City of Sin: The Battle of One Two Three Valley

The old mage said again: “Then there is a very good news for us. The found Broodmother has completed the soul replenishment plan. oh, the message passed by the magic mirror is still missing, from which only I can tell that Broodmother is the most complete soul replenishment plan, but the following additional information is missing. That may be an explanation or something else. “

This time everyone is happy, they all have full authority on the soul completion plan, knowing that the complete soul completion plan means that there is a fatal flaw hidden in the soul of Broodmother, through this flaw, it is possible to seize The control of Broodmother has been widely debated. Although there are still great differences on the future use of Broodmother, they all agree that Broodmother should be obtained as soon as possible. It should not be delayed.

As for the Raymond that carried out the soul completion plan and passed the message back, it was not mentioned by even one person. Everyone, including Stronghold Leader and Roddy, selectively forgot him completely, which It is also a way to cut off the connection of fate,

Identified the general direction of capturing Broodmother, the next step is to execute, and then someone asked about the status of Faro Plane,

The castle owner took a look at Roddy. Roddy took out a stack of information and said: “The current controller of Faro is Duke Sacred Alliance, oh, and future Duke Richard Archeron.”

A scary and terrible phantom interrupted Rody: “Archeron, sounds like the bloodline of Demon, Lu Wen, you have been in the abyss for hundreds of years, do you know Archeron.”

Archeron is barely the upper rank of Demon. Abyss Great Lord may appear in the Demon of this surname, but this is only the case, and in the abyss tens of thousands of years in the past, the occurrence of Great Lord is not high.”

That terrible phantom said with a nod: “That said, Archeron‘s bloodline power and destiny power are not afraid, at least we have a way to check and balance.”

Another person said: “Holy Alliance Imperial Family‘s attitude may have to be considered. Indefiniteness is a troublesome woman. Maybe we can give her some compensation in exchange for her giving up support for Richard.”

Indefiniteness is very greedy.”

“Meet her, no matter what kind of requirements she puts forward, Broodmother is worth our effort.”

“The price we pay can be partially compensated from Richard, or even all.”

“Do you have more information about Richard.”

“I heard that he is about to become Saint Runemaster, maybe we should consider a gentler way.”

“There are many people who will become Saint Runemaster, but Saint Runemaster is very few. Before he did n’t become Saint Runemaster, it did n’t make sense.”

Rodi also came up with a piece of information, the above is the known situation about Richard and Faro, that is Private Plane of Richard, not Family Plane, if it is not the previous two years Richard had large-scale recruitment of low Middle Level Mage, it is difficult to obtain depth data of,

From the available data, Richard has been operating in Faro for more than ten years, which is not a long time in Planar War, but this acting patriarch and future Lord Duke obviously have good abilities and luck. This Plane development is completely positive income,

At present, Crimson Duchy has the ability to establish a stable footing and is moving towards the kingdom. From the main city, there are indigenous temple and other progress analysis. Richard has completely taken root in Faroza,

According to known data, Richard‘s revenue in Faro includes minerals, rare magic materials, certain special arms, mainly Demon Mount, and various processed Rune components. All revenue items are summarized. It is expected that Richard will be stable in Faro every year. The income has exceeded 10 million gold coins, which is the sum of several other Plane controlled by him, but according to intelligence analysis, the income from Plane, such as Green Forest, Flowing Gold Valley, etc., is growing rapidly. I believe that it will not take long. The revenue of these two Planes alone Would be comparable to Faro now,

After reading this information, the conference hall was silent. After a while, the beast-like phantom said, “The income of Richard Private Plane actually”

He did n’t finish, but everyone present knows that the income of Richard has reached a quarter of the sum of all resources. Perhaps a few years later, when the income of Green Forest and Flowing Gold Valley increase, it will be three points. One, be aware that these resources are shared by the factions and forces behind everyone present, and have been in business for nearly a thousand years,

At this time, a very ordinary phantom said: “In the past 100 years, our resource area has been declining, and there has been no progress in opening up new resource areas. The lack of resources has greatly affected our research. Progress, maybe this is an opportunity “

The old mage who is acting in charge of the castle said slowly: “I have a proposal, maybe we should absorb Richard, he is a very potential mage after all, if he joins in, then many things As a matter of course, it is a sacred thing to contribute some resources to the development of the castle. “

Another person also said: “These resources are just tools for enjoyment and expansion in his hand, and our research will promote the development of the entire Norland. From a long-term and important perspective, we need to take charge of it for him. These resources. “

“With more sacrifices, you can study Dragon of Eternity and Time better.”

Similar voices continue to appear, and the resolution to absorb Richard was quickly passed,

But Roddy reminded: “Richard‘s teacher is Sharon, this is a very troublesome woman. In addition, from the past examples, Richard‘s personality is very tough. Our persuasion work may encounter difficulties. . “

At this time, an always silent phantom moved, saying: “The race of Sharon I guess, maybe it is one of those. In this case, as long as we disclose the news to that side, she will naturally have infinite The trouble of self-protection is already good. “

Another phantom snorted and said with dissatisfaction: “Sharon is an important combat power of Norland, you will not want to weaken the strength of our Norland.”

The previous phantom said slowly: “No matter how important the fighting power is, we ca n’t count without our control. With her in, Broodmother and resources have nothing to do with us. Are you willing to do this?”

The phantom snorted again at heavily, but said nothing more,

“As for Richard, we have many ways to make him succumb, without even having to go through a head-on conflict. You know, war is not the only means, war is the last and worst means, perhaps, Hastings should play It worked. “

The meeting was finally over, and the phantom one by one on the chair dimmed, leaving only the old Master and great scholar Rodi in the secret room,

The eyes of the old mage fell on the coat of arms of the book and the magic pen in the center of the hall. He stayed for a long time and said, “Rody, Richard will leave it to you.”

“No problem.” Rody left the meeting room after agreeing,

Only the old mage stood alone in the hall, still looking at the coat of arms on the floor,

This coat of arms is the highest mark of Solomon Stronghold Scholar Mages,

Outside the Giant Dragon valley, Richard has been staying for three days. He does n’t know what happened in the distant country. Some secrets have been exposed in the eyes of intentional people. The key news has been spread out. The web is slowly weaving in the shadows,

Now Richard is waiting for his subordinates to assemble and start the next war. During this period, he used the time to digest the rules left by Chatterley,

Probably because of Silvermoon Elven Bloodline, Richard is quite fast at parsing natural rules, while Chatterley ’s ability involves only the most superficial and superficial part of natural rules. As for multiple illusions, although they are used in actual combat Not bad, but there are several kinds of High Level magic that can simulate similar effects, so Illusionist ca n’t play any role less than High Rank, but Mage has been widely used since apprenticeship,

Richard is expected to take only a week to initially master the relevant rules, so as to bring your stealth ability to the next level, then ordinary Saint Realm strong will be difficult to detect Richard ’s actions,

There is peace in the Giant Dragon valley, and the Giant Dragon believers live as before, as if nothing has happened, and no more Giant Dragon believers are pouring out of the Plane Channel,

After just five days, Star Chrysalis and Fei Pu pup twice, and a hundred Rune Knight and fifteen hundred Dark Vanguard Knight were brought in,

On a platform outside the valley, after Richard assigned tasks to followers, he smiled and said: “We finally got better luck once, it seems that the person dispatched by Giant Dragon Plane has encountered the disappearance. It ’s been five days since I ’ve seen it. I wanted to attack, but now I have a chance of sneak attack. Okay, now let ’s take all these Giant Dragon believers. “

With the order of Richard, more than ten flying pupae took off with their followers and went straight to Plane Transfer Gate, while Star Chrysalis and the remaining flying pupae carried Rune Knight and Dark Vanguard Knights to an empty place that had already been selected The platform, from where the cavalry of the brigade can conquer the valley and rush into the valley,

After a while, the Giant Dragon believers in the valley found flying pupae flying across the sky, they immediately sounded the alarm, and the crowds of believers poured out of the room grabbing weapons, and more powerful Saint Realm rose sharply Empty, ready to intercept these strangely shaped pupae,

However, when these powerful men took off, they exposed themselves. Obviously they lived in Faro comfortably for too long, almost met their opponents, and they also lost many of their vigilance.

A lot of colorful lights suddenly lit up in the sky, like the fireworks in the festival, accompanied by the burst of power hedges, in a short moment, the Giant Dragon believers in the air fell one after another, and they were knocked down seven or eight at once The three killing gods Phaser, Zonghu, and Shuihua are looming in the air, and every flash will inevitably have a Giant Dragon believer cut down,

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