City of Sin: Seventy-one awakening

It ’s just that Zim has been asleep for too long, so there have been no signs of waking up for many years. Over time, this rule has gradually loosened, and it is no longer strictly followed by people,

The Zim on the bed is constantly repeating the words Richard, summoning, and strong, the frequency is getting faster and faster, and the breathing is more rapid. You can see that the eyeballs under his eyelid are turning back and forth violently, white and pink A peculiar pink color appears on the tender skin,

The two aristocratic youths at the door were still talking happily, and one of them suddenly screamed, because on the Bogu shelf in front of him, an antique porcelain bottle was shaking, and then actually floated up on its own,

They looked around in horror, only to find that it was not just this porcelain bottle, many small objects around them were floating slowly in the air, and those big things began to shake, the amplitude continued to increase, they had to panic in the future, only to realize When he was light, he even floated from the ground, and they realized that the gravity around them somehow disappeared,

The two aristocratic youths are quite powerful, all of which are above Level 10, but this is the first time they have encountered it, and they are at a loss for a while. At the end of the corridor, the flower stand there is still upright, indicating that gravity is still normal Yes, but these young people were about to float to the ceiling. After panic, they found that it was like stepping into a certain type of Magic Array, so they immediately mobilized Battle Aura to fight and wanted to drop their bodies to the ground, but they tried several times. , They are completely useless, they have never encountered an environment that can affect gravity, and they are even helpless under a panic.

The entire Jinghu Castle was suddenly agitated. On the main building of the castle, a strong ray of light rose into the sky, pointing directly at Yunxiao, and the surging power breathed out, instantly hitting every strong man. Heart,

Kingdom Guardian, this is the sign of the birth of a new Kingdom Guardian,

In the large bedroom, everything is floating irregularly in the air, the gravity in the room has completely disappeared, and in the large space, only the large bed where Zim is lying is still safe,

Zim still did not wake up, just whispered these words in his mouth like a dream, breathing for a while, and every time his skin was flushed with flushing, the surrounding gravity field would change accordingly ,

Two noble youth suddenly realized one thing, that is, Zim was about to wake up,

In the bedroom, Zim suddenly shouted: “Richard.” Suddenly sat up from the bed,

He opened both eyes and looked around with confusion, muttering, “This … where is this, intruder, should n’t I be in Fire City, here is … Jinghu Fort, how suddenly? At this point, who is talking to me and who is saying that Richard is calling all the strong men under his command. “

Zim‘s speech rate is very slow, and his eyes are also awake and confused. Obviously he is still in a state of half dreaming and half awake. The surrounding environment is affected by his state at this moment. Flying up and down, apparently the gravity of the environment is beginning to change, and there is no way to grasp it at all. Only Zim and his big bed are as immobile as the mainstay,

pa pa counted, several vases shattered on the wall, there were two young men ’s screams outside the house, followed by two muffled screams, followed by screams, the two floated in the air and tried their best The aristocratic youth who could n’t work hard, first hit the wall with heavily, then flew upwards suddenly, and shot it on the ceiling, they were like two broken pockets, they were constantly pulled by gravity, and beat and beat everywhere on the four walls, if It ’s not that personal strength is passable, the body has a certain defensive ability, they have long broken and do n’t know how many bones,

Zim in the room is still dazed, and some do not understand why the things in front of them are all flying in the air, then a vase flew over, flying against the top of Zim, scaring him fiercely When I bowed my head, this prevented the vase from blooming on my forehead,

The Zim was frightened and the gravity around him immediately became more disordered. At this moment, an aria-like treble suddenly sounded in the promenade: “Is my little baby awake, oh, look at these Beautiful scene, look at the chair that flew past, it is him, he must have woke up, baby, I am coming, you must already ca n’t wait to see me. “

Gao Yin ’s owner is a noble lady. She has an exaggerated shape and the same exaggerated figure. The height of nearly two meters, the bumpy body, and the wide pleated long skirt make her look like she is marching. The mother elephant in her face is actually quite beautiful, but her white face, scarlet lips and a series of luxurious to exaggerated jewelry, but let people ignore her delicate and delicate facial features,

Two noble youths are struggling to balance their bodies. When they see the noble lady coming, they hurriedly shouted: “Mrs. Ikatarina, you must be careful, this area has strange …”

Before they finished speaking, Countess Ikatarina rushed into the gravitational disturbance zone, her tall and plump body suddenly floated into the air, but then fell back to the ground again, and made a muffled noise, which shocked the whole floor. Are shaking,

“Little baby, wait for me, I’m here.”

In a high-pitched aria, Mrs. Ikatarina with a strong fragrance, like a gallant mammoth, passed by calmly push in the corridor and plunged into the bedroom of Zim. Two noble youths who accidentally stayed on the route were hit Fly, heavily shot on the wall, finally fainted irresistibly,

Behind his wife, they were followed by two maids. They were petite, hiding in the shadow of his huge body, and also entered the bedroom,

When Zim, who was still in a semi-confused state, saw her, her eyes suddenly widened and she screamed,

After being frightened, the gravity around Viscount changed even more drastically, and the two maids behind Mrs. Ikatarina could no longer control their bodies, so they took off and shot them on the ceiling,

And Countess was also screamed, and the hill-like body also floated into the air, but she suddenly screamed, and the whole body shuddered, and the whole person got rid of the shackles of gravity and fell back to the ground. >

The lady pressed her fingers across her chest with her fingers, and exclaimed like a salute, saying: “What a perfect gravity control, how complicated the gravity fluctuation, this is the best proof of the unicorn Holy Beast bloodline, ah, my little baby , The sky-high momentum just now is the proof of Kingdom Guardian, you are so good, so good, I just want to love you, ah, dear. “

Countess jumped up, like a light suckling swallow, into Zim‘s arms, to be more precise, it pressed Zim into her arms,

Sturdy solid wood bed groaned a few times and collapsed,

In the ruins, Ikatarina Press Zim After rubbing for a long time, he dug him out of his hill-like chest and put it in front of his eyes to take a closer look. The more he looked, the more he loved. heavily Kissed until Zim When he was about to suffocate, he let go. In front of the huge lady, the Viscount had a short head and three thin circles. No matter how the lady rubbed, he had no resistance to resist.

With Zim‘s sobriety, the abnormal gravity fluctuations finally returned to normal. Zim looked at his wife and tentatively asked, “How do you … suddenly become like this.” Countess was originally a kind of slender, plump and extremely gorgeous Type, now she is nearly two meters tall, but her plumpness is increasing, so she is two circles larger than before,

“I do n’t know what ’s going on. Since the birth of our love, my strength has grown by leaps and bounds, but the side effect seems to be that the stronger the strength, the bigger the body shape, and then you see it now. That ’s what it looks like. ”At this point, the lady was suddenly excited again and shouted with a unique treble:“ Ah, yes, you have n’t seen the crystallization of our love, you, go and bring all the babies. ”

The face of Zim changed, and after a while, a few words finally stood out: “little … men.”


At the moment, the two maids have each brought a child in. They actually have the strength of Level 12. After getting rid of the shackles of gravity, they returned to the speed of wind,

In front of Zim, there is a beautiful young boy about ten years old, and a beautiful little girl who looks only five or six years old. Both children are extremely beautiful, but their appearance is neither like Zim nor Ikatarina,

Lady took the little boy over and lifted it to Zim and said, “Look, our child, see how rich his blood is.”

Zim was shocked to see that there was a small protrusion in the forehead hairline of the little boy, just like a small horn just about to grow up. The more obvious offspring, the more the appearance will change, in fact, Zim is an example,

My wife lifted up the little boy and said, “Your Majesty has decided to adopt him and will give him a piece of Dukedom in the future.”

Zim swallowed and said, “How long have I slept.”

“More than ten years.”

Zim pointed at the little girl and said, “I remember you were pregnant before the sleep, but what happened to her.”

My wife ’s face was flushed and coy, and she said, “This … you have slept for so long, how am I going to be alone? Fortunately, although you are asleep, the male instinct is still , Especially if you have the blood support of the unicorn, this … is very good, and then the frequency is a little more, then there is this little baby. “

Zim suddenly felt dizzy, not daring to imagine what happened when he slept. The frequency was a little more and what was the specific meaning. He looked to the left and right and asked, “I just heard someone mentioned Lord Richard. “

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