City of Sin: Seventy-six battles

At this time, the Imperial Army has already Richard Surrounded by three thousand people, shouting and killing, if overlooking from high altitude, Crimson Duchy The army is like a rock, the imperial army is like a black wave, and it is constantly rising one after another Raging waves, slamming **** the reef, after each wave whizzes past, it will arouse a flare of blood,

In the Imperial Army, a general is wielding a long sword and directing Warriors to launch wave after wave of attacks. At this moment, a Humanoid Knight suddenly rushed out of the front and slammed into the Empire. In the meantime, his body and crotch horse were penetrated by more than ten weapons, but Humanoid Knight seemed to feel no pain at all, still struggling forward, and even dragged the knife and gun to the general, pierced his long gun into the general. Chest,

This Humanoid Knight has fallen into the overlapping circle of the Imperial Army heavily. Various weapons are constantly waving and falling, cutting off pieces of flesh and blood on him. Only a few rise and fall of his half body become a skeleton, but Humanoid Knight is unconscious, just concentrate on turning the spear in his hand, trying to expand the wound on the general ’s chest,

Similar scenes continue to be staged, both sides have already killed their eyes, and a brief hedge will consume the physical strength Battle Aura in seven, seven or eight, all relying on the instincts brought by strict training.

In this kind of battle, the superiority of Crimson Duchy in equipment is revealed. The border guards have always been regarded as the first-line core, and priority is given to the equipment. The average equipment value of an ordinary Warrior is more than 100 gold coins. , And the standard equipment of the Imperial infantry is less than thirty gold coins, and the huge difference in value is directly reflected in the battle,

The imperial infantry needed a full blow to pierce the armor of Crimson Duchy Warrior, but the penetration was not very deep, and it would have to pierce two or three times to cause a fatal wound, and their swords pierced the armor three or four times, Rolling blades will appear between the rubbing and rubbing, and it will be very difficult to break the armor. Crimson Duchy Warrior can penetrate the imperial army standard armor with a full blow, and their blades will penetrate the blades of more than ten pieces of armor before rolling the blade.

In the Warrior of the Imperial Army, there will be a blue line of fire from time to time. This line of fire floats in the air and is about ten meters long. Any Warrior that is hit will be ignited immediately, and each section of the line of fire will ignite several Warrior. It will disappear afterwards, and the FireWire appears in the most critical places, which can ease the situation there.

The Richard standing in the center of Warrior wiped the sweat on his forehead and poured a bottle of extremely effective mana to restore Potion. This felt better. By this time, the Imperial Army Warrior had died under his magic Nearly two thousand people, but compared with the total number of as many as fifty thousand enemies, this number is only a small part that can be ignored,

The impact of the Imperial Army has obviously become more layered, and Richard has also begun to feel the heavy pressure. Crimson Duchy ’s Warrior has already killed more than 500 people in battle, and the disadvantages have gradually begun to appear. The inside of the Richard body is like a fire. , Mana‘s feeling of being dry is always so bad,

In this large-scale battlefield, the lethal power of magic is far greater than the melee of one sword and one sword. Although the local command intention of Salenville is obviously wrapped around the front of the two sides to prevent the Richard from enlarging the scope of killing magic, but Richard always seems to find a perfect angle wedge,

Besides, there are too many imperial troops. Richard has a High Level magic in the past, but at the same time, it can kill hundreds of enemies at the same time. If there is enough time, Richard may be able to slowly kill these 50,000 Warrior. But now Richard has no time,

After drinking the mana Potion, Richard gasped for a while, waiting for the effects of Potion to come out. Once Destiny Gemini was raised, two blue fire lines were laid in the most critical places on the front line to ignite more than ten imperial cavalry,

Slightly stabilized the battle situation. Richard has noticed that the Imperial Army ’s offensive has become more and more layered and rhythmic. Wave after wave has made the Warrior tired of coping with it. All this naturally stems from the command of Salenville for a long time. I do n’t see, this man has become more suffocated and knows how to use Dzi to expand his advantage a little bit, that is to say, he becomes more deadly,

However, the gap between Faro and Norland is omnidirectional, so large that it cannot be made up,

Richard raised her eyebrows slowly, suddenly shouting: “Faceless.”

There seems to be a constraint between Richard and Faceless, but this constraint sometimes exists, sometimes it does not seem to exist, so that Richard ca n’t give orders to Faceless through consciousness, but after he screamed, his body flashed instantly A golden light, the effect of the war madman has been blessed,

Faceless, guard the front for me.” Richard yelled, he didn’t know where Faceless is now, he could only call it blindly, anyway, countless facts have proved that Faceless will always hear,

This is how to distract. A gray-black feather arrow flew silently and shot into the back of Richard. Richard snorted. The golden light flashed on the body has already ejected the feather arrow. The wound on the waist Immediately gathered, Richard ignored the Kingdom Guardian that attacked himself, but a roar, the whole body of light radiated, if a golden meteor, cast in the direction of Salenville,

Countless magic and sharp arrows landed on Richard, and they were all bounced away by the golden light of that shield, even if it was Archmage or Kingdom Guardian. A Archmage was deflected after his only one by one Level 9 magic. , Appalled: “Legend.”

Without a word, the entire battlefield was silent for a moment,

Legend, in Faro, is a term that is too powerful,

Richard no longer dodges, but dashes straight to Salenville. Now the magic defense Thor barrier he has maintained has reached the effect of Level 10. All the magic and physical attacks on the ground are a joke in front of him. No matter what he dares to block in front of him, he will be instantly burned to ashes by blue fire,

With a roar, Richard had fallen beside Salenville, reaching for a shot on his battle horse, the battle of Demon Beast bloodline suddenly turned to ashes, but Salenville fell unscathed, Richard reached out and grabbed his Collar, lift him up into the air and shout: “Let your army surrender.”

Salenville sneered, and suddenly used amplification magic, loud shout said: “I will execute my order, the final order.”

The generals looked at it at the same time, their eyes were all complicated, and the heart of Richard sank slightly, because he saw some things that very ripe knew from the eyes of these generals, that is something called determination,

One general suddenly roared: “Kill, kill the crimson bastard.”


Sounds of shouts came one after another, and the generals were like crazy. one by one crossed the ordinary Warrior and plunged into the Crimson Duchy defense line. They were **** and deadly fighting. Their one by one fell down, and some people kept filling it. Fear of death, the eyes of the Empire Warrior were all red, all roared like beasts, rushed to the Warrior of Richard, and the Warriors of Crimson Duchy returned with a more hoarse roar, blocking the offensive of the Imperial Army unscrupulously,

Richard turned cold, directly lifted Salenville, lifted into the air of tens of meters, and reached out with a finger to the battlefield, a blue line of fire of tens of meters appeared out of thin air, surrounded by a square In front of the precarious front, he blocked the Imperial Army Warrior outside. Then his figure flashed continuously on the battlefield. Every time it flashed, it would appear beside a mage or a strong man. The long knife brought out a magnificent order. Everyone ’s trembling moonlight will pass through these people ’s hearts every time, and nothing will fail,

In a blink of an eye, more than ten mages and powerful men fell on the hands of Richard. For a time, the sky above the battlefield was cleared, and the strong men on the Imperial Army no longer dared to take off, above the sky, Only Richard and Salenville put in the hands by Richard are left,

Looking down at the battlefield below, Richard suddenly feels unreal. It seems that the people fighting down below do not exist. What he sees and experiences is just a dream, and the next moment has another This kind of violence rises from heart to destroy all the creatures below,

At this moment, the voice of Faceless suddenly sounded in the ear of Richard: “I have done everything I have done, and then I will be in danger if I stay. This is not the content of our original agreement, so I will leave for a while, You fight slowly. “

The voice fell, Richard knew that Faceless had quietly gone away, and left the battlefield. As for which direction she left, even Richard, which blessed the war madman, could not be distinguished,

“You can’t surrender,” Richard shook the Salenville in your hand hard and asked sharply,

Salenville simply closed her eyes,

Richard‘s eyes were cold, no longer questioning, but the figure flashed, once again stepped out from in the Void and disappeared, a long knife in his hand waved a piece of knife light every time, every time the knife light flashed, there would be one The general stunned who commanded the attack of Warrior aloud fell down, or a mage or a strongman died,

Richard is sometimes flying tens of meters high, sprinkling a large blue fire. These flames containing the power of True Name fall to the ground, which is enough to cover an area of ​​tens of meters in radius. The fire is not powerful, and the slightly stronger Warrior will not be burned to death, but only seriously injured, but let them lose their fighting power, even if the goal is achieved,

“Chong, continue to punch, do n’t worry about Richard.”

A general shouted hysterically. They not only drove Warriors forward, but also led the way. They sacrificed their lives to the front line of the Duchy,

On such a battlefield, Richard does not have much way. He has mobilized all Humanoid Knight to block the outermost and the most dangerous places, and even directly exchanges his life when necessary, but the battle continues until now, all Of Humanoid Knight have been killed in battle, here only the human Warrior of the Principality is still **** fighting,

Every inch of land on the battlefield will fill in several lives. Richard no longer cares about saving Mana, throws a large blue fire in his hand, and stops before the front line, but the Empire Warrior is like crazy, desperate. Run forward, the person in front is ignited in the blue fire, and fall, the colleagues behind will step on their bodies and continue to move forward,

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