City of Sin: One hundred and seventy new wars

Richard spread out the map and carefully check the terrain and the situation on both sides. Troops with brigade infantry move very slowly. Teams 50 kilometers away want to enter the Richard territory. It takes a full day to march, and it takes a night’s rest to launch the attack the next day.

The territories of Bloodstained Lands and Sequoia Kingdom are connected to each other, and the terrain is sharply elevated. The territory of Richard is hundreds of meters higher than Bloodstained Lands. The terrain of the junction zone is complex, and many places are rugged and difficult to implement. It is a natural place to use troops. Richard decided to work with the unicorn Viscount in this area. Although the number of his troops is small, they are the elite of the rest of the battle. Richard has always attached importance to the maneuverability of the troops. This is the natural battlefield for him.

The night came slowly, and the army of Viscount Zim was stationed. After a night of rest, you can arrive at Richard‘s territory at noon tomorrow. Little Fontaine Baron accepted the entourage of the Viscount and refused to provide the Richard with labor and building materials. Therefore, Richard does not even have decent fortifications in hand, and even the barracks are only temporary buildings.

This night, in the extraordinarily magnificent camp of〗 〖Zhong, Yang, the viscount Zim was walking around, sometimes cursing Richard loudly, and sometimes imagined how to torture him after catching Richard, 〖Xing 〗 Too hard to sleep at all.

There are also four beautiful noble girls in the camp, so the huge camp is also a little crowded. They handed water for the Viscount and poured wine, doing the job of a maid, in fact, the real identity is the young lady of each Great Noble family. As for the tradition of expedition without the women, the Wang ** team is only relative to regular soldiers, and naturally has no binding force on the Zim Viscount. What’s more, most of the troops in this unit are Viscount’s private soldiers.

Just as the Viscount Zim waved his fists vigorously, he kept roaring to fight a death battle on the territory of Richard, and defeated the Pioneer Knight who did not know from which country from the real nobleman ’s temperament and style, under the cover of darkness , A horse is emerging from the darkness, slowly approaching the camp.

Wrap the horseshoe cloth to avoid making noises. Immediately, the Shamins are all masters of manipulating the war horses, so the crotch horses are very docile.

A small group of Viscount soldiers were patrolling around the camp, gradually approaching the sandmen in the night.

The Richard and other patrols walked over completely before raising their right hand. Olar immediately took out the longbow and aimed at the camp. When Richard‘s right hand was lowered, two long enchantment arrows flew like a meteor, and they shot 100 meters away silently, nailed to the two sentries standing on the camp sentry tower!

The two sentries immediately planted from the sentry tower. Although they could not make a sound, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground still awakened many vigilant Warriors.

Richard ’s hand pointed forward again, and behind him, dozens of sandmen drove horses towards the barracks. Several Barbarians also made great strides and rushed to the side of the camp. After three or two times, they cut with their giant axes. The humblely constructed fence rushed into the camp and happened to see several Warrior running out of the camp. Barbarian grinned, and the giant axe slashed again and again, chopping down the Warrior whose eyes had not fully adapted to the darkness, and then ran to another camp. There was a scream of exclamation in this camp, but Warrior was still wearing clothes and armor, unaware that Death had arrived.

Two strong Barbarian Warrior surrounded the camp with one left and one right, and then took a deep breath while raising their giant axe! The giant axe screamed across the waist of the camp, and the cry inside stopped abruptly! The camp of the severed pillar collapsed directly, and then the blood on the tent spread quickly.

The two Barbarian Warrior are still unsatisfactory, and they chopped axe axe on the raised tent, and the axe saw blood, so he stopped. After a delay, there were more than a dozen Warrior in front of them lined up under the command of a junior officer, stopping them from rushing in again.

At this moment, a burning fireball flew out of the darkness and landed in front of those Warrior. The surging fire wave directly blasted four Warrior and burned the same amount of Warrior into a torch. Barbarian Warrior did not fear embers, strode across the opponent’s residual line, and rushed to the Low Level officer. They are not meant to kill more enemies, but more importantly, they create chaos and kill Low Level officers. As long as there are no officers, then these Low Level infantry are scattered.

When Barbarian‘s giant axe was raised high, it suddenly felt like a breeze was passing by. At this time, on the battlefield, under the environment where flames and Battle Aura overflow, how can there be a breeze? Barbarian‘s eyes flicked, his heavy axe condensed in the air, ready to issue a thunder blow at any time. However, the body of the Low Level officer on the opposite side suddenly stiffened, and a dull blade protruded from his chest. It turned out that at this moment, someone had already pierced him with a knife.

Phaser appeared ghostly from behind the officer. She half-bowed her body, quickly passed between the two Barbarian, and hid behind them. Barbarian Warrior knew that Phaser was also Warrior next to Richard, so he roared and swung with a huge axe, which cut down several Warrior one by one who were chasing Phaser.

Richard was walking along the edge of the camp, and the whole camp was well known in his mind. There is now chaos in the campsite, and three directions have been penetrated by Warrior under Richard. The huge eye-catching camp of the Viscount Zim is less than one hundred meters from Richard. However, hundreds of elite guards have gathered around the camp, and a Level 14 general is shouting and commanding, constantly gathering chaotic Warrior, and then organizing them into a line of defense.

In such a chaotic situation, he can quickly organize a defense line to protect the Viscount Zim, indicating that this general is good, and the knights are also quite brave and elite. Seeing the rigorous lines of defense around the big account, Richard dispelled the idea of ​​assaulting the Chinese army in one fell swoop and capturing Zim alive.

However, the attack tonight has not yet arrived.

Richard continues to fire fireballs while walking in the dark. The huge coverage of fireballs often ignites three or four camps in a row. With the help of the night breeze, the fire spread continuously in the camp, creating more chaos.

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded inside the camp ’s stable, and no one noticed that a gray-black ball of light flew into the stable, and then burst silently. The bursts of mental shock immediately caused the knights guarding the horse ring to fall into horror. The horses were also frightened and began to kick and bite, trying to break the reins.

At the time of chaos, there were sharp whistling sounds in the night sky, and a whirlwind hand axe broke through the sky, cutting down seven or eight of the chaos from the chaos. The hand axe is extremely powerful, and even a majestic warhorse will be severely chopped off the bones when it is hit.

With a loud bang, the horse fence was knocked open by two Ogres. Barbarian and Sha Min followed them in, and stared at the Husbands to kill them. Another Fear Spell with enhanced range fell among the Humen. The magical point of the calculation was very Precision (accurate). The positions of the sand people were also disorderly and orderly, which did not affect them. As for Barbarian, they naturally have a brave heart, and Fear Spell has very little effect on them. The second Fear Spell fell, and half of them fell into extreme panic again, and the battle immediately turned into a one-sided slaughter.

The night wind sent a strange cry, and no one heard what language it was. But a few seconds later, the second wave of flying axe threw, chopping together more than ten hutongs.

The morale of Hucongmen finally descended to the bottom of the valley under the continuous and violent blow, and began to flee.

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