition. With the help of Twilight Castle‘s defense, although the number of guards Warrior is less, there are enough Mage and Priest, which is enough to make Richard hit the head under Twilight Castle. Although no one thinks that Odom will be defeated, it is still best to avoid this kind of attack on strange terrain.

At this moment, the meeting room door was lightly knocked. A young and handsome noble officer walked into the meeting room and gave a military salute to Sir Hogan, saying: “Adult! This is the intelligence that the Scout cavalry just sent back. A few days ago, Richard led all his troops out of the territory, Entering Bloodstained Lands, whereabouts are currently unknown. “

“What! All the army?” Hogan and Latu changed their faces, and they kept asking questions to confirm.

The young officer looked very nervous, but still insisted: “Yes, Scout cavalry ventured deep into the Richard territory and even saw the castle site. Now there is no Warrior in the Richard territory.”

Earl Latu slowly sat back in the chair, his face dignified, and said, “He actually took all the troops away, so he was not afraid of us …” He didn’t say anything more after saying this sentence in half.

What can be in the territory of Richard now? In addition to stone, which is wood, there is also a castle that has just been dug. Can’t you remove a big pit? As for citizen and artisans, it is a valuable asset. However, there can be several citizens on the Richard territory, and even capturing them all is not enough to cover the army’s march supply. What’s more, this is against the laws of the kingdom. citizen is the private property of the lord, sacred and inviolable.

Any nobles, especially the wealthy, will do their best to maintain and abide by the Kingdom ’s laws on the territory and citizen. Because this is the cornerstone of aristocratic social order and the most fundamental benefit of every Great Noble.

“What should we do now?” Earl Latu looked at Sir Hogan.

“I don’t know.” The old jazz said with a wry smile.

“When the army of Odom Jazz arrives, more than 3,500 troops will be assembled here. The daily output of Fontaine Barony is not enough to support the consumption of the army.” Jazz Latu frowned.

“Can Little Fontaine contribute to the savings of Barony in previous years! We are stationed here, after all, to protect them.” Priest Barn gloomy and cold said.

Many people in the meeting room are nodding. Latu and Hogan glanced at each other and said nothing. Little Fontaine is just a child, and his uncle’s Level 11‘s combat power is nothing. In the system of the grid Duke Glassbow, a small Baron that just turned over was insignificant, and it was brought to Immolate (sacrifice) and consumed.

This army’s consumption is staggering. Naturally, the Green Deer Earl and Zim Viscount cannot fully cover the military expenses. In fact, the consumption of ordinary Warrior is part of it, but the big head is the fee paid to Grand Mage and Battle Priest group. The greed of these magistrates is far greater than their mana.

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