City of Sin: One Hundred and Four Explorations

Two days and two nights passed, Sinclair finally ended her carnival, and came out of the hall filled with the smell of sexual fluid and blood. A black flame burned around her body, burning away all the heavily pollution attached to her body. It was the dark fire that ignited the soul and had unimaginable power. The source of the flame’s fuel needs no explanation, just look at the dead body in the hall. Of course, the soul burning should have been a colorless flame, but only the endless darkness rendered by Sinclair.

When Sinclair was wearing armor, the two Grand Mages who had completed the corresponding work stood by. They did not avoid her tempting flesh, nor did they pay attention, and they were very old.

A Grand Mage opened a map and said, “I got a lot of maps here. I have marked the important places about Bloodstained Lands. Please have a look.”

Sinclair un’ed, glanced at random on the map, and reached out a bit on an oasis sign, saying: “It looks crowded here, let’s go here next. How many Warrior can we gather now?” >

“Of the people who survived, the initial count, there are about 500 qualified Warrior.” Another Grand Mage said.

Sinclair nodded and said, “Give each of them a weapon, an armor, um, half body armor is enough, let them go with me! Ah, no, there are too few 500 people, for all Everyone who can move is given a weapon, and we will start early tomorrow morning to attack a new oasis! Let them go first! “

The two Grand Mages looked at each other, and one of them said, “Adult, this kind of thing has been done a lot, and we will become the enemy of the entire Plane.”

Haha! Do we come to this Plane, did we make friends with them?” Sinclair sneered.

“Not that, my lord! After all, this Plane is not the secondary Plane we originally planned to go to. This Plane has a much higher power level. The legend is still a Plane with Legendary Powerhouse, no matter whether the legend is true or not. The number of gods we can understand now is far beyond the planned Plane. If we are captured by the strong Plane, then … “Grand Mage didn’t say the end, but the meaning is already very clear.

In Norland, every giant on a floating island has Legendary Powerhouse, or at least the ability to balance Legendary Powerhouse. But here is the new Plane, not Norland. If you really come to a Legendary Powerhouse, there is no possibility for everyone to live.

“Is the legend of Legendary Powerhouse? Level 18, just like” Saint Realm “, it is also a specialty of Faro! These guys boasted their skills, and they do n’t know where they came from.” Sinclair sarcastically Say, I didn’t take this seriously.

Another Grand Mage also persuaded: “Adult, our original purpose was to kill Richard, but now we come to the unfamiliar Plane, this matter can be temporarily put aside. This Plane is very mature, the resources are also very rich, and Norland The similarity is very high. So our current role is actually equivalent to the Plane Trailblazer. As long as we can successfully return to Norland and bring back the coordinates of Plane, it is already a great victory and success. The strength of Schumpeter Family will be dozens in the future It has been greatly improved in the middle of the year, and your status in the family will become important. As for the strong men in Plane, we should not be done by us to eliminate them, but by the family Rune Knight. “

Sinclair snorted, his face somber, and said, “You mean, let Sisleyer complete the Plane occupation?”

Grand Mage shuddered, and immediately said, “Even if it is, your achievements will be far above Sisleyer. Pioneering is the first achievement. In addition, if she does not complete well, she will not turn over in front of the adults. Powerful. “

Sinclair looks better, knowing that Grand Mage is telling the truth. But her fingers still stubbornly nodded on the oasis and said, “This place looks interesting, and it is scheduled to leave tomorrow. Give me to beat it down!”

Another Grand Mage hesitated for a moment, still said: “Adult, the scale of that oasis is not much smaller than here. If you go to war, the attack will still be dominated by Bearguard Knight. Now you have no more knights, and we do not have Divine Spell Well, this is a bruise. You still … take it seriously as soon as possible! “

Sinclair waved his hands impatiently and said, “Okay, okay! I know! Isn’t that just a few knights dead, what a big deal. I finally got rid of those old guys, of course I have to be good Play. Anyway, the more people killed, the stronger my baby will be. Do n’t take this Plane guy too seriously, it ’s all Barbarian that Rune has n’t heard of, what can you do? I killed a Saint Realm, which is said to be Level 16. You do n’t need to be wordy anymore. I have a heart in mind. When Bearguard Knight dies to less than forty, I will naturally take it seriously. “

Two Grand Mages have no choice but to work on their own.

On the route to the south of Sinclair, Richard led the team to go backwards and forwards, all the way to the north, and has entered the northern area of ​​Bloodstained Lands.

At night, the team chose a leeward area to camp and rest, Richard took out the map and pondered under the light. There are two lines on the map, one is the Richard route going north, and the other is the route that has been found by Bearguard Knights so far.

Richard took a pen and extended the route of Bearguard Knight to the north, then circled a few key search areas. The characteristics of Bearguard Knight are extremely obvious, and the iron hoof of the magic horse can often step on the Broken Rock stone. Even if more than ten days have passed, if you look carefully, you can still find clues. Richard has extended the route of Bearguard Knight to the south. Near this route is the Dusk Oasis, and further south, it is the Sark Oasis and Saltwater Valley, which are large settlements of various ethnic groups.

On the northbound route, Richard has found three settlements destroyed by Bearguard Knight, and there is also the remains of a caravanserai. In all battles, the Bearguard Knights did not leave a living mouth, and there were traces of mass slaughter in the settlement. On the battlefield, there were five Bearguard Knight bodies left, and Richard successfully recovered seven Rune. The other Rune was either destroyed during the battle, or it was excessively rotted together with the body and could not be recovered.

Richard looked at the southbound route of Bearguard Knight and knew that the three large settlements were not afraid but were not spared. However, Dusk Oasis and Sark Oasis are quite strong, and they are both seated with Saint Realm powerhouses. Even if the Saint Realm of this Plane has shrunk by two full levels, Bearguard Knight want to capture the oasis without paying a price, it is impossible. The more Bearguard Knight is weakened, the safer Richard will be. Compared with the force of this Plane, Richard is more worried about hunters from Norland who know the roots and roots.

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