City of Sin: One four four promotion

Richard feels a headache. These followers seem to be more and more elusive. Now even Broodmother has begun to show this tendency. Is this the result of letting them let their personality develop? With a deep sigh in his heart, he quickly read through the data transmitted by Broodmother, and asked, “Are Holy Spirit Blood any other than allowing you to fly?” Has no effect? ​​

“Of course, I have already noted in the information.”

There are too many materials for Broodmother. Richard looked through it for five minutes before I found one related to Holy Spirit Blood. Now Broodmother‘s divine storage limit has been raised from fifty to seventy, which is the first benefit of Holy Spirit Blood. The more divinity Broodmother stores, the more powerful its body. However, Holy Spirit Blood contains a huge amount of power, and it takes months to analyze. So far, the progress of Broodmother is only one-fifth. This is the blood left when Zuka is still alive, and I do not know how many times it is pure than the flickering unicorn bloodline of Zim.

In the analysis part, Richard suddenly saw the contents of the unicorn bloodline. It turns out that the unicorn bloodline of Zim itself is the superior Sacred Unicorn, but it is actually incomplete. Broodmother is after analysis, to fill in the incomplete part with divinity, only then has the Richard Sacred Unicorn. But even so, in terms of blood power, Richard‘s mount is far from the real Sacred Unicorn. However, Broodmother mentioned that it will be able to analyze and develop the unicorn’s bloodline more fully when it gets more unicorn bloodline in the future, and even after capturing the real Sacred Unicorn. The more samples, the stronger the blood vessels it develops. In the end, the unicorn created by Broodmother will be even stronger than the real unicorn.

Now, in addition to giving the Richard a Sacred Unicorn, the Unicorn Bloodline can also add magic resistant attributes to Combat Unit, reducing the magical damage they receive by 20%. Of course, the more various attributes are added, the more expensive the manufacturing cost.

However, because the Sacred Unicorn of Richard has consumed up to thirty divine powers, it has the potential to continue to upgrade.

Finally, after getting the latest batch of supplements, Broodmother has stored thirty units of divinity, which is enough to be promoted to Rank 7. However, it hasn’t been long since it was promoted to Rank 6. It hasn’t evolved completely in this Rank 1 segment. It will take at least a few months to stabilize, and in addition 500 Magic Crystal can be promoted again.

Seeing this, Richard was relieved. Five hundred magic crystal, equivalent to two hundred thousand gold coins, was an astronomical figure for him a few months ago, but it is no longer a burden.

unexpected harvest is the fifty Humanoid Knight guarding Broodmother. They swallowed Broodmother cocoon tablets, so they gained additional evolutionary potential. This batch of Warrior will evolve with battle and killing, and eventually can be promoted to Level 14. Richard immediately decided to equip them with weapons made of tortured black iron in the future. Better equipment means more chance of survival, and the potential can only become a reality if they are alive.

After dealing with Broodmother‘s affairs, Richard allows Broodmother to continue wandering in the turbulent land, creating more Humanoid Knight while foraging.

In this way, Faro quieted down temporarily, and three months passed unconsciously.

One night after three months, Richard is on Deep Meditation.

His consciousness struggled in in the Void, chasing a azure light belt ahead. This is star light in the form of Rank 4. In the past three months, Richard has only seen it for the second time. And the first capture failed without suspense. As for Rank 5‘s Symphony of Stars, it has only appeared once.

It seems that there is no track to follow the direction of the light belt, but the Wisdom and Truth Blessings of Richard simulates a set of formulas for its forward movement. However, a huge amount of calculation is required, and Richard Wisdom Blessing cannot afford such a huge calculation.

Ten seconds later, the blue light flashed and disappeared. Richard sighed, let go of its disappointment, and began to count a purple Rank 3 star light not far away. This is also a good thing, it will appear once every one or two days. Originally Richard will never be let go, but suddenly there was a Rank 4 star belt, Richard put down here.

After a tense chase, Richard finally captured the Rank 3 star light and pulled it into his body. Throughout the Meditation process, not only Mana will grow, but Richard found that its Spiritual Power volume and computing power have also been tempered at the same time, slowly progressing.

In terms of heritage, Deepblue Series Meditation Technique is much more efficient than ordinary Mage‘s Meditation.

When Richard captured another Rank 2 star light again, the whole body suddenly shook, and the level of Mana slowly overflowed a certain watershed. Richard knows that he is already Level 13!

Level 13 means that Level 7 magic can be cast.

Starting with Level 7, every Level 1 magic is a big or small watershed. The power of attack magic is getting bigger and bigger, almost geometrically rising, and more and more tactics are available. It is no longer uncommon for a magic to reverse the battle.

In Level 7 magic, spells such as Finger of Death and Soul Lash that may cause Instant Death Effect, phase gates capable of short-distance transmission, and Exile Spell that cause huge damage to summoned life, can reverse the wall of the magic that can reflect Low Level magic attacks There are more powerful lightning storms, Fireball Burst, iridescent jets, and finally, in Level 7 magic, there are weapons formed by magic such as the green flame sword and the dark sword. The power is still above the Superior Level weapon. However, compared with the Deified Weapon of the same level Divine Spell, the magic weapon has a full grade in terms of power, range and duration.

Richard now increases the speed of Mana by four to five times that of ordinary mages. Originally Deepblue Series Meditation was twice as efficient as ordinary Meditation Technique, but with the help of two great talents of wisdom and trueness, Richard ’s ability to capture star light is far beyond other practices of deep blue Meditation Technique On top of the mage, there is the strengthening of the bloodline of the elf Imaginary Star, so it reaches such a perverted level of promotion speed. With the improvement of Richard level and bloodline ability, High Rank star light will appear more and more, and the speed of cultivation will become faster and faster. This is the source of confidence in Richard.

It is already Level 13, Richard is not going to continue Meditation, but to be active and calm down the excitement. He walked out of room Meditation and walked to the magic laboratory. On the workbench, a brand new Rune design drawing is nearing completion.

At this moment, both the Richard mood and Soul Power have been improved. When I saw this Rune, the inspiration was surging immediately, and several difficulties in the final subtle links were overcome by one by one.

Looking at the Rune design in front of me, Richard is in a good mood and very satisfied with his work. To solve the last few details, Richard is already using ultra-high-precision drawing methods. In the space where Grand Runemaster can only draw four lines, Richard actually draws six lines! This Rune, even if the design drawings are published, there is no way to copy. Because accuracy can be said to be a unique advantage of Richard.

Richard immediately summoned in consciousness: “Splash! Come to my magic lab, now!”

A moment later, Shuihua pushed open the door of the magic lab and walked in silently.

Richard looked at the time, four hours before dawn, enough for him to complete this Rune. So while preparing the necessary materials and tools, he said: “The Breath of Darkness in your body is just the Runeset of Rank 1. Now I just have a new idea to continue to strengthen it. The new Runeset, I call it Mystical Guide, is Breath of Darkness The upgraded version of Breath of Darkness‘s Runeset ability can still be retained. This is a Runeset specially designed for you. With your current capabilities and this set of Runeset, you can fight against Faroe’s Saint Realm. Well, there is not much time. Let ’s get started. “

The girl has painted Rune once, so she silently took off all the clothes on her body and stood in the center of the magic lab.

When the Richard filled the magic pen with materials, and looked up, it was suffocated by the body of the girl who was perfect and full of explosive power sense of beauty.

On the body of the girl, the complicated and beautiful lines of Breath of Darkness add to the mystery and sense of beauty of bewitching.

Richard settled down and said, “Go sit over there, turn around. The first supplementary Rune is on the back.”

The girl walked silently on the stool and sat down, her upper body slightly leans forward. Her shoulders are wide, the lines are tightly constricted at the waist, and then slowly expanded on the hips. One by one, there is hidden power beyond imagination.

As Richard approached, the girl’s body obviously began to tighten, even occasionally trembling slightly.

Richard lifted the magic pen and gently touched the girl ’s spine. The girl shook all over her body and even gave a low cry.

“Does it hurt?” Richard asked.

“No, it’s okay!” Shui peanut replied hard.

In fact, I do n’t know how many times the girl has been injured. Even if it is a bone wound, she will not hum. The pain will only make her more berserk. Drawing Rune directly, although it sometimes suffers from pain, should not be comparable to those almost fatal injuries.

Richard‘s left hand is pressed against the back of the water flower, and her fingers are used to expand her extremely elastic skin, which can slightly reduce the difficulty of drawing Rune. Then the magic pen fell again, moving slowly and at a constant speed, and a meandering and elegant line appeared.

In the beginning, when Richard‘s breath was sprayed on the skin of the girl’s back, the girl’s body was extremely tight. All of a sudden, the difficulty of making Richard accurately outline the lines greatly increased.

Richard just did n’t happen and did n’t say anything, just slowed down the rhythm of drawing to avoid errors, and the process of removing magic lines was more troublesome and painful. Therefore, when Richard designs and customizes Runeset to strengthen, it is added to the original Rune. It is absolutely necessary not to modify or delete the original lines.

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