City of Sin: One three four relax

% D% A% 9 “Yes, come, I will show you something good,” Richard said, smiling and hugging Lucy, then patted her buttocks very smoothly, just Walk on the third floor,

The third floor is Richard‘s personal studio. Some rare books and materials are also placed here.Although there is no other in addition magic ban in the room, if nothing happens, Lucy will basically not step here,

Richard opened a small cabinet sealed with Magic Array, chōu a roll of magic paper from inside, reached over and stroked it, a specific magic was cast in his palm, the seal on the Scroll shined and cracked by itself, /

Richard handed Scroll to Lucy and said, “This is for you. Remember to burn it after learning. Do n’t use magical flames, use natural fire,”

Lucy opened Scroll, just glanced at it and exclaimed in a low voice: “Deepblue Fantasy,”

Richard nodded and said: “Yes, from now on, you are also a deep blue master,”

Lucy clenched Scroll, the **** is a little complicated, saying: “You … you still remember this,”

Richard shrugged and said, “Why not, I promised you something, I will do it,”

Lucy slightly lowered its head and said, “But I have nothing to repay you,”

Richard laughed, said: “You have helped me a lot. The Rune you drew is not cheap, I have n’t paid the bill yet,”

Lucy sighed: “That’s different, you gave me a brand new future, freedom, this is not measurable with gold coins,”

Richard smiled and twisted the face of Lucy and said, “You are talking more and more,”

“I ’m just telling the truth,” Lucy smiled with a smile, her eyes and brows flowed with a pure and charming style, two completely different traits combined in her body seamlessly, no pretentious, when she likes it, indeed It has the capital to harm the country and the people,

Richard snorted and said, “I’m so boastful, you’re proud,”

“What else can I do for you,” Lucy looks at Richard, his eyes are getting brighter,

Richard seriously considered it and said, “Hurry up and upgrade, just help me,”

“That’s helping me, I think you are tired now, you should relax,” Lucy bit chún and said softly,

After finishing talking, Lucy walked in front of Richard and pushed him hard, Richard was unprepared, stumbled back two steps, and his back hit the wall, and Lucy exudes a light and warm body that has arrived. Then he slipped all the way from him and knelt at his feet,

After learning about the sound of the clothes rubbing in the rope, Lucy found the target, including biting and swallowing,

The Richard shuddered, first sucked in a cool breath, then issued a beast-like hoarse roar, and almost stayed in the small mouth of Lucy, Richard hurriedly pressed the head of Lucy, leaving himself a breath of breath Machine, and then angered: “You have been trained by mén,”

Lucy spit out obstacles so that she could speak. She looked up at Richard, her face was rebellious: “Is it still necessary to train, as long as you are careful enough, in addition, you do n’t want to take the opportunity to rest, “

Lucy opened Richard‘s hand, and it was a set of vicious bite-swallowing.If repeated, Richard only felt that thousands of Rune Knight were violently impacting their defenses, and then the strong defense was so Under the offensive, it also became fragile, it was just a touch of collapse,

Richard groaned in annoyance, his body was trembling, the line of defense suddenly collapsed, and a thousand miles away,

Lucy ca n’t speak, but he still raised his hand and made a victory gesture to Richard,

Richard was furious, took a deep breath, and his blood rushed straight to the top of his head, and the hot flames poured out from all over the body, and the power of Hydra appeared again,

Lucy just felt that the guy who was already weak in his mouth suddenly became angry and hot, and almost had a frame to swell her small mouth,

Lucy exclaimed that the weapon had already chōu out berserk, and then she was picked up all by herself, flew in the sky like a cloud, and then was firmly pressed on the table,

Richard held her waist with one hand. With her familiarity with her clothes, she was disarmed with only one hand. When Lucy‘s full and round tún line surfaced, Richard couldn’t wait to dòng Wore her,

This time, the situation between the two people is completely reversed,

The impact of Richard is fast and fierce, and there is no room for it. Lucy slammed into each bottom as if it fell into the bottomless abyss again, only to helplessly scream,

In an instant, Lucy It fell completely, the next thing is endless torture, Richard I have noticed her changes for a long time, but I chased and chased them even more. Lucy Nowhere to escape, only follow Richard Screaming for mercy,

However, Lucy immediately found that begging for mercy was also ravaged, and not begging for mercy was also ravaged.Richard didn’t mean to keep the promise this time.She raised her last strength and blamed Richard‘s words without faith. Repression,

Time is passing silently, and the sweat of the two people is also flowing with time,

Finally, Lucy fell to the floor weakly, and Richard also lay down beside her, and both were breathing hard, like a pair of fish thrown ashore,

Lucy was killed in the beginning, but in the end, it still fell in the water, but Richard went from one drum to another, and then fell until it reached seven drums,

Richard finally calmed down and wheezed, said: “This is not relaxing,”

The Lucy refused to move, lù gave him a curvy luǒ back, and said lazily: “If you do n’t have the second half, you ’re relaxed,”

Richard snorted and said, “How could there be no second half,”

Lucy smiled, “Then you ca n’t blame me,”

Resume for a while, restore physical strength, and take another bath before Richard feels comfortable breathing, and Lucy who just came out of the bath has another style, it is very clean and beautiful,

Richard, while wearing clothes, said to Lucy: “Okay, now you do n’t have to Meditation and draw Rune anymore, let ’s relax first, just look at my work next to it,”

When it comes to work, Lucy immediately takes it seriously, frowning and saying, “No, I still have a lot of Rune that has not been repaired, but now only four have been repaired,”

After eliminating the army of Raymond, after the war, Richard recovered a total of 35 repaired Runes, of which 20 were Rank 2 Rune,

At the current Rune level of Lucy, it is enough to repair the fifteen Rank 1 Rune, but the Rune bonus repaired by her hand will decrease, which is also a common problem for all repairs of Rune,

But Richard But can be Rune Additional function modules and changes Rune Structured way to ensure repair Rune The efficiency does not decrease, and even improves, but Richard At that time, it might as well be used to make more High Level Other non-standard Rune For example Absolute Execution with Magic Powered Armament And only fix Rank 2 Or higher Rune ,Correct Richard It ’s worth it,

Lucy dragged her tired and sore body and quickly prepared all the tools for drawing Rune for Richard.However, she heard the material reported by Richard, she was slightly startled, and originally thought that Richard was to repair those Rank 2 Rune.

This time, Richard personally polished the magic material and poured it into the Divine Artifact magic pen.Once the Richard worked, the attitude was extremely serious, the whole person slowly calmed down, and then entered the state of concentration.

Before starting the work, Richard did n’t lift his head and said, “You have also repaired those Rank 2 Rune,”

Lucy was shocked and said hurriedly: “No, my success rate is less than half,”

“It’s okay, but it’s just some standard Rank 2 Rune, you can nòng at will, you can recycle five even if you are qualified,” Richard said while sketching the first stroke on the substrate,

Lucy did n’t dare to speak anymore, but watched the movement of Richard breathlessly, fearing that even the smallest details might be missed,

The magic light of Richard began to shine, Mana was constantly mobilized, injected into the magic pen, and then combined with the paint hún, jī issued their different special xìng, and then etched on the substrate,

After only reading a few strokes, Lucy subconsciously held her breath, she felt a faint murderous start to emanate from Rune,

Absolute Execution,” Lucy whispered softly,

This is also the first time she saw Richard drawing Absolute Execution. For a Runemaster, being able to see such rare Rune drawing with his own eyes is definitely an opportunity for may come by with luck, but not by searching for it,

Sunset rises and the moon rises, so time flows away from your fingertips, and seven days later, another picture is completed by Absolute Execution,

Richard ’s jīng energy and physical strength have been exhausted. After the last stroke, she fell down directly and began to sleep, and Lucy had to get Meditation once a day to be able to barely support it. Once this Rune was completed, she could not bear it. Live, go to sleep,

A day later, Richard woke up and ate a full meal to replenish his physical strength, and began to draw the second Absolute Execution.However, this time it was not very smooth.On the third day, flames suddenly sprayed from the workbench, and the unfinished Rune disappeared.

Richard just frowned, there was an orderly cleaning of the workbench, and then started a new drawing, this time only continued a long time/half of the day failed, but Richard has been accustomed to various failures early in the learning stage, no mood at all Moved, silently continued to start a new attempt,

Finally after another six days, Richard completed the second drawing of Absolute Execution,

After the completion, Richard felt that he still had the extra power, so in the next ten days he appeared two sets of wild barriers Runeset in his pen,

After these times, the production of 100 Demon Mount of Broodmother has been completed. According to the special requirements of Richard, the life limit of this batch of Demon Mount is not only raised to fifteen years, but also the various types of xìng are more than the original samples. Strengthening, especially the endurance part, the current Demon Mount can run in small steps for four hours continuously under full load, which is double that of ordinary Rune mount,

Because of the significant increase in the requirements of various indicators, with the assistance of Hive, Broodmother can only create three heads of Demon Mount per day.In fact, the quality of this batch of special Demon Mount has been much higher than that required by Phillip, that is, it is sold 160,000 or 70,000 is not a problem, but Richard is still only preparing to charge 120,000, which exceeds expectations, and is the most direct way to enhance trust,

PS: Well, everyone, let ’s relax,% D% A

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