City of Sin: Sixty-five of Hastings ’dreams

Richard remembered the suggestion of turbid current. The loyal palace manager asked Richard to visit Land of Dusk anyway.

So Richard said: “I ’ll go to Extinction Area Battlefield to see what amazing things Hastings did. They ’re best to be effective. If the results are not good, then I may directly give this The guy has a deep enough lesson. “

“I’ll hand it over to you first.” Richard patted Asiris‘s shoulder, picked up the knife box, and walked away.

After a while, Richard walked out of Transfer Gate of Where the Sun Rises, he took off directly as soon as he got out of Transfer Gate, and then a few flashes disappeared.

Several Saint Realm guarding Transfer Gate was taken aback by surprise. They had never seen a mage whose space ability would be so powerful. The team fortress in the forbidden air field was able to teleport so easily. The identity verification information of the person fell into their hands. It is a prominent name, Richard Archeron.

At this moment the army of Hastings is leaving from an army fortress that has been razed to the next target.

This army is composed entirely of Warrior covered in black armor. They take a neat and mechanical pace and advance towards the next corps fortress of Daxodas at a constant speed. Each Warrior in this army All have the power of Saint Realm Level, and the number is up to eight thousand.

The most terrible thing is not just the quantity, but also that it is an army, an army with strict discipline and enough to compete with Broodmother creation.

When such a large number of powerful men turn into an army, there is also invincible power.

In the center of the army, a huge and greasy earth dragon is walking. This earth dragon is several times larger than the ordinary earth dragon. Every step of falling will make the earthquake tremble, and there is a building on the back of the earth dragon. Mini Magic Tower, Hastings is controlling the direction of the entire army in Magic Tower.

To command such a large army, and just captured a corps fortress, martial arts has been comparable to the Phillip emperor, but at the moment Hastings’s face is not very good-looking.

The battle at the last team fortress was not very smooth. Although the number of Daxodas people was not dominant, they were tricky, tricky, and all were fearless. With the advantage of the defense of the team fortress, Hettings was given. The army has caused huge losses.

Hattings completely wiped out two legends in the fortress, more than 500 Saint Realm Level Warrior, and thousands of cannon fodders under Saint Realm, but the price paid was as high as two thousand people.

In the war, Hettings was inconvenient to command, the single weakness of the unit was exposed, and was fully utilized by Daxodas people.

It was this war that made Hastings deeply realize that the victory or defeat of the war is not like the research. It is simply the comparison of the digital power of the two sides. The arms and command have an important role. War is art.

Hattings is distressed that if this continues, his troops will consume at most three or four more strongholds, and they will be lost. Without these strong men, the mother emperor still has enough Warrior reserves, but But there is not enough strong soul to be inspired.

The ability to destroy two thirds of the Daxodas team fortress is considered a martial art. However, Hastings ’ambitions are much more than that. His dream is to smooth the entire Land of Dusk and establish a forward base in Daxodas Plane.

According to his research, Daxodas Plane probably contains part of the ultimate mystery of life. To crack this mystery, Hastings is at least super powerful and may be able to obtain the right to eternal life.

However, if the Extinction Area Battlefield is rampant for a while, it is far from enough to support Hettings ’s dream, and the support from Solomon Stronghold will likely become a noose hanging around his neck.

Hatings is very afraid of the Scholar Mages of Solomon Stronghold. He has devoted his life to research. He naturally knows how crazy and unreasonable the guys who are really obsessed with knowledge and research can become.

Hattings did not notice that at the end of his team, a Warrior suddenly fell softly and disappeared.

A moment later, in a cave in the wilderness, Richard dropped the name Warrior and began a detailed inspection.

Under Truth Vision, all the secrets of this Warrior have been revealed. In his body, Richard has seen many familiar structural structures. This structure is very different from the common human body structure, but developed by Broodmother. Based on the best functional structure in human form.

“I did n’t expect that it was actually Broodmother Warrior, and the level was higher than my Broodmother.” The Richard expression was awe-inspiring. He did n’t know where Hastings got a Broodmother, but if he wanted to be completely hostile to Hastings If so, then the first thing for Richard is to kill his Broodmother.

Broodmother is not the same as Reaper. The speed of Reaper to create combat units is even hundreds or thousands of times that of Broodmother. In the case of Reaper with enough extra ember essence, if Richard assaults the mother ship alone, it is possible to face success. Thousands of fighters.

The defense of Broodmother is more dependent on itself and its surrounding environment. Its construction capacity is limited, and it should be concentrated on the manufacture of High Rank units. Moreover, the manufacturing capacity and the body’s combat power are in conflict, so in the eyes of the super strong, Broodmother The body’s defense capability is much lower than that of the Reaper mother ship.

Richard continued to examine the Warrior, and the traces of the soul being poured into it certainly could not be concealed from him. Then Richard discovered that the body that occupied the Warrior body was actually the soul of a strong human being.

On this soul, there are layers of spells bound, forcing them to obey specific commands, and being locked in this body. This is a very clever soul spell, but it shows flaws to Richard.

The real Broodmother creation does not need a soul at all, their bodies are implanted with specific passwords, and they will only listen to certain specific commands, so Warrior of Broodmother has no soul, and no soul at all, even the elite The same is true of the unit.

The only thing that really has a soul is a special unit like Phaser Zonghu.

Infused the treated soul with Broodmother Warrior, and then manipulated it, which is completely superfluous in the eyes of Richard, combined with the awkward and primitive command of Hettings to the entire army, Richard never knew his army. There is a problem, it is strange.

Richard himself is the master of manipulating Broodmother Warrior. He completely issued instructions from consciousness to specific Broodmother Warrior, and manipulated them to complete the predetermined tactical conception. There is no need for such things as commanders, bugles and flags.

But Hettings still relies on these primitive means to command, and Richard has not found any arms other than Broodmother Warrior in his army, which means that Hettings does not have the ability to command these Broodmother Warrior at the soul level. Ability.

At this point, Richard has roughly inferred the truth. Hetings must have encountered a Broodmother under certain circumstances, or just Hive used by Broodmother to store soldiers. He then collected it with soul magic The strong human soul is sealed in the body of Broodmother Warrior, thus gaining the ability to control these Broodmother Warrior.

However, the Broodmother Warrior under this control has very limited combat power. Unable to accept the soul command has removed one of their greatest advantages. However, Richard understands that Hastings does not have the ability to control a Broodmother.

Now the only advantage of Hastings is quantity. The quantity advantage of this group of puppets is too large. It is not a problem to tie down several fortresses.

Now Richard has seen the problem of Hettings. His army has a single unit and a rigid command. Many of the special skills unique to Broodmother Warrior cannot be played at all. The actual combat power is greatly reduced, which is far from the surface. It looks so powerful.

If it ’s not because of the war with Reaper, if Richard brings the same number of night elves, as well as a large army of frost warriors, arrow beasts and insects Warrior and other arms, although the average level is lower by two full levels, but But it is possible to defeat the obvious short-board army of Hastings.

Richard silently estimated that knowing the current strength of Hastings, it would be colder to lay down three more Daxodas legions, but the Daxodas people will not watch him pull out the legion fortresses one by one, they will definitely Show the cards.

In the past, the quantity advantage has always been on the side of Daxodas people. Richard suddenly thought of the Devil Fish that he had seen on Extinction Area Battlefield, and his heart could not help but sink slightly.

For now, Hastings has a huge role in Sacred Alliance, and Richard is not interested in the problematic Broodmother behind him, so Richard did n’t do anything to him, but went back to the rising sun. Place.

It’s just that I encountered a rather unlucky Daxodas legend Black Mage on the road. Richard cut his head and cut the material skillfully.

For this trip, Richard also calculated a Middle Level sacrifice, and was entitled to travel expenses.

When Richard returned to the floating island, it was less than ten minutes from the House of Lords ’quarterly meeting. Richard took the night elf knight and went to the House of Lords, straight into the meeting hall.

The House of Lords is basically a decoration, and occasionally important meetings will be held. This quarterly regular meeting is still important. Major giants will send representatives to participate, but the house owners will not appear basically, they will not come so free, they will come Participate in such a meeting where nothing can be decided.

So the emergence of Richard suddenly caused the entire House of Lords to boil. People talked a lot and did not understand why Richard appeared suddenly. However, as Richard, it was a crucial moment in the war with Reaper, but it suddenly appeared here. There must be something big happening.

A middle-aged aristocrat who was still on the podium generously and enthusiastically gave up the podium. Richard was also welcome. He took his night elf guard directly to the podium and looked around for a week. Silence.

In a silence, the cold voice of Richard began to sound: “Not long ago, a Viscount named Zieg inspected our Archeron cargo team, and in the process of inspection, most of the goods were missing.”

It turned out to be this matter, and many well-informed nobles immediately understood.

Due to its sensitivity, this news is not widely spread, but many people in the upper class know that the news is old fritters longer than politics, knowing that this is a test, a test of the strength of Archeron.

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