City of Sin: one by one under a peak appointment (three more)

The current situation is hard to say. Losing the control of the soul, Richard does not know what Broodmother wants to do. Perhaps in the eyes of Broodmother who likes to hunt for power, he is also a delicious food.

The Richard twin pupils glowed in the depths, glanced quietly around the surrounding environment, looking for a retreat for themselves. Unfortunately, the surrounding environment has been completely transformed by Broodmother, the metal content is extremely low, and it can be said that the Hive forest Middle is the home of Broodmother, under such circumstances, the role of King of Metal is limited to the minimum,

The existence of Hive forest has caused anomalies in space. In addition, Richard also found that those space streamers that were pulled over can also be regarded as a protection method for Hive forest. Flying in the sky above Hive forest becomes extremely dangerous. ,

After examining the surrounding environment, Richard looked up again at Broodmother, but from the ugly appearance of Broodmother, he did not feel any hostility,

As if I knew what Richard was thinking, Broodmother moved a huge body, causing the surrounding ground to oscillate gently, and the sound spitting out of the mouthparts seemed to fluctuate accordingly,

It says: “Every crippled soul yearns for completeness, but after completeness, it hopes for the former crippled days.”

Richard was stunned, but did not expect Broodmother to say such a sentimental word. In his impression, Broodmother was born to be a war machine for the purpose of pursuing more powerful power. Seeing everything as a raw material, it seems to be completed. Soul, and after awakening True Name, everything is quietly changing,

Just what does Broodmother mean,

Broodmother waved its ridiculously small blade, and continued: “When I got a complete soul, the first emotion I felt was not satisfaction, but confusion, and I suddenly could n’t find myself. Meaning, I do n’t know what I want to do next. “It paused, and emphasized more humanely,” I want to do it, not do it. “

“Even after awakening True Name, with more powerful power, I am still puzzled by the confusion. I could have devoured everything that I could devour, keep on advancing, keep on being strong, I can see clearly To the end of this road, the entire Plane will be occupied by my combat units, my will is the will of Plane, however, this is only the end of Plane, not my end, I do n’t know, when I occupy everything What can be occupied, what else to do next, is to find another Plane and then repeat this path. “

“My first dream was a nightmare. I saw the end of that road. When the will of Plane was unified, the whole Crystal Wall sank into darkness, loneliness and ultimate destruction.”

Speaking of this, Broodmother lowered his body and leaned towards Richard, saying, “I still remember that you were by my side and drunk drunk, and since then, I have also tried to get drunk , But it never succeeded. I was drunk for the first time until I had a complete soul. It was a very strange feeling, and there were many ideas that would never appear at all, that is, the hangover that time. Only when I was able to look at myself from other angles would I meet with you today. I found that when a person is drunk, there is absolutely no precaution. At that time, you have full confidence in me. “

Richard suddenly had a strange feeling at this time, that is, Broodmother seemed to be expressing closeness, just like in the past. At that time, he and Broodmother shared part of the soul, which is essentially interdependent and coexisting. If the relationship is close, There is nothing like this,

Richard reached out and tried to reach the head position of Broodmother. The huge Broodmother, at the moment, the mouthpiece reached several meters high, and the action of Richard seemed to stretch his hand into Broodmother ’s mouth,

Broodmother now lowered its body again, and closed its mouthparts,

When the hand of Richard touches the body of Broodmother, a comfortable and warm current is immediately uploaded from the hand. This kind of warm current is very familiar, that is, the soul exchange that was done every day in the past,

At this moment, the soul connection between Richard and Broodmother is re-established, and the voice of Broodmother sounded again in Richard consciousness: “Master, is this kind of communication more suitable for us.”

Richard smiled self-deprecatingly and said, “You are still calling my master.”

“This title is familiar and suitable.”

Richard asked: “So, what kind of relationship do you want us to have in the future.”

Broodmother said gently: “Before you arrive, I ca n’t be sure, but after seeing you, I now have the exact idea. I hope that the relationship between me and you is the same as in the past. It is up to you to plan and guide my path of development, so I will still call you the master, and unlike the past, the maintenance of this relationship is bidirectional. In the human language, um, to be precise, This is an invention of Solomon Stronghold Scholar Mage, and that is a partner. I hope you can stand firm on the road to the top. If your pace becomes slow and you can no longer lead me, then our cooperative relationship will be terminated. Even, you may become my prey. “

Richard said with a wry smile: “It doesn’t sound very pleasant.”

Broodmother said: “There is already a precedent for this relationship, and it’s right next to you.”

“The precedent around me.” Richard somewhat uncertain,

“You and Master Faceless are examples.”

Richard frowned: “But she and she are purely cooperative, and it won’t become your prey like you are here.”

Broodmother said: “Master, you may not understand some things. You have the power to understand the true world. In the world of the strong, this ability is extremely precious. If you devour your soul, you may get this kind of power. Although the probability is very small, it may be as small as less than 1 in 10,000, but no hope is better than no hope, and I believe that with the capabilities and means of Faceless, there must be a way to increase the probability. “

Richard was silent for a moment before asking: “How do you know.”

“When I awakened True Name, I naturally knew that these are the experiences and memories collected in my True Name.”

Richard suddenly laughed and said, “It sounds like I have no choice.”

“This is the best choice.” When it comes to this, Broodmother‘s voice becomes softer and farther, “I believe that we will stand at the peak of each Plane, you and me.”

“But what does this mean?”

“The meaning is to control your destiny in your own hands, and the meaning is to be free!” said Broodmother,

Richard knocked on Broodmother and said with a smile: “Well, I will succeed.”

“You must succeed, otherwise, you will become my food.”

“Okay, finally ask you another question, you should have filled up your soul after awakening True Name, why should you tell me True Name.”

Broodmother said without concealment: “The core Divine Language of my True Name is Sillo, which means changing hundreds of millions. If you restrain me with my True Name, you will find that the one you touch is only one of me. The seed state is clone only, I can’t control my subject. “

“It turns out that this is the case, this soul replenishment plan is really amazing.”

Unexpectedly, Broodmother said: “The original intention of this plan was not to release my freedom. Solomon Stronghold Scholar Mages ambushed several clever pitfalls in the plan so that they could control the use of planners’ actions in the future, but with True Name I was aware of these traps and made targeted corrections to it. If a Solomon Stronghold Master tried to control me, his body and soul would become my captives, and for him, the rest of his life would be Endless nightmare. “

The small blade of Broodmother shook his head a bit, and said: “According to the original design, after executing the soul-filling plan, I will have a special magic mark on my body. This mark should be only Solomon Stronghold Scholar Mages. To be able to perceive and see the mark, they will know that I have performed the soul completion plan. At that time, I thought few people could endure the temptation to try to control me, so I kept this magic mark so that Identify the Solomon Stronghold Masters that may be around. If these guys are hidden, they are really difficult to find and detect. “

At this time, Broodmother suddenly issued a genuine sigh, “In contrast, Raymond is still too proud. The true Master Solomon Stronghold has the purest spirit of exploration. In their dictionary, there is no blood, family, country. Things that are commonplace. “

Richard ca n’t help but let out a long breath, only a bitter smile, Broodmother has such an independent soul for such a short period of time, it has already used the conspiracy of intelligent life so handily, maybe this is the characteristic of Sillo True Name

Richard said: “Now that we have negotiated, then I will go back. There are still many things to do on the road to the peak.”

“Wait, I have something to show you.”

A few moments later, a few flying pupae floated on the platform, and placed some arms that Richard had never seen on the platform,

The first thing that attracted the attention of Richard was a tall warrior with a black helmet and black armor. He was three meters tall, and his whole body was covered with a dark blue armor with a dark blue color. His head was a grim band. Face helmets, several long curved corners are covered with barbs, and the blue light is shining at the tip. Obviously it is not a simple decoration. A few dark blues will always appear on the samurai chest armor. Of the runes seem strange and mysterious,

Richard transported his insights, but he could n’t help but stunned. This warrior actually had the strength of Level 17. The armor on the warrior was made of biological tissue mixed with cold iron, and all the underlying nails on the surface were similar to tendons. The biological tissues of the armor are firmly combined. These tissues are connected to the samurai ’s back through several interfaces. The samurai provide nutrition. When needed, the armor can be controlled,

PS: Today ’s third change, let ’s declare a return with a murderous three change,

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